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Guest lenakeem

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Guest lingling22

i love the 9th album!!!

definitely 3 copies.. i ordered with yesasia 3 copies....

one for use..

one for collection

and the last ............backup for the two.......

freestyle.. is soooo good...

The unfinished told story..... very nice one.. even w/o translation...

can't wait for the original album....

fav lyric that i understandand if i heard it correctly:

"Too many wannabes tryin be us , but no_____________

10 years in the biz, still kicking and strong"

yeah .......Shinhwa ROCKS!!!!!!!

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Dang.. the connection at my uni is so slow T_T

Though I've ordered my copies of the special edition but I cant wait to listen to the songs x:

Anyways~ I was browsing through Melon and looking at the lyrics ...

Some of the lyrics are just so beautiful T___T

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Guest PurpleRain

Question: Does anyone know if there was a guest rapper or anyone on track 7 (we can get it on)? Because i just listened to it, and during the chorus/rapping part, someone raps in english and it's REALLY good. It kinda sounds like andy, but i wasn't too sure.

*nevermind...i think it's david kim, 'cause he wrote the lyrics with eric and at one point he spells his name out in the song*

is David Kim ?? He sound like Tablo :sweatingbullets: seriously that rap part is excellent!!

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Guest nurkeyandie

Question: Does anyone know if there was a guest rapper or anyone on track 7 (we can get it on)? Because i just listened to it, and during the chorus/rapping part, someone raps in english and it's REALLY good. It kinda sounds like andy, but i wasn't too sure.

*nevermind...i think it's david kim, 'cause he wrote the lyrics with eric and at one point he spells his name out in the song*

hey, i was wondering about that too...thanks for the info. ^-^

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Guest miaka0210

ok, ever since i saw you guys post about hearing the new album I just had to download it.

I was really going crazy about it!!!! :w00t: my sister even thought I was losing my mind already

because of shinhwa. and of course I am. hehehe

but don't worry I'm still buying the album.

freestyle is definitely my song when I'm about to drive to school. I don't know why I thought of that

but seriously ERIC' S RAP was just freaking great!!!!!! love it!!!!! And I'm glad he was the one rapping

those lyrics it just made it more meaningful. to me at least.

i love the 9th album!!!

fav lyric that i understandand if i heard it correctly:

"Too many wannabes tryin be us , but no_____________

10 years in the biz, still kicking and strong"

Me too that's my favorite lyric too for that song. I think that's actually one of the reasons why I love that song

sooo much. hehehe...

But i have to say that i'm totally falling for the song "the unfinished told story". just love the acoustic melody for it.

but as well as "run", for me that is definitely SHINHWA. if you guys know what I mean?!!! everything about it is definitely



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Guest kriza_09

hi.. this is kriza, back in berkeley right now..

i'm sorry i can't keep my promise of posting the concert details as soon as i get back..

i actually got sick the day after the concert and then i missed my flight!!! so i had to take the next day's flight.. >"<

and because i was sick, i just slept on the plane..

but right now i'm working hard organizing all the pics and trying to remember what happened during the concert..

oh and i need help -> i need to convert .mov to .avi, please pm me if you know how..

my friends think its weird to cry for like artist, but it's not.

its LOVE! ahah and not like crazyy love...well maybe sometimes, but its like caring love (:

i thought it was weird to cry for an artist too...

and i thought i was crazy to just go to korea only to watch a concert..

but after the end of the 2nd concert, i felt how lucky i was to be there...

it might be weird to say this, but it really changed my life..

i'm guessing from all the many orders from yesasia that the sales from yesasia counts towards the charts for Shinhwa, right?

i need to make sure before i make a purchase from there =/

umm, what i know is sales from yesasia counts towards the chart of album sales.. so if you buy an album from yesasia, it's going to be reflected on the overall album sales... BUT!!!!! a big BUT BUT BUT!!! sales from yesasia DOES NOT count towards the album sales that would be counted to get daesangs.. so buying from yesasia does NOT help shinhwa get a daesang.. so it's always better to buy from shinhwa forums that are going to buy directly from korea..

actually, i don't care if i don't know the lyrics (although shinhwa lyrics, esp. the r&b ballads are love) but i really wanna know what they're all talking about in track no. 9...

umm, the track no.9 is actually included in the ending clip of shinhwa concert.. it was filmed at the same time as their 10th year anniversary message.. i'm not really sure, but i remember the song they sang.. i forgot what it's called but apparently the korean fans know it..

the clip was actually longer than the track..

but in the track they were talking about 'do you remember'.. like about when they got the 1st place for the first time with t.o.p.. and then about getting hurt during performance.. like hyesung used to be sitting on a chair during wild eyes, and andy once got hurt during eusha eusha.. and then about the guerilla concert.. how everyone was crying.. and eric said (i might be completely wrong, but this is what i understand) he was the first one to open the blindfold.. and after he opened it, he felt happy but he tried not to smile.. since the others were crying, he thought he should cry as well... >"<

i've heard the album... and as always, this album is different from the previous albums.. but only 10 tracks!!????? i understand where the 10 comes from, but still, don't you think we deserve more than 10 tracks?????? and 3 of them are not even full songs!!!!

i feel like minwoo has a lot of influence in this album.. as in this is what minwoo's album might sound like.. not that i'm complaining, though..

oh i feel like track 5 kind of sounds like Stomp.. not the whole song, but there are parts that remind me of Stomp..

and don't you think eric's rap in track 7 is so similar to minwoo's play my song???

oh and i notice some of the members' voice changed a little bit.. when i listened to all the tracks for the first time, i had quite a hard time recognizing andy's voice and differentiating minwoo's voice from dongwan's..

i like track 4.. though i don't really like gangsta rap, i like eric's words..

too many wannabes trying to be us, but no exist..

10 years in the biz, still keeping it strong..


oh and which one is the song where andy sings for the first time??? is it really not included in this album or is it actually there and i just have a really bad short term memory??

anyway, i feel like this album is dedicated only for fans.. a lot of the tracks don't mean anything unless you're a fan..

i like 2,3,10.. and of course 9.. ^^ nothing can be better than hearing the sound of the 6 of them laughing together.. ^^

i especially love track 10.. i knew they would dedicate a song for the fans as in saying (temporary) goodbye and i was wondering how it would sound... and i love it!!!! i wish they would do more acoustics..

oh and about the downloading thing, i think it's perfectly fine to download if you have pre-ordered the album..

edit: is there really no title for this album???

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Guest devylann

me guilty too....i alwase the original CD but i also d/l too....but...i was wondered how zdegrees alwase get it first....sometimes i think zdegrees help promote for them (the company or whoever)...jus a thought....

but anywase... gosh i wanna buy the goodies but y they so so $$$??? i mean from the pricing at shinhwa10th.com and at yesasia are so different.... gosh... i wanna get them all but i can only afford a few items... what i really want is the necklace....

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Guest angel2nyt

fav lyric that i understandand if i heard it correctly:

"Too many wannabes tryin be us , but no_____________

10 years in the biz, still kicking and strong"

yah exactly what i was saying..

hahaha i love the lyrics ang the way eric says it

anyway, i feel like this album is dedicated only for fans.. a lot of the tracks don't mean anything unless you're a fan..

i like 2,3,10.. and of course 9.. ^^ nothing can be better than hearing the sound of the 6 of them laughing together.. ^^

i totally agree.. ive seen some comments saying that the main reason why fans would buy the limited album were 3 tracks(3 great tracks), which i somehow agreed and thought about..i mean how can you not include the 120-page photobook in the main reason.. no self-respecting shinhwa fan would do that


anyways, i actually dont feel cheated with the idea of only 10 tracks(technically 7)

especially after listening to all the songs, the album was really well-produced

although i cant say that i liked all the songs (We Can Get In On), the song choice was really good

now im going back to listening to track 10.. im so in love with it right now

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Guest picklypickly

Listened to the album and big surprise, I loved it. haha. track 9 got me giggling and laughing along with them. their laughter is just so infectious. haha, and i love how i can tell who's laughing. lol.

i really like eric's freestyle #1 too. i wish it was a full song. and kinda got me excited for the prospect of an eric solo album.

and i think the album is literally titled "Shinhwa." like not just self titled like some albums are, but literally "Shinhwa." Like this right here is a a "legend."

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Guest cpopbaby19


I want to download the album but I'm not sure if I can buy the album~ T___T; Grr. I'm so so sooo temptedd! T_T Don't let me open Z-degrees. >_<

Aw my gosh! The 10th anniv pictureee~ 8D <3 <3 is aweesomme~ :] Eyeliners~ Gawdness. That's total smexiness. :P It's looks so HOT on eric. <3 <3 I don't know why. :] His eyes are just sriking!!!! :w00t:

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Guest rainie_chu

I guess the title of the album is really just SHINHWA, huh?

And I know it's totally not my place to demand, but I wish someone could translate the talk track soon. LOL! They sound so funny laughing that I couldn't help but laugh too. HAHAHAHAHAHAAH~

PS, I dunno if it's just me but I find it weird that Andy's wearing something in that pic where he's facing the camera. The rest have exposed collar bones.

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for those who ordered the special edition from YESASIA, what does your STATUS say about the order?

does it still say searching from suppliers?

Mine still says that as well. I'm keeping my fingers crossed at this point :unsure:

You guys are totally tempting me to dl the album...And I'm really itching to, but at the same time I want to wait until I have an actual copy in my hands because it will make listening to it that much sweeter B)

I think this is my first time posting in this thread ever :vicx: Nice to meet everyone! Haha ^^;;; Figured I might as well follow the orange text trend while I'm here as well :)

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Guest Mardi09

i think this is my first post here, and i'm sorry it will have to be like this

but first off..i love shinhwa! i was first introduced to them in their 5th album...:D...but then my cousin stole the cd and i was like..wtf?..lol...

they're wonderful guys~...i can't believe it's already been 10 years...

but to get to my real reason here

you guys must have seen around, or if not, then here it is

Hidden Skylight is a place for underrateds like Shinhwa and Battle

it has a chance of closing in about 3 weeks due to less than 100 inactive members

please help us refrain from doing that...

our admin, subxdfreaky (i think that's her username on soompi) and some of our moderators like jay

and me are working hard to try and keep the place alive.

any news, updates, pictures..basically anything to keep the place alive is helpful

if anyone plans to be a member, please only join if you plan to be active, one post a day is okay...we have game sections, fanfics, 100+ media to download...etc...

thank you for reading

and sorry if i did this...

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Guest jean_kkp

Ohhhh!!!! I get it!! Awe..! That's a friggin GREAT reason to only have 10 tracks..!!



you are so funny!! haha.but this is NO OVERSTATEMENT. it is the best 10 tracks! im taking my time to listen to it now, once, at work. so here are my opinions on the album for the FIRST TIME i listened (because im sure after a few times my favourites will change and all) they are all highlighted to prevent spoilers =)))

01. Last Train Home

just an musical interlude to Voyage. dont quite see the point of this, haha.

02. Voyage

very mainstream pop. not one of my favourites...kinda forgettable... i think its my least favourite track =x

03. 다시 한 번만-just one more time

AH!!! even though i know shinhwa prides themselves for their extreme dance tracks, i love this side of shinhwa MOST. very Once In a Lifetime, alot of harmonization, very strong vocals from hs, wannie, plus the raps from RicDy is super super good. love this. very emotional, full of feeling. love it! TOP TRACK IN THIS ALBUM.

04. Free Style #1

10 years in the Biz still keeping it strong. who got the trophy? shib yeon,yeah shin yeon~ ( 10 years yeah 10 years~) give it to me now~!

free style rapping about how proud they are to last 10 years. its eric yes? i actually really like this alot, even though its not a full track.

05. RUN

im really not surprised minwoo wrote this. haha. isnt Run very Bump/Stomp (they are all simple verbs) haha. as ive mentioned earlier, im not very into such fast shinhwa tracks but this is good. like the music, and im very sure shinhwa will give a great performance with such music. im looking forward to seeing it performed live =D im sure ill like the song more that way.

06. 2 Ma Luv...

another track that is really mainstream pop and the lyrics are sweet. haha. i love ricdy's raps, and the bridge they kept repeating is very catchy. i like it now, but i expect myself to get bored with it soon.

07. We Can Get In On

ive never heard shinhwa do something so CLUBBISH! im not surprised if they rotate this in clubs in korea! its surprisingly good, love the beats, the rhythm, the RAP! its amazing. i thought it could be RicDy, but its actually david kim? who is he? ah doesnt matter, its AMAZING. both korean and eng raps. AMAZING.

08. So In Love

okay im SO IN LOVE with this track. haha. i love the jj eric andy raps, the chorus is catchy and bouncy, some club beats. its a song that is very SHINHWA. i can already imagine them performing to this song :)

09. 기억나니? -remember

mini cooper!!! i only understand bits and pieces of their conversation and i feel like dying because they laugh sooo much and i really want to know what is going on!!! can some nice person here please translate asap?!

from what i hear, they are sort of laughing at andy during some concert, hyesung's dance, making hyesung rap hahaha... its so funny! ONJENA means always/whenever right? haha. they kept rapping ONJENA...

i love it when hyesung is bullied =x and him going "wae geu rae?!?!"

10. 아직 못다한 이야기 -the unfinished told story

very sweet... its acoustics throughout. hyesung's voice is love, and the background vocals are very soothing. lyrics are very touching as well, even though i only understood a bit. talking abt their good and bad times together, their memories and experiences. i love it already, the harmonization is great. i believe its unfinished because Shinhwa is Forever.

i really love RicDy's raps, man! i think ricdy's parts are the parts that sets shinhwa apart from other boybands such as dongbang and suju and ss501. whatever happened to the previously released tracklist with ERIC's CLUB BANGER? was actually looking forward to that! the cover is HOT! minwoo and jinnie are really HOT in there! (and im not a minwoo or jin fan!) i love eric, but he looks kinda scary there. haha. love the concept though its weird only andy is clothed in there. haha. i expected it to be hyesung. haha!

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Guest angel2nyt

i really love RicDy's raps, man! i think ricdy's parts are the parts that sets shinhwa apart from other boybands such as dongbang and suju and ss501. whatever happened to the previously released tracklist with ERIC's CLUB BANGER? was actually looking forward to that! the cover is HOT! minwoo and jinnie are really HOT in there! (and im not a minwoo or jin fan!) i love eric, but he looks kinda scary there. haha. love the concept though its weird only andy is clothed in there. haha. i expected it to be hyesung. haha!

i actually think Club Banger is track 7(we can get it on)

anyways, my hands were itching to romanize track 10

10. The Unfinished Told Story/ The Stories We Haven't Told(Ajik Motdahan Iyagi)

Composed and Written by: Lee Sang In

M: Amukeotdo eobtjiman gaseumi neul beokchatdeon cheoeum mannatdeon uri

Kateun kkumeul mideotgie haaengbokhhaetji ajik mani eoryeotdeon keuddae

D: uri jakeun noraero sesangeul bakkurira darryeowatdeon shikandeul

eoneuse kue maneun naldeureul urin hamkke kateun kkumeul kkun geoya

H: uri jikeumeun jamshi heyojijiman mideojukil barae hankkehaneun nareul

dashi gue nari omyeon kkok duerryeo julke ajik motdahan yaegi

A: it feels like it was only yesterday

ajik giyokhae moduyege boyeojwotdeon uriui cheot mudae

eoneuse shikani beolsseo heulleoga beoryeosseo the memories jeoldae ijeul suneun eopseo

J: hamke nanwitdeon sunkandeul eonjena himi dwea jugo kati yeope isseojun mandeum

yeonwonhi gaseumsoke dama dul georaneun maeumeil aradwo jideum kkeuli aniraneun goseul

D: himdeul ildo manatji kkumeul hyanghae darrideon ulgo otdeon shikandeul

M: guereon sunkanmada beotige himeil jun geon ara neoraneun geoseul

H: ajik moduwa nanuji mothan kkumdeul neomuna mankie kidaril su isseo

kuettaen bami sedorok nanugo shipeo uri motdahan yaegi

E: We walk the same path

We jump around We rock the music on a same stage

eoneusae shimnyeonira neomgineun same page

bamsae gomineul hanyeon saerowon mudaereul boigi wihan haengbokhan domineul hamyeon bonaetdeon ishipdae

eoneudeot shikaneun keurryo samshipdae huhwi eobteul shikaneul kuedaewa bonae haengbokha

minanhae im sorry jamshiman tteonalke yeongwonhi hamke hal junbireul hagi wihae tteonalke

eoneuse nae moseum(nae moseum) bulsseo eoreuni dwae itjiman

gaseumsok yoljungeun(yeonjungeun) cheoeum boda deo gadeukhae

uri jikeumeun jamshi heyojijiman(heyojijiman) mideojukil barae hankkehaneun nareul(hankkehaneun nareul)

dashi gue nali omyeon(omyeon) kkok duellyeojulke(duellyeojulke) ajik motdahan yaegi

ajik moduwa nanuji mothan kkumdeul(mothan kkumdeul) neomuna mankie kidaril su isseo

kuettaen bami sedorok nanugo shipeo(nanugo shipeo)

H: uri motdahan aegi

didnt you guys notice our page no?


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Guest chae nee sah


i'm usually not easily falling in love with a song immediately after listened to it once..but this album...it's different..

even after listened to it only once, i already can sort out a few song that i love...

overall, it is a great album..especially the lyrics..

n like kriza said, i agree..i think this album is really dedicated for the fans...

n one this that is obvious for me is, the album sounds like minwoo's album n eric's style..but anyway, it's not weird since eric n minwoo wrote the songs n lyrics for it...hehe

the rap parts are always awesome...

anyway...cant wait for the album!!!~

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Hey guys~ finally got to finish the translation for Run

Please forgive me if I got anything wrong... and please excuse all my grammar mistakes >_<

I will come back with more translations if no one posted them before I am back :sweatingbullets:

RUN (translations)

SHINHWA, Yeah yeah get ready

Yes,We back

We gotta get to it We gotta get to it

I got something new Now do it do it

Inside the eyes with burning fire

We born again in these burning times

We're gonna make it Every moment is mine

(Hey) Dont lose the sight

(Time & Story Goes)

Unstoppable new Story

(Time & Story Goes)

Nothing can stop me

(Oh yeh oh!! Let's Party !!)

(Oh yeh oh!! Let's Move it !!)

All the dreams that are secured by us

(Oh yeh oh!! Last Party !!)

(Oh yeh oh!! Let's Do it !!)

There is no end to this (Ho !!) One & Only One

Just gotta move x3 Give it to me

Just guess what x3 It's coming

Just gotta move x3 Give it to me

Just guess what x3 It's coming

Run Just run Guess what It' coming Hoo × 4 Run Run Run!!!

Hey!! The gorgeous us Hey Come on!!

Again Hey!! I can only breathe on stage

We just don't like it We have made all this

(Hey) Please dont look at it as if they were easy

(Time & Story Goes) Our New Story

(Time & Story Goes) There's no way to stop it

(Oh yeh oh!! Let's Party !!)

(Oh yeh oh!! Let's Move it !!)

All the dreams that are secured by us

(Oh yeh oh!! Last Party !!)

(Oh yeh oh!! Let's Do it !!)

There is no end to this (Ho !!) One & Only One

Always take actions before words New style New music We are first (in actions)

We are like a stop sign where you'll stop when you see it,

Hurt the big nose

So please don't touch us, hey

Old school style Testarosa, hey se orita

Como estas We will get you

There's no time now

Everything I have but I need time.

The many days that felt like dreams

They still doesnt end for me

In my burning heart

Heading to the dreams that are full of passion

(Our direction cant be hidden)

It' gonna be all right!!

Just gotta move x3

Give it to me

Just guess what x3

It's coming

Just gotta move x3

Give it to me

Just guess what x3

It's coming

Run Just run Guess what It' coming Hoo × 4 Run Run Run!!!

Yeah yeah you know

who's back up in this house

All you hates out there,

I'm a tell you one thing,

Get your richard simmons out of here.

(Oh yeh oh!! Let's Party !!)

(Oh yeh oh!! Let's Move it !!)

All the dreams that are secured by us

(Oh yeh oh!! Last Party !!)

(Oh yeh oh!! Let's Do it !!)

There is no end to this (Ho !!) One & Only One

(Oh yeh oh!! Let's Party !!)

(Oh yeh oh!! Let's Move it !!)

Til the day where everything ends Give it to me one more time

(Oh yeh oh!! Last Party !!)

(Oh yeh oh!! Let's Do it !!)

Deep inside the heart (Ho!!)

One & Only One~

We gotta get to it We gotta get to it

I got something new Now do it do it

Credit: Melon (source) + saturn@soompi (translation)

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Guest jean_kkp

wow, you guys are fast! thanks angel2nyt and saturn for romanizing and translating those tracks!

oh gosh? is Club Banger really We can get it on? because WCGIO is actually my fav track and id be so psyched if its written by eric <3 haha.

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Guest angel2nyt

08. So in Love

Composed by Kwon Tae Eun

Written by: Lee Min Woo

So in love naruel baboro mandueneun sarang

show me love kue sokeseonan nun ttuego shipeo

so in love

I want your faith never let go

Everybody just dance to the beat yo

I want your faith never let go go go

A: nado moruege ppuk bbajigo isseo it's so crazy

neoruel gajigo shipeo

katsurok jogeumsshik yong giga piryo haneun geol

i want you to be my girl

M: naui gaseumeul jakku duguenkeorideon ne eolgul bogiman haedo chuwa

D: neomu yeppeun neo kuejeo chinguruman nalsanggakhae hajiman nae maeum neo bbuninde

So in love naruel baboro mandueneun sarang

show me love kue sokeseonan nun ttuego shipeo

so in love ajik mani bujokhan najiman

i know you know kkumkkwueun naesarangeul

I want your faith never let go

Everybody just dance to the beat yo

I want your faith never let go go go

J: Yo! ojik gedaemanui namjaga dwae jukesseo deo isang mansaliji ankesseo

dajimhaesseo i wanna be your man

nega wonhaneun gue saram so be my girlfriend

D: naruel nerrineun naui chingudeuli babo katdago sonkarakjireul haedo

H: meomchuji ana neoreulhwanghan nae modeun ge ijeya yonggi naeeo maralke

So in love naruel baboro mandueneun sarang

show me love kue sokeseonan nun ttuego shipeo

so in love ajik mani bujokhan najiman

i know you know kkumkkwueun naesarangeul

M: dan harumanirado(nan neoui namja)

kkumi ani kil barae

H: dashi taeyonandaedo (nan neoui kyule)

neol wihan najaga dwealke

E: you got me actin' all stupid

neoui love arrowruel naege jojunhae cupid

jamshi seuchineun nunbit, danghanghaeseo otji you got me actin' all goofy

uh shikaneun dorryeo cheomeuro cheom mannan gueddae stop it kuedaero

im so in love

one love

kkeulkkaji jikyeo julteni would you be my lady

So in love naruel baboro mandueneun sarang

show me love kue sokeseonan nun ttuego shipeo

so in love ajik mani bujokhan najiman

i know you know kkumkkwueun naesarangeul

so in love cheomen eosaek haetdeon nayottjiman

show me love ije modeun geoshi nallajyeosseo

so in love naui mameul neukkim su itdamyeon

kiss me kiss me majiman nae sarangeul

this song really reminds me of of the kinds of dance songs they sang when they were still under SM but with a Minwoo touch

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