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Guest lenakeem

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Guest love.peace.happiness.

i've been a long time fan and supporter of ShinhWa and this is my first time in this forum..i just love them so much they are so cute, sweet and so supportive of each other..i can't wait for their 9th album..SHINHWA FOREVER!!!

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Guest veraciously

Eeee, RicSyung love! Awesome, can't wait for fancams of the kiss to appear online or something similar. :D

Since this thread is sort of quiet, maybe we ought to take a walk down the memory lane. I'm a newbie fan myself so I don't know a lot of things but recently talking to a friend of mine who's into kpop but not into Shinhwa (travesty which I'm doing my hardest to fix, trust me!) about Korean fans and how wonderful they can be but also how their devotion can be sort of crazy.. Like the recent incident where a girl took a picture with a Super Junior member backstage of some show and she was bullied by fans so much she took her own life. Very tragic. I understand this is sort of an uncomfortable subject but I'm just really curious - have Shinhwa at some point had these sort of negative fan craziness incidents? All I've heard has been very positive type of Shinhwa devotion/nuttiness.

Touchy subject, I know, but if anybody of the old school fanbase could answer, I would so appreciate it. :)

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Guest poloblue

I just did partial translation of the Come to Play with Dongwan and Minwoo. Don't have time tonight to finish tonight so I've posted Minwoo's portion of the chart in Minwoo's thread and posted Dongwan's portion of the chart in Dongwan's thread. Since Edwards don't want us to repeat post, I'm going to post the link so if you are interested, please go to their threads to read. However, once I finish the whole thing and if someone doesn't beat me to translating, I'll post the whole thing here since it's 2 of them together in a show.





ooh, thanks mommy!! cant wait till u finsh!!! thanks so much for translating

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Guest samshiku

[07.08.11][trans] Shinhwa members took turns to wear Eric’s vest Underwear

Past about Shinhwa members even taking turns to wear Eric’s underwear was exposed during MBC ‘Come To Play’ show.

credits: oceans (source) + 打糕@shinhwachina (cn trans) + trueckp@shinhwa.biz (eng trans)



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[07.08.13] Shinhwa to hold large scale ASIA concert to end 9 years of activites

6 member groupo Shinhwa will hold a large scale Asia Concert to end 9 years of activites

Shinhwa will stage 2 days concert <Forever shinhwa> on 8th and 9th December, in Japan Saitama follow by a concert in China, shanghai ,which date is to be confirm

A concert spokeman "this is the members last concert before enlistment. It will be held in Japan and CHina and will be a large scale concert to meet the oversea fans. The members also will show off new dances"

For this concert, Shinwha will sing 3 new songs that has yet to be release. the 3 songs will be record in their 10 album which will be release in Mrach 2008

Shinhwa debuted in 1998 and is the longest boyband running.

Eric, Dongwan, Junjin, Minwoo and Andy will enlist in 2008.

(MIC: what about HYESUNG??!!!)

they will release an album to celebrate their 10th anniversary before enlisting

Credit: Ocean6 + dreamhyesung@shinhwa.biz


wow i cant believe it :tears: but at least they going to army at the same time. and they come back at the same time but what about hyesung?! the translation mite have some errors but it says the dates are confirmed.. -shrugs-

[07.08.13] The Birds, Hyesung and Junjin, new duo 78n76117.jpg

male comic duo 'the birds' has appear in the music world

the birds is make up of shinhwa member SHin hyeung and junjin

on that day, they sang the blue "feeling you" with a comic dance that attract the fans attention

other than that, hyesung and junjin change their image to serious yet funny which cause the fans to laugh louder

the 2 of them even introduce themselves as The birds with hyesung as the mummy and junjin as the baby bird

the birds has gain lots of attnetion and the both of them are thinking if they should release an album.

they are also discussing if junjin can appear at hyeusng 4 japan cocnert

total of 7000 fans attented the concert with more than 1000 oversea fans

credit: ocean6 + dreamhyesung@shinhwa.biz

i would sooo buy their album :w00t: if they do i would be soo happi ^^ *sees a CD in the future called "baby and mummy bird 1st album" * XD!!!!

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Guest nutzie

holy crap the first article made my heart stop -_-" thank goodness the article said it's before enlistment.. we have to be optimistic that they're gonna come back after army right? hopefully they'll do a huuuugeee comeback after that.. wheee~~~ hmm, weird that hyesung's not listed though.. i hope he goes at the same time too, even if his is the voluntary whatever thingy.. but i guess we can be quite sure that they're gonna enlist after march, cos they said they'll release album on the 10th anniversary.. whee~ [am i taking this too optimistically? -_-" i'm trying..]

the 2nd article just makes me laugh -_-" rozzy showed me a video clip that was titled something like the bird - junjin and hyesung and i'm like, what's that supposed to mean?? i think i understand now.. hahaha.. i would expect jinric to be doing this, but hyesung?? that picture looks funny too.. both of them crouching like matrix [okay maybe not like matrix.. whatever..]

veraciously - hmm.. i can't think of any at this moment of time.. but surely, those are not the works of only crazy fans, but also antifans.. well, one that i've read from this other thread about antifans [mind you, i'm not sure this happened.. i just read it somewhere -_-" please don't go around spreading this rumor like it's true.. it might not be..] that some fans send minwoo a used pad with a letter saying that she wants to have his baby.. which doesn't even make any sense -_-" how the hell are you supposed to make babies with a used pad? that's just.. sad.. [hey it rhymes!!]

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Guest sunnydays.

I just did partial translation of the Come to Play with Dongwan and Minwoo.





Mommy Alice, thank you very much! :D I can't wait to read the translations. I watched Come to Play, and I picked up a few hints of what they were talking about, but mostly I laughed because of their actions. XD;


I've been waiting for these, too... (:

Glad to see the members all together >w<; <3


... Junjin looks SOOO goooood O_____________O <3

Oh yes, can't wait for the fancams either.

I saw a fancam of Hyesung kissing Eric, that one was on youtube. hehe~

[07.08.13] Shinhwa to hold large scale ASIA concert to end 9 years of activites

[07.08.13] The Birds, Hyesung and Junjin, new duo

The first article: The headline makes me extremely uncomfortable. -___-; The media needs to choose their words carefully, especially around this time... many Shinhwa fans are anxious about Shinhwa being together still. D: But ahh, I assume that they mean the concert will end the 9th year, and then Shinhwa will continue on with their 10th jib after the army. RIGHT?! O___O Anyway, that is VERY exciting news. :D Although I know I won't be able to go to their concert, it is something definately to look forward to. AND THEIR 3 NEW SONGS! YEAHHH. >;] & I can't wait for their album. & VERY VERY GOOD NEWS! They are all going to the army at the same time! THAT MEANS THEY'RE GETTING OUT AT THE SAME TIME! YAY. (: <3 As for Hyesung, I think he's exempt from the army because of his knee injury. But, forgive me if i'm wrong. ^^;

The second article: adorable. (: <3 Those birds are SOOO cuute >w<; Ahh, it would be great to see JinSyung~ & that picture is so funny. XD; Junjin looks good in his glasses & suit. :P

holy crap the first article made my heart stop -_-" thank goodness the article said it's before enlistment.. we have to be optimistic that they're gonna come back after army right? hopefully they'll do a huuuugeee comeback after that.. wheee~~~

but i guess we can be quite sure that they're gonna enlist after march, cos they said they'll release album on the 10th anniversary.. whee~ [am i taking this too optimistically? -_-" i'm trying..]

veraciously - ... that some fans send minwoo a used pad with a letter saying that she wants to have his baby.. which doesn't even make any sense -_-" how the hell are you supposed to make babies with a used pad? that's just.. sad.. [hey it rhymes!!]

O__O AHH! Huge comeback would be AMAZING! Yes yes, I do hope they're gonna come back after the army... with a comeback... omg, I'd die with happiness. (: I think that would be an amazing anniversary... decade, with a new album. I can't wait! I do hope that they'll have plenty of time to promote before going to the army. D: Hopefully.

have Shinhwa at some point had these sort of negative fan craziness incidents?

Hi! (:

I have a few incidents that i've looked up, all credits to soompi:

1/2002 archive: http://soompi.com/news/archive.php?m=1&y=2002

1/15 - Shinhwa members agonized by cellphone stalker

Shinhwa members Kim Dong Wan and Jun Jin are being victimized by a cellphone stalker. It started out as a simple phone calls (with messages such as "I love you" and "your performance today was terrific") last summer with the release of their popular 4th album but turned to requests to meet personally. The members tried switching numbers, but to no avail. She became even more persistent when they stopped answering their phones, sending strange text messages and profane voice messages. Recently, she pretended to be part of the staff and boarded the van, after which she unexpectedly proceeded to hug the members while screaming "why don't you answer my calls?" Although the managers pulled her away before the situation became too serious, they were still very shocked. There was an incident where she somehow boarded the van while everyone was gone and waited for them inside. Although Shinhwa did report to police the fans who stole their things last year, they did not intend to press charges against any more fans from now on. Shinhwa members say that they are greatful for their fans' love but wish that the fans would refrain from drowning them so much so that they become miserable.

There's another old piece of news about Shinhwa's Lee Min Woo. Lee Min Woo received threatening letters from his fans who threatened to hurt themselves or commit suicide after they watched his music video called "Just One Night" where he and the actress in the video are very close to each other and are kissing or something. He felt very upset about it.

Here's a site I found about Shinhwa's Jun Jin being blackmailed by men who claimed they have nude photos of him with a woman lying next to him in a hotel room. The other party threatened to have his photo circulated around the internet if he did not give them money for it. They sent his manager an e-mail to let Jun Jin know about the photos. Here's the link to the site: http://www.solid07.net/archives/archive-apr.shtml

^ Very scary... this threatening stuff is so scary. =\ I wonder how they would've handled that stuff, especially about the thing with Minwoo & the suicide! I mean... it's just a music video... crazy fans. u__u; But yeah. Ahh, scary.

Here are more:

10/2001 archive:


10/08 - Shinhwa calls cops on fans

On October 6, 2 members from Shinhwa's fan club were booked on robbery charges after stealing various articles from the group's van. Police say that on September 25, at about 5 a.m., the girls got into the parked car in front of the group's villa through an open door and stole $100 worth of goods, including clothes, sneakers, and cosmetics. After getting their things back, Shinhwa turned in the girls to deter fans from stealing from celebrities in the future.

10/08- Shinhwa's bizarre fan

Shinhwa shudders at the sight of one bizarre female fan who always appears at their tapings of the m-net's "Show King M". This normal-looking 20-something year old fan changes suddenly whenever Shinhwa takes the stage. She first claps while watching them but then takes off her bra and chews on it while glaring(?) at them. The group gets goosebumps whenever they see her at their performances. The staff of 'Show King M' says that they are too afraid to tell her not to come anymore and just leave her alone since she isn't really causing any trouble. Shinhwa says they really appreciate the support from fans but strange acts of love are not welcome.

7/2003 archive: http://soompi.com/news/archive.php?m=7&y=2003

7/27 - Shinhwa's Shin Hye Sung threatened by phone calls

Group Shinhwa's lead vocal Shin Hye Sung has recently told the public that he has been receiving threatening phone calls and messages over three months. At the opening ceremony of Shinhwa's new home, Good Entertainment, Shin told his story while showing the reporters the threatening messages left on his phone. The first few calls is said to have started in April of this year. With no number appearing on the Caller I.D., Shin started receiving an increasing number of blank calls. When Shin started getting mad, the other line started saying threatening messages to him. No matter how many times Shin has changed his phone number, the threatening phone calls still came. "By the voice, I think it is just not one person, but a group of people who are in on this, "Shin told reporters. Recently, Shin stopped picking up the phone, and the group has been sending text messages which say, "I won't leave you alone if you don't pick up the phone" and "I will kill you and curse your blood." Shin hopes to find the criminal with the help of the phone companies.

^ The one about the "bizarre fan" is hilarious. XD Chews on her bra... LOL. HAHAHAHA. That's creepy, but thinking about it, it seems funny. XD; & poor Hyesung... getting threats. =\

*cough* & wow, funny how we around here joke about kidnapping Shinhwa... :ph34r:

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Guest fatcat

woa, suddenly this thread alive again? LOL

first, thanks Mommy Alice for translating the show for us. I laughed so hard when they started teasing each other.

second, the concert make my heart melt but the last news make my heart stop, cannot believe that Minwoo, Eric, Junjin,Andy, Dong Wan will be...(cannot even type it huhuhu)

third, the crazy fans. Man, the news scare the... out of me. I knew about the "Just one night" thing and about fan stole Shinhwa's stiff but other news are even crazier.

i agree, the one about a girl chewing her bra is weird and hilarious ( at least, she just chew her own bra... and i never thought that Shinhwa have that kind of ...weird power though i love them)

No offense but some Korean fans are so over the top.

though how much i wanna see Shinhwa 2gether next year, i want to freeze the time so they won't go. (selfish)

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Guest raina_flor

am happy that the 5 are enlisting all together but sad as well as i will be missing them. i admire andy for enlisting earling to be with his hyeungs. take care guys! love you all much!

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Guest Krain5

Thanks everyone for keeping this thread alive with your translations and pics. I'm so looking forward to the Ricsung moment!! They're one of my favorite couples.

I am sad that the boys are going to the...(you know, the "a" word), but at least they're going together guys. I mean, isn't it better this way? Not just for us, but for the boys as well. They would miss each other like crazy if one or two memebers left and the others stayed (at least that's how I picture it in my mind). So though part of me is having a tantrum the other part of me is happy that they're going at the same time.

Shinhwa Fighting! ^_^

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Guest nutzie

riz - ooh i remember reading about that junjin picture too!! wasn't it something like, he was drunk or something and then he was kidnapped, and that photo was taken during the ordeal.. but he was so drunk he didn't remember any crap about it.. and then he was blackmailed with the pictures, and he said he was going to sue them or get them arrested before they backed off.. i think that one is not an act by fans though.. like, no fans would blackmail their idols like that right? i think they're desperate for money/fame O_o" the bra one is creepyyy!! i would be scared for life if i saw that.. and the one about hyesung's blackmail is most likely by antifans.. why would fans want to curse his blood or whatever? i think some crazy fans might do crazy things, but antifans are even more scary cos they tend to want to harm the idols, while the crazy fans don't have the intention to harm their fans, but it happens that way -_-" okay fine i'm not making any sense at all..

fatcat - hahahah we're trying to keep it alive until the shinhwa members decide to make an appearance/promo -_-" i guess that's the only thing we can do at this point of time.. i don't think we can fully blame those on korean fans though.. i mean, there are also times when they promote outside korea and these things happen too.. it mostly happens in korea because, well, most of the time, the shinhwa members are in korea.. but we can't just assume that the korean fans are the crazy ones or whatever..

hmm.. since when "army" becomes a 4 letter swear word? hahaha i guess in this thread, it is -_-" anyways, i wonder if the 5 of them are gonna be in 1 unit [or whatever the army term is..] is there any news that they're gonna be enrolling altogether at the same time? or is it scattered all over next year?

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Guest Krain5

^ Yes nutzie, you know in this thread the "a" word is a sensitive thing. LOL

And I was wondering that myself, if the boys would be all in the same unit or group or whatever. Wouldn't that be awesome?! I hope that's the case...

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Whoa...I've not been up to date with Shinhwa news!

Anybody can help direct me to the Come to Play youtube links? Have those been uploaded somewhere yet? otherwise, where did you all watch them?



Found them under Kassuma's a/c. THANK YOU MUCH KASSUMA!

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Guest angel2nyt

[07.08.13] Shinhwa to hold large scale ASIA concert to end 9 years of activites

6 member groupo Shinhwa will hold a large scale Asia Concert to end 9 years of activites

Shinhwa will stage 2 days concert <Forever shinhwa> on 8th and 9th December, in Japan Saitama follow by a concert in China, shanghai ,which date is to be confirm

A concert spokeman "this is the members last concert before enlistment. It will be held in Japan and CHina and will be a large scale concert to meet the oversea fans. The members also will show off new dances"

For this concert, Shinwha will sing 3 new songs that has yet to be release. the 3 songs will be record in their 10 album which will be release in Mrach 2008

Shinhwa debuted in 1998 and is the longest boyband running.

Eric, Dongwan, Junjin, Minwoo and Andy will enlist in 2008.

(MIC: what about HYESUNG??!!!)

they will release an album to celebrate their 10th anniversary before enlisting

Credit: Ocean6 + dreamhyesung@shinhwa.biz


wow i cant believe it :tears: but at least they going to army at the same time. and they come back at the same time but what about hyesung?! the translation mite have some errors but it says the dates are confirmed.. -shrugs-

hyesung isnt going to the army.. because of medical reasons

theyre going to release another album in march

and it states there that it's supposed to be their tenth??

when would the ninth be released?

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Guest ultaeja

OMG O_O the incidents with fans, etc. I've heard all of them except for the chewing bra one O_O no offence, but I found that hilarious<<.. :P

BTW, they're going to the.... :tears: Altogether except for Sungie?!?! Awww.. TT_TT... No... NO.. What am I gonna do for the next two years without them???

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Guest noona13

Krain5 and nutzie - i think that would be quite fantastic too if they were all in the same unit... then they'd have loads of stories to share when they come back after that damed a*** stint :)

^ Yes nutzie, you know in this thread the "a" word is a sensitive thing. LOL

And I was wondering that myself, if the boys would be all in the same unit or group or whatever. Wouldn't that be awesome?! I hope that's the case...

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FULL translation to Come to Play with Dongwan and Minwoo.

This took me long time to translate because of so much of Minwoo and Dongwan's air time.

Anyway, because I was in hurry I really don't have time to look for typos or for grammar errors. If you have any questions, you can PM me and I'll see if I can explain or fix the part that's unclear later.

Someone will be hardsubbing it into video so until then, enjoy the reading.

Come to Play (8-10-07) – Minwoo and Dongwan

YJS: Yoo Jaesuk

KWH: Kim Wonhee

KJM: Kim Jongmin

NHC: Noh Hyungchul

DW: Dongwan

M: Minwoo

YJS: Hello, this is Yoo Jaesuk from Norlewah.

KWH: Hello, this is Kim Wonhee

YJS: Today 2 guests…

KWH: Two are with solo albums..wonderful men, M’s Lee Minwoo and Kim Dongwan.

KWH: Now that you are both solo, you heard each other songs right?

DW: Yes. Minwoo’s album is wonderful. His stage is like musical. I was little upset because PDs set up Minwoo’s stage with BIG M…while with MBC, while I was singing Handkerchief, they hung real handkerchief!

DW: Of course it was good idea…handkerchief with look-like pencil drawing of a young girl…but with M’s stage, there’s BIG M!...felt they were not paying much attention to me.

KWH: So it’s difference between the fabric and the wood.

YJS: Since we have Dongwan and M, we’ll find out everything we can about them.

KWH: Let’s start with Minwoo.

Minwoo’s Chart:

KWH: Don’t you feel shame posing like this? Lips smirking?

YJS: That’s a pose you see occasionally during jacket picture taking.

M: If I were to explain, during idol days, we use our hands a lot for poses. But these days, we use scrowl expression a lot.

DW: Do the expression right after you wake up.

(MCs asked Hongchul to do the same “waking up expression”.)

KWH: (reading from the chart) Jang Donggun..met at the restaurant?

M: I was eating at a restaurant and our (Jang Donggun & M) eyes met. He said, “Hi, Minwoo”.

KWH: On your first meeting?

M: Yes on our first meeting. Since I was younger, he said it in friendly way, “Minwoo, hi!”. I was eating so I put my spoon down and said hello. He called me over and we drank soju and exchanged telephone numbers.

YJS: So you keep in touch?

M: Yes, sometimes we send text to each other and call each other.

KWH: He (Jang Donggun) doesn’t answer my phone.

YJS: You know his number?

KWH: Yes, we are friends because we started at the same time.

YJS: So you must be friends?

KWH: Yes but when I text him, he doesn’t answer. (Speaking to M). If you see Jang Donggun, please don’t forget to tell his this.

M: What?

KWH: If he gets caught, he’s dead!

YJS: I saw Jang Donggun about 5 or 6 years ago in the bath house.

M: You ran into him?

KWH: Not ran into him but when I came out Jang Donggun was drying his hair so I ran away.

YJS: You guys are same age. You should say, “Hi Donggun”.

KWH: So if you met Jang Donggun at the restaurant, you met Jeung Junho at the bar?

M: With Junho hyung, we’ve met before his hit movie “Doo Sabu” (My Boss, My Hero) and we got friendly.

KWH: First time you met, you shook hands right?

M: Yes. Shake hands, hug, and then asked me to sing. We sang together and drank together.

YJS: Jeung Junho was in our show earlier and his nick name is “Gookhwa Bang 10”.

DW: He is same as Monwoo. Minwoo is always taking care of people around him.

YJS: What is your nick name then?

M: My nick name? Just what the members call me…”Minbong”

DW: In the beginning, he was “Cool Guy”.

YJS: Dongwan, you were “wit guy”.

DW: Usually people give you nick name…we first met during our 1st jib, during our interview when asked what was our nicknames, I was giving out all kind of nicknames I have but Minwoo said, I’m Cool Guy!

(Back to the chart)

KWH: Dongwan is the reason why you left?

M: We lived together for a long time but I was the first one to leave. The reason why I decide to live by myself is because of Dongwan.

DW: I’m sorry.

M: We, Dongwan and I, had rooms facing each other which was close to each other. I was working (writing songs) until late and Dongwan is very sensitive when it comes to sleeping.

DW: Yes, I’m very sensitive when it comes to sleeping.

M: So he (DW) would come into the room and would say, “YA! I have to sleep!” “Be quiet!” So I said to myself I won’t work but I need to have my own place to work.

DW: In reality, I helped him to live on his own.

YJS: Even in family sometimes you argue. Did two of you ever argue?

M: If I argued with Dongwan, I remember of steak incident. Among members, I’m famous for taking bite out of everyone’s food. I tell them I don’t want any but take one bite. I always tell them I don’t want it but then ask does it taste good and then eat. Dongwan was cooking T-bone steak, and he put nicely cooked steak on the table. While he returned to cook the other steak, I cut the steak and started eating. Dongwan got mad and yelled at me, “YA! What are you doing?” You know how it is when people fight over food? You feel stupid…so I dropped my fork and knife and told him “I DON’T want it anymore” and left. I went to the bathroom and Dongwan came in. I was reading the paper so I opened up the newspaper and covered my face. Dongwan was washing his hands and I covered my face with newspaper.

YJS: What a cool guy! The UN-Cool guy!

M: Dongwan was washing his face and he said, “Everything is fine but I don’t like fighting with you!” So I folded my paper and put the paper down…you know situation is funny…I’m sitting on the toilet doing my business…so I said, “Me too!”. So we went out together and ate the steak together.

DW: This is our lovely story from way back.

YJS: Okay, now lets do Kim Dongwan’s in-line.

(Dongwan’s Chart)

YJS: Past woman story. Park Kyungrim, who recently got married.

DW: With Kyungrim, we are old friends…she’s not past woman..

YJS: You sang congratulatory song at her wedding. So what were you thinking being at close friend’s wedding?

DW: In reality, I didn’t sing good on purpose. I felt little “sadness”…not because my woman left me but because thinking my close friend is now a wife of one man.

Minwoo: You feel “sad” in that situation?

KWH: Didn’t you have ex-girlfiend who got married?

Minwoo: I congratulated her…my first love…she’s married and have child.

KJM: What’s her initials?

YJS: Next…Eric is “chun-juk” (natural enemy)?

DW: Cannot say he’s enemy but he made alot of nicknames for me.

YJS: What did he nickname you?

DW: Recently, he called me double PD. PD is short version of “pa-dak, pa-dak” (this is just a expression of movement). My movements are sometimes over reaction…eventhough when I know I’m acting “pa-dak” when someone actual tell you, you feel little hurt…

DW: Even when I’m working out, he (Eric) would said, “YA!, Dongwan you are all muscle, but Minwoo is “mohm-jjang”(body work of art?) In other words you are “meat”!

M: Eric does not say things out of bad feeling but loves to tease. For example, when Dongwan does push ups, Eric would lift Dongwan up so that he can’t use any strength.

(Dongwan and Minwoo demonstrated what Eric would do.)

YSJ: Is there other nicknames Eric gave you?

DW: When I used to work out seriously, when I had no fat but muscles, I had a lot of wrinkles,.so he called me “old man”.

M: Dongwan used to get stressed because of that.

KWH: So nicknames in the beginning was “Cool Guy”, “Wit Guy”, then “Old Man”…”Pa-dak, Pa-dak”.

YJS: Wow, Lee Hyori…what’s this rejection?

DW: It’s not rejection but during high school, we had blind date. I wore pants that was more tightfitting than now and Hyori wore hip-hop pants. Our fashion sense was different…Hyori did not like it and I wasn’t too thrilled about her either. I didn’t understand girls wearing hip-hop pants so it wasn’t rejection but just didn’t like each other. Both of us did not request “after” date request.

YJS: It’s little after you saw her again, did you recognize her?

DW: Yes, I recognized her. I even called her. I would say, it’s Dongwan and then laugh and hang up…because it was embaraasing.

(Talks about Noh Hyungchul almost had blind date with Lee Hyori too.)

(Talks about Kim Jongmin and Hyori.)

(Minwoo’s Oh! Yes Questions)

YJS: Let’s start with questioning Minwoo.

YJS: Minwoo, you have to be honest and answer “yes” or “no”

Saori: Question: When I saw my naked body on the mirror, I admired myself.

YJS: In reality, why wouldn’t you admire youself in front of mirror?

KWH: Yoo Jaesuk, have you looked yourself in the mirror?

YJS: In truth, I don’t look directly (font side) but look at my silhouette.

KWH: Which part do you like the most?

YJS: My hip line to down?

KWH: Yoo Jaesuk’s body is nice but not well known.

YJS: Yes, I cannot tell people myself.

M: YES sign

M: I worked out really hard. First I burn all my fat doing boxing and built my muscle. You cannot lift heavy weights…start with light weights

DW: If you lift heavy weights, you’ll be like me. Instead of getting small muscles, I got hard-labor-type muscles. That is why Eric always teased me, Minwoo is “mohm-jjang” (body work of art), you (DW) are “gho-ghi” (meat).

M: So the result is my body.

YJS: In reality, after all that hard work, you cannot just hide your body in clothes right?

M: Yes, that’s why during conceret/show, I show.

DW: Let’s see your “bok-gun” (six pack?)

M: I just ate and you are asking to show!

YJS: WOW, even after you ate, it looks like that?

(Everyone is chanting, Yoo Jaesuk!)

YJS: I don’t have any “bok-gun”. I”ll just show you this. (grabbing his love-handle)…I can grab like this.

KWH: Let’s see Kim Jongmin.

(Kim Jongmin showing his side)

DW: His arms are dark but it’s white (talking about KJM’s body).

YJS: Please tan yourself.

KWH: Looks like neighborhood “ajushi” (older man) body.

KWH: For a while you worked out a lot.

DW: I worked out hard. I didn’t even sleep. I didn’t have time to work out so I gave up sleep instead.

M: When we used to get ready in beauty salon, Dongwan used to workout in health club.

KWH: What part are you most proud of?

DW: I haven’t work out lately but I still have my arms.

(DW flexing his arm muscles)

YJS: Oh, hand handle comes out.

M: Dongwan’s nick name is “ahr-Dongwan” (ahr means egg/round)

DW: I worked out so much, I even have muscle here too (holding his round cheeks)

YJS: So you are Kim DongAHR!

DW: Kim DongAHR?

KWH: These muscles are good. You know there are people with big muscles so the suit are tight around the arms.

M: Like Kim Jongkook?

YJS: He’s in the army…probably get shocked watching this show.

YJS: Kim Jongmin, 5 seats?

KJM: He can pass but Minwoo is honest/truthful person…have lot of friends so he can show interest.

DW: Minwoo doesn’t hide/lie.

KJM: Minwoo, I’m sorry. Question: Asked female celebrity (out) but was declined.

YJS: Kim Jongmin, did you have situation like that?

KJM: Me? I have a lot!

DW: I don’t ever recollect Minwoo failing.

DW: I’m nervous.

YJS: Your are nervous? It’s your turn next.

M: YES sign

KWH: Can you just tell us little of the situation?

M: I really liked her a lot. I found out her telephone number.

KWH: So she’s celebrity?

(Everyone said, of course it’s celebrity. Look at the question.)

M: She was an actress. I called her and we got comfortable and got to be friends. You know you want to be more but it’s hard to say…the best way is alcohol…you feel brave…so I called her but some male answered. Her boyfriend. He said, I’m “so and so’s” boyfriend and I know you been calling her. I asked if she was sleeping and he said, I can’t tell you that.

DW: You asked if she was sleeping?

M: No, I was asking if she fell asleep? Why are you guys thinking “nasty” way?

M: Felt like lightning hit me…but I heard her boyfriend’s voice before.

YJS: Was it Dongwan?

M: So I asked, is it you? And he answered yes. So I told him be good to her. In truth I called because I had good feelings for her but now that I know she has you, be good to her. Next day, she called me. Even it was embarrassing situation, she couldn’t call me but because we were comfortable with each other like older brother and younger sister, she called and apologized. She said she should of told me sooner, then I would have less shock.

YJS: So, did you have “cool guy” attitude?

M: We still contact each other now. We are really like comfortable brother and younger sister.

DW: Who is it?

KJM: What’s her name?

YJS: In reality, the only person here that their voice is easily recognizable is Noh Hyungchul. There are not that many you can recognize voice. If you are asking, if it’s you that mean it’s “hoo-bae”.

DW: So he’s a singer because you said, it’s you? If he was actor, you wouldn’t say in comfortable way, is it you?

M: I’ll leave that to your imagination.

(Everyone said, okay, let’s all think that way)

DW: Later since we are member together, I’ll get the information and send you text message.

YJS: Please send it to me.

KWH: Yoo Jaesuk, send it to me too. I can’t sleep tonight.

YJS: Who is going next?

NHC: Question: I got caught by members showing affection to my girlfriend.

NHC: Minwoo is really good to everyone around him.

KWH: You have to give little sample what you are talking about.

NHC: Like giving kiss on the cheek in the car, giving a hot hug, touching her hand..things like that….things everyone does…especially if you are a man. Especially since they are not solo but team that lived together so long…there are eyes looking….

M: Tell as it is…thought about it…the truth?

NHC: Dongwan, you never saw it?

DW: I never saw it.

M: I was going to say this…if someone I like and they know who it is, I do it (show effection) in the open.

DW: That’s right. Minwoo never got caught but he bragged about it.

YJS: Brag about what?

DW: See me kissing! (kiss)

M: I miss those days.

KHC: She is a celebrity right?

KWH: Kim Hongcheul, have you ever had girlfriend who is a celebrity?

KHC: No, never. That’s why I’m going crazy (with jealousy). I’ll be happy if even once if I had celebrity girlfriend.

YJS: Minwoo you said you miss those day…nowadays once in a while you want to date?

M: In truth….when Dongwan told me someone was interested in me, I even asked him to introduce me to her.

YJS: If Dongwan told you that…why?

M: Dongwan took the effect.

DW: I tried.

YJS: But it didn’t work out?

DW: Since Minwoo and I are busy promoting…

YJS: So it’s still going on? (between Minwoo and lady Dongwan introduced)

DW: Is it? I don’t know.

M: We don’t get in touch often, I want it (relationship) work out but….

YJS: You don’t want to burden her?

M: Yes.

DW: She is busy with too.

M: I have my work…

(everyone started laughing and said she is a celebrity)

KWH: Let me think who it is when I go hom.

M: Please love our solo first album.

DW: Everyone please laugh (in Korean, oot-suh-BO AH-yo)

(everyone one thinks it’s BOA thinking it was a hint)

DW: No, my song.

YJS: It goes for me and Wonhee, we have no news when it comes to celebrities.

KWH: By the time it comes to us, it’s already late news.

KWH: Have you ever dated older woman?

M: Yes.

KWH: Up to how old?

M: Up to 4 years older.

YJS: Then she’s around 32 to 33 noo-nah (older sister/woman).

M: We still keep in touch.

KWH: (tapping on DW) Have you ever dated noo-nah?

DW: Yes. Me too. Around 4 years older.

KHC: Can it be same noo-nah as Minwoo’s?

DW: I’ll answer when you ask me at my turn.

KWH: But same questions don’t come out.

YJS: We’ll just ask ourselves.

KWH: Kim Jongmin, I think you also dated noo-nah?

KJM: Yes….6 years older. We promised to date but after one telephone call, it ended.

DW: Why did it end?

KJM: Because she lived far. She was in outskirt of city and I was in Seoul.

YJS: Don’t you want to see her?

KJM: No, it’s okay. She is probably around 36 years old now.

YJS: She is same age as me…it must be Wonhee noo-nah!

YJS: Who is going to ask next?

DW: Jajjang!

YJS: You have to read it to us.

DW: Question: We have shared same underclothing between Shinhwa members.

M: Yes.

M: There are a lot of stories. We lived together for a long time. When we first became members, Dongwan and Junjin came later…I was there before. We really practiced hard per day.

YJS: How long did you practice?

M: If not alot, 8 hours a day, if a lot, 12 hours a day. You know your clothes get really soaked (with sweat)…you ruin a lot of underclothes…even if you wash, it’s still wet next day..

KWH: When you used to have only one (undercloth/underware).

M: So I thought, this won’t work. I better wear member’s. I wore it without telling anyone….since we are all friends, it’ll be okay. Especially since Eric is from US, he had brand name which had loose rubberband. It was fashion to show top of the underwear rubberband. So in order to wear that brand name, I woke up really early…Dongwan wore it later too but I started it. Eric wanted to wear that underware but everyone he wants to wear it, either me, Andy, or Hyesung…always someone is wearing it so Eric got mad. Everyone wore it but he must had most problem with me wearing it. So one day in practice room he called me over said, “YAH! Don’t wear my underware anymore! I’m only going to say this…” I could have said, “okay, that your dirty underware back” but I thought Eric was cute the way he talked to me and Eric also must have thought I was cute the way I responded so he said, “so what you wear it”. If others hear of us sharing underware could be “in shock” but if you wash it, it’s clean!

DW: With me, I started wearing it after they had it out so I had no problem wearing it.

M: By the time Dongwan wore it, rubberband had already expanded.

KWH: So you (DW) had to keep on lifting off your pants during recording.

YJS: Saori, your turn.

Saori: Question: I’m not a “good son”.

YJS: Why did you choose that question?

Saori: I love my mother a lot but I’m not good to her as I would like to be.

M: Yes.

YJS: You chose a good question.

Saori: I’m a smart girl.

YJS: You always seem to love yourself a lot.

M: As Saori said, eventhough in my thought I want to be good son but I still act like a little boy around Mom…to be a good son, you need to spend time with them…know even little things what your parents like…sometimes after performance we eat dinner together and we have conversation we didn’t have time before and sometimes I get teary eyes.

DW: Minwoo is good son because…like after performance, when there’s get together, we get little annoyed because our parents are attending with us but Minwoo always take care of his parents and have them join us.

KJM: Word that you yell loud 5 times that causes you to tear is word “Mom”

YJS: Lastly, Kim Dongwan.

DW: I think I did something stupid. I can’t believe I chose this question. Even if he answers “yes”….and if he answers “no”, it’s true..

DW: Question: Once in a while Kim Dongwan ruined my dance choreography.

M: Yes

YJS: You must feel good.

DW: Nothing to feel good about it.

YJS: I envy you.

DW: When did I ruin it?

M: When I tell them we start practicing Saturday, Dongwan start practicing earlier because he wants to do more.

DW: Eventhough I tried hard, I still can’t follow them.

M: He really practice hard but takes too much strength out of him. So I took video of him and studied.

DW: Don’t tell things like that.

KWH: Like soccer coach does using the video.

M: Funniest thing he did is..

YJS: Please show us.

M: When we dance, we bend like this…post like this…but Dongwan… (look straight forward)

DW: What’s wrong with it? I was “in tune” with the audience.

YJS: Please show us. We have to see it ourselves.

(DW & Minwoo showing the dance move)

M: Another funny story is…when there’s 6 of us, it’s important to make a pyramid shape. Dongwan usually get the side eventhough he sang a lot.

DW: (saying to YJS) Don’t make “nose snoring” sound when he is talking about me.

YJS: The shadow side.

M: Because he is always on the side, around 5th album time, Dongwan came to me quietly and…

DW: Don’t tell that here. We can keep it as our lovely story.

M: (DW said) “YAH! Is this me at the end?” I asked if there’s a problem?

M: (DW said) “Just once can I stand in the middle?” So he’s in the middle…in the song “Your Wedding”.

DW: In truth, if the members had issue, then Minwoo should have volunteered the middle. Yes, Minwoo is good dancer but we should stand in the middle too since we are members too.

YJS: So it’s always the side where it’s shadowed and less lights…it’s cold there right?

DW: I wanted to be in front where there’s burst of fireworks on stage…all I got was the powder left from the burst….would burst “bang” in front of Minwoo.

YJS: We thought we knew everything about Shinhwa but there’s still so many things to learn about Shinhwa.

(Dongwan’s Oh! Yes Questions)

KJM: Don’t we have to see Minwoo dance?

KWH: We didn’t see him dance with squid on his face.

M: You wear squid?

KWH: Yes. You have to wear squid and dance as a penalty.

KJM: You have to dance to your new album song.

DW: Album just came out and have to wear squid and dance?

YJS: Question: I can’t say anything about dancing but when it comes to acting, I can say I’m better actor than Minwoo.

DW: Yes. Minwoo didn’t have time to put efforts into acting like I did…instead Minwoo is putting a lot of time in music, like producing and writing songs

M: Dongwan started writing songs first.

DW: Minwoo has better talent in writing songs.

M: These days, people multi-talented…he should take challenge to comedy

DW: I’m not funny.

KHC: He (DW) sound like Yoo Shaeyun.

(DW acting out Yoo Shaeyun)

DW: I don’t think I’ll make as comedian.

YJS: No you are a “wit guy”

M: He likes writing so he’ll be good as a writer.

DW: Can’t write for long time so I gave up…so just singing and acting.

(They talk about Kim Jongmin and what he wants to do)

(They decide to ask question that was asked to Minwoo about celebrity girl rejecting)

DW: I was interested so I sent text message. I sent 4 text messages and I got return message that said, “sorry but I have boyfriend”.

YJS: So did you reply back?

DW: I replied back saying, “I picked the right/good person since you are straight forward with your answer.” I didn’t mean anything by it but Eric checked the text message and teased me for 2 months. Everytime there’s a situation, Eric would say, “Dongwan, I knew I didn’t pick the right person”. When we had a Shinhwa meeting, Eric would say, “Dongwan, we have Shinhwa meeting and I knew I didn’t pick the wrong person…”

KWH: Don’t you feel awkward when you meet because of work-related?

DW: We met once and it was awkward.

M: I envy Minwoo for even after separation you can still contact each other.

KWH: Is she an actress?

DW: Yes, she is an actress.

KWH: Question: When it comes to sexyness, I’m always jealous of Minwoo.

(KWH tries to convince DW to say yes)

DW: Yes

YJS: Eventhough you are friends, you feel envy sometimes?

DW: Yes, when he is on stage…not only on stage but in Music Video, I Pray for You, Minwoo wakes up after sleeping on the boat and I want to do that expression but I can’t do it.

DW: When we were filming MV, there was typhoon in Bankok, there were a lot of rain (so no sunlight) but when he got filming light, he did the scene right away.

M: When they put the light to me it felt like sunlight.

(DW tries acting out waking up because of the sunlight)

DW: sorry…

(MC’s asked Kim Jongmin to try it)

(DW asked YJS to try it)

(Next is KWH’s turn)

KJM: Question: If I were female, I would like Minwoo as my boyfriend.

(YJS tries to convince DW to say no by saying remember he’s the one who made fun of your dance and if DW say yes, then he has to date Minwoo for at least 1-2 years)

DW: I can’t hear anything…all I hear is chattering.

DW: Yes.

(YJS got excited because he thought DW said no)

DW: I think Minwoo treated his girlfriend the best (among Shinhwa). When we are busy it’s hard to give them time but Minwoo makes time and efforts.

KHC: Do you do “events”?

M: Talking about “events”, I remember…when it was one week anniversary, at 12 o’clock, I wanted to show her the sea but I didn’t think I can make it on time. I recorded song for her and had the CD in the car. Just 5 minutes before 12 o’clock, I thought this is not going to work because we won’t make it to the sea on time so I stopped the car and it was cold. She keep on try to listen to CD so I told her listen to the radio. I got off the car and she asked me where I was going. I told her I think there’s something wrong with the car but instead of going to the front of the car, I went to the trunk. She said why are you going to the trunk when you said there’s something wrong with the car? I opened the trunk and put on tuxedo and everytime car passed by it was cold because I was changing. I had cake with candle that sparkles and told her to turn on the CD. I sprayed snow (can) and took the cake to her and sang for our one week anniversary. I did event like that. She cried. She was the type who doesn’t say thank you.

DW: Talking about event remind me…

DW: On her birthday I was going to sing happy birthday to her so I used speaker feature on the phone and sang with my guitar…I finished my first verse and she said, “oppa, I’m tired so I’m going to sleep.”

(Last place: Minwoo, Noh Hyungchul, and Yoo Jaesuk dance to Minwoo’s song)

Credits: translation by mommie Alice, Soompi, shinhwachangjo, shinhwa.biz

This thread is for discussion of Shinhwa only. If you want to talk about Shinhwa members' solo activities, you should post it on their own official threads, not here. Thank you for your co-operations.

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Guest nurkeyandie

thank you, mommie Alice, for the translation (now i just have to find the youtube link), and thank you everyone for all the goodies! :D

eew, they shared underwear! ^o^ and aww, wannie wanted to be in the center for once...

i'm trying to stay upbeat but i saw the posts about the a-word...why is sungie getting left behind??? :tears: i mean, i don't want sungie to go (i don't want any of them to go!) but if he doesn't go with the others then that's one less bond he has with them (i mean, i know shinhwa's bond is unbreakable but still, i think hyesung will feel left out and lonely and i hope the others won't tease him about not going)... :(

anyway, those stories about those crazy fans were scary...that girl taking off and chewing her bra...wth?!? O_O

i have a question too, btw. how did that jinsyung mommy and baby bird thing start? why do they call each other mommy bird/baby bird and when did that start? i saw hyesung's birthday message to junjin, where he was saying that it was really hard when he was giving birth to jinnie and i was like, "er, okay..." O_o... :lol: (love him still though!)

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