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Guest lenakeem

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I find that there are extremely harsh comments from the Soompiers on this topic.

I don't understand why they are doing that.

It's really bothering me.

^ Aww~ The thread was closed when I visited and I was COMPLETELY ready to kick some butt too j/k


I always debate whether to post after I find myself typing one of these essays because I just keep editing and editing and always regret expression one or two opinions :sweatingbullets:

Ah...the heck with it.

Here we go:

Actually, I'm a little sad reading some of the comments...not just for our dear Shinhwa and G.O.D. (who are in even worst straits), but kpop in general. I've always thought that one of the most unique things about kpop and kpop fandom is the balloon colors. With the 'who cares' attitude some of the soompiers are expressing, it feels like, very soon, a lot of heart is going to be missing from what made me fall in love with kpop...slipping away little by little until it becomes just about 'music'. *rolleyes* Right. Let's see how they like it then. We won't need stages or fancy images or even to hear them talk...just listening and loving their music is enough. Maybe it's just the part of me that general hates people who only respond with 'who cares or I don't cares' speaking *shrug*

Blame the vendors? Now that's a thought. We should also blame all those people who make bootleg CDs and tempting people to buy them. It's not their fault for buying the bootleg version, since the real thing is too hard to get their hands on. To all the consumers out there, please make conscious choices about what you purchase...cuz it really saves everyone a lot of grief.

Maybe it's a case of 'lost in translation', but I don't really understand some people's attitudes. I believe that the actions Shinhwa Changjo's have taken and what every Shinhwa fan is trying to say is that, "Orange is precious to us and we want to protect it." We're not trying to force the color on everyone, we're not asking for them to treasure orange, we're just asking people to respect that orange is important to us. It's like telling someone that this puppy is important to you, but because that person you're talking to could care less about dogs, sticks out his foot and gives the puppy a good kick. Or telling someone that it's your most important sweater because your grandma knit it for you, but they rip it anyways.

Who cares, right?

That would just be silly.

Afterall, it's just a shirt.

*Shakes head* Honestly, I can't understand that. I won't. It's not like Shinhwa Changjo went out to tear people's heads off and no one is going to hurt themselves physically over it either. SHCJ is asking respectfully and hoping to get the same respect back. I don't understand why some people can't understand the most basic etiquette of human interaction. How would they feel if they told me their hobby is painting (or something) and I told them it's so stupid?

Some people say other groups have used orange before. Where are they now? There is a good reason why Shinhwa is still standing tall and Shinhwa Changjo flanking them from all sides. It's because we care, Shinhwa Changjo cares, the members themselves care. Those groups didn't care, their fans didn't care...who else is left to care? Every army needs a something to rally under and orange is ours. What if some newly minted country told South Korea that they'll be borrowing their flag for a while? I know the implications are vast when it comes to scale and implications, but won't you agree it's the same situation? Make a compromise here, make one there, letting things go for awhile and before you know it, everything's lost. I pray Shinhwa Changjo will never get too weary or tired to protect orange. Be firm, be polite, be fans Shinhwa can be proud of.

And orange is just a color? Then love is just a word, music is just noise, a smile is just muscule movement and food is just nourishment. Nothing is 'just' anything...even if it's just a color. White can mean purity, but it can also mean death. The meaning is different for each of us, but I'm not going to attend a funeral in bright yellow if I know that black means mourning to the mourners. Would you excuse your actions by saying you don't care since yellow is just a color? I don't think so.

I think for Shinhwa Changjo, orange is a way for them to tell Shinhwa at every moment that 'We're here because we support you. We came because we love you.' If we gave up orange so easily, what will happen to the glowing faces when Shinhwa members look into the gigantic crowds and acknowledge, "Yes, I know. I can see you." Where will the confidence to say "Scream, Shinhwa Changjo! " come from if we let go of orange?

So to those people who look at Shinhwa Changjo and think it's stupid to argue over glowsticks, you know what? You're right because we're not arguing over glowsticks, we're trying to protect something much more precious. It doesn't matter if it's scarves or glowsticks, mahogany or orange, it's the symbolization of the 10+years bond between Shinhwa and those who have supported them all the way. I don't know if it'll have the same value to me in 10 years time, but who has time for that anyways? It's like, "I'm not going to date this guy because in 10 years time, I'll probably be broken up with him and think how stupid I was to have wasted time on him." Seriously, who does that? *shivers* As for those who just refuse to see even a little of the blatant efforts, loyalty, devotion and bond behind what makes up Shinhwa's orange then....wow~

Anyhow, after my completely too long, rather 'bitter', and probably nonsensical finger-babble, there were also lots of positive comments in the thread too and of course, Shinhwa fans will always stay together. So all is not lost :D

Even if I feel like Dongwan did in his last post and this cycle of apologies just keeps repeating itself, I'm happy with the way Shinhwa Changjo and VIPs are dealing with each other. Would it be too greedy of me to wish the official VIP fanclub would take a more direct interest in this? I mean, I don't understand, even if we're just talking about money, how would the VIP fanclub benefit from these bootleg glowsticks. In fact, if you look at it this way, this whole situation is a little ridiculous and completely avoidable.

Shinhwa Changjo fighting <3

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Guest readsandgeeks


Let's cheer up okay?


I hate seeing everyone bummed out about it.

It's all done with, hope us SHCJ can move on and worry about our boys in the military & our boys still in their solo works.

C'mon! We're mature aren't we?

Let's all go to the humor thread to cheer up!

haha, okay, let's not.

Let's go watch Shinhwa behind the scenes. That a l w a y s works!



Hi all :)

this topic is kinda sensitive to reply to since i'm a newbie being a fan :sweatingbullets:

but..i found this article from midnightgirl13@absolutshinhwa.wordpress.com

i got goosebumps just reading it and for now, let's listen to our Wannie :)

"But is there really a similar significance..

Just like not everyone who has a perm is Gu Joonpyo ㅋ

The orange color that you have carries a special significance too.

Let’s not keep throwing childish fits.

Whether in China, in Japan, or anyone from any country who knows Shinhwa knows that too, isn’t it.




Someday we will be back to protect this color~ *ORANGE*

Time really passes very quickly…"

credits to midnightgirl13 aka Su :)

like shinhwa_n_choua said, "C'mon! We're mature aren't we?"

plus, SHINHWA will be back to protect the significance of the colour..

they promised...

let's cheer up by watching some Loveletter or Infinity Challenge SHINHWA special :lol:


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Er, I think we shoud all just ignore that whole lightstick issue. Wannie did say they'll be back to "protect orange" right? [: What's four years, really. Shinhwa went through 10 years with orange what. As long as everyone knows orange = shinhwa + SHCJ.... we should all just move on,


I just lurked at the Shinhwa's friendship thread someone posted earlier, and I find this super funny! LOL.

Radio host : Who is the weirdest member in shinhwa?

Dongwan : I think Junjin and Eric do a lot of weird things.

Dongwan : They're unbelievable. When they wake up, they fold their blanket into an origami airplane..

Hyesung : And they're walking down the street when they suddenly turn to each other and start fighting with each other in Chinese!

Dongwan : They sing about Bap (rice) in vietnamese..

Eric : No, Jin is the really weird one. How can a person do that to a doll that doesn't even speak..

A bumblebee doll.. It was about 3-4 in the morning, and he was beating up that bumblebee doll in the night..

if i didn't stop him, he would have kept beating it up all night.

JunJin : Eric is the even weirder one. When i was beating up the bumblebee,

he came up beside me and scolded the bumblebee, asking what it did that was so wrong.. (laughs)

Eric : But the bumblebee must have done something wrong in order to get hit, right?

JunJin : Of course!!!!

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Yeah, I agree. We just have to listen what dongwan had said.... they will be back to protect orange color :lol:

Errrrrr, for me this issue will not be resolve until the members of the boyband speak up directly to their fans not to use orange color in their concert. If no one of the members speak up, so there is no concern about it among their fans.... As i know that boyband want to be like shinhwa right??? this show that they admire and respect uri shinhwa oppas alot. Well, maybe someone can bring up this issue to the boyband members.....

If this also had been done by shinhwa changjo...well, what else we can do right???? Just hope that one day they will be mistaken as shinhwa fans and will give up to use orange again :rolleyes:

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Guest rose_liana

Actually, i'm really happy this issue was brought up by miss_lakwon...and reading the tread, makes me happier since i can see not only SHCJ in korea was protecting Shinhwa, but you guys also did a great job in protecting our significant colour and Shinhwa..i'm so proud of you guys!!! just a little bit disappointed, crystalis's post was not able to be posted in the thread since its closed already...its a good review for those who really didn't understand why orange is so important to us: Shinhwa & SHCJ eventhough its just a colour...

cheer up guys!!! we just need to stick with what we've believed. Wannie oppa said that they'll be back to protect the orange colour. so there's no need for us to worry. everybody knows actually, eventhough some of them maybe just being an ignorant, that in K-pop world, orange is Shinhwa's and SHCJ's!!! i think being a Shinhwa fan, it make me and all of us become more mature and thoughtful!!! i'm really proud of that..

oh dear!!this issue make me miss Shinhwa so much, *heartache*...oppas, please come back soon~~~gotta go to watch their clips/videos..dramaqueennur, thats a good idea. Loveletter and IC are the best medicine for now!! and Happy Together too!! and Heroin 6 too!!!

Shinhwa forever~~~ Fighting!!!

Shinhwa Changjo~~~ Fighting!!!

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first of all i want to give a big applause to miss lakwon and crystalis....

at first i was hesistant to read the thread bcoz its too early for me to be in a bad mood,honestly i really hate some of the comments that it makes my blood boil..so that is why i was kinda hesistant but so i did read it and i was happy and A BIT mad,but im ok now especially when i read crystalis's post....YOU ROCK GIRL...im not gonna say anything anymore!!

you are all right!! let's move on!! coz in the end we will see what'll happen!!

as for the SHCJ i gave all my respect to them....the way they did handled this issue is amazing!

as i am a new fan i kinda felt bad,bcoz i didn't do much for the boys. and at the same time inspired by the SHCJ....and i know for sure the in 10 or 20 or 30 years to come this 6 HANDSOME GUYS will always be in my heart..and i will stay with them till the end!!

now im gonna watch LOVELETTER!! hehehe!!thanks dramaqueennur!!dat's a great idea!!

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Guest grumpynomore

RE the orange issue...SHINHWA CHANGJO...you guys left me speechless from what you guys have done!

I've been feeling under the weather lately so I decided to take a day off of work and spent it on soompi and youtube instead, reading and watching anything about shinhwa! i hope this is not turning to obsession LOL.

anyway, today was the first time i've seen the guerilla concert! wow! i was in tears along with my sister. junjin was really bawling! definitely one of my favorite videos!

i've also seen the ending of the 2007 forever concert in japan! wow! all the boys were in such a great mood!

tnx to the owner! take note on part 4:20 to 4:28. I want a gif of that! from dongwan to junjin then minwo and andy then eric and hyesung...so satisfying to see them smile! awwwwwwww i miss the boys!

btw does anyone have the subbed versions of the star go go of shinhwa? thank you!

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^As a group, there are not active right now. Eric and Dongwan are in the South Korean army fulfilling their duties as a citizen. The rest of the boys are active individually i.e Hyesung coming out with a new album (Keep Leaves), Junjin is on a variety show "We Got Married" recently and also a whole lot of other variety programs in addition to an upcoming album I believe, Andy is producing a new group, Minwoo just finished his last album promo activities I believe....check out their individual soompi threads for confirmed details. :)


Dongwan is such a sweetheart and the true protector of Shinhwa Orange Princesses! *^_^*

I am glad that Good Entertainment; , Shinhwa's management company, will also be taking part in this because there is only so much a fan can do (and Shinhwa Changjo did their part very well)...

Thank you Dongwan for keeping your promise to the fans. =) Being Shinhwa Changjo's most reliable spokesperson


[09.02.03] Dongwan’s blog: Big Bang balloons

Seems that Good Entertainment doesn't know about it yet... Because they're busy with Hyesung's new album...

No matter what! The balloon colors must be sorted out before Hyesung's activities begin...

Let's wait for Good Entertainment to deal with it...

If it doesn't work, then I must step out, to transform into the invincible~

Incredible Hulk!

Source: Dongwan’s Naver blog / Chi trans: 悟空空@love-ric / Eng trans: midnightgirl13@absolutshinhwa.wordpress.com

edit: Dongwan edited his blog to say "Glowsticks" instead of "balloons" later.

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Yes, we can always depend on Wannie the Incredible Hulk to save the day!!! LOL.


This is abit random, but I was watching HYD today, and I was in my SHCJ mode. So.... I was getting excited for no reason when I saw this! Haha. I swear this shinhwa hiatus is slowly affecting me mentally! -___-


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^ LOL. hahaha. I totally agree with the dad. (Even though I know he was not talking about Shinhwa the idol group, but seeing that, I can't help but be giddy!)

First, I want to thank miss lakwon for creating the thread. I didn't know about what the SHCJ did at that concert until I saw your post.

I agree with what crystalis said.

Some of the comments really made me unhappy. But, I just pushed them aside. Nothing that we say or do will change their mind. So, why bother.

Orange to them might just be a COLOUR but to us, it means so much more. It signifies all the hardship and everything that Shinhwa went through. It's a colour that shows the Shinhwa members that us fans will be behind them no matter what.

And someone said that the members wouldn't care because it's just a colour, but they are totally wrong. The member do care.

Honestly, I'm sick and tired of hearing the other fanclub apologizing time and time again, yet they still do it. I know it's not exactly their fault. If someone sells, they are bound to be buyers. I heard somewhere that they apologized again. I'm still having doubts about it.

I agree with what Dongwan said. This is issue need to be resolved before Hyesungie starts his promotions.

I was just wondering. I know it's only February but I can't help but wonder. Do you girls think the rest of the members (Andy, Jinnie, Minwoo, and Hyesungie) will have a fanmeeting to celebrate their 11th anniversary? I really hope they will.

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This is abit random, but I was watching HYD today, and I was in my SHCJ mode. So.... I was getting excited for no reason when I saw this! Haha. I swear this shinhwa hiatus is slowly affecting me mentally! -___-


^ lolz that's hilarious. Thanks for sharing :D


Hello peeps,

Can I possibly ask another favor? >.<

If you have time, could I get you to vote your favorite Shinhwa MV?

It's just a personal blog thing. A lot of polls don't have all the MVs listed (I hope I got them all anyways :sweatingbullets:), so I'm just curious as something's bugging me ^^

Just go here, scroll all the way to the bottom and you'll see the poll: http://shinhwaglish.blogspot.com/

**The MVs are in alphabetical order. If I missed any, please let me know ^^

Thank yous in advance :)

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Guest vivian0304























Continuation from Shin.Cn.Ent.





















Credits: On pics, Ocean's six & s-shinhwasarang.net

they look so handsome

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Guest infinityyy

yanee - LOL I can't help but giggle at that BOF screepcap too! LOL. Goodness, LOVE it.

And thank you for the pictures, vivian0304! Shinhwa is verrrry much so handsome :)

And Wa, I'm not sure if the guys will be holding a fanmeeting for Shinhwa's 11 years. Maybe? Maybe. It's a good chance that the guys will. :D

About the orange issue, I expressed what I felt in the thread, but even if people don't or refuse to understand, it's ok, because at least Shinhwa Changjo and Shinhwa do :)

Dongwan.. I appreciate this guy so much! ^_^

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vivian0304, the second last picture, wannie looks so cute! thanks for sharing! i miss seeing the boys together. i'm sure they still meet up etc, but i miss seeing them on screen, being all goofy, making me smile. 4years seems so long, but compared to their 10years, it's nothing. i'll be waiting(rather impatiently). heehee.

sweettart88, i don't think they'll celebrate, or at least not in public with fans? are those in the army allowed to do so? i hope they will find a way to do it, and show us pictures(depending on wannie's diary entries here)!

as for orange, i was too late to post in that thread, but i'm so glad most of yall were there, helping dongwannie protect orange! orange is so special, can't believe others dare to use the LEGEND's colour. can't wait to know what goodent or wannie would do. guess they need to stop the others from using orange now cause sungie will need orange at his concert(though his colour is a light purple). i'm sure shinhwa members look forwards to seeing orange always. ^^

orange was never in my list of 'liked colours' but cause of shinhwa, it's one of them. actually, the only one capable of making my day when i see a whole pile of merchandise(in orange).


i really LOVE this picture. i look forward to the day i'd be part of that crowd..

(credits to google? or is it on the picture already. oops, if anyone knows, please let me know so i can credit.)

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Guest readsandgeeks

Hi Changjo-ers! :lol: just a random post

rose_liana: ahaha..glad i canhelp u ease ur heartache :P but i can't watch Happy Together cos it's been taken down in YT. :mellow: where can i find my lovely boys in happy together..?

moca_hanzel: hope you had a great laugh as much as i did watching DW's dooloop-dooloop and HS's shy crabdance! :w00t:

grumpynomore: thank you for the YT link..oh man they really are so natural..even though its a concert.*swoons* love,love them acting goofy till HS cant sing..hahaha..

vivian0304: thank you for the pics!!they look hot..keke.. :w00t:

lexine: hey lexine..i know.i'm waiting rather impatiently too for them! :lol: but as a newbie to SHINHWA so i was thinking that these 4years is a GREAT time for me to catch up [almost]everything about SHINHWA..i hope the others feel the same way too?? :phew:

i'm trying to find their albums since their debut but it's a challenge here in Singapore cos stores only have stock from recently only. plus, Yesasia do not sell them anymore..otoke?how..?? :tears:

i love their songs after listening to them online and all so i want the CDs..hope somebody here can guide me through..


thank you!!

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dramaqueennur-i always have a good laugh everytime i watch them hehehe!! and i watched xman ep #62 germany special!! i have watched it so many times but it still makes me laugh!! hay how i miss them!!i second with you guys!! im waiting impatiently too!! im just a newbie too!!hay!!but i don't know where but my BF told me he saw an old albums of shinhwa on the internet!

vivian0304-thanks for the pics!! omo!! so handsome!! ottoke!!

lexine-i really love that pic and i wanted to see a sea of orange again!! and i wanted to be one of them cheering for our dearest SHINHWA someday!!!

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Wonder when this forum will reach it's 2000th page. Hey gals/guys how about we make it happen? haha if we could. how about posting here everyday. i don't know something random about Shinhwa.hahah that's only if we are alowed to go beyond. hhaha

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^ Here's my first random post :)

Ricsyung drinking soju on stage and Sungie ended up missing his lines; Eric laughs. Dongwannie voice cracks and gets scolded by Minwoo. Our magnaes, Jindy, pretends like nothing out-of-the-ordinary is happening (or maybe it's too common XD) and continues to perform seriously lolz

And a pic of Minsyung because the original Shinhwa couple needs some love :wub:


It's a bit odd, but I think my eyes are getting used to orange on these forum posts. They used to be too bright...now it's the 'black' font that's too sharp and bold. lolz

Again, if you have time, please do me a favor and go vote for your fave MV :) ( http://shinhwaglish.blogspot.com/ )

Scroll all the way to the bottom and you'll see the poll. I'm a bit surprised that the 'compilation' MVs are taking the lead so far.


Hi Changjo-ers! :lol: just a random post

rose_liana: ahaha..glad i canhelp u ease ur heartache :P but i can't watch Happy Together cos it's been taken down in YT. :mellow: where can i find my lovely boys in happy together..?

^ Hiya,

I know your post wasn't directed at me :sweatingbullets:, but were you talking about this episode of Happy Together?


Or were you talking about the New Years rock-paper-scissors ep or another one with only specific members?

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