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Guest miaka0210

crystalis has kindly uploaded a subbed video of shinhwa!!

this show was a long time ago, i believe the show is called favorite?

heres part one ^^


remember to go HQ :D

so far she has only uploaded parts 1,2, and 3

can I just say that ever since you posted this link i've been watching the 3 videos (especially

the last part) over and over again!!! thank you! thank you CRYSTALIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eric?!?!?!?! really??!!! :blink: hmmm...totally unexpected since

he's mostly known as the prankster of the group so naturally

I would've expect that he'll just laugh or make a funnier comeback

against Dongwan. that's really weird.....

awww.. hyesung...i agree he should be in wgm. i bet he'll

be super sweet to his wife on the show :rolleyes: .

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Guest rose_liana

Trish has subbed and sharing this with us!! thank you very much Trish!!!!

Shin Hye Sung at Golden Fishery Radio Star - Eric beats up Dongwan?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8toFC3_gV8

Shin Hye Sung at Golden Fishery Radio Star - Shinhwa is Orange cut: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcpHu9s3H94

EDIT: if you havent watched this...so cute when jinnie got pranked by IC.he was shocked when the reporters said that he's out from shinhwa and Shinhwa has become 5 members instead of 6..he's almost crying heard that fake news...see~~~how each member treasure shinhwa very much!!


subbed credit to :rsj819

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ngklt has subbed a clip :D

its basically wannie on great song battle

(shinhwa should totally come on this show together too ^^ and pick #6 when they pick a song hehehe)

buuuttt. he pairs up with this girl and they ask her if she's a shinhwa fan.. and wannie gets jealous xD so i would say its related to shinhwa right?

great song battle wannie cut:


remember to clip HQ button :]

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Guest rose_liana

^ lol i've seen that lclip too...Wannie is so cute!! he must be jealous and even the caption said ~even when i laugh, i'm not really laugh~~

and i realized most of show DW in eg. SGB, when the MCs asked Shinhwa's fans about their fav member, they must said they like the other members..poor DW..he must feel a bit sad and bitter inside... :tears:

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Thanks for the clips...I read news that Minwoo is going to be releasing a special summer single next month...

Since, Junjin and Andy are also releasing singles next month, i believe... hopefully there is chance we get to see all 3 appear on shows...

Better yet, if shin hyesung is promoting a new single from his album... ALL 4 can appear on a show together.....

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^ oo really?!

not surprising though, of course the boys are going to work their butts off.

maybe minwoo is doing this on purpose to have activies with andy xD. mindy love!! even better, minjindy love <33 xD

yes if hyesung joins in too o__o

itd be a treat =]. all 4 on shows together!

roseliana: poor wannie >__< he even guessed right!!

wannie: andy?

girl: yes

-jealous jealous-

hahaha!! there are probably a lot of girls say they are fan of andy because of WGM >___<

aw wannie, i wouldve said your name 2nd if i was the girl :D

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Guest rose_liana

^ yeah, she even said she was not a fan of Dongwan, but a fan o f Shinhwa..if i was the girl i wouldn't said that...even if you were not his fan, in situation like that, i think,a lie is not prohibited...

pochacco3 Whoa~~ it must be good if all 4 can appear in one show together...i miss to see their interaction and dorkiness...

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Guest nglkt
^ lol i've seen that lclip too...Wannie is so cute!! he must be jealous and even the caption said ~even when i laugh, i'm not really laugh~~

and i realized most of show DW in eg. SGB, when the MCs asked Shinhwa's fans about their fav member, they must said they like the other members..poor DW..he must feel a bit sad and bitter inside... :tears:

yahhhhh... my heart aches for him at times like that. why can't they tell a white lie?? =(

But I'm sure Dongwan knows that he's very popular too. Everyone has a soft spot for Dongwan because he's the closest to the fans. =) (AHHHH all this Dongwan talk is driving me crazy. I miss him SO MUCH haha)

I really hope the 4 active members can appear on a show together!! Like they can be the guest on Jinnie's WGM/IC or... they can always appear on star golden bell together!!

P.S: Is it just me... or don't you think that the shinhwa members would fit in the 1N2D concept variety very well? =) I really hope all 6 of them can appear on a show like that. It's a show about brotherhood.

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nglkt-can i call u trish? anyway i second you i think 1N2D would suit them!!! i love to see them in a show like this!! and like you i wanted to see them in a variety together!! can we request or something?and yeah dongwan is very popular!! but i don't know why but he's quite popular with girls younger than me like my sister and a friend of mine!!!

thanks nglkt,crystalis-for uploading and subbing those vids!! i really really appreciate!thank you guys!!

rose_liana,strawberry16-for posting the links!!!thank you so much!!!

i really hope that they could have a special performance or like one of them have a collab with the other members!! hay please!!!

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wahhh....! being away from the internet for 2 days made me miss lotsa stuff!! glad to be back!!

reading what i've missed, there's definitely more vids to watch! It's great to know that even though shinhwa is on hiatus, but there's just more vids to watch and new fans like me discover more about them everyday! Jjang!! And the subbers are SUPER JJANG!! Thank you!! B)

They should be in the 1D2N show...I LOVE watching it on KBSW although i can only understand half of it (doesn't come with subs). I believe 1D2N concept is almost similar with Family Outing which Dongwan,Jin and Hyesung have all been guest in F.O. And in the episode where hyesung was guest, there was definitely some Hyesung-Hyori interaction going on. Very subtle ones but I was able to catch it?Like hyori touching hyesung's face [i believe she was dusting something off his face]and hyesung gently took her hand away?.. I maybe a changjo fanatic to scrutinize so much and I guess different ppl see it in a different way? oh well.. :rolleyes:

The more I watch their MV, Destiny of Love, the more i want that 10th anniversary concert DVD! I'm slowly, but surely filling up my pockets. :D

And, does Eric have any non-Korean blood in him? He built and certain facial features somewhat tell me that he's got non-Korean descent? or is it just me? :lol:

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Guest rose_liana

yahhhhh... my heart aches for him at times like that. why can't they tell a white lie?? =(

But I'm sure Dongwan knows that he's very popular too. Everyone has a soft spot for Dongwan because he's the closest to the fans. =) (AHHHH all this Dongwan talk is driving me crazy. I miss him SO MUCH haha)

I really hope the 4 active members can appear on a show together!! Like they can be the guest on Jinnie's WGM/IC or... they can always appear on star golden bell together!!

P.S: Is it just me... or don't you think that the shinhwa members would fit in the 1N2D concept variety very well? =) I really hope all 6 of them can appear on a show like that. It's a show about brotherhood.

yup, all of us know he's very popular too..i feel very warm when thinking about dongwan because he cares so much about the fans, always give us a big smiles, and never lost contact with us...i think the more i know him, the more i love him...

Whoa~~ what a great if the 4 guy can appear together in SGB or in JJ's WGM...and i do agree 1N2D concept suitable with our boys very well...hopefully, when they all come back together again, they can appear in a show that have same concept like 1N2D...

these days, i keep listening to their 9th and i'm in love with 2 my love song...keep repeating that song :wub: ...does anyone know where i can find the lyric? and as i know, there were only 2 MV for their 9th album which were Run and Destiny of Love, am i right?

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Guest veraciously

You can find basically all Shinhwa and Shinhwa-related lyrics at Lyrics Box of shinhwa.biz: http://shinhwa.biz/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=29

Also soompi's lyrics section probably has a thread for Shinhwa's 9th.

Destiny of Love is such a beautiful song but nearly makes me cry whenever I listen to it. Especially Minwoo's voice, when he sings it sounds like he's on the verge of tears, as well. ;___;

The Favourite show is such a gem, I'm glad it's getting subbed! <3 It's always fantastic to see all of Shinhwa on a show together.

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And, does Eric have any non-Korean blood in him? He built and certain facial features somewhat tell me that he's got non-Korean descent? or is it just me? :lol:

eric is pure korean i think

i dont think he is mixed

although he does look like foreign sometime

must be because of his alien descent

ha ha ha

about sungie with hyori

let just said that he is not that into skinship much


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And in the episode where hyesung was guest, there was definitely some Hyesung-Hyori interaction going on. Very subtle ones but I was able to catch it?Like hyori touching hyesung's face [i believe she was dusting something off his face]and hyesung gently took her hand away?.. I maybe a changjo fanatic to scrutinize so much and I guess different ppl see it in a different way? oh well.. :rolleyes:

^ haha~ Yeah, they're good friends. They're both in the '79 club anyways. I think Hyori's kinda known for being touchy and brotherly with her guy friends. I don't know if you've seen this (I think Angelical Harmony subbed it before, but it got deleted?), but it's a show where finkl call their friends out of the blue for various made-up reasons to see if they're friend enough to show it. Hyori calls Sungie. He shows up and she teases him about Yuri lolz

Part 1



And about Eric, yeah, it must be his alien decent lolz

No, he doesn't have mixed blood. I remember Eric saying on a show that when he was in high school, his friends were shocked when he started speaking Korean, and they asked him how he knew Korean. Apparently, they thought he was fillipino (I think he said fillipino...that or african-american).

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Guest 1wawa3

^hahhaha. Amy, alien descent. hahahhaha. LOL. That might be true. Maybe not physically, but mentally. hahaha

haha. I remember they asked one of the member (I can't really remember who now..I think it was Andy? Or JunJin? No no. I think it's Dongwan) about their first impression on Eric, he said that he thought Eric was an African-American. XD

Yeah. Sungie and Hyori are known to be good friends. Everyone in Club '79 are good friends. LOL

nglkt, I think they fit the 2D1N concept very well too. Imagine the six of them going on a trip together. It would be crazyyyy and one funy show. LOL. Hopefully, when they have their comeback they will go on variety shows like that. Maybe even the 6 of them guesting on FO at the same time. I can imagine the madness that will definitely happen.

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Guest rose_liana
You can find basically all Shinhwa and Shinhwa-related lyrics at Lyrics Box of shinhwa.biz: http://shinhwa.biz/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=29

Also soompi's lyrics section probably has a thread for Shinhwa's 9th.

thank you so much!!! YAY!! i'm a member of shinhwa.biz too, but very seldom go there..BTW, thanks..

haha, chubby^green^ and crystalis you two are so funny..eric+alien descent?? yeah...he's indeed an alien..most adorable alien in universe..

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Guest kriza_09
^ haha~ Yeah, they're good friends. They're both in the '79 club anyways. I think Hyori's kinda known for being touchy and brotherly with her guy friends. I don't know if you've seen this (I think Angelical Harmony subbed it before, but it got deleted?), but it's a show where finkl call their friends out of the blue for various made-up reasons to see if they're friend enough to show it. Hyori calls Sungie. He shows up and she teases him about Yuri lolz

In addition, Hyori's personality is very laidback.. She is (or was) quite a tomboy... even Sungie said he didn't see Hyori as a girl but treated her as a guy friend...

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Guest readsandgeeks

annyo changjoers!

gahh!! its been so long since i go thru this forum. do forgive me.

thanks for all the subbed vids. i must make sure to find one day to go thru all the pages that i've missed :blush:

hey any Singaporeans here? my sister was telling me that today's Straits Time Life section was a feature on korean plastic surgery. DongWan is on it. i didn't know that he had surgery. only nosejob, i think :sweatingbullets: all this vids here make me miss the boys alot! when is 4years coming? :tears:

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