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Guest lenakeem

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Latest pic is killing me alive!!!!

(Hesung looks skinnyquite skinny though in the picture...

wahhhh, I'm truly anticipating for their activities onwards...


must be lots on tv!

ugh, more videos!YEAY!

Gotta save up MUCH more more money to buy those stuff!!

I hope REALLY hope they're avail in big quantities..

real big...

looking at those HOT pictures i can't help but thinking about the silly stuff they might do while taking the shoots...

looking at their 8th album photo shoots, i doubt they were as 'hot' as seen in the pictures...

i mean, look at this..

that's what we see in the pictures... but behind all that hotness......

ahahaha...totally agree...

looking forward for the bts

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Guest incarnadine

Ohh mommy Alice ~ I'm sorry I didn't give specific instructions! I came home just now and I see that someone has already PMed you :)

How would I describe the 9th jib pic? Rugged... hot... scorching... masculine... SEXY! :wub:

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seeing their 9th abum photo got me a lil curious of what kind of song they will have as their first song from the album

is it some hardcore fast track kinda song ( actually i kinda wish that kind of song-with some nifty and cool dances moves to go with it)

maybe they will have a goodbye song for us TT_TT

that makes me sad though...

or maybe a thank u song...

i need more info about the album


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this thread moves pretty quick when i just havent been here for a day. ahhas (:

the countdown seems fun, i never done one before ._. exceot for new years.

incarnadine; thanks for the other pic of shinhwa. geez the wind is blowing hard. gah andy looks sexy! actually all ofthem look sexy <3 gah can eric look any better? ahas

mommy Alice! ; like what incarnadine said, you can use those banners since i post them up to share :D simply just right click save pic as and upload to own server (:

love!melody; hahas jennifer, i know you cna make pretty banners as well (: of course i dont mind, go ahead (: im so excited for shinhwa's return :]

ntlove16; your banners are gorgeous as well (:

adikkeluangman; thanks for the news

A 6-perfume set called “The Scent of Shinhwa,” which matches each of the Shinhwa members was developed and produced in cooperation with France Galimard, while the character figures were designed by cartoon character desginer Kim Kwang Ho.

that sounds really interesting (: geez i wane to owe one.


please rmb not to quote pics.

and i wish i could learn everyones name in here since some of your username is so long to type out. lol (:

OH YEAH i just want to share this youtube video of shinhwa. Its very old and i think most of you watched it before but it never hurts to watch it again since it actually gave me happiness and joyful momnet watching it. First love is constantly repeating on my playlist <3

Shinhwa - first love <-- so cute <3 shinwha is seriously forever

man i can't wait :]

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Guest nutzie

so... where can i buy all these lovely goodies?! XDXDXDXDXD

i see that you're not exactly a new member of this forum, so you should already have known the rule and hopefully aware that you're broken not one, but 2 rules..

1. you quoted a picture.. please remove the %7Boption%7D tags from your post ASAP before getting warned by the mods..

2. you spammed.. a one liner post is considered spamming.. please add more subtance into your post, otherwise you will be warned and/or maybe banned from the forum for a certain period of time for breaking rules..

please edit your post ASAP.. thank you..

ps. posting this also as a reminder to other posters, so please be careful about what you're posting, i know you're too excited about the 9th album, i am too, but it doesn't mean we should be careless and start breaking rules..

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Guest apricot

Nice banners everyone!!!! This is sooo exciting! 8 more days till the 10th anniversary! The guys are getting hotter as they age!!!

To all the ppl going to the concert, enjoy the concert peeps! ^^

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Guest sine81

andy and minwoo stands out the most in the new picture... minwoo because he is walking backwards and is more up close, and andy because of his new look, which makes him look more mature, handsome, and cool.

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9th jib pics are awesome! hahaha!! all of them looks good.

rather, they were all HOT!

haha! i so love andy in the pic.. he's not the baby andy anymore..

he looks more manly and handsome than the other members..

nyahaha! pardon me for taking sides on andy.. but i really noticed the big change..

and i love his hair too! lol.

eric, haha! he look so cool in his pose!

i dunno if its just me, but i think minwoo looks seductive in his pose.. hahaha!

and the other three, oh well.. they were HOT as well..

the concept on the pic is great. i love it.. muhahaha! the pic somewhat tells us that Shinhwa is near..

the 9th jib is coming out soon! haha! im really getting excited for the release of the album..

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Guest devylann

okay...........calm down everyone!!!!!!!!!!

hehehe... jus wanted to say that bc...imma bout to have a <333 HEART-ATTACK <333 reading thru all this excitement.... my heart's pumping and OMG!!!.... *deep breaths*

okie... forget it!!! hahaha... i can't stop.... :D i jus heart them so much!!!

it's like 230am and i can't sleep bc i keep thinking about them... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!


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Guest tk_angel

paigehk! kiyundy! ur banners r fantabulous! Thanks so much for sharing them *saves them all.. LOL* ... their 9th jib pic is breathtakingly gorgeous (did i just see ricsung? .. LOL)... sungie looks a bit skinny but still h-o-t... can't wait for more pix and surprises... i wonder what promotional activities r in store for us...

Thx for the youtube link chubby^green :)

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Guest aindy

[08.03.16] [Trans] The reason why setting up a new company [Good Emg - SHINHWA]



To protect SHINHWA and built a new company.

In the current good financial crises can be said that they had expose the hidden problems to the public, being as the fans maybe we have only seen the good image part on the surface, but we do not know what is actually behind it and all the hardwork which had been dumped into it. There are countless of problem and crises, they are far exceed from what we had imagined.

SHINHWA towards Good Entertainment is actually water which can cause flood to the company, especially in the entertainment biz they needed a huge investment into it and only get a slow income in return. Every time they release an album, concerts too needed a big sum of money to sustain everything, no matter you are famous or not. Company & artist business can't be judged and their relationship are like an exploitation. But to Good, SHINHWA is their only survival reason, so Good is unlike other manage company who mistreat SHINHWA. When an artist is earning lots, their company gets very little. And being as a group the income is even hard to predict, for a famous group it is even hard to say, when they renew their contract, the company's profit will be even much lesser. So every time on the production & promo they needed a large sum or money, as earning a $ is not easy, if not why SM would want to disband one group to another famous group?

Although there was a predict that SHINHWA will form their own company, but not now as the time has not come yet; not under this circumstances, it should be SHINHWA 6 person's only company. But now as there are members had came out and set up their own company, there was no doubt on Good's financial situation. They did this to sustain and protect SHINHWA, so they leak out part of their own profit to others. But if ever Good gone into bankruptcy, SHINHWA will be taken as the dept and at that time they could only listen to what GOD has to say only. That is to change strategy and to set up a new company themselves to repay the old debt, 2nd is also to attract more new income/investment. But even they are using their own name to set up their company, under the law towards the company's debt, every profit they earn they will note get it but the company. Because the company needs to keep running, means they will need a large sum of money to sustain and for promo, dancers, teachers, makeup artist, outfit, designers and so on. They would have to pay everything with their own money in their pocket. Just as the company is still running for the day, the income must be be stop flowing in and there will forever be no relaxation. Do not be mistaken that SHINHWA has the greed to earn more money, because of they are risking their own life for the group to keep SHINHWA carry on.

Lets calculate Good's last year income, lets not talk about the Asia concert, surely there will be lost. Singapore concert to open up the market and there were a large flow of promo, but there were related news saying that the other cooperation company could not afford to take out that sum or money to pay them, that equals to another lost. China 's concert the Chinese company were earning like crazy, but Good & Shinhwa hold this concert for the fans and they get nothing in return. (DBSK concert in China SM request for RMB2000000, Shinhwa's concert were only RMB200000). Korea & Japan's investment & production were huge, there should be a little profit in it. 8th album, was a large in production, the album receive more than 200000 copy of sale, but they could only earn very little.

Korea music market is not in good shape, to hit into the Japan & China market there will be needed a large sum of money. There are artist in the company, not much nor less, but artist which can really earn are little, and there is a large sum or workers that needed to be paid under the company. There are not much Good's artist, new comer needed a large sum of investment too, so the only profit they could get is from SHINHWA. 6+n (n<4).

But the saddest part is, where cruelty could not be avoided, and the market does not talk about sympathy. It's a envy matter towards SM company on how they get their income so well and to keep their company running smoothly. Hoping that the Korea music industry will turn better, and give good a chance for break. At least until when SHINHWA is back from their military service, please dont break down before they enter and hoping there wont be much huge of leak changes.

Towards the reason why Shin Hyesung's 2nd album was being delayed and delayed again it is clearly understood that it must be the investment money problem. Good had made all their bet onto Hyesung's 2nd album, and it must be a success but not loss. Just if they win in this bet, then Good has the chance for a better change and to get back all the loss. Hyesung's 1st album was sold 18k, and this 2nd album must at least sold out 20k above only can count as a success. Don't know whether Good has a company in Japan, if there is, there will be a better profit. They can just send the 2nd album from Korea to Japan and releases it there. Japan fans group are much more stable and the sales are very strong, they wont mind on the pricing and it is surely a good sale.

Please do not complain/angry and be understood why Shinhwa keep going to Japan. Because Japan's market is a place where they can get good operation & higher. Besides than going, they must also stop by frequently. Towards China, actually the market is not much stable and it is not easy on the arrangement, Good is a small company, it is okay it they don't earn, by looking at the visits the SHINHWA paid to China you can understood. The copyright of the album if they sell it other music company, Good will get lesser profit. They want to sell out the copyright too can't be too immediate for them to do so, because on the pricing there will be much difference. Of course surely this entry is just the latest vision of personal point of view. The completely hurting part is due to Hyesung hurt his knee during SHINHWA 3rd jib had become part of the deal. Because there is no need for Hyesung to serve the military service, so he will be continue doing his activities, and this is also a chance to continue in earning their income.

Kim Dongwan signed a different company for his solo was completely a sacrifices, suspecting is not what Dongwan wanted, it is because he thought of the overall profit and situation of the company he had made his decision and done a sacrifices. Firstly the company have no money, and to plan a solo album is very difficult, thus Dongwan signed another management company, the new company will have to pay good a sum of money to get Dongwan's contract from them. Secondly, it has brought an emergency income to Good, also there will be no worries on the success of releasing Dongwan's solo album. Minwoo's case was actually a tiring one, because this guy overwork himself always. Tour, new company's planning, new album, the planning to hit the china market, and all other planning really need a large sum of working loads, and also receiving many people's worrying. If adding all M's planning up together the sum is just trying to eat up every Good's situation and a force in it. M's 3rd album was not release on time surely is due to the investment fund. Eric's solo i think he would need to pay the sum with his own pocket money. Junjin will be the another money tree after Hyesung's. Andy's solo he actually had shown a matured part, where he always smiles in front of the camera, but behind him he have to carry up lots of work and tiring stuff.

9th album, to release or not still there will be the same difficulty. So lets just release it, towards the fund, if there is no money there will be no production, and no production there will be no promotion; If they don't release it, there will not be a chance to gain profit. So the 9th album is a MUST to release, the concert can have large promo, expend the influency, the get more sponsorship, and also to gain $. 111billion of debt, Good is actually walking on a very difficult steps. Towards a big company 100billion is just a small sum, but towards a small company it is actually trying to fight in the market. A few big company is trying to beat down a small company who is just trying to survive. If there is a large sum of stock being sold, there will be also likely an acquired and annexation. If they wants to put a large sum of investment and to keep their own company to survive, both are also a headache to work on. The Korean Shinhwa Changjo had hailed a month ago that the 9th album target must reach to 1,000,000 copies. If this had come true, 10,000kr won X 1,000,000copies of CD = 100billion Kr won. Then Good will get to solve their financial crises and that also equal to save SHINHWA! But sadly after year 2000, there was no one able to break the 1,000,000 record till now.

To all we know that SHINHWA has the attraction and ability to attract large sum or investment and funds. but due to the military service which may take them to return after 3 or 4 years, the investment by then will have a changes.

If SHINHWA does not go well, they can just sign a new contract with a bigger company and can just walk out from Good. There are lots of company wanting SHINHWA under their contract, but they stayed back. With the miracle name of SHINHWA, 6 of them really involve themselves into it and trust that everything will be better. Good was built up because of SHINHWA. SHINHWA was not a choice, but fate. They put their own life with SHINHWA, and with all their effort to maintain the group. If there is an unfortunate day comes, this is not from their will, and they are out from controlling it. They surely felt the pain greater than we do. And we also trust that they will work hard to reform the group. Of course i trust that SHINHWA can overcome everything, they wont disband. Shinhwachangjo is hard, people who love SHINHWA will understand them, to protect them, Lets protect them together!

Above is being analysis from all the news towards Good & Shinhwa, not towards other company or any other artist. Every news are according from what had been spread / reported around on the internet.

To support SHINHWA, buy at least a copy of their album!

Support SHINHWA = Support with Origin!

from S.C.I.C 樱花

Eng Trans: amane86@myshinhwa, shinhwa.biz

[News] 080316 Andy's 'Clean House' exposed for the first time

[News] 080316 Andy: "SHINHWA's original name was B.S.T"

[News] 080316 Eric: "Thinking of marriage after 3 years military service"

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Guest CornFlake1430262937

[08.03.16] [Trans] The reason why setting up a new company [Good Emg - SHINHWA]

:blink: oww that's sad and really touched me

and somehow i feel the responsility to protect them!

so, today i brought a copy of M Rising T_T

>_< & im so looking forward to the 9th album!!

SHINHWA, im here! and i'll be here for you!


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Guest evelynphuong

this industry is so cruel

everyday they`re on stage, that`s a sacrifice, they devote their lives to the fans

and all this difficulties... it`s been 10 yrs they have to face up with all these difficulties

and they always show us their happy smiles as if nothing were a matter

yes, as a fan what we know is just a surface... behind the story is always worse

for all the hard things they have gone through, and i wonder how they carry them for the whole 10 years time...

i admire them so much... and for Good... i think we should feel grateful to them, coz 4 years ago they saved Shinhwa.

definitely i`m buying the next album...

partly because i cant go to their concert, so that the album is a MUST to have, partly because it`s more meaningful than anything~ it marks a long journey of being together esp through all the hardest time

just want to meet Shinhwa once ... so that i can tell them how thankful i am... just once to say thank you... for everything and they`re still together

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Guest nvr2clich3

I'm still confused...sorry my understanding is pretty poor i think :(

why is it that SHINHWA chose to stay with GOOD? Is it because of "loyalty"?

Good ent was already established when Shinhwa moved over right?

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Guest nglkt

1998's 1st album interviews

Shinhwa’s first impressions of each other:

Impression of Eric:

Dongwan: He looks very quiet

Minwoo: He’s very pretty

Andy: He’s just like my real elder brother

Hyesung: I know he’s from America but he’s like a big brother

Junjin: He’s very lovable

Impression of Hyesung:

Dongwan: He gives people a feeling that he is very neat

Minwoo: He looks very gentle

Andy: He’s very pretty, gentle like an elder brother

Eric: I first saw him at “Vallly K Festival”(singing competition), from then I know I want to sing with him

Junjin: He’s too cute, just like a younger brother

Impression of Andy:

Dongwan: He’s a cute younger brother

Minwoo: He’s very cute

Eric: Since I know him before anyone else did, he feels like my real younger brother

Hyesung: He’s too cute

Junjin: He’s a cute younger brother

Impression of Minwoo:

Dongwan: He looks like a teacher

Andy: He’s very interesting

Eric: He has leadership qualities, dance and sings very well, looks very handsome

Hyesung: He’s very smart, dances great!

Junjin: He’s very trustable, like a brother

Impression of Dongwan:

Minwoo: He’s very interesting

Andy: He has many (missing words)

Eric: He performs well, has a good voice and is always very happy

Hyesung: He’s very good looking and sings really well

Junjin: He’s like a father to me

Impression of Junjin:

Dongwan: He’s too cute, just like my younger brother

Minwoo: He looks very clean

Andy: He always makes me laugh

Eric: Although he is the last one to join the team, he shocks me with his dance

Hyesung: I’m very worried, because he is too pretty, too capable and too cute

Question: What’s the difference between how people view you and your true self?

Dongwan: Everyone thinks I am optimistic(happy go lucky) but there are many things that trouble me. Basically, I will not show that I met with some difficulty, because when those things happen, I am the only one that can solve it.

Junjin: People think I am quiet and calm but sometimes I am tough too. When I meet a difficulty, I will discuss it with my friends, but if it is a huge difficulty, I will discuss it with my parents.

Hyesung: People say that their first impression of me is that I’m a quiet and cool headed person. But actually, I’m not like that. I’m talkative and I think through things. I’m shy but I think that being shy and quiet are two different things.

Eric: Everyone thinks I like American food, but actually, I love Korean food more. People think I’m very calm but if you get to understand me, I might look quite foolish.

Andy: Everyone thinks I’m a childish boy, when actually I’m not. I’m sometimes shy but I have my tough side too.

Question: If you were a girl, what would you be doing now?

Dongwan: I will be studying hard, traveling and learning new things

Junjin: Now? I’ll be showering

Hyesung: I probably won’t be a singer, just a normal person

Eric: I might be at some university studying hard

Andy: Study designing

Question: If someone starts to avoid you, what do you think is the reason?

Dongwan: Before I consider this question, I will ask “Why are you avoiding me?” then I will burst into tears

Junjin: I will treat it as a joke and just let it be. Sometimes we are like that, we take turns to be the one being avoiding. Then I will think it’s my turn. I would not have any other thoughts after that

Hyesung: I will ask myself what I did wrong. If I can’t figure it out, I will ask them.

Eric: Probably they are jealous of my dark/black skin. Haha

Andy: I will try to be more interesting, but people will think I’m very stiff, so they don’t want me to try it.

Question: If you have finished eating at a restaurant and you realize you do have your wallet with you. You will...

Dongwan: Leave some of stuff behind and tell them I’ll bring money when I return... or I’ll just say, “ I am group Shinhwa’s Dongwan, can you forgive me this time?”

Junjin: This happened to me before. I went with my friend to eat, and told him that I’m paying. But after eating, I realize I don’t have my wallet with me. So my friend had to pay. I felt really sorry... ...

Hyesung: I’ll leave some of my belongings behind like my identity card, handphone, watch then I will go get some money

Eric: It really happened to me in the past. I borrowed money from my friend. But if it is now, I’ll say “ I’m Shinhwa’s Junjin.”Then I’ll beg for forgiveness. I know I’m not Junjin, but I think it’s interesting to say it

Andy: I separate my money, so I don’t have a wallet. I use the money from my pockets to pay

Question: In the following 5 years, if you can have free services from hair stylist, massager, private chauffeur or cook, which will you choose?

Dongwan: Private chauffeur.. because when we are not working we need to take cabs which are too expensive.

Junjin: Massager. We dance a lot so our muscles get tense, I need a massage to relax my muscles.

Hyesung: I will choose... hairstylist, because my hair isn’t that good, so I need to carefully maintain it. It will be better if I have a hairstylist.

Eric: Cook, then I can feast on good food for 5 years. I love eating and sleeping.

Andy: Probably a massager, because I’m a little weak.

Question: What do you care most when you meet someone for the first time? The person’s gender or the feeling you have towards the person?

Dongwan: Probably gender. If that person’s a guy then it’s nothing, but if that person’s a girl, then it will be very hard for me to concentrate on my work.

Junjin: Half of each, it will be good if combined.

Hyesung: The feeling’s more important. Aren’t your feelings true?

Eric: The feeling’s more important

Andy: The feeling’s more important because that’s how you feel.

Question: If you are going to die, what are you going to say and to whom?

Dongwan: I will tell the people who care about me that God will protect them

Junjin: I will tell those people I love, “If you understand others, days will get better.”

Hyesung: I will pray to God: “I will see you very soon”

Eric: Tell Junjin to look after my family.

Andy: I will pray to God to let me go to heaven and forgive me for the wrongs I’ve done.

Question: If you were given the ability to do anything, what will you do?

Dongwan: I want to gain wisdom... it will be good if I’m smarter

Junjin: The ability to let others wish

Hyesung: Let all my thoughts become reality.. I will only think of the good things

Eric: I want to teleport from one place to another. Most of my friends and family are in America so I can’t see them frequently. But if I have this ability, I can see them everyday.

Andy: I want to have the ability to go to the places I want. I want to return to my mother’s womb.

Question: What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you?

Dongwan: When were we performing, I took of my jacket and ran towards the stage. My face knocked into Andy’s jacket. I didn’t feel any pain at all so I pretended nothing happened. But when it was my turn to speak, I walked forward and a fan asked me “Oppa, are you alright?”

Junjin: When I was singing on stage, my microphone dropped onto the floor. I haven’t finished singing the song and I dropped my microphone! But I used my loudest voice to continue singing.

Hyesung: During cold winters, I will put my hands into my clothing instead of it being in the sleeves. I got on the public bus and I knocked my front teeth when I fell. Worst, the people around me started asking if I was okay. I was very embarrassed.

Eric: Recently, we finished the “012”concert. I was too excited while performing so I fell of the stage, onto the mud. I dirtied my pants and shoes but I pretended that nothing happened. However, when I wanted to get back on stage, I realized that the stage was too high.

Andy: On the first day of school, I found my class but I realized that they the “lower grade” class. I thought it was strange but I settled into class because my name was on the class list. Then they started taking attendance. When they called my name, someone else answered. We had the same name! Actually, I walked into the wrong class.

Question: If you were given 3 questions to ask to determine one’s character, what questions will you ask?

Dongwan: I can’t depend on questions to determine one’s character. I will speak to that person for a while, look at how he/she is... When I first look at someone, I will look at his/her hair... I think that’s the first thing that leaves an impression on me.

Junjin: To girls: “Who’s the first person that you think of when you are sad or happy?” “Who’s the person that you want to call when you switch on your phone?” “How do you feel when you see your lover on TV?” Questions along that line.

Hyesung: I will ask them what they do when they are crazy, what’s their ambitions, what’s the most important thing in life.

Eric: If she is someone I love, I will ask “What do you think about me?” “What do you care most about a person?” “Have you ever lied to me?”

Andy: Do you tell lies often? Do you become crazy easily? What’s your favorite food and color?

from: baidu.com

eng translated by: nglkt

It's really interesting because this is the first time i'm seeing them giving politically correct answers. and you can see some ETness in Eric's answers...

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Guest CornFlake1430262937

why is it that SHINHWA chose to stay with GOOD? Is it because of "loyalty"?

Good ent was already established when Shinhwa moved over right?

nv2clich3 i think that's becuase Shinhwa put their trust on Good ENT

Good is ,however, developed along with Shinhwa

it can be said that Good is like someone who fight together with Shinhwa right?

so i think they choose not to leave their 'friend'

(since that time and) right now, i think Good really depends on Shinhwa T_T

i hope things get better!

i believe if they're together, they'll surely walk trought it

It's really interesting because this is the first time i'm seeing them giving politically correct answers. and you can see some ETness in Eric's answers...

nglkt > was it because it's their 1st album? lolz!

i love the young times; Whoa! they responded the questions with cute & understandable answers

thx for sharing news and tubes ^_^*

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Guest jangneri

I was laughing my head off with Eric's answers... and Andy's answer about going back to his mother's womb. That was seriously weird. hahahaha.

It's cool to read old interviews of Shinhwa. I like comparing their old interviews with the new ones... It's cool to notice that they really haven't change much. Though recently, they do more crazy answers than normal decent ones. hahahahahaha~

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