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Guest lenakeem

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Guest soratino

ahh, I didn't know peace concert got postponed...

now I have a chance!? All that's left is convincing my parents to send me to LA,...and then finding my way around. which prolly won't happen. but I can hope.

I wonder how much the lineup will change though...

guess this means hyesung, jin and M can put more into the 9jib promotions ^^ awesome~

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Guest 80slitenite

I wish I could go to the Peace Concert even though it has been delayed.

Ocean's Six has posted up pics from the concert, but.... they locked it. x_x

Anyone have access? lol

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Guest nurkeyandie

aw, thanks, lingling! is there a shinhwa-us/shinhwa-california club or something? aarrgghh, misery loves company, right, i just wanna find people who'll be as miserable as me when they all go away (and hyesung is left on his own :tears: ) to the a-word.

on a more personal note, and i dunno why i'm sharing this here, i'll be taking my korean language classes very soon... :blush:

edit: shoot, sorry, i didn't mean to own a page coz i have nothing. :o

edit 2: tsk, all us shinhwa fans are going crazy over at the peace concert thread... :tears:

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Guest clairdeluned

Yeah girls, let's all flip out together -_- If they come to HB, I don't care if I have to buy tickets on the black market, I am GOING TO SEE SHINHWA. And to think that for the past few weeks, I'd been hoping that the rest of the Shinhwa members would be added to the Peace Concert. Not the whole thing being postponed. When is Minbongie enlisting anyway?

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Guest miaka0210

aw, thanks, lingling! is there a shinhwa-us/shinhwa-california club or something? aarrgghh, misery loves company, right, i just wanna find people who'll be as miserable as me when they all go away (and hyesung is left on his own :tears: ) to the a-word.

on a more personal note, and i dunno why i'm sharing this here, i'll be taking my korean language classes very soon... :blush:

edit: shoot, sorry, i didn't mean to own a page coz i have nothing. :o

edit 2: tsk, all us shinhwa fans are going crazy over at the peace concert thread... :tears:

yeah I was wondering about that too. coz if there is one I wanna join. Don't worry I'll definitely be one of those people who will be totally miserable when they do leave...ahhhh just thinking about makes me sad already!!!!

anyhow... ahhh I can't believe that I've missed a lot already by not checking this forum for just one day!!!! wow!!!! I'm so jealous of you guys who got to see the concert and for those who got to hear it online. ahhhh!!!!!! why did I had to go to school that day!!!! seems to me it was really an AMAZING CONCERT!!!!

thanks for the pics by the way. they all looookkkkk soooooooooooo good!!!!!!

CAN'T WAIT FOR THE DVD!!! I'm definitely buying it when it comes out!!!!

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Guest lingling22

yeah i saw all the post there at the peace concert thread .. all the shinhwa fans are like.. WTF?....

i'm excited for tonight... but also sad...

Shinhwa....rocks all the time..

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Guest jheizhee

question: what is up with that thing on their arms? the look-a-like tattoo. When i first saw junjin on one of the concert pics, i thought it was real. i was like :o junjin has a tattoo?!

i think andy's hair is soooo adorable on the concert pics.

and i wanna join the shinhwa cali club too hehe.

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Guest ntlove16

question: what is up with that thing on their arms? the look-a-like tattoo. When i first saw junjin on one of the concert pics, i thought it was real. i was like :o junjin has a tattoo?!

i think andy's hair is soooo adorable on the concert pics.

and i wanna join the shinhwa cali club too hehe.

It's just like a tattoo shirt, a lot of celebs wear them before, just for fun ^^

I'm sorry to all shinhwa fans that was planning to go to peace concert.

Thanks to everyone who posted the concert pictures!

Our men sure are beautiful arent they...

I want to pinch Sungie cheek ^^

Eric look very handsome!

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Guest angel2nyt

this is kriza reporting from korea after the concert..

it didn't last 3 hours!! i think it lasted much less than that.. well, it felt so short.. and she pretty much summarized the whole concert... i didn't even notice dongwan was crying!!!

some parts that she didn't mention is that i threw my US flag to the stage right beside hyesung but he didn't notice/care about it.. but then a few songs later, i think it was during the encore, andy picked it up!!! ^^ but then he threw it again to some fan.. lol... i'm so tired right now... but i know i have a very bad short term memory, so i'd better post now or else i'll forget about everything tomorrow.. even now i already forgot most part of it.. >"< but yeah, hyesung was so active today!!! actually they all were.. much more active/spontaneous than the state of the art concert... there was some ricsyung.. and hyesung started it!!! oh i wished to see their tell me dance or at least hyesung's crab dance.. but they didn't do any of that.. and yes they sang some songs from the 9th jib.. the 2nd song was really emotional... i already forgot what made it emotional, but i think they showed a really emotional clip on the background... *hates my short term memory* oh and andy sings his first solo line for a shinhwa song in 1 of the 2 songs..

and they sang a lot of old songs!! haegyulsa, eusha2, t.o.p, only one, first love, prayer.... i love the first love and prayer perf!!! oh and eusha2 was so funny.. they were so playful... then... i forgot during which ment, but i remember hyesung keep pushing dongwan's head and at the end, dongwan knelt with his hands up (like how korean kids get punished).. i forgot what they were talking about though.. seriously, i've never seen them this playful since the 2004 winter concert.. even the usual quiet eric was so playful today.. i really wished they recorded today's concert for the dvd... i didn't take a lot of fancams because i thought they'll put them on dvd anyway, but then on my way back i just remembered tomorrow's concert is the one that's going to be on the dvd!! >"<

anyway, it was the best concert i've ever seen... well, it's actually my first concert ever.. lol.. but i got the best spot ever... right in front of the stage (the extended stage)!! the only person in front of me was a photographer for some press.. though he blocked me a lot when i was taking fancam.. >"< oh yeah, when i said i would not take pictures and just enjoy the concert, i didn't know my seat was that good... so i ended up take a lot of pictures and fancams.. thought most of the results aren't that good.. >"< but this is my favorite:

(ps: i don't know how to mark pics, so please credit me whenever you use it somewhere else)

from the picture you can see i really got a very good spot... and that's not even the best part of it.. i got that best spot because i met a group of 3 girls and we talked.. they were pretty surprised that i came from the US just to see shinhwa.. then they asked me to stay together so i did.. apparently they have 'visitor pass' so we could get into the J section before everybody else.. and during the concert, Junjin even smiled and made hand gesture of saying hi to one of the girls.. and apparently, she is junjin's cousin!!!! so after the concert we could go to the backstage where shinhwa was meeting their families... we could only look at them from the side though since they were talking/taking pictures with their parents/families.. junjin's cousin said hi to him and told him there's a fan from the US.. LOL... i didn't come close to him though, he just greeted me so i greeted him back from the side.. but minwoo and dongwan recognized me from last year!!! ^^

i seriously can't remember anymore right now... i'll try to remember more as i sleep... in the mean time, here's the first part of the mv clip on the concert..


thank you..

first you saw the yoenin website creator, now you actually met jinnie's cousin!!

and you met them!!

arrgghhh how lucky can you get

everyone in bestiz is like going crazy with shinhwa's concert last night

and i mean everyone..

by the way, most media outlets would post their pics today or tomorrow

they didnt post pictures yesterday, because that's the way it is.. i dont want to explain much longer because my mind isnt working well


i feel sad for those who was supposed to be attending the peace concert..

everyone was so excited for it

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Guest kriza_09

where in southern california did they use to live??? did eric live in calabasas or in orange county?

eric used to live in fullerton.. but i think his family lives in orange county now.. andy used to live in fullerton as well.. not sure about now.. and hyesung used to live in granada hills when he was still an exchange student..

Yeah girls, let's all flip out together -_- If they come to HB, I don't care if I have to buy tickets on the black market, I am GOING TO SEE SHINHWA. And to think that for the past few weeks, I'd been hoping that the rest of the Shinhwa members would be added to the Peace Concert. Not the whole thing being postponed. When is Minbongie enlisting anyway?

it's impossible for shinhwa to come together as a group.. dongwan and eric are enlisting this year, so they're not allowed to go out of the country (afraid they might run away.. lol.. well, eric can live in the US with his family, but dongwan???? maybe he can be a mexican ganster?? lol)

oh and minwoo is not enlisting this year... he's going around the same time with junjin coz he's actually registered as a 1980 born.. the founder of yeonin told me this..

oh i heard about the peace concert.. they're lucky nothing can possibly make me upset now.. hahah.. though it'll be cool if i get to see shinhwa 2 weeks in a row.. just to make sure they remember my face.. lol..

about yesterday's concert... after the opening of the concert, they sang 3 songs.. throw my fist, hero, and i forget the last one.. but someone has posted the song list, right?? then they did the introduction.. eric was the first, i think.. he introduced himself as english rapper.. then hyesung.. he introduced himself as orin wangja (young prince).. then i forgot the order of the rest of the members.. andy also introduced himself as english rapper.. then they did the 'like a comet, moving forward, we're shinhwa!' with formation like the one they did in happy together.. i can only remember until that part.. >"< i'll try to remember more...

oh i'm uploading the 2nd part of the MV clip right now.. i can only post the link here probably after coming back from the concert.. so check youtube often..


this part is my favorite.. it's just so shinhwa.. they're so hot in here yet funny and emotional at the same time.. junjin pretended to get shot.. andy did something funny as well.. then eric said 'yah! why did you come this late?? save me quickly!!!' then junjin: 'did you miss us?' eric: 'are you crazy?' dongwan 'ah so you missed us..' lol..

ok, i'm going now.. i'll post more after i get back..

this is kriza reporting from korea..

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Guest clairdeluned

Oh poo, I forgot about that not leaving the country deal. Bah.

Anyway, I am so jealous they recognized you! :w00t: Lucky duck!

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wannie was such a monkey during the show - he kept playing a fool and distracting the fans when each of the members were doing their speeches, until minu "scolded" him. heh.

LOL, I just saw a fancam on kimdongwan.name that illustrates what you're talking about (For non-Koreans, just go to the site and click on the video that's on the page after you click the picture of DW with his camera.) WTF is he doing? Showing off his underwear band? And then doing it to the other members while HS is trying to talk. LOL. He seems to also have gotten "scolded" by Eric (he seems to be doing that a lot to Wannie lately - remember the MV shooting? Be nice to my namja, Mr. Leader! =P). I love my weird, pestering (but of course lovable) Wannie. XD

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Guest ntlove16

Thanks kriza for all the good info!

It make me happy when I read to the part Minwoo wont enlist this year! That mean I get to see him for one more year....

All the worry being washed off for a bit....

Aww, that mean Shinhwa wont have a concert in any other country, not even in asia >.<

Wannie being a mexican mobs? Lol, that's just too funny!

I'm sure they will remember you! ^^

Please please keep us update with all the goodies from the concert! ^^

*cough* fancam *cough* a lot please

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Guest incarnadine

Ahhhh kriza_09, thanks so much for continuously updating us! We know you're busy and really occupied with the concert ~ we really appreciate your sharing your precious experience with us :)

I'm looking forward to the second part of the MV clip! *refreshes kriza09's YT channel*

Concert night again today!!! I can't wait to hear about it. And the pics too!!!

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Guest valmylove

Yah! Kriza, thanks for another update....always refreshing this thread for any updates... Eric, poor eric, of course he misses them.... I can't wait until tonight! Thanks Kriza!!

I wish there's a Shinhwa USA too. It seem like Shinhwa doesn't know there are fans that exist outside of Korea, China and Japan. Hmmmmm....we can we do!!!

Minwoo is registered under 1980???? Yes, another whole year with da sexy man!!! I hope his US debut will be this year then!!! Pray hard!!!

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Guest greenblobfish

Thank you Kriza for the updates! it's like we have our very own reporter live at the scene!

LOL, I just saw a fancam on kimdongwan.name that illustrates what you're talking about (For non-Koreans, just go to the site and click on the video that's on the page after you click the picture of DW with his camera.) WTF is he doing? Showing off his underwear band? And then doing it to the other members while HS is trying to talk. LOL. He seems to also have gotten "scolded" by Eric (he seems to be doing that a lot to Wannie lately - remember the MV shooting? Be nice to my namja, Mr. Leader! =P). I love my weird, pestering (but of course lovable) Wannie. XD

thanks for the link!

it kinda looks like eric really is mad at dongwan!

oh...and can i be in the cali club too?

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Guest CoffeeCraze

this is kriza reporting from korea after the concert..

they sang some songs from the 9th jib.. the 2nd song was really emotional... i already forgot what made it emotional, but i think they showed a really emotional clip on the background... *hates my short term memory* oh and andy sings his first solo line for a shinhwa song in 1 of the 2 songs..

some corrections ... sorry kriza ^_^ the song with the emotional clip and the song with andy singing a verse are two different songs. the song that has the emotional clip was actually "GIDO" which was taken from SM Winter album, but i forgot which year... i know because it's written by KIM DONG WAN :D... the other song was a song from their 1st album... "Neul nae ga weon ha neun keot seun".. not a lot of people know this song since it was never released as a single.

so actually there was only one song from the new album... i thought they would have sung "once more" but they sung this very beautiful song with acoustic guitar... very nice ^_^ can't wait for the album to come out

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Guest PurpleRain

Hyesung's cheek o_O .... BUt i still like him despite of him being chubby or thin..whatever..as long as he is healthy.

>_< Hyesung ah~~~ Now it kinda explain why he became a muscular crab in just a few days,and now to a chubby crab.oh~steroid ..oh..steroid..I'm so worry of him..

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