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Guest lenakeem

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Guest miaka0210

as someone who spazzed out so much over 'just one more time' (i'm actually still spazzing about it - all night last night while i was working it was just playing over and over in my head and it was the only case of last song syndrome that i actually enjoyed and didn't feel annoyed about), i felt compelled to put in my two-cents' worth about the recent comments.

i think minwoo and dongwan have improved greatly as singers and i have much respect for them now coz i know that they actually make or compose songs. i mean, i know eric and hyesung write lyrics, which in itself is a great feat, but to actually make songs out of thin air? that's gotta be talent and hard work coz i know i don't have a song that i've composed and i'm pretty sure most of the people i know can't do it too. junjin, i think, actually has a nice voice, something i didn't expect, and andy, really, it's true that he's much more confident now. i do agree that the ending was pretty abrupt though.

hehehe your just like me too ever since march 24 when I've downloaded the song I've been listening to it constantly. At my house, while I'm driving, while I'm walking to class... so basically I've gone crazy with this song.

As to the opinion of JjReiZhAxP all I could say is...well everybody have their own opinion. I'm glad your being honest and besides you're still a fan right? At least that's a good thing.hehehe.... As for my opinion to the song well as you can see I really am going crazy about it not just because it's a shinhwa song but because of many reasons I believe are behind it..... such as the lyrics are really heartfelt (which I love whenever it comes to songs), the melody was great (a slow r&b in my opinion which really flows very well), the members vocals gave their own thing to the song which I think made a really good harmony when it's all put together. It's very calm and soothing.

In the end I guess all of us just have our own kind of liking to songs. I mean even I have some songs that I kinda don't like from shinhwa (from their old albums). But hopefully though you'll love some of the songs from their new album when it's released. Cause I know they really worked hard on it and it'll be sad if a loyal fan like you would like it at all. So hopefull you'll like it.

p.s. I do have to say though that all of them really improved. I mean for example, I remember hearing the song "crazy" for the first before and at times during the song I was confused if it was hyesung or minwoo that was singing at some parts.

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Guest cpopbaby19

Hmm...'Just one more time'...

What can I say? It's not the title track, it's not suppose to 'make it big'. And remember, it's not a SOLO effort, it's a GROUP one. It's inevitable that not everyone's going to be able to shine in a single song...and that's why Shinhwa's been able to stay together so long...they don't mind letting each other have their moments of fame. As soon as members or fans begin to think that way then Shinhwa will be over. If you're unhappy that someone didn't get to sing then go listen to the members' solos.

Obviously, it's impossible for everyone to like a single song, but....

I'm thankful that Shinhwa released this song as a gift to fans on their 10th birthday...after all, they didn't have to rush it when there's still a good two weeks before the release of their album. My guess is the album will be more polished. Actually, the recycled rap lyrics in this song is a good indication of how much attention they actually paid this song. I do have a hunch that it'll be pretty amazing to watch live since there's so much back and forth.

Format-wise, on the surface, it's pretty Shinhwa standard, so I'm not sure what people were expecting. At the same time, there's one big difference in this song. Hyesung is practically absent from the choruses when his voice is usually overlapped again and again in the older songs...showing some laziness arrangement and production wise. Instead, this time we have Minwoo. If you still find Minwoo too weak for even a back-up vocal...I really don't know what to do for you cuz the man only sang like four main lines. Anyways, in a way, you can say that, if they stay true to the arrangement in the live, they're truly singing as a group this time. It's nice to see them attempting some harmonizing rather than one big sing-a-long. I'm personally quite happy with the song. For me, songs that are too passionate don't make it past the tenth day of listening because they just end up being annoying at some point. Then again, I'm bit of a loveholic and W fan...so I kinda like 'droning' music lolz

As for improvement, I'm a T.O.P. generation fan, and I can't agree the boys haven't improved singing-wise...especially some older solos. Compared to Minwoo's bogoshipda (old fanmeeting version), I was surprised when he sang a few verses during one of the talkshows (had 3 women, can't remember what it was called) last year. It was very nice, and the man can hold two full concerts, one after another on the same day...I think that's saying something. Same with Dongwan's version of I ain't got you during his love mansae days and his recent fanmeeting. I've always thought that studio version recordings can't really be a standard of how much a singer has improved...since a person's voice really don't change that much after puberty...even if it has been 10 years. Agreed, Jinnie's part in the song wasn't perfect, but I'm happy that it has taken on a distinct tone whereas I couldn't even identify him during the 6th jib days. I wouldn't call Jinnie a singer of 10 years, more like 2. Not everyone is born with a god given voice, but they've done so much with what they've got. As for Ricdy's rapping, they have definitely taken on much more confidence. I used to wince a little when Ricdy rapped live...either too soft or off beat, but now Eric is just smexy when he raps live and Andy is much, much more confident.

I am a little disappointed that Jinnie didn't rap in this song, cuz out of the three rappers, I actually like him best. And it was a little awkward that the song ended in a rap...felt a little abrupt. But over all, I like the experimenting they're doing in this song (I can see where they're attempting to go towards...perfs like the remixed T.O.P. during last year's gayos). Frankly, ten years is not a long time at all, I definitely haven't done as much as they have during that time. And granted, there were the rare songs like 'I pray 4 u', gido, etc, but Shinhwa didn't really promote their singing until 6th jib when they did a complete turn-a-bout from their previous stuff with a R&B styled album.

Lastly, put on some headphones...blast it on high...close your eyes, lean back and listen intently~

Perhaps, you'll hear things you didn't before and the song will grow on you :)

You took the words right out of my mouth. :]

There is improvement definitely. All of them were not really good singers to begin with! (Come on, Eusha Eusha was just for the 'cuteness') But then, look at Dongwan and Minwoo now. There are songs from their albums that I didn't like much but they obviously improved, especially minwoo! :]

About Jinnie, I feel his efforts on singing but yeah.. he's not that good in singing, yet! I love his rapping more~ Though it's fine to hear him singing because he proved that he really wants to be diverse and for the sake of Shinhwa, as a group..

And I definitely agree on the head/earphones! ^___^ I did that too when I listen to the song and I must say, I can clearly hear their voices.. and oh, the feelings too~ ;]

first off, i'd like to say that i'm glad you're all open minded. i thought people would actually get angry, but thank you for your input. maybe i was a little too harsh. they did make improvements. what i meant to say was that after ten years of being entertainers they should have improved a lot more than they have. my opinions about the song have not changed, however. i still think the song sounds horrible and their vocals were not pleasant.

hi malou! nice to see you. haha. minwoo still sounds the same to me. lol. i just listened to i pray 4 you earlier and the quality of his voice hasn't changed. to me anyway. the quality of jin's voice has definitely changed. his voice sounded so sweet in the 6th album (although he really REALLY sucked at singing live. watch their 6th story dvd and you'll know what i mean), but now his voice just sounds so forced and weird. his smoking probably has something to do with it.

as for the album, i can't judge it with just one song. you

i agree, but i didn't judge their entire album. i just simply stated that my disappointment with 'just one more time' lowered my excitement for their 9th album. i'm hoping that the other songs are better than this one. =)

i understand. i know my comments weren't very nice, but i just wanted to say how i felt about the song. i've actually said a lot worst about shinhwa, but through it all i'm still their fan. just because i'm a fan doesn't mean i have to think they're perfect... of course i'm not saying that you think they're perfect. i think it's actually a good thing that i can love them despite all their imperfections. and yes, i did use earphones, and i did listen to the song. i held the ear piece close to my ears, and the more i listened the harder it was to continue on because... they kind of hurt my ears... kind of. so i'm sorry if you felt insulted, and i'm sorry the song is such a disappointment to me. i kind of didn't like it when people said that the song was 'shinhwa.' if that's the case, then dang! that sucks. i'm sure they can pull off something a lot better than that out of their talent box if you know what i mean. =)

i'm really glad we can all be mature about this. other fans are just freakishly closed minded and won't take any sort of criticisms about the group or groups they adore.

Well, some of the things you said are true, but you know, it doesn't mean that if one person disagrees with another it results in a fight. :lol::P <3 <3 We should all LOVES each other (yeah, purposely said that. XD) <3

Well, you're not the only one. I actually didn't like their early albums because.. iono seemed tacky but then it grew on me later on~ Maybe it just takes time on some things. :] And I'm hearing news that dashi han beonman wouldn't be their title track for the 9th album, so yeah~ And of course, there would be other songs! XD <3 <3 We're all anticipating for that. ;)

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

after i read everyone's comments about shinhwa's new song 'just one more time,' i tried to listen to it as soon as possible because of all the hype and excitement everyone showed for it. some people said they listened to it for hours and that it was beautiful. i'm not trying to bash shinhwa or anything, i just want to be honest. i really expected a lot more from them considering it's their last album and their next one won't come out until years from now. i felt the song was almost a complete disappointment, and the boys didn't do very well in it. hyesung's voice is always beautiful, but everyone else did pretty bad. no matter how much i love jin, his part was pretty... horrible. his voice was not pretty at all, and his singing was just not up to par. dongwan was alright. eric's narration was really annoying and it gave me shivers (the not-so-pleasant kind). minwoo's vocals were weak and andy's rap was also annoying.

i know this is a shinhwa thread, and most people would probably see my comments as an insult, but i just wanted to be honest. no matter how much i respect the boys, they really aren't all that great. =( i know they work hard. i know they put all their efforts into it, but DANG. they've been in the entertainment business for 10 years, and they've made little improvement since their debut... singing wise. i find that kind of... sad.

i AM a fan, by the way. i've supported them for years regardless of their shortcomings, so don't think i'm just some idiot who doesn't know much about them. i've followed them since their 6th album, so i'm pretty sure i know quite a few things about them. =)

i pre-ordered the 9th album last week just to support them. after hearing 'just one more time,' though, my excitement for the album has pretty much calmed down.

hm, what exactly is a great song to you? one with tenors? bass? baritone? one that has different voicing for each type of voice? one that can be.. let's say... hm... dong- nevermind.

but don't worry, we are not angry. it's your opinion. we can't change it. that's why it's called "your opinion". since it's yours. since you thought of it. since you formed it inside your head. but we, we didn't. it's not "our opinion".

first off, i'd like to say that i'm glad you're all open minded. i thought people would actually get angry, but thank you for your input. maybe i was a little too harsh. they did make improvements. what i meant to say was that after ten years of being entertainers they should have improved a lot more than they have. my opinions about the song have not changed, however. i still think the song sounds horrible and their vocals were not pleasant.

hi malou! nice to see you. haha. minwoo still sounds the same to me. lol. i just listened to i pray 4 you earlier and the quality of his voice hasn't changed. to me anyway. the quality of jin's voice has definitely changed. his voice sounded so sweet in the 6th album (although he really REALLY sucked at singing live. watch their 6th story dvd and you'll know what i mean), but now his voice just sounds so forced and weird. his smoking probably has something to do with it.

as for the album, i can't judge it with just one song. you

i agree, but i didn't judge their entire album. i just simply stated that my disappointment with 'just one more time' lowered my excitement for their 9th album. i'm hoping that the other songs are better than this one. =)

i understand. i know my comments weren't very nice, but i just wanted to say how i felt about the song. i've actually said a lot worst about shinhwa, but through it all i'm still their fan. just because i'm a fan doesn't mean i have to think they're perfect... of course i'm not saying that you think they're perfect. i think it's actually a good thing that i can love them despite all their imperfections. and yes, i did use earphones, and i did listen to the song. i held the ear piece close to my ears, and the more i listened the harder it was to continue on because... they kind of hurt my ears... kind of. so i'm sorry if you felt insulted, and i'm sorry the song is such a disappointment to me. i kind of didn't like it when people said that the song was 'shinhwa.' if that's the case, then dang! that sucks. i'm sure they can pull off something a lot better than that out of their talent box if you know what i mean. =)

i'm really glad we can all be mature about this. other fans are just freakishly closed minded and won't take any sort of criticisms about the group or groups they adore.

yep, shinhwa fans are mostly open minded. it's because through those 10 years, we have matured with SHINHWA.

shinhwa can't please everybody. everybody has their own preferences.

i'm sorry if i keep on saying "we" and not including "you". i just don't have the heart to.

oh look, i owned a page. hooraahhh...

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Guest jangneri

I would have love to put MY opinion on the present comment that the thread had suddenly been posting but I decided not to since I think all the other girls pretty much said what I wanted to say. It's kind of sad if we continue this criticisms and such because this thread is all about Shinhwa love. I think we all agree with that right? So I think what JjReiZhAxP had put some of us feeling a bit down (I know I did) but hey, I love Shinhwa, you guys love Shinhwa so I'm happy. I don't think my opinion would cause anyone to change hers so I would rather go on and spazz about the upcoming concert than continue on with that depressing and seemingly hurtful topic. (not that I'm saying JjReiZhAxP wanted us hurt. lol)

So let's move on, Shall we?

And I tried listening with my earphones~ and yes, it was amazing. :D

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Guest nutzie

i actually agree with krizza on this one..

when you guys said it wasn't up to your expectation, what did you guys expect anyways? catchy songs that would make korea go wild like wonder girls' tell me? i don't think that would be something that i would expect out of shinhwa O_o"

and i don't understand the part about minwoo's voice not changing and all.. you're complaining that minwoo didn't improve his vocals, but junjin did change and you hated it.. that's.. contradiction O_o

to me, releasing a ballad kinda song at this time is more appropriate for the event, rather than something with a catchy tune or a dance song.. although i think the title track might actually be that..

i personally really enjoy this song, it's something i listen to while swaying side to side [yes i'm weird, if that answers your question] which i've been doing for the past 2 days or so.. and to me, although not catchy, it kept playing in my mind for the whole day.. needless to say, i think you know which side i'm at..

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Guest incarnadine

[Pics] 080327 Shinhwa - 10th Anniversary Site Production Note


credit Shinhwa10th site + Ocean's Six

MinJinSung look so cute! I see "RAP GYO" in the captions... was Sungie rapping? ^^ and in the end caption it seemed to be cheering "GO Pak Choong! GO Pak Choong!"


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i actually agree with krizza on this one..

when you guys said it wasn't up to your expectation, what did you guys expect anyways? catchy songs that would make korea go wild like wonder girls' tell me? i don't think that would be something that i would expect out of shinhwa O_o"

and i don't understand the part about minwoo's voice not changing and all.. you're complaining that minwoo didn't improve his vocals, but junjin did change and you hated it.. that's.. contradiction O_o

to me, releasing a ballad kinda song at this time is more appropriate for the event, rather than something with a catchy tune or a dance song.. although i think the title track might actually be that..

i personally really enjoy this song, it's something i listen to while swaying side to side [yes i'm weird, if that answers your question] which i've been doing for the past 2 days or so.. and to me, although not catchy, it kept playing in my mind for the whole day.. needless to say, i think you know which side i'm at..

I must agree with you, i dont know what people really expected from them but the song alreayd satisfy me. I dont think we really need a catchy song for shinhwa, i think just one more time is a catchy enough for us fans or must i say myself. I think minwoo's voice is amazing, i dont think he needs to change or improve on his vocals, even if he does i think he has a nice voice already. I really like the song too, its been playing over and over on my playlist.

picklupickly; thanks for the poc <3 ahhas so ciute yet so much memories <3

incarnadine; thanks for sharing .. they look like they're having fun <3 i really cant wait any longer ._.

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Guest cpopbaby19



HAHAHA haven't seen Shinhwa girl pics for the longest time! XD HAHAH

OMFG!!! Dongwan's picture as a girl is so.... @_@ AHHHHHHHHH XD AHHAHAA I seriously cracked up! XD HAHAHAHAH <3 <3

Hyesung and Jinnie is so pretty~~ *__* Btw, is that Hyesung showing HIS belly? ROFLMAO! :lol:

[Pics] 080327 Shinhwa - 10th Anniversary Site Production Note


credit Shinhwa10th site + Ocean's Six

MinJinSung look so cute! I see "RAP GYO" in the captions... was Sungie rapping? ^^ and in the end caption it seemed to be cheering "GO Pak Choong! GO Pak Choong!"


Awww~ I love the pictures~ =] I wanna join them in the studio~~ XD <3 <3

And dang, Junjin~~ *__* His muscles and the glasses~ fkjdlkgfdghd :w00t: <3

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moving on...

ha ha ha go pak chong?

aw that's cute

ha ha ha

aish minu is everywhere


aigo the female version of shinhwa is hilarious

and pretty

so cute

aish i know that in korea

fans will prepare cheer for every song for a concert stuff

and since i am not quite familiar with concert before

could u guys tell me

do all songs have cheer?

or just fast song

can u give me an example

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Guest JjReiZhAxP

nope. i didn't wanna hurt anyone's feelings =). i just wanted to share my opinion about 'just one more time.'

hm, what exactly is a great song to you? one with tenors? bass? baritone? one that has different voicing for each type of voice? one that can be.. let's say... hm... dong- nevermind.

i like both groups for different reasons. my being a dongbangshingi fan has nothing to do with my opinion about 'just one more time.' yes, i expected better vocals from the shinhwa members, but that's because i know they can do better than how they sang in 'just one more time.' i just expected shinhwa to come out with something better for their 10th anniversary, i guess.

i see some of you have disregarded what i have said about me being a shinhwa fan. that's a little unfortunate.

i think you guys misunderstood me completely.

you're complaining that minwoo didn't improve his vocals, but junjin did change and you hated it.. that's.. contradiction O_o

that's not a contradiction. junjin CHANGED his vocals. he didn't improve it. not for this song anyway. i thought his voice was beautiful in 'once in a lifetime' and in 'gihwe' but not in 'just one more time.'

to me, releasing a ballad kinda song at this time is more appropriate for the event, rather than something with a catchy tune or a dance song

i didn't say anything about the genre. a more sentimental song would be the most appropriate for their 10th anniversary, but i just expected to hear a BETTER SONG and a better singing and rapping.

i personally really enjoy this song

that's cool. i'm only trying to say that i didn't.

hmm... this thread should be in celebration mode for shinhwa's 10th anniversary. i'm sorry for disturbing the peace. good night.

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Guest eunicenyl

Gosh labingtatlo, u're cool!

Yah i mean tat everyone's entitled to have their own opinions, preferences & stuff...but sumtimes mayb we need 2 b alittle bit more tactful wif wat we're gonna say rite?

Or mayb at times dere may b things where we jz need 2 keep it 2 ourselves & consider the feelings of others?

Aniwae i guess ,tis thread being so open minded, anyone's free 2 comment with limits...hee

Personally, i lyk the song! And i've to say tat they did improved!!

Shinhwa mayb not the best singers ard but it more den tat tat made me love them...

Sumtimes it isnt entirely abt the outcomes or results...but oso abt the processes & efforts tat they put in!

Oh man, tks 4 those pics, picklypickly & incarnadine ^_^

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Guest angel2nyt

i have to agree with kriza and as much as i want to appreciate the comments...


but DANG. they've been in the entertainment business for 10 years, and they've made little improvement since their debut... singing wise. i find that kind of... sad.

i beg to disagreee..

i have a collection of all their songs, and you can see the improvement in their voices.. espcially wannie

it makes me sad..

because i REALLY try to understand your comments..

but some things may be subjective(like saying junjin's voice is horrible, because that's the kind of thick voice a lot of people like me likes or saying that the song disappoints you) and that's okay

BUT improvement isnt.. its objective..

and if you dont see that

i dont know..

i must also admit that i didnt like the song at first, but since i didnt want to dampen everybody's mood and because i started liking it after hearing the song twice.. i just didnt say anything

all in all, i wished you could just have said your diappointment more nicely..


why are they calling junjin park choong?(i know about his real name of course, but doespark choong mean something in korean?)

aaarrrgghh we cant see hyesung properly

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aish we are trying to move on

so pls...

this is not how i want to feel when i come to this thread

this is nonsense

ur opinion is ur opinion and others is others'

let just leave it like that pls

hmm... this thread should be in celebration mode for shinhwa's anniversary. i'm sorry for disturbing the peace. good night

it would help if u stop replying...


anyway i was talking about this before

but this is what shinwachangjo-ers have come up with

the oath they gonna say at the concert

Shinhwa Changjo SunSeoMun (Shinhwa Changjo Oath)

Hana! (Together)

나 신화창조는 Na Shinhwa Changjo Neun (I Shinhwa Changjo)

Hana! (Together)

신화가 돌아올때 까지 ShinhwaGa DoRaUlTtae KkaJi (Until Shinhwa comes back)

Hana! (Together)

절대로 한눈팔지않고 JeolDaeRo HanNunPalJiAhnGo (Will never look at others)

Hana! (Together)

신화만 기다릴 것을 ShinhwaMan KiDaRil GeoSeul (Will only wait for Shinhwa)

Hana! (Together)

영원히 맹새합니다 YeongWeonHi MaengSaeHabNiDa (I hereby swear, forever)


u can check the full version here


cute isnt it

i like the 3rd and 4th line

ha ha ha

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Guest incarnadine

lol... those girlie shinhwa pics are sooooo funny and cute >> they all look so pretty! They sure know how to project :D thanks so much for sharing, picklypickly.

angel2nyt >> I have no idea why they said Pak Choong. I guess it means something funny... Korean is very contextual. I'm looking forward to the translations :)

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Guest nurkeyandie

ahahaha! thanks for the picspam, picklypickly! i swear jinnie's pretty! and please, hyesung, you don't have wannie's waistline so cover yourself up! hahaha! when was that!?!? omg, they're so pretty it's kinda scary! hahaha!

and thanks for the new production note, incarnadine. haha, why is jinnie just wearing a muscle shirt while hyesung is all wrapped up in a hoodie? aww, i hope he's not sick.

aarrgghh, i really envy those who'll be going to their concerts...and i said the oath quietly, chubby green. but i really don't think i needed the oath coz i've been a kpop fan for more than a year now but i've never been as interested in (or as adoring of) other groups. so yeah, i will wait for shinhwa only.

hana, dul, set! sing with me, girls: bimulcheoreom~~ ^-^

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gawd i have been saying those oath since last night

wish i could say it to them but aish

actually i can wait for them cause they are the only group that i love who will be away

but to look only at shinhwa

aish that would be alil bit hard

ha ha ha

but i will wait for them

no matter it will takes me 4 or 5 years

i will definitely wait for them

and as i will definitely cry when they leave

i will also cry when they come back


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Guest incarnadine

lmao nurkeyandie, your comments cracked me up :lol: by the way, call me Malou ^^ omo, I didn't notice belly-baring Hye Sung! His geisha pic is priceless, LOL.

I think I've seen Sungie dress up like that even before -- fully clothed, wearing the hood and dark glasses. Jin, on the other hand, was the exact opposite -- wearing a tank, dorky (but cute) glasses and with hair tied up into a half-pony. M looked so adorable in that yellow-orange track suit, too ^^


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I'm studying...really...*but I keep checking on this thread* lolz

Thanks incarnadine for posting the production note :D

Ah~ Minjin is laughing so hard in the last pic lolz

Sungie must've not done his hair cuz his hoodie's up XD

Jinnie's so dorky in those glasses...ah~ haven't seem him laugh so hard for awhile now *glomp*

That yellow jacket must be Minwoo's new fave or he's so busy with his own and Shinhwa's album, he just wakes up and puts on whatever (doesn't everyone do that during deadlines?) lolz So far, I've seen it on inkigayo (at least I think it's inkigayo), 2 days ago on fun fun radio, some random appearance and here in the production notes lolz And all within one month ^^

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Guest nurkeyandie

hi, malou! i swear they're so pretty it's really freakin me out. haha! wait, is that wannie clutching that black and white stuffed toy/whatever it is (the girl-pic before andy) or is that jinnie? coz if it's wannie, i have to say he's the prettiest of the bunch. heehee! aarrgghh, i guess all the people who can translate the production note for us are already sleeping. gosh, i hope hyesung gets to rap coz i swear he secretly wants to be a rapper! i don't remember when it was we were discussing how hyesung also does backup rap when they perform live (that's probably 20 million pages back in this thread, haha!) and how he looks so happy doing it (e.g. match made in heaven mv and love letter ep with han ji hye).

hehehe your just like me too ever since march 24 when I've downloaded the song I've been listening to it constantly. At my house, while I'm driving, while I'm walking to class... so basically I've gone crazy with this song.

this is so me too! i swear, it's the first thing i listen to in the morning, i play it while i'm in the shower, while i'm dressing up, in my car, it's my ringtone, it's playing right now! ^-^

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