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Guest lenakeem

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kriza, your post reminds me the day Shinhwa had concert in Thailand, August 19 2006. At that time I went to the Arena not too many ORANGE (yes there was but not too much orange stuffies) and I was a bit disappointed. You know what, here the most popular celebrity is (abs.) DBSK and I am only the one who are addicted to Shinhwa. While girls in my school chasing w. DBSK's I stood aside saw the way they acted and compared how I acted at the 1st time in love w. Shinhwa. DBSK just hold their concert here, I really missed 16 of AUG. I stood near the stage but could not reach to their hands. Shinhwa members' faces really close to me i wished i hv could turn bck to that day again T___T

Honestly i am so SADDDDDD Shinhwa is not really popular in Thailand but well realized that it did not really matter, they are in my <3 even tho I could laugh if watching Suju's, BigBang's, GG's, Kara's and others stuff but onli onli Shinhwa's could make me proud.

and hell yea "once a fan forever a fan" - a unique quote frm Shinhwa <3


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Guest love!melody

thank you for the links to the news (: it was so touching LOL ^^ and these just proves why i love shinhwa so much! they weren't forced to stay together, it was the six of them who dcided to stick together and continue Shinhwa. and eric! you have to love this man! though he could have gotten even more famous than he is now by going solo, he decided to stay with Shinhwa and the Shinhwa members didn't even have to opress him to stay with them or anything. and i guess the members didn't want to force eric to stay with them if he wanted to go further and didn't want to burden him with Shinhwa and so didn't say anything. but of course, our lovely leader rejected the offer and did another leaderly act! (: Shinhwa forever~ <3

EDIT ahaha! i just realized i topped the page (: hehehe, i think this is my first page in the shinhwa thread LOL *jumps in joy*

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Guest too_peachy

Ahh~ Who doesn't love Shinhwa? And the links are just one more reason to my billion reasons why I love Shinhwa.

Once you go Shinhwa Chanjo, you can't go back!!

And to make it an understatement, "once a fan, always a fan" :D

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ah finally~~ i'm able to contribute something else other than youtube links.. i know aindy already posted the link to eric's thread, but this is something concerning shinhwa, so i guess it can be posted here right?

i know popseoul isn't exactly the best source to quote anything from, but this article is written in a different tone from the usual popseoul articles [you know what i mean if you follow popseoul].. i'll leave out unnecessary comments..


During OBS’s Watch Show and Watch movie, Kim Dong Wan stated Shinhwa was able to stay together for a decade while other idol groups have disbanded and moved on, because the six gents tried so hard to save the group. Specifically, when Eric was offered a huge contract after he rose to fame, he did not sign it because he wanted to keep the group together.

Kim Dong Wan also expressed his appreciation for SM training days during the interview. He said that as a SM trainee, he learned not only the necessary star skills, but also the persistence and the attitude needed to succeed. [left out some comments..]

This episode of Watch Show and Watch Movie airs today, February 9th at 9pm on OBS.

credits - popseoul.com

back to studying~ i feel happier now =P

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Guest kriza_09

i was so happy when i found that article at popseoul.. for those who don't know popseoul, it is extremely unusual for popseoul to post article like this.. but really, shinhwa friendship is irresistible indeed.. even antifans would admit their friendship is real... ^^

ps. i bet the other members will tease eric about that after they watch the show.. hahahah..

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i love shinhwa soo much!!

there close friendship and there charisma

its great to celebrate there 10 year anniversary

i truly admire shinhwa!!


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Guest angel2nyt

i was so happy when i found that article at popseoul.. for those who don't know popseoul, it is extremely unusual for popseoul to post article like this.. but really, shinhwa friendship is irresistible indeed.. even antifans would admit their friendship is real... ^^

ps. i bet the other members will tease eric about that after they watch the show.. hahahah..

hahaha.. i know.. however when you go back and read her posts about shinhwa, they are really nice to to shinhwa..

i remember the 100th episode of mnet countdown and minwansung performed together

somehow they cant really say anything harsh to shinhwa..

hahaha.. which im happy about

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Guest incarnadine

hahaha.. i know.. however when you go back and read her posts about shinhwa, they are really nice to to shinhwa..

i remember the 100th episode of mnet countdown and minwansung performed together

somehow they cant really say anything harsh to shinhwa..

hahaha.. which im happy about

Haha, you're right kriza_09 and angel2nyt... for some reason I get the impression that popseoul actually likes Shinhwa, though there have been several attempts to say something sardonic against them :lol:

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Guest kriza_09

i guess bloggers love shinhwa too... even though they might not be fans... even allkpop is less harsher on shinhwa than they are on other groups... lol.

i like to read bloggers' opinions on shinhwa, since bloggers should be more unbiased and i like to know what unbiased non-fans think about them.. and most of their opinions have been satisfying.. *considering they're not fans* ^^

oh and while we're at it... THIS is a tribute to loveletter (the variety show) written on coolsmurf's blog.. i'm sure those who like to watch variety shows are familiar with that name.. he's the one who subs most xman episodes (and other shows) on youtube.. it's really nice to see how a non-fan (or is he?) knows so much about shinhwa.. and shinhwa is listed as #1 contributor to loveletter!!!! ^^ but really, as coolsmurf put it on his other tribute to X-man, shinhwa IS the god of variety shows... "Shinhwa is undoubtedly one of the guests that variety shows love to invite them on, the six of them each possess unique characteristics when they create laughter on shows and their rapport is really impressive, so much so that watching programs with them in it is really a joy." - coolsmurf

but his sentence that left a deep impression on me is: "Everyone knows that Love Letter is scripted, but I suspect that this only came about after Shinhwa left the program as one group. The reason is simple, Shinhwa was able to act their natural self and in a relaxed manner, plus appearing on the show as a group, is like a gathering with your family members, who needs a script when you are with your close ones?"

really, you don't need to be a fan to see how deep their friendship is... ^^

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i guess bloggers love shinhwa too... even though they might not be fans... even allkpop is less harsher on shinhwa than they are on other groups... lol.

i like to read bloggers' opinions on shinhwa, since bloggers should be more unbiased and i like to know what unbiased non-fans think about them.. and most of their opinions have been satisfying.. *considering they're not fans* ^^

oh and while we're at it... THIS is a tribute to loveletter (the variety show) written on coolsmurf's blog.. i'm sure those who like to watch variety shows are familiar with that name.. he's the one who subs most xman episodes (and other shows) on youtube.. it's really nice to see how a non-fan (or is he?) knows so much about shinhwa.. and shinhwa is listed as #1 contributor to loveletter!!!! ^^ but really, as coolsmurf put it on his other tribute to X-man, shinhwa IS the god of variety shows... "Shinhwa is undoubtedly one of the guests that variety shows love to invite them on, the six of them each possess unique characteristics when they create laughter on shows and their rapport is really impressive, so much so that watching programs with them in it is really a joy." - coolsmurf

but his sentence that left a deep impression on me is: "Everyone knows that Love Letter is scripted, but I suspect that this only came about after Shinhwa left the program as one group. The reason is simple, Shinhwa was able to act their natural self and in a relaxed manner, plus appearing on the show as a group, is like a gathering with your family members, who needs a script when you are with your close ones?"

really, you don't need to be a fan to see how deep their friendship is... ^^

I'm not gonna say much except that the post is amazing (I never knew Coolsmurf has got a blog, that's so cool). I love what he says about 'If Shinhwa isn't to your liking, then you're probably not gonna love anyone ever again.' It is just not possible to not like, much less hate Shinhwa. That, I believe.

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Guest incarnadine

i guess bloggers love shinhwa too... even though they might not be fans... even allkpop is less harsher on shinhwa than they are on other groups... lol.

i like to read bloggers' opinions on shinhwa, since bloggers should be more unbiased and i like to know what unbiased non-fans think about them.. and most of their opinions have been satisfying.. *considering they're not fans* ^^

oh and while we're at it... THIS is a tribute to loveletter (the variety show) written on coolsmurf's blog.. i'm sure those who like to watch variety shows are familiar with that name.. he's the one who subs most xman episodes (and other shows) on youtube.. it's really nice to see how a non-fan (or is he?) knows so much about shinhwa.. and shinhwa is listed as #1 contributor to loveletter!!!! ^^ but really, as coolsmurf put it on his other tribute to X-man, shinhwa IS the god of variety shows... "Shinhwa is undoubtedly one of the guests that variety shows love to invite them on, the six of them each possess unique characteristics when they create laughter on shows and their rapport is really impressive, so much so that watching programs with them in it is really a joy." - coolsmurf

but his sentence that left a deep impression on me is: "Everyone knows that Love Letter is scripted, but I suspect that this only came about after Shinhwa left the program as one group. The reason is simple, Shinhwa was able to act their natural self and in a relaxed manner, plus appearing on the show as a group, is like a gathering with your family members, who needs a script when you are with your close ones?"

really, you don't need to be a fan to see how deep their friendship is... ^^

kriza_09, I read that post of coolsmurf on LL around a month ago. Sometimes, I find myself re-reading that post simply because I loved it. I love how he ranked Shinhwa first in his list of celebs who "illuminated" the show. It was, after all, conceptualized for them. I have a very strong feeling that what he said about LL being unscripted when Shinhwa was in it is actually true. I cannot imagine all that humor, witty quips and puns, and unrestrained laughter were all premeditated -- no, I don't think so, too.

deeta, the sentence you just quoted was my favorite, too. It's as if saying, if a person doesn't like Shinhwa after watching LL, then he or she is probably cynical enough to be wholly incapable of loving anyone or anything :lol:

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Guest kriza_09

remember when i said i was so happy to find that article at popseoul???? even allkpop posted it!!!!!! ^^ *allkpop is known to be much more sarcastic than popseoul* and they didn't even add any sarcasm comments to it!!! lol.


Eric saved Shinhwa

Shinhwa member, Kim Dong Wan, shared with OBS TV "Watch the show and movies [star Corner]" how the group maintained to stay together for over 10 years.

"Despite the stress of being a celebrity, the members of Shinhwa have learned to be considerate and have always been there for one another," Kim said. "And I think because of that, we can proudly say that we are still a well-respected idol group."

The 29-year-old began to talk about how one of the members, Eric, has given up so much to stay and make the group a success.

"Eric was given a once in a lifetime opportunity," the singer said. "But, he turned it down because he didn't want Shinhwa to split up because of him."

Kim Dong Wan then said that the group members were all well-aware of what offer Eric was given.

"One night, Eric asked all of us to meet at a bar," Kim said. "And at the bar, Eric revealed that he had rejected the offer, and asked all of us if it was OK if he remained in the group."

According to Dong Wan, a group's success isn't only measured by how big your fan base is - but, it's also measured by each member's dedication to the group.

"Exactly how much are you willing to give up?" Dong Wan said. "That's what you have to ask yourself before you come into this business."

credit to allkpop.com

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Guest angel2nyt

^lol, I agree... popseoul may be sarcastic, but allkpop is downright caustic :lol: I'm so glad.

i have seen allkpop's articles.. and dang.. hahaha.. you know what i mean

so it was so nice to so a no-sarcastic-comment-at-all post

i do agree with what wannie said

"Exactly how much are you willing to give up?" Dong Wan said. "That's what you have to ask yourself before you come into this business."

you must know how much you going to give and when to stop

and i also need to agree with this one by coolsmurf

Most of Shinhwa fans came to like Love Letter after watching it while non-Shinhwa fans started liking Shinhwa after watching Love Letter. If you have watched season 1 and said that Shinhwa isn’t to your liking, then probably you won’t love anyone ever again. It’s difficult not to like Shinhwa after watching Love Letter.
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Guest incarnadine

Some more thoughts before I get back to my work...

For the past weeks, I've been randomly searching for Shinhwa-related anything on the Net, primarily through Google. I'll just type in 'Shinhwa' and see where things will take me.

I've come across numerous personal blogs of people I don't know at all... and as I read through them, I saw huge chapters of their lives written on their blog (mostly circa 2004-2006), wherein they professed their boundless and undying love for Shinhwa. During those periods, practically every post was Shinhwa-related.

Fast track to 2007-08... their entries became less and less Shinhwa-related, and became more about their own everyday lives.

Then, for the past 2 or three weeks, Shinhwa started to surface in their posts again. Perhaps it's because of the upcoming anniversary concert or 9th jib. There was definitely one thing in common among all these blog posts I've seen... after seeing Shinhwa again, seeing that they're going to appear together once more, they felt so happy, prompting them to re-watch old Shinhwa video clips, and voila! -- the memories are once again alive, and these ppl found themselves laughing and crying all over again while watching the clips. In all those blog posts, they all said that they will forever love Shinhwa, and Shinhwa will always be in their hearts. Like what was said in the promotional video, "Once a fan, forever a fan."

Again, I think the teaser for Spot 2 was very clever and well-though of.

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Guest kelalavue

Whoa..Eric is so sweet! Shinhwa have lots of love in them! Althou i didn't get into shinhwa until they started to do there own side thing....like their solo...but i love them the instant i saw them on old clips of xman and loveletter. The way the interact with each other was something else. I saw in them something i didn't really see from other boyband. They look like they were really close and i love them for that....and they prove to be one of the best artists! For after 10 years they are still together.....and i couldn't be more happier! It's so sad to see one of your favorite group break apart....but i'm glad that shinhwa will be wit us for a long time! ^_^

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