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Guest lenakeem

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[07.11.19] [news] Open World: MKMF results show difference in #1 and award winner

Translator's Note: *alright the chinese translated article looked a little messy, i can barely understand what they're trying to say...so there may be discrepancies here and there*

"Winning the award or not, that is not the problem."

With regards to Lee Minwoo's absence and other related issues from the 2007 Mnet Km Music Festival, his management company has made their stand clear via a press release.

A representative from Lee Minwoo's management company Open World Entertainment, Jang Hee Woo made these comments in an interview at Imperial Palace Hotel in Seoul's Nonhyun-dong.

Open World expressed that the crux of the problem lies within the questionable judging standards when selecting the award winner. This is especially so, after Open World received the relevant data for the award winner selection from MKMF officials.

Today, Open World Entertainment said, "Today we received the data from MKMF and after analyzing the results of the data, the #1 rank holder and the eventual winner for the Dance category are different."

According to the data, "After the consolidation of the objective elements such as internet downloads and album sales, Lee Minwoo was ranked #1, Super Junior at #2, Ivy at #3 and CSJH The Grace at #4. However, after taking into account MNet's broadcast frequency, surveys of music interests and other subjective elements, the ranking was reversed."

And looking at the data, CSJH The Grace, the winner of the Dance Award, wasn't ranked at #1.

Representative Jang said, "Today we received the details of the winners, and we asked for the reason why he didn't appear on the list of winners even though he ranked #1 on all the objective criteria. We were told that this was a management decision."

After this, Rep Jang expressed his regrets, "If Lee Minwoo was hung up over the award, he wouldn't have gone on with the preparations for the performance. He went ahead with the rehearsal and specially made arrangements to borrow a car for the red carpet event, but he didn't expect the winners list to be changed thus it was hard for him to hide his displeasure. If we were to proceed as planned, even if he didn't win the award he should have been standing on stage anyway. They didn't stick to this plan."

Originally slated for a performance at the MKMF awards on 17th Nov, Lee Minwoo completed all the rehearsals but did not participate in the end.

Source: OCEAN

Chi trans: 东升西落@BestShinhwa

Eng trans: midnightgirl13@ shinhwa.biz

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for those who are dising minwoo right now for being unproffessional should clear thier mind. i have all confident in minwoo when it come to his loyaties to friend. i m sure he would not just stood up PJY withour talking to him first about the situation. for those who are dising him are not his fans. if u are a fans, u would try and understand y minwoo choose to do wat he did. for past 10 year shinhwa have proven thier loyalty and love to thier fans. i m not trying to justify for minwoo but just support him no matter wat...........fighting

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Guest kriza_09

actually i have to say i'm surprised at the lack of response from shinhwa fans (the regulars, i mean) in shinhwa related threads regarding mkmf incident, compared to the non-fans...

i just love how this incident affects non-fans (both the ones in our side or not) more than it affects shinhwa fans and shinhwa members themselves.. they said hyesung seemed to be in a good mood at yesterday inkigayo's recording and dongwan's been posting diaries as dorky as usual (sth about not to post his piano perf.. lol..), and we've been talking about eric getting lost to dongwan's fanmeeting... lol.. non-fans are getting more emotional than us... haha..

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07.11.19 GoodEMG's standpoint towards MKMF

this is soo bad..

Hyesung even didnt get an invitation from MKMF !!! how come??

a singer who led for 5 categories didnt invited by MKMF organizer?? O__o

can't believe it >,<

newsen had made a report about this today :


My first reaction to this is...wow! I support Hyesung and Minwoo's decisions 100%. No doubt about it that this took courage and lots of consideration...They did it because they believe the awards should be fair...take credit when credit is due! With their current achievements and talents, there is no need for them to pretend that all is fair and square, attend a mockery of an awards show that evening. When they have real talent and all those credibility behind their years of experience, they just need to be true to themselves.

These kind of award shows that favor their own pool of signed artists aren't new...they exist in different fields, countries..I remember TVB (Hong Kong broadcasting station) gives out important awards to those artists with long contracts with the company or with good relationships with those in top management, but artists either endures it (because TVB is a monopoly) or leave. Those who leave are able to find their own path and be more free. Those who have talent don't need to stay/depend on one particular company to succeed. I believe that is the case for Hyesung and Minwoo.

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I thought I had heard that Artist protested this awards show last year too.

I am a fan of both Shinhwa and TVXQ. I was really looking forward for the special stages by Shinhwa members and TVXQ. I was shocked at how many performers droped out (Shinhwa, FTTS, TVXQ, BoA). No wonder the show ended early.

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Guest nghister

^ They didn't officially protest last year, but many big artists including Shinhwa didn't attend mkmf. And I guess since mkmf continued their 'sketchy' award calculations this year, Shinhwa could no longer let it go. I'm sure this is not the first time the station tried to screw over Shinhwa, or else Minwoo, Hyesung, and Dongwan wouldn't have to stand up and point out the obvious.

At the end of the day, the award has gotten meaningless over the years and obviously big named stars such as Shinhwa, Hyolee, and Se7en (all announced they wouldn't attend mkmf last year) don't seem think getting such an award would matter too much. I'm glad to see the members going about their activities like normal.

Dongwan's birthday party looks fun! Jinnie is a sweetheart for showing up (and not getting lost.. unlike a certain leader. >.>;; lol).

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OH Eric got lost going to Dongwan's fan meeting + birthday party? LOL Well at least Junjin was there! =) Too bad not all of them could attend, though. But anyway thanks for sharing the picture~ He does look like a very happy - birthday man.

Well, hats off~ to MKMF for doing such a great award show. :tongue2: Treating our Shinhwa like that! But whatever, it's over with so we can't do much about it. I still have respect for the boys. =D

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Guest newyork

This is preposterous! I'm very angry at the MKMF Awards. Not only did it happen last year, but this year AGAIN?

Hyesung and Minwoo work hard, and damnit, they deserve their recognition! AND the fact that Hyesung did not even get an invitation?!? Are you kidding me? I'm VERY happy they both decided not to attend, and I'm sure everyone can understand why. I would like to see MKMF defend themselves, which I highly doubt will happen. The music industry is really ridiculous now because to know that they were not given the awards they deserved just blows my mind into pieces! But one thing that really ticks my mind is that they told them at the last hour and their reasons are quite ambiguous and not clear ? It just makes me angry as a fan because I know the fans worked hard to vote.

I'm sure Minwoo and Hyesung are both very angry, but I'm proud of them for handling it in such a good manner. I'm also glad that they did not attend because it's drawing attention to this incident. Last year, I was sad to see the news was left quite minor and not taking too seriously. I hope that this will draw a bigger light this year, so that next year all the artists will be given a fair and equal chance at the awards.

Although I would have loved to seen Minwoo performed, its great he did not. It just seems that his work is not appreciated there, so why perform? I know I will continue supported Shinhwa forever, so MKMF can just dfjaskjaf it because their actions are just not professional at all. But as Shinhwa fans, I'm proud to say I'm still a fan and will continue to support them no matter and that MKMF Awards practically have no value to them anymore because of their actions. As a group, as solo artists, award or no award, they're still the best in my heart and always will be.

On a more happier note, Dongwan's birthday celebration seemed really fun, and i hope they all had a great time. Too bad Eric wasn't there =(

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actually i have to say i'm surprised at the lack of response from shinhwa fans (the regulars, i mean) in shinhwa related threads regarding mkmf incident, compared to the non-fans...

i just love how this incident affects non-fans (both the ones in our side or not) more than it affects shinhwa fans and shinhwa members themselves.. they said hyesung seemed to be in a good mood at yesterday inkigayo's recording and dongwan's been posting diaries as dorky as usual (sth about not to post his piano perf.. lol..), and we've been talking about eric getting lost to dongwan's fanmeeting... lol.. non-fans are getting more emotional than us... haha..

let it became our concern and wish all become better in future..

Shinhwa has our respect & trust <33

speaking about wannie's bday..seem he had a great time with fans ^^


it wasnt surprise for Eric got lost to wannie's bday..lol...

last Jinnie's bday he almost got lost too, but finally could reach the venue @ last menute b4 the ceremony is started hahaha....

i think he is not supppose to drive by himself :P

here's wannie's bday pic again


puahaha...what was that he drink?? a glass of juice? i dont think it's a wine ..@_@

look at his expression.. so cute ! ^___^

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^ haha~ yeah, not really a surprise that Eric got lost. Funny how everyone teased Eric about why he was mad at JInnie's b-day. He didn't even know it was Jinnie's birthday slash fanmeet until he got there. The only reason he probably made it to JSH's wedding was because he arrived in a company car lolz But I bet Eric just felt asleep in some random place, woke up late and couldn't make it on time lolz

@kriza- I noticed the same thing too lolz Not much response from regulars of the threads, but I see Shinhwa fans with unfamilar usernames popping up left and right. I guess when it really counts, you can count on everyone to come out and show their support :)

I think the majority of us are dealing well with this. However -and I don't want to sound too stuck up saying this and the chances of the actual culprits reading this are probably pretty slim -I do wish one or two of us would tone it down a bit in the threads regarding this matter outside of the SHinhwa and member threads cuz it makes the rest of us sound like we're ready to burn down the mnet building and no one except our boys deserves the awards or something ^^; I'm not pointing fingers or even saying that's the intention of the posters, but reading from the prospective of a non-fan, some of the posts do unfortunately sound that way :sweatingbullets: I'd hate to use the word, 'mature' (I mean how 'mature' can fangirling be? :) ), but there are some comments that are out of hand. I feel bad ridiculing others when I've probably said some pretty bad things in defense of our boys in my fangirling career, but I think this matter will just get worse if it's not addressed. Shinhwa fans or not, sometimes I do want to give them a bash over the head for some of the things they say. Sorry for ranting a bit, but had a recent bad encounter on youtube with some fellow Shinhwa fans....bad...bad...(me siding with anti-shinhwa fans?? do I appear that way? needless to say, I'm in shock -.-V) *shudders* Shinhwa Changjo may have a reputation for being 'mature,' but it's no good if our actions and words speak otherwise. I don't want to be blacklisted as someone that 'nags' lolz but, yeah, just a reminder ^^

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Guest kriza_09

^i know.. i'm sad to see comments like 'shinhwa deserves the award more than XXX' or 'XXX company must have paid some money to make their artists win'.. nothing in the articles indicates at any point that shinhwa members or their management company feel or think that way... such comments would just make shinhwa look bad..

it's true that everyone is entitled to their own opinion.. but if shinhwa fans want to voice out their opinions, i think it's better to just post in shinhwa thread (or shinhwa members' thread) instead of in a more public thread like the one in korean celeb photos, where there are also fans of other artists who might get hurt of what you say.. when we post in a more public thread, we need to be extra careful in what we write regarding shinhwa and other artists, coz we post in the name of shinhwa..

i've tried not to post any more comment in that thread.. but i encountered some misinformed posts about what actually happened (e.g. minwoo hanged up on JYP, hyesung backed out in last minutes).. then i felt the urge to inform them with the right information... if they still think that way after knowing what really happened, then i'll let them have it that way.. but as a fan, i don't want shinhwa to be misunderstood because of false information..

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the news regarding shinhwa lately.... just make my day worst... it's really heart breaking to read some comment on them ...

what we can do now.. is wait for their comeback and show them they'r all love and supported by US~~~

shinhwa fighting~~~

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nooooooooo >_< i typed out a long post [by my standard these days anyways] and it's all gone *cries in a corner*

appl4 - i choose to build myself a bubble and not read other people's comments about shinhwa.. these days it makes me too emotional ^^" like today, i accidentally saw an msn nick of my friend and it says [some artist]>[some other artist]>shinhwa and i was just O_O >_< but then again, i tell myself, i pity her for not seeing the greatness of shinhwa ^o^ it consoled me just a bit =P

hahaha eric.. the alien with the horrible sense of direction.. hey it rhymes!!

i agree with kriza and amy.. some comments are quite rude to say the least, and really, shouldn't even be expressed at all.. i know that everybody's entitled to their opinion [since it is a right for you to express your comments anyways] and i can understand that in a heated moment, people don't intuitively think that when they bash other artists, it's a bad reflection not only upon themselves, but also the shinhwa members and the members of this thread.. so please, before typing something up, think twice.. and refrain from bashing other artists..

think of it this way - if you're on the other person's shoes [ie. you are a shinhwa member, yet there's this darned fan who bashes shinhwa] wouldn't you be upset too? for example, shinhwa won an award, and other users start saying in other threads [or even on this thread] and shinhwa won it because of some company connection, shinhwa doesn't deserve the award, etc.. wouldn't that be really upsetting to you? so if we don't want other people to do it to us, don't do it to them..

i encountered the second situation, and was pretty upset as i was reading some comments.. i was in another thread i frequently stalked [=X] and some users said that shinhwa members were just being sour grapes for not attending the award show, and the fans are just stupid for causing a ruckus and stuff.. and another user said it was "ironic" how she's also a fan of shinhwa, yet she's disgusted by minwoo and hyesung's decision and also the fans.. and i was just like, excuse me? you dare to call yourself a fan yet you're bashing them?? i wanted to bash them too, but then again, it wouldn't be good cause not only it was another artist's thread, it's also not wise to bash other members.. but after reading everything that they posted [concerning shinhwa] i lost respect for them..

as we've always been proud to announce, shcj is one of the most respected fanclubs out there.. we don't want to tarnish the title do we? =]

ps. i'm amazed and amused how a lot of non regulars have dropped into the thread to show their support.. thank you~ even edward came here too [and no i'm not gonna pick another fight with you =P i totally agree and thank you for your opinion ^o^]

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well, i guess good emg's statement clears everything.. I support minwoo and hyesung all the way! I am so glad that they stood up for what is right. I mean, for an artist like them, doing like what MKMF did to them was a big insult to them..

anyways.. too bad only jinnie showed up on wannie's bday.. and eric getting lost?! lol. i think he should hire a personal driver.. ho! ho! ho!

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okay this is my first post here in shinhwa thread, i finally decided to post. i usually dont because these threads move fast that i can't keep up much.

but since all of the stuff that happen lately, ill just like to say ill support them all the way (: aww wannie looks happy (: he so cute <3

ahhas eric getting lost? sometimes he just reminds me a lost & conufse person, his facial expression. ahhas <33 nice to meet you all too (:

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Guest V-ni@star

i'm newbie here btw

i'm a fans of them since 1998

so it is a long time ago

almost 10 years actually

all i want to say here is i support hyesung n minwoo 200%

mkmf sure has done some mistake here

a major mistake here

how can they didnt invite hyesung at all?????

wat a mess award show

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Nat, Kriza, Amy, and others,

I agree with you guys 100%. Please don't dish out to other fans just because they said bad things about our boys. If you do, you'll be in same level as they are. As Nat mentioned, just think as you are in other shoes. If someone says Shinhwa don't deserve award and etc, you wouldn't like it either. I know it's hard....I had to control myself too many times from making comments and I had to remind myself to "act my age". LOL!

I'm proud of our boys for standing up and hopefully other artists will also support them.

I have not seen couple of articles that was in Ocean's Six translated but appearantly SG Wannabe is also "adding fuel to the fire" as stated in one article. I guess they were given award for R&B when their song is ballard song. I didn't watch the award show but read that when they receive the award they thanked them "eventhough their song is not R&B".

nooooooooo >_< i typed out a long post [by my standard these days anyways] and it's all gone *cries in a corner*

appl4 - i choose to build myself a bubble and not read other people's comments about shinhwa.. these days it makes me too emotional ^^" like today, i accidentally saw an msn nick of my friend and it says [some artist]>[some other artist]>shinhwa and i was just O_O >_< but then again, i tell myself, i pity her for not seeing the greatness of shinhwa ^o^ it consoled me just a bit =P

hahaha eric.. the alien with the horrible sense of direction.. hey it rhymes!!

i agree with kriza and amy.. some comments are quite rude to say the least, and really, shouldn't even be expressed at all.. i know that everybody's entitled to their opinion [since it is a right for you to express your comments anyways] and i can understand that in a heated moment, people don't intuitively think that when they bash other artists, it's a bad reflection not only upon themselves, but also the shinhwa members and the members of this thread.. so please, before typing something up, think twice.. and refrain from bashing other artists..

think of it this way - if you're on the other person's shoes [ie. you are a shinhwa member, yet there's this darned fan who bashes shinhwa] wouldn't you be upset too? for example, shinhwa won an award, and other users start saying in other threads [or even on this thread] and shinhwa won it because of some company connection, shinhwa doesn't deserve the award, etc.. wouldn't that be really upsetting to you? so if we don't want other people to do it to us, don't do it to them..

i encountered the second situation, and was pretty upset as i was reading some comments.. i was in another thread i frequently stalked [=X] and some users said that shinhwa members were just being sour grapes for not attending the award show, and the fans are just stupid for causing a ruckus and stuff.. and another user said it was "ironic" how she's also a fan of shinhwa, yet she's disgusted by minwoo and hyesung's decision and also the fans.. and i was just like, excuse me? you dare to call yourself a fan yet you're bashing them?? i wanted to bash them too, but then again, it wouldn't be good cause not only it was another artist's thread, it's also not wise to bash other members.. but after reading everything that they posted [concerning shinhwa] i lost respect for them..

as we've always been proud to announce, shcj is one of the most respected fanclubs out there.. we don't want to tarnish the title do we? =]

ps. i'm amazed and amused how a lot of non regulars have dropped into the thread to show their support.. thank you~ even edward came here too [and no i'm not gonna pick another fight with you =P i totally agree and thank you for your opinion ^o^]

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On page 1121 of the Shinhwa page on 21 November, I just wanted to say Happy Birthday Dongwan!!!


On another note, I lurk here often but don't leave messages enough (sorry, sorry), I saw some comments on the Korean sites proposing a protest/demonstration in front of mnet's office on 24 November, seriously, I hope non of the Shinhwa Changjo fans take part in this. Personally, I think any demonstration with Shinhwa name involved will make the backlash on our boys worse...

Let's all leave this behind and look forward to the Winter Album and 9th jib ^^

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Guest kriza_09

since it's 12.45AM Nov 21 in korea now,


*don't know what else to say, already late for school, so i guess i'll come back later and edit this post lolz*

PS: i know this only concerns 1 shinhwa member, but i want to give my birthday wish to dongwan as a shinhwa member, not the solo gasoo kim dongwan.. so... *pleading to edward*

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