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Guest lenakeem

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Was reading reactions to shinhwa's mv image...and it seems many ppl agree that syundy look the best, but I think it's because they look pretty much like their normal selves :sweatingbullets: lolz I do wonder how Eric got held hostage...any guesses? Maybe the other mob group just mistaken Eric for one of them (seeing how no one knew Eric was korean in high school :sweatingbullets:) and adopted him...a big misunderstanding XD

And like I said before, it's cool to see this new Shinhwa image. Being a long time fan and seeing the guys in their various changes from album to album, it's good to see them break a little from the traditional men in suits ^^ I think when you've seen them in all the cute, cool and nude XD acts possible, it comes a time where a fan wonders what they're willing to try :)

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Guest 80slitenite

After seeing the behind the scenes pic (thank you incarnadine^^) It finally hit me who Minwoo reminded me off - John Leguizamo as Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet movie. Does it seem a bit too farfetched? hahaha

I don't recall reading the name of the song they are doing the mv too. Is that info released yet?

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Guest incarnadine

crystalis: I agree with you... I think most people of Shinhwa fans prefer Hye Sung and Andy's looks because the changes to them weren't too drastic, as opposed to thos of Eric, Jun Jin, Min Woo and Dong Wan. I may not be a big fan of their individual looks in this MV, but I am totally loving the whole concept. Plus, I think our boys still look SO hot and manly and masculine. I guess some people tend to forget that this is for their MV, in which they are actors who portray roles. If it so happened that their MV was to be held in a circus wherein they'll be dressed as clowns, it's the same thing -- it's just for the MV, not the whole album.

80snitelite: You're very welcome :) lol, I think a lot of people saw the resemblance in look and character between Minwoo and John Leguizamo in Romeo+Juliet. I agree, M was totally channeling Leguizamo ^^ But I don't mind, I thought Tybalt was hot in that movie!

There are TONS more photos which are high-quality but they're just too many; I'll see if I find the time and energy to upload and post them here. Plus, there are a LOT of articles right now, so let's watch out for those ^^

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Guest incarnadine

I came across an old but cute and funny clip of Shinhwa in a Dog Show in 2002 ^^


Kim Jong Kook was here with his dog... it's so hilarious how the dog had a 'voice over' where he was saying his thoughts :lol: Wan, Min, Andy and Sung didn't look so comfortable having their palms licked by the dog... and when it was Jin's turn, the host said he should let the dog kiss him ~ but he dog was avoiding him! Eric was the only one who looked comfy ^^

EDIT: English translation of an article, at last!!!

SHINHWA 10th anniversary VS SHINHWA


"Do you know how to shoot?" "Please dont be late again"

Taken many NGs scene on brotherhood, elder brother who set fault on younger brother's lateness. SHINHWA 9th album hit track MV shooting scene started off in a "criticizing situation". Youngest member Andy was the first who came, while he was holding an empty gun taking his shot scene on the field, arrived Hyesung. Hyesung talked to Andy in a bully but loving way, and while they were having a little mouth fighting with words to each other, the other members arrive one by one. They did not even prepared anything for the shooting, they just grab their outfit and started making joke with it, using that as a replacement on greetings. LeeMinWoo felt that JunJin's outfit of the day looks the same as his dad Charlie Park, and he joke "Dad! Please do a dance for me". When Hyesung was filming his scene holding a gun in his hand and said "Now shoot right at Eric."

Because everybody is smart so we walkdown everything together to have today

Because everybody knows how we should live

- KimDongWan


“Had never thought of who is our opponent group. Because we are all busy fighting with each other. Haha” – Shin HyeSung


Looking at these 6 man gathering together from after such a long time is like something which cant be discribe. When KimDongWan arrived the scene, he took out his camera and start snapping the members, Eric in his breaktime he asked his mate to hop into his car and start playing game. You can say that because it is in an area where wind and sunlight was so quiet but they had made it turn out to be a cozy situation. Although it is for the hit song MV shotting, but the atmosphere was relaxing, it is just like what SHINHWA had presented to everybody now. Although they are the local most longevity idol group, but due to their solo activities, their own management company, but they still have their own fame as an artist. They have their own car, their own staff and worker.

During my solo activities, I had once thought “Why am I alone”

I will have moments of loneliness too, and that is very tiring.

- Andy


Althoug it is just an Mv Shooting, but they have the time to gather around and doing the chat together. When there is a member is trying to change their outfit according to the scene needed, the other members will keep playing. They even make some nicknames to each other such as "Alessandro" & "Carlos". Because the funny South American clothing style was SHINHWA first try for the MV. Their hit song MV concept is actually a comedy but yet evil making of a gangster movie, the member wore the American outfit where they wont be wearing for another 2nd time and pose in the field. Specially to LeeMinWoo who received "The Best Outfit Award". MinWoo had done exactly what the director wanted him to be, like Leonardo Dicaprio in movie "Romeo & Juliet" where Juliet cousin brother image was the same as him, thus has receive everyone's attention and praises.

Saying that it’s 10th anniversary, but there will be no special performances

The most meaningful part is, because it is the 10th years, it is already been 10 years

- Eric


Holding out a hand to grab hold the member who had back out, the person at the front shared his luck with the rest of the members (laugh)

That’s how we had gone through for 10 years.

- LeeMinWoo


Because of this outfit, so the media's photographer had a difficult time on not being able to shoot "the handsome pictures" but a "funny pictures" of them, but this is what SHINHWA could do now. Currently, being as a group, being as a solo, they have their own popularity and fame, because they dont have any stress laying back down behind them and they had a humour while shooting together. SHINHWA was not only charming, but also had a funny side of them, the member just could not stop expressing their excitement on their face. While Eric was filming on his gorgeous side while holding the gun in his hand ans was about to shoot out the bullet off from his gun, who would know that he will suddenly shout "Bang Bang" out from his mouth.

Being as an idol group who had walk down together for 10 years, from popularity, friendship and etc. Just when they are together they will naturally expresses out their own charm and energy. MV Director wanted them to look at the sun set and walk with a smile hanging on their face, but they shouting and talking and smiling while walking forward on the road. There were no special word phrase of content, no, it was like a beautiful scenery, but they made the atmosphere up to a cozy standard and cracked everybody around the scene with laughters. This is the energy that had made SHINHWA to be together for 10 years. Just like a group of people who are going to end their own current generation to a higher level of position, SHINHWA looking at the sunset walking out from the scene, this MV, will the their last shooting along on these 10 years. When the shooting ended, they heavily repeated their famous phrases, "Hi everybody, we are SHINHWA!"

On the 10th anniversary Concert, we would want to show everybody as a group

not me and my solo, because we are together as one

- JunJin


Source: magzine t&oceans

Cn Trans: jojoyu7@shinhwachina

Eng Trans: amane86@shinhwa.biz

**please do not hotlink & take out only with proper credit**

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^Thanks for the article and clip! <3

80silentnite is right. Minwoo does look like that actor from Romeo+Juliet. At first, I wasn't sure who she was talking about till I re-looked carefully. lol.

I personally love how they are trying new styles, but either way I don't like those hairstyles. I want to grab a comb and go through their hair. But it's Shinhwa-cute so I'm good. The theme probably fits the song so it's understandable. :)

I think the plot might be, Eric took a plastic cup from their table and things ensued from there. LOL I hope they do something original, and not like they were dealing drugs/messing with the boss's woman etc. Or just plain bumping into one of them and getting pissed.

Anyway here's a short clip I found. I don't think it's been shared yet?

(SUBBED) Happy together Minwoo, Andy cut

credit: nglkt@YT

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Guest incarnadine

hee hee panhia -- if you read the article above, it mentions that the MV is going to be a mix of comedy-Mexican gangster kind of genre. So I think the funny hairstyles, wardrobe and accessories were actually intended or contrived :) I cracked up at Minwoo's comment that Jin looked like his dad Charlie Park! And yeah, it turns out that Minwoo was indeed instructed to be like Tybalt in Romeo+Juliet ^^

The last line of the article made me a little sad though... *sniffs*

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incarnadine- The last line made me sniff to *.* By the way, I'm Amy. Thanks for posting the articles/pics here and of course, thanks always to jojoyu and amane for translating these things :) It feels like I just read these at shinhwachina and it's already translated here ^^ I agree with what you said, and it is a bit frustrating that the point that they're playing roles is not getting across. I hope that MV itself gives everyone a big shock-u haha~

So it turned out to be comedy after all :sweatingbullets: It's so perfectly Shinhwa and funny to hear the media had a hard time getting their 'handsome pictures'. Chances are, 10 years from now, Shinhwa will probably laugh their heads off at themselves. I particularly love ricwanminsyung's quotes...they have this amused, but ringing truth to them.

Wonder who's Carlos and who's Alessandrio... And of course, the guys have to be late for filming :sweatingbullets: Wonder if the MV concept is involved around that. Shinhwa mob has a meeting with rival mob, but the only one who showed up on time was Leader Eric >_< And Minwoo must have done a good job because so many people said he resembled Tybalt lolz He must be having a blast since he's always playfully flattening his hair to one side when he's being funny. I lub my smexy M.

Dunno why, really like ricmin in 'couple outfit'. The hair and the causual sweats make it all the funnier or something. Wannie always has his camera with him :) Can't wait for him to blog and it's good to see him smiling so hard (It's been kinda rare lately). Jinnie and that toothpick in his mouth is just love. He has such pretty white skin and I wonder if we'll get to see his daddy's 'sa gwa' dance. Hyesung seriously looks good, and as always, he sounds loud behind the scenes. Cute Andy playing a 'gangpai-ish' role reminds me of the love letter episode with Kim Min Jung and that one scene from NN4 (where he tries to scare off Ye Seul's date) for some reason lolz And I can totally see Eric going 'bang bang' ;) .

I'll stop before I end up commenting on every little pic in that collage :P

PS I wonder what they're saying about Hyesung in the last pic haha~ Okay, what can I say? I can't wait to see the mvs and interviews!

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It's just a few more days till their 10th anniversay, my heart is so full with all kinds of emotions running through me. I will miss them soooooooooo much when they all go off to do their patriotic duties. Seeing all these wonderful photos and links from all you wonderful Shinhwaers I'm touched by the unity and the love that we all have for these six men. Right now I'm listening to "I'll never let you go" now and just feel like my heart is breaking.... but I know this....

I will never, never let them go. Once a fan, ALWAYS a Fan.... Forever...

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Guest kfosho

can't wait to laugh my butt off.

hmm i don't think shinhwa has ever done that kind of mv...where its funny and especially teh mexican theme (:

ahah intersting.

which is why i love shinhwa sooo much.

ha i wonder if the song is gonna be funny too? probaby is.

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Guest clairdeluned
:lol: I had to laugh a little when I saw their concept for 9th jib, since I haven't seen most of them with slick hair and mustaches before :P They still look fabulous though (Hyesung... *dies*)! I'm so excited, only a few days left until the 10th anniversary! :D
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Guest nurkeyandie

aaahh, i LOVE this thread. thanks for all the news and pics, especially that one pic showing the famed ricsyung love. haha! where my ricsyung girls at? holla! ^-^ i swear, i've been on this thread for almost a year now, and to this day, no one's been able to answer this question: why is eric so in love with hyesung? really, i think eric has a man-crush on sungie, which is so adorkable, but sometimes i'm so jealous i feel like smacking eric on the head and saying, "dude, sungie's ours!" haha!

and ever since the mv pics came out, i've been seeing a lot of comments like, "i've never liked hyesung before but now he looks hot." so i dunno if i and my fellow sungie devotees should be happy or sad, but i guess it's more love for hyesung and the boys so yeah, we gotta share the love, right? what?!? did i even make sense there? haha! anyway, i'm just so happy that judging from the pics, the boys had so much fun during the shoot. ^-^

edit: and those pics of dongwan and his camera...*sigh* but the minute i start to get misty-eyed about how much wannie loves his shinhwa brothers, i see in my head that pic of him checking his hair with a hand-held mirror and i start to giggle...coz what does wannie love more than his camera? his mirror! ^-^

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Guest PurpleRain

aaahh, i LOVE this thread. thanks for all the news and pics, especially that one pic showing the famed ricsyung love. haha! where my ricsyung girls at? holla! ^-^ i swear, i've been on this thread for almost a year now, and to this day, no one's been able to answer this question: why is eric so in love with hyesung? really, i think eric has a man-crush on sungie, which is so adorkable, but sometimes i'm so jealous i feel like smacking eric on the head and saying, "dude, sungie's ours!" haha!

and ever since the mv pics came out, i've been seeing a lot of comments like, "i've never liked hyesung before but now he looks hot." so i dunno if i and my fellow sungie devotees should be happy or sad, but i guess it's more love for hyesung and the boys so yeah, we gotta share the love, right? what?!? did i even make sense there? haha! anyway, i'm just so happy that judging from the pics, the boys had so much fun during the shoot. ^-^

edit: and those pics of dongwan and his camera...*sigh* but the minute i start to get misty-eyed about how much wannie loves his shinhwa brothers, i see in my head that pic of him checking his hair with a hand-held mirror and i start to giggle...coz what does wannie love more than his camera? his mirror! ^-^

Exactly ...Hyesung's getting a lot of attention this time :blush:I feel happy for him ^^

"Oh..Hyesung's unbelievable hot this time","i have never seen him this hot before", "Is that Sungie??..he's so sexy..i can't believe my eyes","Hyesung = nosebleed","how can i overlook the potential in this hot man..i must be blind"...You can read comments like this every where ^^ puaha...really funny

"As for Eric..gosh ! I'm full with envy when he hugged Hyesung like that..."Eric yah..that kind of hug is too intimate ok.."..haha...But Ricsyung couple is just too adorable..Maybe u'r right that he does has a man-crush on Sungie... :sweatingbullets: ..woohoo~~

Eric with his superman curls...Funny looking but really suit him well.

Wannie looks like 'HOratio' in CSI Miami when he lowered the sunglasses..lol ..can't wait for his funny blog :D

Seriously,Jinnie looks a lot like his dad in this style ..i know that i sound silly for such comment ..hah. :lol:


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Guest angel2nyt

Was reading reactions to shinhwa's mv image...and it seems many ppl agree that syundy look the best, but I think it's because they look pretty much like their normal selves :sweatingbullets: lolz I do wonder how Eric got held hostage...any guesses? Maybe the other mob group just mistaken Eric for one of them (seeing how no one knew Eric was korean in high school :sweatingbullets:) and adopted him...a big misunderstanding XD

a lot of people have been wondering why of all shinhwa members is eric the one being hostaged..


i mean it would have been more understandable if it was andy


but then again, we still dont know a lot about the mv except the concept.. and that eric is the one hostaged

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Guest aindy

[News] 080320 Shinhwa's thoughts about their 10th anniversary




In the fiercely competitive landscape of the music scene of the past 10 years, they have stayed firmly at the top. Soon to celebrate their 10th anniversary on March 24, they are Shinhwa!

Within these 10 years, many singers have come and gone, but Shinhwa has stayed on to earn the honour of being the longest-running group in the Kpop world, in the midst of the consistent support and love from their fans.

We met up with the Shinhwa members on 19 March at Gyeonggi-do where they were filming the MV for their 9th album, and though they haven't got together in a long time, the members were all wearing the brightest smiles on their faces.

The backdrop of the MV is a Mexican setting, where the 5 members have to rescue Eric who was being held hostage by a rival gang.

To celebrate their 10th anniversary Shinhwa will be releasing their 9th album in early April, as well as hold their 10th anniversary concert on 29/30 March at Seoul's Olympic Park.


▶I am suddenly starting to feel that 10 years isn't really a big deal. When we first made our debut, I thought that I'd be a father after 10 years..... (laughs) I think I'd like to spend the next 10 years like this.

Of course I don't feel that 10 years have passed. But during the concert, as some members will be enlisting soon, the thought of it being the last concert we have before enlistment will probably make me sad. We're now having dance rehearsals and rehearsing with the band for the concert. There's a song on the album, the lyrics are about saying goodbye, so that's really sad.


▶On one hand you can say that the 10 years, it has been a long time, on the other hand, it hasn't exactly been that long. To me it feels like a very short period of time. I'm very contented to have so much love from so many fans and other younger singers, thank you.


▶I don't really feel anything. Looking back, I only feel gratitude to my fantastic members and fans that I've had for the past 10 years. I'm very blessed. The fact that I've spent 10 years as part of Shinhwa, that makes me feel very blessed. If I had the chance to go back in time, I'd still choose Shinhwa.


▶No matter if it's 10 years ago, or now, Shinhwa is still the same. Even though we're able to show different sides of us during our solo activities, that's about it. Nothing has changed when the 6 of us get together. We're like old friends who haven't met in a while, we'll have lots of fun and feel really good.


▶Being recognized as the longest-running group who will be celebrating our 10th anniversary, I'm very proud of that. Before we enlist, we've already been through not 8, not 9, but 10 years. That's great. Before I enlist, I'd like to release a solo album, so I'm working hard on that. But I'm wondering if I'll make it in time for this year? I might delay my enlistment date one last time.


▶Although I feel that time has passed by too quickly, but because I've worked hard, I don't have any regrets. Also, since the hyungs are going to enlist soon, there's a corner of my heart that really hurts. I feel that Andy and I should bring our enlistment dates forward. Because this is the first time that I'm facing this, I don't know how to handle it.

Source: starnews & oceans

Chi trans: jojoyu7 @ shinhwachina

Eng trans: midnightgirl13@shinhwabiz


[Trans] 080320 Shinhwa: From the bottom to No. 1

*they excite us with their new pics and the new MV and the new album... and then they remind us that they're gonna be MIA for a while... this is one big emotional rollercoaster ride that the boys are bringing us on...

i can only say, let's enjoy the moment and we'll stick it out until the day when you're all back together again...*


The coming 24 March, to the Korean pop industry, will be remembered as a "happy day", beacuse there's an idol group - with no change of member through the years - who will be celebrating their 10th anniversary on that day.

As an idol group, while they enjoy massive popularity with the masses, becoming a long-running group is extremely difficult as well. Most idol groups that were popular with fans and media in the late 90s have either undergone changes in member lineup or have already disbanded.

But there is one group that has bucked the trend - Eric, Shin Hyesung, Lee Minwoo, Kim Dongwan, Junjin and Andy - they are Shinhwa.

Having made their debut on 24 March 1998 on KMTV's "Show! Music Tank", Shinhwa has gone through failures, setbacks and success in the past 10 years. The members have already reached their 30s unknowingly. Let's take a walk down memory lane, and share the past 10 years with Shinhwa who has been through tears and laughter with the Shinhwa Changjo fanclub.

▶Shinhwa, a successful but difficult 10-year period

The 1979-ers - Eric (Mun Jung Hyuk), Shin Hyesung (Jung Pilkyo), Kim Dongwan, Lee Minwoo - together with 1980-born Junjin (Park Choongjae) and 1981-born Andy (Lee Seon Ho) are the members who form Shinhwa. In 1998, they belonged under SM Entertainment, who also managed H.O.T, Sechskies and other popular idol groups. They took their first step into the gayo world at a time when these groups had already a huge headstart in the music scene.

At the same time, Shinhwa realised that the gayo world was not a place where they could do as they pleased. They were given a harsh dose of reality when their first album, which included songs like Hae Gyul Sah and Eusha Eusha (songs that they still perform at their concerts), did not do as well as expected.

But Shinhwa members persevered. After the failure of the first album, they told themselves, "If the 2nd album fails too, we'll quit the business". Bearing that in mind, they put in even more effort into vocal and dance practice, and it paid off well. The main track from their 2nd album T.O.P was a hit, and they rose up the ranks to become the next idol group to watch out for.

However, the 3rd album in 2000, the 4th album in 2001, the 5th and 6th albums in 2003 - which churned out hits like "Hey Come On", "Perfect Man", "Wedding" - still didn't launch them into idol group superstardom to become the No. 1 idol group, as they still had groups like H.O.T and G.O.D to contend with.

Through their solo activities, Eric and Dongwan gained recognition as actors, while Junjin, Minwoo, Hyesung, Andy proved themselves as multi-entertainers on different variety shows. After they've all gained more popularity for themselves, they released their 7th album in the summer of 2004, and finally reached the summit of the gayo world.

"Brand New", "Shooting Star", "Oh!", "Angel", "Crazy" from the 7th album all became hits, and with that Shinhwa won the Daesang at the 2004 SBS Gayo Awards - the unforgettable and emotional moment when they hugged in tears, holding the precious award.

After this, members Eric, Dongwan, Minwoo, Junjin and Andy delved further into the world of acting, as well as musicals, while Hyesung, Dongwan, Minwoo, Junjin and Andy went on to release their solo albums, in their own preferred musical styles and genres. As solo artists they continued to enjoy popularity in their own right.

Shinhwa continues to dominate the gayo world with the strategy of "independent yet united", which has proven to be more effective and efficient than any other group. The power of each individual member, together with the combined strength of the Shinhwa group, seems to produce the effect of "1+1>2", and with that they are recognized as representatives of the Hallyu wave.

In the midst of their rising popularity, each member has had his fair share of scandals with other female celebrities, and there were also times when the members have also had to make public apologies on their official fansite. But whenever they meet with situations like this, Shinhwa would always stand up after the fall. The strong bonds of friendship among the 6 Shinhwa members play a very large part in this.

Just like what the members have said before, "Being guys we had our share of fights when we were younger, but we'd resolve it soon after. But it's because of things like this that we've become as close as brothers. The members exist only because Shinhwa exists. To each other, we can't exist separately."


▶The Story of Shinhwa continues

Starting from this year, members are all due to enlist into the army one after another (Eric and Dongwan being first on the list), and it will be difficult to see all 6 members altogether in the near future.

But whenever they have the chance to do so, Shinhwa members will always emphasize that "Shinhwa is forever". Fans have also held on to this belief for the past 10 years.

In the past 10 years, Shinhwa members have expanded their fanbase, through their appearances in dramas, movies, variety shows, and through that they have shown their personable charm and charisma in every way.

Shinhwa is no longer just an idol group now, they've been recognized as the "national idol group". As a result, the members are able to stay active not only in the gayo world, but in other fields as well. This will definitely help Shinhwa to become even longer-running than they are now.

To celebrate their 10th anniversary, Shinhwa will be releasing their 9th album, and also at the same time, hold a large-scale concert, to thank the fans for their love and support for the past 10 years.

The 22,000 tickets for the 10th anniversary concert were all sold out within one hour from the start of the presale.

Source: starnews&oceans

Chi trans: jojoyu7@shinhwachina

Eng trans: midnightgirl13@shinhwabiz


another pic from 9th jib:



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Guest ANJEE<3

hahaha this is a VERY INTERESTING concept.. lol!!

they seem to have so much fun.. mannn i'm going to miss them when they're off enlisted into the army.. =(

they're having their concerts on the 29th and 30th.. 30th is my 20th birthday!!! DAMNNNN if i had known i would have litterally bought a ticket and flown over there and spend my birthday with them in concert ><"!!

can't wait to watch the mv and buy the album!

i think they should all enter the army together at the same time.. then they can come out together too at the same time ^^"

^- i LOVE that look sooooo much more :wub:

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Guest infinityyy

thank you for the translated articles!

gahh, i'm so excited! and the making of their mv seems to foreshadow a GREAT mv for us!! :D :D :D

and hyesung oppaaa<3 gosh i love him in the making photos! i really wished he would have shaved that mustache off though :P:lol: oh well, i love him with or without it anyway. :P

and GOODNESS, their 10th anniversary is SO close! this sunday! gah! i'm going to be so busy celebrating from afar~~!! ^__^

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Guest ntlove16

aindy, incarnadine - Thank you for the updates

My heart suddenlly feel less worry after reading what Eric has to say about the enlistment.... He keep pushing the day ^.^ I'm waiting for one more drama/movie and his solo.... "Bang Bang" haha so Eric....

According to what Dongwan said, I think everyone will cry like hell at the concert... Myself right now, want to cry really bad... Everytimes think about years without them... But hey let not talk about sadness now...

Haha, now I know what they was talking about when they say "applause for Minwoo" Haha because he look like Leonardo Dicaprio. He done what the director want him to, such a goodie good... Awww... So obedient

LeeMinWoo felt that JunJin's outfit of the day looks the same as his dad Charlie Park, and he joke "Dad! Please do a dance for me".

Haha he does look like his dad... Lol I dont know how JJ react to that.....

Taken many NGs scene on brotherhood, elder brother who set fault on younger brother's lateness. SHINHWA 9th album hit track MV shooting scene started off in a "criticizing situation". Youngest member Andy was the first who came, while he was holding an empty gun taking his shot scene on the field, arrived Hyesung. Hyesung talked to Andy in a bully but loving way, and while they were having a little mouth fighting with words to each other, the other members arrive one by one. They did not even prepared anything for the shooting, they just grab their outfit and started making joke with it, using that as a replacement on greetings.

Doesnt that sound like "Winter 2007" Single? Haha I laugh so hard everytimes I watch that, how Wannie came in with stuff still in his hair, Sungie asked jokingly if JJ came it, Scolding at Minwoo....

Sungie want to shoot Eric? That would be so sad.... That would be the end of Ricsung love >.<

*I feel so bad because I have nothing share with everyone :tears: *

Idea: How about everyone change their font color to orange, it hard to read but it would be so cool... Maybe bolded orange or something! I'll start!

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Guest nurkeyandie

i agree and i've said it before, they should all just go at the same time so they'd all come out the same time too! i know i've never been too fond of junjin but his hyungs going away soon must always be on his mind now. they're all gonna cry buckets at their concerts! :tears: why do they have to go?!?

at least they can be comforted by the fact that their bond is unshakeable and that time and distance have absolutely no effect on their friendship.

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Guest kriza_09

They even make some nicknames to each other such as "Alessandro" & "Carlos". Because the funny South American clothing style was SHINHWA first try for the MV.

i totally saw that coming... lol..

i wonder how the mv would turn out.. but rather than the mv, i'm much more curious about the mv making... hahah..

a lot of people have been wondering why of all shinhwa members is eric the one being hostaged..


i mean it would have been more understandable if it was andy


but then again, we still dont know a lot about the mv except the concept.. and that eric is the one hostaged

well, i think it kinda makes sense to shinhwa that eric is the one being held hostage.. since he was the one who actually 'saved' shinhwa in real life.. =)

I'm very blessed. The fact that I've spent 10 years as part of Shinhwa, that makes me feel very blessed. If I had the chance to go back in time, I'd still choose Shinhwa.

WORDD!!!!! ^^

According to what Dongwan said, I think everyone will cry like hell at the concert...

i'm pretty sure they'll cry.. or at least trying so hard to hold their tears back... that's why i was so determined to go to their korean concert...

they cried secretly even during the japan concert, right??? and this is a korean concert.... for their korean fans... the ones who made their 2nd jib a success.. the reason they didn't break up after the failure of 1st jib... the ones who made their guerilla concert a success, which means so much to them especially since it was during their hardest time because of andy's absence... and last but not least, the ones who got them daesangs in 2004.. the korean concert must mean so much more to them since they, the korean shinhwa changjo, are really the reason they can celebrate their 10th year anniversary...

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