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Guest lenakeem

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I just got my dvd today, and watched it right after I reached home. After four hours of watching... I'm a complete mess! I'm missing them again.... *sigh*


Anyways, I don't know if anyone has seen this. It's abit sidetrack, but shinhwa-related. This is a scene in 1n2d show, while they were walking, and they met two Japanese women. Basically, they started conversing in Japanese, and ask random questions. They asked "who you like best in korea?" And the women was like "SHINHWA". My first thought was "Of course!" Hahaha.


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kriza_09, thanks for translating that note. I was (still am) really touched. Feel like crying ~ T_T

Reading everyone's stories here, I guess one thing is constant: Shinhwa is more than just a fandom. I don't know about others, but I think I grew up with them (no, I was only a fan in 2003, but yeah). Shinhwa was there when I was at my lowest moment, they'll continue to give motivations even if I'm just one of the many faceless fans..

My close friends (both online and real life now) mostly came from the fandom, so for that I'll always be thankful to the wonderful guys who made it possible.

We'll continue to have faith in Shinhwa. Everyone hwaiting!! :wub:

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Guest gravitie

Cheer up everyone! SHINHWA WILL AND MUST GO ON!

Everyone's saying that many Shinhwa fans have turned to other fandoms. But I think I'm the exact opposite. I wasn't initially a Shinhwa fan back then. Now I love our Shinhwa boys the most. Seriously, they're my #1! They are really special, no other fandoms has given me this feeling before. Even though I don't personally know any of them, they seem really close to me. I don't see this in any other boybands. Sometimes when I see the Shinhwa boys on shows, I feel like I'm their friend or someone close. They really make you feel comfortable. With other celebs, I just watch them, without these kind of feelings..

I don't know.. Shinhwa just has this charm that sucks you up. I'm sure every Changjo-er don't ever regret being one. Once a Changjo, always a Changjo! Fighting~ Can't wait to get my hands on the DVD tmr! :)

KPOP Night 2008 (Eng subbed)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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Guest hyu_dha

hi guys...

my dvd juz arrived this evening...

juz finished watching...

one thing for sure, it's really worth buying the dvd...

miss them so much rite now...T.T

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Guest kriza_09

Waa.. glad that everyone have received their DVDs... please leave a comment after you watch it... =)

oh and remember to watch it in one sitting!!! just like how you watch a real concert in person!!! ^^

edit: I'm so happy right now... see, told you it's best not to be part of it at all... first, it saves us lots of time and effort due to feeling the responsibility to vote.. second, it saves us from disappointment and anger that the efforts we made to vote don't actually matter at all... and third, again it saves us time from arguing and explaining, and again from anger reading other people's comments... instead, look at our thread now... so peaceful, just having deep talk about our beloved shinchang among ourselves and enjoying our DVD concert... ^^ and just having fun watching from the side... ^^

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Guest amyliaz

I'll be watching the concert with my fellow Singaporean Shinhwa Changjo-ers after my 'A's! :D It'd be a whole group of girls crying on one another. HAHAHA.

I somewhat dread it. :x It's going to be so emotional...

Tomorrow Dong Wan's going in... And they had dinner again before. So sweet.

I'm excited about when they'll be back again! It'll be awesome. (:

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omo ottoke?

havent watch the dvd yet

but just looking at that caps already makes me cried



'we are not going anywhere stop crying!'

but oppa u will go tomorrow


'we stared off with 6 and we are going to end it with 6'


edit: I'm so happy right now... see, told you it's best not to be part of it at all... first, it saves us lots of time and effort due to feeling the responsibility to vote.. second, it saves us from disappointment and anger that the efforts we made to vote don't actually matter at all... and third, again it saves us time from arguing and explaining, and again from anger reading other people's comments... instead, look at our thread now... so peaceful, just having deep talk about our beloved shinchang among ourselves and enjoying our DVD concert... ^^ and just having fun watching from the side... ^^

gotta agree with u on that

seriously last year experience is already too much for me

rather than going through the same heartache again

i rather us to be emo in this thread like this

it's far better....


ha ha ha

isnt this nice

we got to talk

share of feelings about shinhwa

and be sad and happy together

gosh tomorrow wannie will be enlisted

and i just read the diary (could be his last diary entry TT_TT for a while)

about his dinner with the others

it's good to see they have a very quiet and yet intimate dinner together (although jin couldnt come cause of a show recording <_<)

even eric oppa is there

that makes me cried actually



just got my dvd this evening

but still havent watch yet

waiting for my sis, so we could watch it together

gonna prepared lots of tissues for this

ha ha ha

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Guest victoria3769

yanee, ur capture makes me want to cry....

dongwan, take care...

we will be right here waiting for you..

and ya...i feel ease that they are not nominated...

i dun think the awards have any true values....

and beside, even they dun receive anything, is not going to affect our love right

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thanks yanee for those caps. but those really made me cry =[. but oppaaa your leaving tmrow for army ><. and ur saying ur not going anywhere  :tears:

and this is the last meal of shinhwa together before wannie to army, *kicks jin* why didnt u cancel ysmm >< can you guess who's hand is who's? wannies is not included. for sure the top right hand is andy's. i think. but then from shinhwabiz. they were saying how come minwoo doesnt have his phone with him. if were for sure the top right hand is andys? can you girls solve this puzzle?

[08.11.16][Diary]Dongwan: Dinner 


Subject: Dinner


Having a meal together with the members....

The realization that for awhile that we will be apart is sinking in.!

To all goodbye~~

P.S. Jin is at the YSMM recording...ㅜㅜ (A picture) of my hands is not included~ I am very bashful~ho ho ho 

Source: November21

Translations: HappyHeart7@Shinhwa.biz

wish i could get the dvd.. *poor* aish >.< and it has subs!!! gaaahh. maybe when i get more money...

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Guest beckery

Hi fellow Shinhwa lovers!!!

I've been a silent reader aka stalker at this thread for yonks and just never managed to post. I'm so sorry and also very very very grateful for all the hard work and effort you guys have put in. A huge thanks for all the linkages, photos, translations, news updates etc <333

I suddenly had the urge to start posting today, cuz its Dongwan's enlistment, so here I am. I'll try to contribute more to this thread ^_^ and try to help you guys keep it alive for the 3/4 years the boys are gone. No, my bad. They might be gone physically for now, but they're never gone from our hearts right? A corner (or a huge chunk) of our hearts are always left there for them. My first kpop love, forever, my top kpop love.

Ohhh and I got my Shinhwa concert dvd a few days ago, along with their Greatest Artist collection (I waited to get them at the same time) and have wasted 2 awesome days watching and rewatching them again and again haha. Especially the concert dvd. I dont even know how to describe the feeling I had. Very bittersweet. I was smiling and tearing up, laughing hysterically and crying waterfalls...Must have looked like a complete maniac haha. There was so much RicSung love, I thought I would die of happiness haha...And I was laughing like crazy when they started talking about nostril hair..For some reason, it didnt really surprise me much. I mean, its Shinhwa, they come up with the most random things EVER, so nothing surprises me when it comes to them..Their spontaneousness, randomness and loveable weirdness has no boundaries. Which is why I love them so so much..

Anyways, didnt want to type an essay so will stop here XDDD So yes, hi everyone and I hope you guys dont mind but you'll probably see more of me in the future haha :D

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Dongwan's diary, does that mean Junjin was there? Because there is a picture of 4 hands and he said he didn't include his..Andy, Hyesung, Minwoo..Who's the 4th? Sorry. I'm just confused. exams have that effect on you.LOL

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Hi all! <3

ANYONE noticed Eric and Dongwan wore the same shoes for their enlistment? Is it some shoes they have to wear or... Eric gave it Dongwan as a lucky pair or shoes for enlistment? LOL (the china fans told me about it! haha)





Finally some ricwan love!

P.S: I'm missing the both of them so badly...LET's STICK TO ORANGE!

After 4 weeks of basic training, eric is able to return home everyday, so that explains why he's able to join the rest for dinner. =)

Btw, i cant' seem to be able to edit my previous post but i would like to credit ericvoice for eric's pic and the press for dongwan's pic

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Guest devylann

hi everyone.....wow it's been a long time since i've been in here..... i believe imma in the same boat as everyone else...lol.... imma missing Wannie alrdy and been missing Eric...it's sad that Minwoo, Jin, Hyesung and Andy are barely on TV shows anymore... imma missing them all i guess...lol... i jus watched Jin and Andy at the concert in Singapore.... awesome.. i see the Jin changed his dancers... most of the time they are all grls but this time only 2 grls and 4 boys... hmmm.... and Andy was hosting so that was kewl...

I bought their 9th album the black cover... my sis bought me the white cover... and now... she's gonna buy me the orange one for xmas... how kewl is that huh?? i really cant wait then... hahaha...



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