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Guest lenakeem

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Since I'm too free now, I shall finally share my take.

How did you find Shinhwa, and how did you become a fan?

I can't vividly remember when exactly I discovered Shinhwa and officially became a fan. But yes, I think variety shows played a huge part. Before Shinhwa, I was introduced to Korean variety show, X-man, and was very much addicted to it. One of those episodes was a Shinhwa special, and that turned out to be one of my favourite X-man episodes. Since then, I searched Shinhwa, and watched random videos of them at YT. (thank god for YT!) These guys are too charming, seriously. They are cool, and yet funny. It's fun watching them in shows, and whenever I see how much they complement each other, and are as close as real brothers. Their wackiness are unstoppable when they are together, and their presences wherever, brings much joy and laughter, I'm sure. It's never boring whenever a Shinhwa boy is in a show, what more all 6 of them in one. The strong bond they share is very much enviable. It does helps that they looks good too! Haha. [:

My favourite member? I think in Shinhwa, it is really impossible for a fan to rate which member as the most favourite. They each exude their own charms, and I find myself guilty whenever I prefer a member over the other. Weird, yes.

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yeah thank god for utube

and also thank u for subber and uploaders

if not for them

i dont think i would have fallen with shinhwa even more

watching something that u can understand really makes a diff

ha ha ha

i love everything about shinhwa

and i especially love them in variety show

if u watch if only one appear in a show

it wouldnt be much fun

but when more than one

two, three or all appeared together

there will be havoc

they are so comfortable with each other and they love being with each other

that it shows


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Since I'm too free now, I shall finally share my take.

How did you find Shinhwa, and how did you become a fan?

I can't vividly remember when exactly I discovered Shinhwa and officially became a fan. But yes, I think variety shows played a huge part. Before Shinhwa, I was introduced to Korean variety show, X-man, and was very much addicted to it. One of those episodes was a Shinhwa special, and that turned out to be one of my favourite X-man episodes. Since then, I searched Shinhwa, and watched random videos of them at YT. (thank god for YT!) These guys are too charming, seriously. They are cool, and yet funny. It's fun watching them in shows, and whenever I see how much they complement each other, and are as close as real brothers. Their wackiness are unstoppable when they are together, and their presences wherever, brings much joy and laughter, I'm sure. It's never boring whenever a Shinhwa boy is in a show, what more all 6 of them in one. The strong bond they share is very much enviable. It does helps that they looks good too! Haha. [:

My favourite member? I think in Shinhwa, it is really impossible for a fan to rate which member as the most favourite. They each exude their own charms, and I find myself guilty whenever I prefer a member over the other. Weird, yes.

don't be guilty that you rate a member as your most favourite... coz that will make me feel guilty too! LOL xP But i do agree completely that each exude their own charms, it's just that whether whose charm we fall into... I have a soft spot randomness and wittiness, so...

Btw, on this rather recent episode of 1N2D, they were in japan and seung gi asked two of the passer bys(in japanese) "Who's your favourite korean celebrity" then MC Mong started saying "Bi..." but guess what the passer bys replied? "SHINHWA" and they blushed after that.. Then the 1N2D gang was like "Ohhhhhh" Probably envying shinhwa's hallyu status?

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Hi ^^..uhm..can some one help me finding the pics of the Shinhwa members holding a white card as a whole or individual member ???? I've been looking everywhere but i seems like they didn't even stand near those cards =.=....It's urgent. Thankyou so much ^^


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Guest amyliaz

HAHAHA Trish. It's hard to not like Shinhwa! XD And Shinhwa really has a lot of Japanese fans!!!

How can anyone not like a group who totally disregard their image and just enjoys being with one another, having lots of stupid, silly, dorky fun! XDDD

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Guest noiz_phayz

Hi everyone…

Actually I’m not new to this thread, just one of the silent readers…^^ I really don’t know what is happening to me right now because silent readers should be silence :sweatingbullets: but I really really want to express my feelings about SHINHWA. It’s all because I miss them badly..TT


I’m a big fan of Korean drama since in my country everyday will have at least two or three slot of Korean drama…ok maybe you guys think what is Korean drama had to do with SHINHWA…but please read on because Kdrama is the main reason I’m deeply in love with SHINHWA right now…so in 2005 I guess I watched one of this Kdrama ‘Super Rookie’…I didn’t watch the whole episode because I didn’t like the main actor :sweatingbullets: I bet you know who right? :ph34r: non other than our ET leader Eric Mun! seriously I don’t like his style in that drama..ok don’t hate me because I do love him very very much right now!! Maybe it because I’ve only watch the first few episode of the drama and it is when Kang Ho (Eric character in the drama) haha..even I said I don’t like him but I still remember his character..back to the story..it is when Kang Ho had no job, he act silly with his brother, and how he always beated by his mother…he seems so pathetic..again don’t be mad at me..it is my first impression of him in the drama..eventually I stop watching the drama..and then somehow my friend (who is my informer about Kdrama) told me that he read somewhere that the main actor of Super Rookie (I don’t even know his name was Eric at that time) is number 1 in the list of most gorgeous and handsome actor..I was like..duh..are you sure about this…where you got this info…imagine you guys in my place…it was my first time I saw him..not in suave or gentleman but more to silly character…it is so funny when I remind myself how much I dislike Eric before but now I’m falling head to toe towards him…haha…

Then I watched another Kdrama..Tree in/of Heaven..it was soo sad and I cried every time I watch it..since I watch it so many times I begin to like the main actor, Lee Wan..Ok maybe you guys should know this about me..when I started to like something or someone, I will search and find anything related to them..in other word when I like it I’m addict with it..haha..but usually my addiction don’t last very long..so I started to find this and that about Lee Wan..wait..did you guys get bored with my story?? please don’t because I seriously trying to tell every thing that brought me to SHINHWA..so please bare with me ok…(making puppy eyes)..so back to the track..then I know this Lee Wan acted in a drama Let’s go To the Beach..and then I got all exited and I even bought the VCD of the drama.. and of course u guys know who else acted in the drama right…^^ Junjin!! oh..and I even got free poster came with the vcd..Just like Eric case…I don’t like Junjin in the first place..he acted little meanie in the drama..so everytime I saw Jinnie in the poster that I pasted on the wall beside my bed I can’t help but to dislike him. But I admitted that he was really very handsome..and when I know his name..I was like..Junjin??..weird name…haha..but at the same time the theme song sang by Minwoo and Hyesung was my ringtone at that time..and I don’t know them either…=.=

Then it comes to utube..since it was school holiday that time, I spend most of my time in front of my pc..so I watch and download mv from most of kdrama I watched..and when I searched videos about Wedding drama(the one with Ryu Siwon and Jang Nara in) guess what…I found Wedding MV from SHINHWA..it was my first time heard of that name..SHINHWA…starting from then I always found SHINHWA related videos eg love letter and x man..but I didn’t watch it since I really know nothing about them..so i just ignored..then I happened to like Hyun Bin..you know kdrama can be really addictive..then I found another SHINHWA member..Kim Dongwan when I watch Spin Kick..but then I don’t really care about him since I put all my attention to hyun bin even Dongwan was the lead..so the name pop up again..SHINHWA..i said to myself..who is this SHINHWA?? and why I always found their videos when I’m not even searching for it?? And because of curiosity I type SHINHWA at yahoo search engine and I found GOODENT Official website..there I found 6 man wearing all white (state of the art jacket photo) and I like..hey..i know him..and him..and him!! when I saw Eric, Junjin and Dongwan..and...oo..they were in a same group..but at the same time my addiction switch to Kpop..from listening to Kdrama OST I listen to Kpop..SHINHWA was one of it..I also listen to other group…DBSK was quite popular at that time since they had a concert in my country..so I happened to listen to all group that I know..SHINHWA, DBSK, SuJU and many more…I don’t remember all..but I still didn’t decide yet which will be my fav..my friend suggested me to watch DBSK mini drama (I guess),their mv,since he is one of DBSK fan but it didn’t have any effect on me (sorry to DBSK fans here..if any) but it’s the truth..and silly me don’t even remember all their name until now.. :sweatingbullets: same goes to the other group..

But when I watch ONCE IN A LIFETIME MV, I was mesmerized..the song..the mv is really something…than I know my addiction change again..from Kpop to specifically SHINHWA!!! Starting from that day I watch the mv, I search and download every single video related to them that I found. Love letter and xman make me fall head to toe to them. They were really King of Game!! their silly antics really make me laughing until tears come out especially when they have or trying to have interviews..laughing, shouting, singing, pushing and even practicing middle of the interviews..and I always think that Hyesung the one who really want a normal interviews..haha..and when I watched guerrilla concert I cried really hard and I realized how they love each other so much..and i learn one thing..6-1=0.. I love when they really sync with each other and dance as one even though minwoo once said Dongwan always ruin his choreography.. :lol: gawd…I miss them so much….and now when i watched again Super Rookie and Let's Go to The Beach everything turn the other way round..Eric looking so cute and I like Junjin even more when he act like a meanie.. :D

I really had so many things in mind to said here..but I think I better stop and switch to silent mode back for good sake…but last thing that I want to said here, even I’ve said that my addiction always change and never last long..but not this time..its a PROMISE..once a SHINHWA fan always a SHINHWA fan..We’ll wait together until 6 of them back together..until that day come..

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Trish, yesss. I have a soft spot for randomness and wittiness too! (wannie wannie wannnieeee!) Yes, I've watched that 1N2D vid with the japanese fans. My first reaction was like "of course! like, duhhhh!" Hahaha. [:

Anyways, read this from shinhwashi. AWWWW. Good to hear that dongwan's doing great! [: He's got fan boys too! Hahaha.

[08.11.30] I think our 08-7 division of trainees, assistants, and officials are all going to become Kim Dong Wan’s avid fans (the literal translation is "king fan" keke)…All the officials, including the battalion commander, are in admiration of Kim Dong Wan trainee’s character and attitude, of his determination…

An army full of fan boys!

Yoenin members have also reported that Dongwan got baptized on the first Sunday he was away and that to the fan who wrote him his first handwritten letter, he actually wrote back to her. Wow, so lucky!

Source: yoenin

Original source: http://cafe.daum.net/BR32divsingyo

Translation: alwaysforever@shinbiz

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i'm always be the silient reader here...should i say somethings today ???

i 've love 6 oppa for 3 or 4 yaers..i'm not sure but this love seem to be grow up everyday and i can't stop it now

first i come to Shinhwa when i was so young ,but now i'm 20 ,is it an adult ?haha ,i don't know what i'm talking about but i will continue loving and supporting them.

p/s :now i'm so proud of Dongwannie oppa :)) !

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Hi ^^..uhm..can some one help me finding the pics of the Shinhwa members holding a white card as a whole or individual member ???? I've been looking everywhere but i seems like they didn't even stand near those cards =.=....It's urgent. Thankyou so much ^^

i only have dongwan and minwoo

well dongwan one is not exactly a white card

but since we are living in the world of ps

a few click here and there

u can change that easily


ha ha ha


here u goes




i swear i have a group pic of them holding a card but i couldnt find it

sorry :sweatingbullets:

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OMG. A VID JUST UPLOADED BY SOMEONE. DONGWAN'S MESSAGE FROM TRAINING CAMP. It shows the army marching and then dongwan said his message, he went "....Shinhwa Changjo fighting!"


He looks abit darker though, and wow. I wonder how come he can make videos while in Military Service? Is it something specially for him, as in interviewed on tv? Hmph, good to see him though! [: Only blissful thoughts horr.

click here for video!

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thanks for the vid but since the vid is only about wannie oppa

u should post it in his thread

not here

here is only for shinhwa or two of shinhwa members in one news only

individual news should be in their own respective thread

they all have it,

strange isnt it?

thanks once again

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Guest kriza_09

I happened to chance upon this on a Chinese website, not sure if you all have seen it before, but thought I'd just spread the Shinhwa joy! ^^

I suggest you put a spoiler/warning...

I actually figured that out 7 months ago and was going to post it here, but decided not to because I didn't want to ruin the only emotional moment we have left with Shinhwa *thank you eric for ruining the guerilla concert <_<*

Anyway, since everything is out now, I really want to smack him for that... Every time I watch the cake part, I can't feel emotional anymore... that stupid crab... >"<

*i can totally imagine 4-5 years from now, they're talking among themselves or at talk shows about this... just like eric with his guerilla concert...*

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it still is an emotional moment with shinhwa for me

but now it is extra special cause of that

now i ended up crying and laughing at the same time

which is totally fine, for me at least

ha ha ha

aish... i guess this is shinhwa


^^ But it's a message for SHINHWA fans! Shinhwa Changjo! So I guess it's okay? THANK YOU FOR SHARING!~

if that is so

so i guess it is okay -_-

doesnt really matter, cause i really love the vid


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Ok people, this is the translation for the vid I shared previously of Dongwan's mesage from camp (I got from one of the youtubers)

I am Kim Dong Wan.

Although we are separated by distance,I miss you all

ShinhwaChangjo ,Fighting!



SORRY IF IM SPAMMING. THIS IS THE SUBBED VERSION OF THE VID. plus, there's two new pics of him, so this vid is waaaay better! CLICK HERE *SIGH*

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shinie this is the closest thing i have. made it awhile back from a pretty LQ cap. maybe someone has the original?

i only have dongwan and minwoo

well dongwan one is not exactly a white card

but since we are living in the world of ps

a few click here and there

u can change that easily


ha ha ha


here u goes

i swear i have a group pic of them holding a card but i couldnt find it

sorry :sweatingbullets:

Thankyou thankyou so much >"< *hug*..i'm doing a project for a Vietnamese Kpop fansite..just can't stand seeing the other designers posting other gasoo's pics but none were shinhwa =.= ..anyway, thankyou ^^

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^ please take out the %7Boption%7D tags from your post, before the mods warn you.. we are not allowed to quote images in this thread.. thank you..

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haha the hyesung incident durign the most touching moment in their concert is a classic!!

i was wondering what the two were talking about! thanks to such observant fans. lol i wonder though if the two shared the incident to the rest of the members.

shinhwa can never have a serious moment can they? lol, it runs in the shinhwa blood.

their gureilla(sp?) concert: fans poured their tears out, as well as the members. the most touching shinhwa moment ever! ruined thanks to eric!

10th anniv concert/ surprise party: touching moment filled with promises between members and fans. ruined thanks to hyesungs 'accident'

lol...shinhwa will always be shinhwa, even through serious, touching moments!!

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