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Guest lenakeem

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Guest 1wawa3

^ Hello. It's nice to know that you want to get to know them (:

Welcome to the crazy world we like to call Shinhwa fandom!


from left to right: Andy, Eric, Minwoo, Dongwan, Junjin and Hyesung

Hope that helps. If you want to watch some vidoes of them, backtrack a few pages and you will find some 'recommended' videos. (:

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Guest evanidalia


hello everyone...I've been a silent reader in this forum for months up until today. well this is the first time for me to write in this forum as it will be a regret for me not to wish for SHINHWA anniversary. I've been liking Shinhwa for almost one year now..hihihi..very late to know them..kind of regret about it.

well it's started when i watch Andy in WGM..watching him WGM makes me want to know more about him..which eventually brought me to shinhwa and I'm REALLY glad to know them. i don't think any other group can be like them..six of them are just PERFECT, no more no less...

another reason for me to add comment is to tell lina (is it ok to call you Lina?) about Shinhwa 10th anniversary DVD concert. obviously i'm from Malaysia too..hihihi..

so Lina, if you want to buy DVD concert you can go to Time Square. there is one shop at 5th floor called My Star.all KPOP star's merchandise are sold there (dbsk, bigbang, wonder girls, suju and of course SHINHWA).you can get everything you want at here including DVD concert, poster, magazine,key chain, glow stick, etc.. there is so many things there, check it for your self. there you can buy the DVD if they still have any or you can order from them if it is sold out. i just got my DVD from there and i ordered it too.as right now, my friend are watching the concert and i can't resist myself to join her watching it again..all i can that "memang berbaloi!!!!" huhuhu... you know what i mean..

ahh.so glad to know there are fans of Shinhwa from malaysia too beside me and my friends. and sorry if this post is long.

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Guest 80slitenite

Welcome lynn.yunnie & evanidalia! 만세!

Please post more often.^^ lynn.yunnie, for history and basic info on them you can check out the first page of this thread or click here http://tripatlas.com/Shinhwa

To really get to know them and their personality and of course their music definetly you have to youtube them. There aren't enough words to describe them with justice. You have to see them in action.

Here are some channels with Shinhwa vids with english subs.










Pic Spam!!


upload to your own acct.










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Guest samshiku


BOY its been so long...and i fell in love with them about...3 yrs ago?

wonder if they could meet up to celebrate this day together huh?

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Guest 80slitenite

[DL] Pics from GOOD’s Shinhwa 11th Anniversary site


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Over 100 pics!!!!

[09.03.24] GOOD notice: Congratulations to Shinhwa for their 11th anniversary!

Hi everyone!

This is Good Entertainment.


Today is the meaningful day where we have known the ‘Shinhwa’ name and the six men of Shinhwa for 11 years.

To Shinhwa Changjo, who have been Shinhwa’s strongest fortress during the 11 years and protecting them all the way,

And everyone who stayed together with the name ‘Shinhwa’, we express our heartfelt gratitude.

Although it has already been 1 year, we have not forgotten the promise to be together forever, and the tears and emotion of the 10th anniversary concert.

While we wait for the day we all meet once again,

We hope everyone will continue to give all the members,

Who will be active in music, acting and other fields,

And also those who are serving their military service, your love and support.

Once again we congratulate the Shinhwa members and Shinhwa Changjo for creating these 11 years,

And we hereby express our heartfelt thanks.

Source: GOOD Entertainment

Chi trans: julias@bestshinhwa

Eng trans: midnightgirl13@absolutshinhwa.wordpress.com

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Guest slypatt

happy 11th anniversary to shinhwa!!

may shinhwa remain to be the home for us and of course to our oppas

may many more people feel the love, warmth and joy of friendship everytime they see a shinhwa video

may all our boys stay healthy and hillarious

may shinhwa get to spend more time together and make more music videos and crazy interview clips

may all the changjo-ers get to meet shinhwa up close and personal

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Guest angel2nyt

this is so bitterweet

i haven't posted in soompi for quite a while now, and i'm finally delurking just for this event...



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Guest lexine

everyone seems to be back!



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Guest 1wawa3

OMG! Who else cried while browsing through the 11th Anniversary website? I did.

The song they put up and then seeing all the pictures, I can't help but tear up. I really really miss the six of them. ):

80slitenite, thank you for the pic spam and also for the links of uploaders on youtube.

Old skool Shinhwa. They look soo young. haha. Imagine they turn into cute boys into the handsome bunch of men they are today.

evanidalia, it's good to know another Malaysian here! Hello. OMG! Are you serious? They sell it in that shop? Ah!! I have to go there then. Too bad I hardly go there. ): But for Shinhwa's sake, I'm gonna go there one of these days. Thanks for the info, btw!

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Guest rose_liana

at first, welcome to the new fans especially those who 1st time posted here...welcome to orange world which full of love & joy!!!hopefully you'll posted more and often...

80slitenite thanks for sharing all the old pics, videos and links...OMG, oppas are really cute in their debut days...and like 1wawa3 said, now they've turn into 6 handsome man-->PERFECT MAN

adikkluangman OMO!!! i love the doll picture..so cute!!! Thank Q for sharing!!!

hi evanidalia..YAY!!! another Malaysian!!! i love more Malaysian come and posted here.. can i call you eva? anyway, i'm rose, i want to ask you about Shinhwa's 10th anniversary DVD...since i live in Sabah, so couldnt find any Shinhwa's goodies here...too bad...besides, i dont believe purchase online too...what you've mentioned above really got me excited...anyway, how much do you buy the DVD? what edition it was? and does it have subtitle? sorry for asking too many question, but i really need one.. :lol:

i love the fact Good Ent celebrate Shinhwa's 11th anniversary too...

girls, where do you think our oppas now and what are they doing and they think right now? hopefully, they'll have gathering this weekend to celebrate the 11th anniversary

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Guest sungmin


Dear Shinhwa,

신화 11주년 너무 축하해요.^_^









Shinhwa Changjo

Please stay strong and healthy.

You’re my family,keep holding on!

Our relationship that defines “forever.”

Forever Shinhwa…Forever Shinhwa Changjo.

이렇게 그댈 기다려왔죠.

신화 & 신화창조…화이팅!!!


My Duty is Love U

PS. 80slitenite thank you very much for sharing all the old pictures, videos and links. ^^

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Guest hahaheehee

I know I haven't been keeping up with Shinhwa's news... haven't been visiting this thread as much as I used to... my nights of watching nothing but Shinhwa videos have slowly ceased... BUT, this doesn't mean I've forgotten about them. My love for them is eternal.

On this special day, I just want to wish Shinhwa and all Shinhwa Changjo-ers around the world, a HAPPY 11TH ANNIVERSARY! Can't believe it's been another year - another year of brotherhood, another year of awesomeness, a year of temporary separation for them... Felt just like yesterday when everyone was all hyped up about their 10th anniversary and that special 10th anniversary concert!

May they all stay happy and healthy, and continue to bring great joy and laughter to all the people whom hearts they have touched around the world... I hope the boys managed to meet up on this special day!

Will be waiting for them to get back together as one no matter how long it takes. 6 - 1 = 0 <3

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it's so great to see some old faces on this thread as we're at shinhwa's 11th anniversary

like everyone else, school has kept me away from shinhwa and kpop entertainment in general

however, these six guys are the only ones who can bring me back, just to wish them a happy 11th year anniversary

no other group in the world shares the bond that they do, and that's why they'll always be my favorite group

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Guest miss lakwon

On the 24th day, I bought myself cake with a couple of other friends.

We all celebrated Shinhwa's birthday together.

I couldn't stop crying.

My friends were trying to stop me from doing so but I just couldn't stop.

I miss the 6 too much.

Shinhwa, Happy 11th Anniversary.

You guys are my rock, my soul, my heart.

I really miss you guys.

I will wait for you, that's a promise.


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