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Guest lenakeem

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You guys got me all excited about Minwoo's album I decided not to wait to order with Hyesung and just ordered with annyoung.com. If it's released tomorrow, I should get my copy within 2-3 days. Can't wait.

Oh, remember I was talking about Chattering Beauties (Global Beauty Talk) show (I was talking about it here not at DW's forum right? LOL!) where Dominique is fan of Shinhwa and she said DW will be in the show? Well, she posted in Chattering Beauty forum that DW will be on next monday. This is what she said. She is so lucky!

as for dongwan, I met him yesterday. So first I saw him i was like "wouaaaaaaaahh" so hot. But he's way smaller than he seems and his body is not as large as I thought. He still looks hot. He was very nice and even though the shooting was long he kept on smiling. When we presented him, the MC asked if someone was a fan, of course I lifted my hand. I said he was my ideal man (which is true) and then they asked me to sing a part of shinhwa songs...I was caught off guard and started singing Haegyulsa lol than a little part of Eusha eusha ...anyway. During the break I took a pic with him and in the end he gave me his CD (ouaaahhh). I asked if there would be a concert this year but he said no...too bad, really wanted to see shinhwa live. anyway, he's very kind but he kind of ran away and didn't take pictures with the audience, they probably were very disappointed. mmm that's probably it, the show is ep.35 and it will be aired next week monday.
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Guest sunnydays.

ericmunlover - Hi. (: Hmm... i'm thinking it's Eric, only because I think actors get paid a bit more, plus he has a lot of CF's, but Minwoo probably has a LOT of money too. :P

veraciously - WELCOME! :D I was so happy to read your post - ALL of it! I'm so excited that Shinhwa not only reaches out to Asian countries, but also to non-asian countries as well (excluding US). Don't worry about the length of your fandom - what matters is that your love for Shinhwa. Haha~

ERIC IS HOT! He's my most favorite member, but i'm like you -- i can't ever place them where there are lasts & 2nd lasts. I agree, they're all equal & they're all wonderful. Andy is ADORABLE, & that's awesome that he's your favorite member. >;] I LOVE watching him on gameshows. You should watch other gameshows that he's on -- you'll simply love him even more! Haha. The Germany Xman special was wonderful for me too. (: Watching that as a new Shinhwa fan, you can really get a taste of their actual personalities.

When I was first introduced to Shinhwa, I listened to their 7th album, too. My friend suggested that I watch the MV for "Crazy", & the music (plus the hot guys that were Dongwan & JunJin... hehe) totally hooked me. I said, "this is SO GOOD" & so I searched for more of their music... & before I knew it, I was hooked. the 7th album WAS amazing, it is my favorite album so far. They didn't get Daesang (it's like a music award, except the Daesang is the ultimate highest top prize) that year for nothing~

Shinhwa is definately different from the other boybands that exist today. Not only the style of music (because I think all boyband's styles are quite different), but also because Shinhwa is OLDER than the other boybands. ^^; I do love the fact that they're older, & even if they are, they still fool around like crazy. :P Shinhwa is KNOWN for being cute/weird/crazy. No other boybands can top that. (;

I love getting Shinhwa merchandise. =D Haha, "a sign"... you bet it is! :P Shinhwa is amazing. Anyway, it's very nice to meet you. =D I'm Riz btw. It would be great to talk to you more about Shinhwa~

Aindy - no problem. (: Are you from the Philippines, too? Yeah, I hope he gets over it too. Eric? Hmm... is he still working on his solo album? I'm starting to doubt that he's not going to have one. But I don't know. x____x;

mommy alice - Thank you so much for posting that. (: I wanna get Minwoo's album, too. But OMGGGGGGG O___________________________O THAT GIRL GOT TO TAKE A PICTURE & MEET DONGWAN!??! ... wow. =___= I think i'm going crazy. Ahh, she is so lucky! Haha, but that's so awesome to meet him. (: I would like to see his incredibly handsome face in person, too~ & that's so nice for him to give her a CD! So she's on the episode? Woww~~ that's so cool. :D I'm so happy for her. Haha Dongwan running away... x__x & It WOULD be like Dongwan to smile all throughout. but Shinhwa isn't going to have a concert? =\ Oh man... that's a bit disappointing.

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Guest Arden


A new member @ Soompi! ^^

My first ever post here.

What a relief to find out about Soompi!

It's quite an amazing forum.

Plus, I was so happy to find out there is a Shinhwa Thread.

Sorry, I should be introducing myself.

My name is MinJung Lee.

I am Korean and from California.

I was born in Seoul, Korea but moved to California 3 years ago.

My parents are rethinking about moving back to Korea but not sure at the moment.

I just found out about Soompi from a friend at school.

She raved and raved about this forum and told me I should join.

So here I am on my first post - which happens to be at my all time favorite group thread.

Don't worry. I am not one of those here and there fan.

I am forever supporting Shinhwa and only Shinhwa.

Does anyone here use the USA Cyworld?

I have a Korean Cyworld but I thought about opening a USA one since I am here in the States.

I also created an unofficial Cyworld Club called Shinhwa Fan Club ( SHCJ ).

Hope you guys are interested in it.

Any info or question about it, you can send me a PM or something.

Thank you very much!


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Guest Krain5


A new member @ Soompi! ^^

My first ever post here.

What a relief to find out about Soompi!

It's quite an amazing forum.

Plus, I was so happy to find out there is a Shinhwa Thread.

Sorry, I should be introducing myself.

My name is MinJung Lee.

I am Korean and from California.

Hi MinJung! Welcome to the thread and thanks for posting that awesome picture! ^_^

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Guest nutzie

hi hi all the new people~ welcome, and remember to read the rules and not break them ^^~ [yeah i know, i say the same things everytime -_-"]

lynda - what did you miss? i don't know what we were talking about from 30 pages ago.. but these days, the topic seems to be on dongwan's solo.. check out his debut performances on youtube, inkigayo and mnet [i personally love scream performances =D] maybe to you it looks freaky, but i think it's pretty cool.. cos you know, hankerchief is ballad and it's nice and slow, but a lot of people have those kinds of songs.. but with scream, it's just a whole different genre altogether, and it stands out from all other artists' songs..

rozzy and i also found out yesterday that he performed on music tank last week [which would mean that it's his really first debut performance] but we couldn't find any clips on it, except rozzy found it in oceansix, but they wouldn't load.. so sad.. also, there's news about minwoo's solo album [i know, all you care about it this one =P] there was a leak found somewhere, so they're taking legal actions [or whatever] against it, which causes the album release to be delayed.. but i think it's coming out tomorrow..

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Hi MinJung,

Welcome to Shinhwa forum. I'm oldest fan in this forum. Also Korean and live in California.

Can you provide us with the links to USA Cyworld and/or fan club you created?

I'm assuming this is Shinhwa related Cyworld?

Hope you continue posting here with any info on Shinhwa members.

Hello.A new member @ Soompi! ^^My name is MinJung Lee.I am Korean and from California.I was born in Seoul, Korea but moved to California 3 years ago.My parents are rethinking about moving back to Korea but not sure at the moment.Does anyone here use the USA Cyworld?I have a Korean Cyworld but I thought about opening a USA one since I am here in the States.I also created an unofficial Cyworld Club called Shinhwa Fan Club ( SHCJ ).Hope you guys are interested in it.Any info or question about it, you can send me a PM or something.Thank you very much!http://img74.imageshack.us/img74/4346/12xd8.png

How come you guys always notice these things and I never do? I must be really slooooooow! LOL!

Have to look at the album jacket and booklet more carefully (of course I have to make sure my husband or my sons don't catch me!) LOL!

p.s. dongwan looks pretty hot with eyeliner ;)
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Welcome to the thread. Glad to see Shinhwa is having fans from all over the world....not just Asia or US.

I enjoyed reading your intro. I especially like your comment about Andy (being your favorite)! LOL! There's Andy's forum in Soompi under Korean drama if you want to join us there too.

I don't know if you can download from CB but there are ALOT of old clips of Shinhwa that you MUST watch. There are also other forums, shinhwachangjo and shinhwa.biz (2 most popular sites), that you can download and get all the updates.

I usually don't listen to rap music (maybe it's my age? actually can't stand them) BUT somehow when Eric and Andy raps, it's so smooth and mellow, I love it! LOL!

Ooops, got to pick up my son. Will edit later. By the way, what is your name?

EDIT: About translation to the photobook. I don't remember seeing any kind of translation to photobooks.... anyone seen it? What I have seen, most of the translation are recent music, MV, variety shows, and dramas. Do you ever watch Chattering Beauties (Global Talk Beauties)? There a girl there from Finland and she speaks really good Korean and Korean slangs. She talks so fast you really have to pay attention what she is saying. As I mentioned earlier, Dongwan is going to be in this show next Monday. I love this show....really facinates me how good their (beauties from all over the world) Koreans are. Hope you visit us soon.

Hey guys, sorry to somewhat break the flow of the thread but I figured I'd introduce myself to this gigantic(ally awesome) thread before starting to post here. I'm a very very very new Shinhwa fan - the time I've been into them is absolutely peanuts compared to some fans' over 9 years of love and devotion. But all the same, I love Shinhwa.

But I kept watching Xman clips on youtube and enjoyed the show a lot, and one of the first regulars besides KJK and YEH that stood out to me was Andy. I just adored his cuteness and his romantic Dangyunhajis and just the way he behaved on the show. He was awesome and hilarious. Forget cutest guy in Korea, I thought he was the cutest guy in the WORLD.

I was skeptical at first about Shinhwa having rappers - so unused to the idea of boybands having rappers, I guess - but I loved the way they worked in the songs and the mix of r'n'b, hiphop, pop, electronic music on Brand New (the album) was just.. I

My favourite member is still Andy. I love his persona, his looks, his rapping, simply everything about him. My favourite vocalist is Dongwan.

I live in Finland which doesn't exactly sell much Korean pop stuff anywhere so I pretty much order online. Except there's one Japanese store that usually sells jpop stuff, I visited it last Thursday and they had the Personal History Photobook. I felt it was a sign from above as I'd been contemplating buying some Shinhwa merchandise (ie not just music), and there can't be that many Shinhwa fans in Finland, so I bought it immediately. My friend who was with me at the store gave me a weird look when I screamed out loud, seeing the book. It was just so surprising. Anyway, it's very nice, I love owning some Shinhwa prettiness. :) - This actually reminds me, are the DVD's on the photobook translated somewhere? I don't need subs but just English translation would be nice. I tried googling for such but something about the words "personal" and "history" made google come up with unrelated results.

Anyway, glad to join this thread! Sorry for being so longwinded. :(

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Guest samshiku


wow you girls sound like big fans! yeah! welcome to the thread^^

I'm samshiku aka xh and i'm from singapore..19 this yr :)

Just uploaded 2 vids on youtube..

1. 041216 Shinhwa Winter Story Rehearsal

haha this is funny...

2. 010110 Shinhwa at CGV Filmsite

must watch! haha really old clip but they do really 'awesome' dances...


just read that minwoo's album release date will be pushed back a couple of days due to problems with printing of cover or smth...oh dear the problems seem to come ceaselessly...

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Guest noona13

hi there! i'm a newbie to shinhwa...but i love them all the same! i've been scouring youtube for all these shinhwa videos and i just can't get enough of them... especially eric, he's my fave! i was just watching the videos of the guerilla concert...now i've got swollen eyes from crying too much...hehe

btw i'm from singapore, would anyone know the best place to get hold of their albums and DVDs? i've pretty much searched the whole of Singapore but can't find to seem anything much... would the best option be to get them online?

glad to be part of this =)



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Guest Cassiopeiasujuluver

Thanks 4 the clips our boys act

like big kids when their together....LOL....

their so Kawaii


Hello!!! to all new members and

most recently noona13 its good to see

so many people finding out about our lovely boys

and so many people on this thread greeting them

this is probably one of my favorite threads....


and noona13 I love the way Eric raps *dies*

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Welcome to the thread.

I'm really happy to see so many newbies!

No matter how many times I watched Guerilla Concert, I cried every time.

All newbies: If you can find "Happy Together (9-30-04)" in CB or anywhere, watch it. This is my ultimate favorite clip of Shinhwa. It's hilarious. It's an old show where everyone has to remember a verse of a song and they have to finish the song without making any mistakes. Whoever make a mistake get hit on the head by silver platter. You get little glimpse os Eric and Any singing. But best of all, before the actual singing game, they talk about their experience during their roomate time. This is one clip no matter how many times I watch it, I still laugh. I love it so much I'm thinking of downloading to my iPOD so when I'm on vacation next month, I can watch it on iPOD.

Anyone know link to where newbies can find this clip with English sub?

hi there! i'm a newbie to shinhwa...but i love them all the same! i've been scouring youtube for all these shinhwa videos and i just can't get enough of them... especially eric, he's my fave! i was just watching the videos of the guerilla concert...now i've got swollen eyes from crying too much...hehe

btw i'm from singapore, would anyone know the best place to get hold of their albums and DVDs? i've pretty much searched the whole of Singapore but can't find to seem anything much... would the best option be to get them online?

glad to be part of this =)



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Guest sunnydays.

Arden - Hi Min Jung! (: Nice to meet you. My friend has the same name. :P Haha, anyway, that's besides the point. Welcome to our wonderful Shinhwa thread. =D Hope you post lots~ USA Cyworld? Whaa, that's interesting. If I ever get one, I'll be sure to join the SHCJ club. =D Thanks to you, too!

Nat - Ah, he performed on Music Tank... that's why I saw other pictures of him performing, but never remembered the place he performed at. D: I hope Minwoo's album comes out TODAYY!

XH - Thanks for the links. (: Haha, the rehearsals look like so much fun! I laughed out loud when Andy accidentally kneed Eric... LOL. Too bad JunJin wasn't there. =X I really love that song with Dongwan, Andy, & JunJin... "Red Sunset", I think it's translated into? Anyway, the 2nd one, I actually watched just a couple days ago! XD; I saw the vid with english subs, though... haha, Shinhwa is SO funny. =D Their dances are the best. LOL. I wonder if there's a video of the actual CF?

noona13 - Mei? (: Hi. My name is Riz! Haha, welcome to our Shinwha thread! OHH YAY, ANOTHER ERIC LOVER! Eric is my favorite, too. (: Yeah, Guerilla concert was very emotional... I remember watching it during my first days I got hooked on Shinhwa, & I cried a lot... & every single time I watched it, I was even more into Shinhwa, I cried even more than the last time. It's amazing though, what they accomplished. (: <3

mommy alice - I agree, that episode of Happy Together with Shinhwa was excellent. (: I loved watching them -- JunJin was more energetic & involved than usual. :D Haha, it was so hilarious! Anyway, I thought the ones with english subs were uploaded on Youtube, but I checked & they weren't there? But I found them somewhere else --

I agree with mommy alice, everyone should watch it. (: (I think you need an account to watch on crunchyroll, though...)

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Guest nurkeyandie

hi, hi, everyone! :)

riz, thanks for the inkigayo clips (sadly, i just couldn't get up at 2:30 am). :) i'm sure dongwan will just get better in performing solo...i really want to see him sing person who stays with hyesung though (i'm not kidding, i heard that song in my dream! haha!). :blush:

hi, veraciously, minjung, and noona 13! i'm a fairly new shinhwa fan myself (love them all but i'd have to say that i'm devoted to hyesung :blush: ). my name is andie and i live in so cal. i loved reading your shinhwa stories. minjung, hope to hear more about your shinhwa usa cyworld project (though i don't know korean so i dunno if i'll be able to join? need more info! :)) and thanks for the pic (sungie looks so young, haha!). :)

mommie Alice, hi! did you get to watch global beauties? i didn't know what time and which channel it was on. pls. tell us about it. thanks! also, apart from the happy together shinhwa ep (and riz, yup, it's on crunchyroll), i also love and recommend the ysmm and infinite challenge shinhwa eps (all on youtube) to those who haven't seen them! i don't think i'll ever get tired of watching the ysmm eps. :lol:

xh, thanks for the links! where was junjin in the winter story rehearsal though? i also loved their "awesome" dances...i love seeing the boys messing around!

also, i think i'm liking andy more and more. :blush: anyone else thinks he looks a bit like gam woo sung (from alone in love) and yoon kye sang? :) i just saw the x-man pattaya special and i was surprised to see andy dancing "seriously" in the couple game. it was the first time i saw him not doing his heart dance or some other aegyo dance in a game show (he was dancing like eric!). :D i was just kinda taken aback coz it's the first time i thought of andy not as cute, but as hot! :sweatingbullets: edit: but what i wouldn't give to be lee jin in this xman special!!!

anyway, thanks again you guys for all the pics, links, and info! :D

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Guest nutzie

omGG omG!! dongwan's on show! music tank!! i'm taking a chance and staying up for music tank because he was on last week, but i didn't know if he's gonna be on this week.. but i just heard kihyun [well, he's the mc] saying shinhwa *something something* kim dongwan!!

by the way, if any of you sees this post before dongwan performs, it's on kmtv.. i'll edit this post for spoilers when the time comes..

awww~~ i could hear the fans chanting dongwan's name even before the MCs said it out.. kihyun said dongwan's his most respected/favorite sunbae =P i like the stage set up =D he's in the centre on the platform.. his voice still sounds a bit pitchy to me, but it even better than the inkigayo performance.. white outfit *love* i think he's getting more confident.. awww i see orange balloons and fans singing with him ^o^ makes me want to sing along too, but everybody would wake up if i do that


screammm!!!! shaking dance =P he's in his black outfit again.. what's with that weird black and white glove? he's got some make up on again!!! hahahahaha.. i think it's eyeliners [but i don't know for sure, since i don't wear make up] but there's a not so subtle difference.. hahahaha that jump [where he got lifted up by 2 dancers] looks like he's giving birth.. i supposed it's lipsynced, but the quality is pretty bad for me to see his mic movement.. ahh it's over.. i think it's the best performance so far that i've seen out of the 3 music programmes..

ahh i didn't stay up for nothing =D *skips out of the thread*

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Guest nurkeyandie

omGG omG!! dongwan's on show! music tank!! i'm taking a chance and staying up for music tank because he was on last week, but i didn't know if he's gonna be on this week.. but i just heard kihyun [well, he's the mc] saying shinhwa *something something* kim dongwan!!

by the way, if any of you sees this post before dongwan performs, it's on kmtv.. i'll edit this post for spoilers when the time comes..

awww~~ i could hear the fans chanting dongwan's name even before the MCs said it out.. kihyun said dongwan's his most respected/favorite sunbae =P i like the stage set up =D he's in the centre on the platform.. his voice still sounds a bit pitchy to me, but it even better than the inkigayo performance.. white outfit *love* i think he's getting more confident.. awww i see orange balloons and fans singing with him ^o^ makes me want to sing along too, but everybody would wake up if i do that


screammm!!!! shaking dance =P he's in his black outfit again.. what's with that weird black and white glove? he's got some make up on again!!! hahahahaha.. i think it's eyeliners [but i don't know for sure, since i don't wear make up] but there's a not so subtle difference.. hahahaha that jump [where he got lifted up by 2 dancers] looks like he's giving birth.. i supposed it's lipsynced, but the quality is pretty bad for me to see his mic movement.. ahh it's over.. i think it's the best performance so far that i've seen out of the 3 music programmes..

ahh i didn't stay up for nothing =D *skips out of the thread*

i saw it!!! thanks for the heads up, nat! good thing i checked out the thread before turning in! i agree he's getting more confident!!! yay, wannie!!!

and omg i just tuned into mnet and saw minwoo!!! i just caught a glimpse of his part though, now they're showing ftts...i think they're talking about fashion (is this a rerun or something?)...

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Guest noona13

hi, hi, everyone! :)

riz, thanks for the inkigayo clips (sadly, i just couldn't get up at 2:30 am). :) i'm sure dongwan will just get better in performing solo...i really want to see him sing person who stays with hyesung though (i'm not kidding, i heard that song in my dream! haha!). :blush:

hi, veraciously, minjung, and noona 13! i'm a fairly new shinhwa fan myself (love them all but i'd have to say that i'm devoted to hyesung :blush: ). my name is andie and i live in so cal. i loved reading your shinhwa stories. minjung, hope to hear more about your shinhwa usa cyworld project (though i don't know korean so i dunno if i'll be able to join? need more info! :)) and thanks for the pic (sungie looks so young, haha!). :)

mommie Alice, hi! did you get to watch global beauties? i didn't know what time and which channel it was on. pls. tell us about it. thanks! also, apart from the happy together shinhwa ep (and riz, yup, it's on crunchyroll), i also love and recommend the ysmm and infinite challenge shinhwa eps (all on youtube) to those who haven't seen them! i don't think i'll ever get tired of watching the ysmm eps. :lol:

xh, thanks for the links! where was junjin in the winter story rehearsal though? i also loved their "awesome" dances...i love seeing the boys messing around!

also, i think i'm liking andy more and more. :blush: anyone else thinks he looks a bit like gam woo sung (from alone in love) and yoon kye sang? :) i just saw the x-man pattaya special and i was surprised to see andy dancing "seriously" in the couple game. it was the first time i saw him not doing his heart dance or some other aegyo dance in a game show (he was dancing like eric!). :D i was just kinda taken aback coz it's the first time i thought of andy not as cute, but as hot! :sweatingbullets: edit: but what i wouldn't give to be lee jin in this xman special!!!

anyway, thanks again you guys for all the pics, links, and info! :D

you're so right, i can't get enough of the ysmm and the infinity challenge episodes... and the x-man germany special too!

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Guest ericmunlover
Arden - Hi Min Jung! (: Nice to meet you. My friend has the same name. :P Haha, anyway, that's besides the point. Welcome to our wonderful Shinhwa thread. =D Hope you post lots~ USA Cyworld? Whaa, that's interesting. If I ever get one, I'll be sure to join the SHCJ club. =D Thanks to you, too!Nat - Ah, he performed on Music Tank... that's why I saw other pictures of him performing, but never remembered the place he performed at. D: I hope Minwoo's album comes out TODAYY! XH - Thanks for the links. (: Haha, the rehearsals look like so much fun! I laughed out loud when Andy accidentally kneed Eric... LOL. Too bad JunJin wasn't there. =X I really love that song with Dongwan, Andy, & JunJin... "Red Sunset", I think it's translated into? Anyway, the 2nd one, I actually watched just a couple days ago! XD; I saw the vid with english subs, though... haha, Shinhwa is SO funny. =D Their dances are the best. LOL. I wonder if there's a video of the actual CF?noona13 - Mei? (: Hi. My name is Riz! Haha, welcome to our Shinwha thread! OHH YAY, ANOTHER ERIC LOVER! Eric is my favorite, too. (: Yeah, Guerilla concert was very emotional... I remember watching it during my first days I got hooked on Shinhwa, & I cried a lot... & every single time I watched it, I was even more into Shinhwa, I cried even more than the last time. It's amazing though, what they accomplished. (: <3mommy alice - I agree, that episode of Happy Together with Shinhwa was excellent. (: I loved watching them -- JunJin was more energetic & involved than usual. :D Haha, it was so hilarious! Anyway, I thought the ones with english subs were uploaded on Youtube, but I checked & they weren't there? But I found them somewhere else --

I agree with mommy alice, everyone should watch it. (: (I think you need an account to watch on crunchyroll, though...)

ok thanks......anyway,is it true that will going to be on a hollywood film??i've read it here on soompi news thread...i think it's iron man(2008) since he is fluent in english......i'm talking about eric...i forgot to type it...lol
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So he's carrying his mike again? I really wish he would try Scream with one of those head-mike instead.

I read either in shinhwachangjo or shinhwasarang that his vocal cord is still not 100%. Maybe that's why he's still having problem letting his voice go. Remember he mentioned that the reason his album got delayed a week was because his vocal core got paralyzed. I hope he get well 100% soon.

omGG omG!! dongwan's on show! music tank!! i'm taking a chance and staying up for music tank because he was on last week, but i didn't know if he's gonna be on this week.. but i just heard kihyun [well, he's the mc] saying shinhwa *something something* kim dongwan!!

by the way, if any of you sees this post before dongwan performs, it's on kmtv.. i'll edit this post for spoilers when the time comes..

awww~~ i could hear the fans chanting dongwan's name even before the MCs said it out.. kihyun said dongwan's his most respected/favorite sunbae =P i like the stage set up =D he's in the centre on the platform.. his voice still sounds a bit pitchy to me, but it even better than the inkigayo performance.. white outfit *love* i think he's getting more confident.. awww i see orange balloons and fans singing with him ^o^ makes me want to sing along too, but everybody would wake up if i do that


screammm!!!! shaking dance =P he's in his black outfit again.. what's with that weird black and white glove? he's got some make up on again!!! hahahahaha.. i think it's eyeliners [but i don't know for sure, since i don't wear make up] but there's a not so subtle difference.. hahahaha that jump [where he got lifted up by 2 dancers] looks like he's giving birth.. i supposed it's lipsynced, but the quality is pretty bad for me to see his mic movement.. ahh it's over.. i think it's the best performance so far that i've seen out of the 3 music programmes..

ahh i didn't stay up for nothing =D *skips out of the thread*

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ok thanks......anyway,is it true that will going to be on a hollywood film??i've read it here on soompi news thread...i think it's iron man(2008) since he is fluent in english......i'm talking about eric...i forgot to type it...lol

It was quite a bit ago when that news surfaced and pretty much nothing else came out on this issue after that. I remember that US company was looking into expanding in Asia/Korea ( I forget the details now) and it was Tom Cruise's management company as well. But it looks like it was either a publicity stunt linking some familiar names to get some exposure for their company AND/OR Eric was really scouted but for he did not go for it. I believe Iron Man is currently in the works, if Eric was going to be in the movie, I think this plan should be confirmed by now but we heard nothing so far. Well..one can only speculate that Iron Man is not in the horizon for Eric until proven otherwise.

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