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Guest lenakeem

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Guest vietgirl604

lynda lee minwoo, lol. i already pmed you why you didn't get a pm! hehe. YES. wan is waiting for me to be of legal age. also, he wants me finished and out of college already... PUAHAHHAHAH. lol. i can't spell that darn fanclub name too. cassieopia? lol. i hope i got it right. man, and i call myself a college kid? yes, we love shinhwa. period. ^____-


i'm so happy for eric. WA. he's got such GREAT comments ANd a good rating. ^__^ eric hwaiting!~

LOL. eric is happy to have the 700th post? and wants the 777th post too? HAHA. is this like us wanting to own the 1000th page? LOL.

first eric is all serious. man, compare the drama to a sailing experience? eric.. you're too deep. then he gets all childish about going to singapore. >O<

wa. being so amused by everything.. warfgh. AND THANKS FOR THE PICSSSS!!!!!! gawsh he;s hot.

lynda, you;re right... i think so too. shinhwa guys, superstar attitude? don't see it. lol

LOL Yes, Wan is waiting. I say you and Wan, and MinWoo and I have a double wedding LMAO and we invite everyone in here LMAO. What a dream that would be. I think Eric' wanting the 777th post and all is like us wanting the 1000th page lols. How adorable is he! If only he could post here eh? That would be love<3. I don't think Shinhwa has EVER had superstar attitude.

mommie Alice ...hehe your sig is so funny!

KRizza!! i am xinhui btw ..using eileen's laptop haha

i saw him again today..

BEST moment was when he was moving location to the other part of the restaurant and he and the entire crew walked past us..i was seriously abt 8-10 inches away from him..HE WAS SOO HANDSOME.

and the statue coolies that cheryl saw us taking photos with rocked haha

and not to mention that eric halted the entire procession when they were moving site when he saw the baldy-statue. he paused and tapped very happily on the statue's head haha and beamed in amusement at the guy behind him haha

happy day again!!^^

:o lucky you! Ahh, I can just imagine myself being there and it makes me happy already lmao.


OMG!! 8-10 INCHES AWAY FROM ERIC?!?! OMGG! You should've pretend-fanted & landed on him. You could've touched him! LOOL!! OMGG... wowww, that's so awesome. >w<;; I'm seriously excited right now, even though I wasn't even there... haha~~ Wowww. OMG Haha I can so imagine him stopping everyone infront of a statue just so he can rub the statue's head & laugh at his weirdness. HAHA oh woww, Eric. (: <3 Thank you so much for sharing the experience! >w<;

LOl I can imagine Eric doing that too HAHA. And I would totally do the fainting thing..sigh, Eric is so dreamy!


5 more days for me..but 4 for them, so YAY. 4 more days!

-- LYNDA LEe minwoo

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krizza yes! exactly ive got it all planned out but she said no T__T and i was aww plzzz!~!! and im still thinking of a way to make her go lol. but i still needa know the adress.. and when i find out im gonna tell u guys and go meet his parents. I MISSED U KRIZZA! and ur posts lol.

Well everyone is in the DBSG phase right now but if you subtract them, then Shinhwa is actually first. Well, that's how I think of it anyway! :)

AHH, he's so hot in those pics. Who can miss that tall, dark, handsome?!?!

Uh, I think everyone can just have their own opinions and I wouldn't really want them to battle it out at all. I think they're both great but of course, if I like MinWoo more, then I'd say he dances better LOL. But JunJin fans would say JunJin..?! I don't know..it's all about opinion and I don't want neither of them getting bragging rights.

He smoked?! I know they all smoke and all but I don't think they should smoke in front of their fans. It's like my dad smoking in front of me. He knows I don't like it but he does it..but when he remembers I don't like it, he doesn't. I don't think Eric should smoke in front of FANS---my opinion.

LOL. Eric is so cute! He's excited probably because there's a lot of kissing scenes..OR NOT. He has a girlfriend...but he's still cute and adorable lmao.

AHH, ERIC<3. He's so cute! I can totally imagine him laughing out loud after she tries to sexily pull up her underwear. He's so amazing...! I don't even know what to say about him, but "wow."

THANKS FOR THE PICTURES. Gosh he's so hot..too bad he had that towel on, so I couldn't see as much LOL. But damn, he's so FINE.

UPLOAD, PLEASE. Yeah, I doubt any of the Shinhwa guys have "superstar" attitude. 'Cause they're amazing like that.

-- LYNDA LEe minwoo

hmm maybe he's just excited cuz he likes acting in movies? i dont know. youve got a point about his gf lol.

shinhwa means legend/myth

and i think changjo means "create"

shinhwa changjo = create legend/myth

someone correct me if im wrong :sweatingbullets:




haha, i sound like a little kid

*kicks youtube*

lately youtube has been so slow on loading the videos T__T

thanks! i will watch it one way or another -__-"

aww so cute and funny...

"until we are like 50"..lol

puhahha eric has such a big imagination. lol.

i remember some of his old post...gosh they were so funny xD

ahh you gals are so lucky. haha you guys got to stalk i mean secretly watch eric lol.

thanks for the pictures ^__________^

LOL haha youtube was really slow last night for me and yeah i was all like mad at youtube. haha omg i needa see if i can download those subs in the drama section for x-man.

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Guest vietgirl604

Everyone go support Shinhwa in this thread! No one even mentions Shinhwa as a good live singers!

C'mon, haven't they seen them sing live before? "Brand New" "Once in a Lifetime"..>ETC ETC!!!!!!


I'm sure everyone knows Shinhwa! Weird that they don't mention them but of course, they ARE great live singers and I've said that. :)

-- LYNDA LEe minwoo

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Guest angel2nyt

18/3 [news] Que Sera Sera episode 1 rating 8.8% !


summarise two into one

Que Sera Sera Episode 1 rating is at 8.8%, its a very very very good start! =D

credits// ocean6 + 东升西落@BestShinhwa + prizzyy @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum

- - - -

Drama "Que Sera Sera" received good feedback and comments from critiques.

being the sequel to "white tower", one of them said: "Mun Jung Hyuk's acting skills makes me feel comfortable while watching."

and comments like "Mun Jung Hyuk's acting is mature." are given.

credits// OSEN + 东升西落@BestShinhwa + prizzyy @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum

Taken from this thread --> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=970.0


17/3 [info] the 700th Message on Que Sera Sera official site (ERIC)


reached Singapore already~ im typing on the laptop that the fans gave me on my birthday ^^ im leaving after this 700th message~ look forward to the first episode!!

ps: nearing the first broadcast~ this 700th message~ very happy~

i want to be the writer for the 777th message too! if i cant get message 777, i will reply~

i really have to go now, BYE!

From, Mun Jung Hyuk

credits// MBC Que Sera Sera official site + cherry@bestshinhwa + prizzyy@ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum

Taken from this thread --> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=969.0


17/3 [trans] Eric's message on Que Sera Sera Official Site


Hello everyone, i am one of the actors in <que sera sera>, i am Mun Jung Hyuk. it seems like ages since i left a message on official sites. in the past when i was still filming "i run", i left a message too, but it seems like i got more reprimands too.in my 6 dramas 5 are in MBC. im nervous because tonight will be the first time que sera sera will be shown. i cant sleep, becase there are 3 days of filming.. im going to singapore in 2 hours. many thoughts now, i cant possibly write them all.

A wonderful director, a meaningful script, and the best help team in the industry, and the most potential actors and actresses, all these creme of the crop groups come together, it seems like everyone is waiting for the final work. whenever i think that everyone is waiting eagerly for my good results, and that i might do badly when everyone else does well, i have ths thought of quitting it all. on the surface, things that went according to my thoughts, none at all.

during "firebird", i couldnt reflect on my mistakes. but many people still loved and supported me; but lately, no matter be it me, audience, or anyone else, many people did not sleep nor eat well because of the drama.everyone thought the drama would turn out good, but it didnt. i was very sad about it. i was so confused, any sort of thoughts came to me. that even if everything was going well but the rating did not increase, it might be my fault. there were thoughts that, even if i did not participate in the drama it would still sell well.

lately i keep having these thoughts, the drama seems to be on a ship going on a voyage, the director is the ship master, and the rest of us are the helpers in the ship. and me, i am one of the people at the front of the ship steering hard. because i am at the front, everyone will look at me, and because i am at the front, i am special, i might affect the total outcome of the drama. but a swimmer is still a swimmer, everyone has the same goal, that is to land safely on shore. i, Mun Jung Hyuk will not think too much, i will work hard to be a good rower. please look forward to <que sera sera>.



an hour later im going to singapore~ film episode 10!

episode 10!!!!!! woo~

From, Mun Jung Hyuk

credits// 顺其自然》官网 + cherry@bestshinhwa中文网 + prizzyy @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum

Taken from this thread --> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=968.0

yes mun jung hyuk

you rock!!

eric is such a really down-to-earth person with a terribly weird imagination and personality

but we still love him no matter what

It is 3 days, 11 hours, 56 minutes and 14 seconds until Saturday, March 24, 2007 (Seoul time)


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This is my first post in here, so I'll try to make it simple and neat. (Which I doubt will happen)

I was reading some posts a few pages back on different fans liking Shinhwa and so on.. I for one, am a BIG fan of Dbsk, as much as I am a Shinhwa fan. The funny thing is, if you look at my icon and whatever - you wouldn't know that I was a Shinhwa fan. Which makes me look weird at times but yeah, lol. To be honest, I was a fan of Shinhwa before Dbsk. I didn't even know about them till a few monthes later or something. When there was that k-pop phase in my middle school years, everyone was crazy over H.O.T. & Shinhwa, and many other boy bands but I was the one who was like, okay what's the big fuss? Sure they were hot with their blonde hair and dance moves, but I wasn't that much interested. I personally liked their music but never really got all hyper crazy with their looks etc,.. Then bam, last year I got in to watching X-man, and I fell in love with Shinhwa. Not just their images, but their personalities and their brother-friendship. So to make it short, They were my first true love of my K-pop fanatic fan girling. But yeah, I can't believe it will be 9 years!! :) I forgot who said it, but they sure said it just like how I thought "Shinhwa truly is a legend" for being together for 9 years. Compared to the other bands who disbanded/left.. I truly hope they stay Shinhwa forever!

And yeah, being fans of both Dbsk and Shinhwa, I really really hope we all can come join together and be more friendly. Truthfully, whenever I see Shinhwa & Dbsk together at a award/whatever place it may be, I ALWAYS look to see if they interact with each other/talk/anything with each other. I get all happy when I do see some.. :P Wish they would do more things together - I think Dbsk will learn a few things or two from Shinhwa on keeping the love alive for a looong time. :D Okay I end my long post here. But yeah, compared to the Dbsk thread in here, this thread is more mature and neat. It's not always about fangirling, and there's actually news and a lot of updates!! :)

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OK..I am here to clear my debt...hehehe.....I owe Cherilyn08 some 8th jib photos. The photos are back since my photobucket is alive again. SOOOO..........I hope she sees this...

cherilyn08 --> 8th jib photos.











































I know I owe two people the song "Make Money Yo" by Eric and Minwoo. But I forgot who asked for it....Can you PM me so that I can send you the download link? Thanks!

PHEW..I think I don't owe anybody anything else right? =)

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Guest nutzie

hahaha.. heyy!! thank you for coming in here.. i'm not much of a fan of dbsk [hahhaa.. it's not even in my list, but whatever.. i'm not trying to start a fight] but i respect the fact that you come in here and share your point of view..

joyce - i agree.. eric is definitely very weird.. but you know, i actually find a lot of similarities between me and him *blush blush* my friends think i'm weird too O_o" although i always insist that i'm not.. so i don't think eric is weird either [okay now.. i just conflicted myself -___-]

anyways, i told my friend about eric in singapore, the one xh reported.. she was deeply amused [amidst the distraction of me almost falling into a pool of melted snow + mud, and the crazy wind] and i told her about the half naked eric, and she said if she was there, she was gonna throw coins bills at him [it's an inside joke.. once, she threw coins at our prof for unexplainable reason O_o].. and then i had to emphasize the point that he's half naked, so i said, "you should slip it in.. his underwear?" and she shuddered at the thought of it.. and in the end she said, "you can have his bottom half, i'll take the upper half" hahahaha i was just *speechless*

krizza - yes you did commit the krizza, and you've done it again.. i live in eric st.. intersection of eric and shinhwa =P you know what's weird? i've just eaten 4 little mini crabs.. i feel guilty now.. it's like, i'm eating hyesung and his family >_<" maybe i ate his distant relatives? yeah, i'm a reporter now.. hahaha.. for xman at least.. because i feel a need to spazz everytime i watch it.. but apparently i'm not much of a good reporter.. hahaha.. oh wells..

mommie alice - i know i'm just at the start [because when i stare at my screen for about an hour i get so dizzy, so i'm moving very slowly] but i have this fear that dongwan's gonna turn bad anytime, just because i kinda know the outcome, yet i want to watch everything in between, especially with subs readily available..

xh - do you have pics of him with the statue? for some reason, i can't imagine how the statue looks like.. i imagine something like a Buddha statue, and him rubbing the tummy O_o"

riz - hahahah the orange building is the community centre, where there are posters of shinhwa on every wall and ceiling, and shinhwa music played 24/7.. we should share a house instead.. since we're sharing eric too =P that would be so much fun.. aahhh how i wish i can live in a shinhwa village..

okay, there are some discussion about how xman is going to end [NOT confirmed.. for more info, go to the xman thread] but do you guys think this might be why andy didn't quit xman when he quit goldfish and inkigayo.. maybe he had foreseen it?

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Guest lavitadolce

whoooa pics of eric by the pool :wub:

thanks for sharing!!

he looks so hot !!

i never knew he smokes.. ehhhh..

it's okay, i still love him lol

can't wait to see his drama ^___^

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Guest samshiku

ok girls i'm still fainting from the eric standing just a couple of inches away from me thingy..HIS FACE WAS SO BEAUTIFUL

oh man..but my friend said i made a face at him when i saw him smoking as he was walking towards us..uh-oh and i think he saw it :( i didn mean to make it so obvious


nutzie!! i dun have pictures of him by the statue cos it happened almost immediately after the 'few inches away' event...:(

but he was so adorable

i took pics with the statue tho haha

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Guest samshiku

Dongwan's diary entry 20/3!

It's Oppa! [2007-03-20 03:05:45]

Title: [Dongwan]It's been written...

The embarrassing issue has been erased!


Friends must be told naggy and nonsensical things...


Source: Goodemg

trans: yujin@bestshinhwa+muniku@shinhwachangjo


alright this time i'm LOST. i've NO IDEA WHAT IS HE TALKING ABT

and from the comments i've read from the chinese forums no one understands too

BUT yesterday's rating's for the drama was 2nd for the timeslot

MBC 'HIT' 18.9%

SBS 'Person I love' 12.7%

KBS ‘HELLO Miss!’ 11.3%

so yeah i guess the 'embarrassing issue' was the poor ratings?



ok amendment!

It's Oppa! [2007-03-20 03:05:45]

Title: [Dongwan]It's been written...

It's embarrassing so i've deleted that


one should have aimless and nonsensical conversations with friends...


Source: Goodemg

trans: jojoyu7@shinhwachina+muniku@shinhwachangjo


EDIT: ok i've just been to shinhwachina and there is some amendments to the trans..

cos there was a reply tt the chinese translator read by a fan who said 'oppa why are u embarrassed? when i came and saw the original words erased i was surprised..' so yep i guess he said smth really embarrassing..


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Guest samshiku

3/17[trans] Eric's msg on QSS official site

700 hits

i have safely arrived in Singapore~ the laptop given to me as a birthday gift by the fans is very useful^^ after the 700th hit i will leave secretly~i hope everyone will like the opening episode!!

PS. there are 700 hits even before the first episode..i'm happy~~

i hope that i can be the 777th hit!!! if i cannot be the 777th hit,

i will reply~ i really must go now bye!

Yours Sincerely,

Mun Jung Hyuk




PS. i said i'll reply. END!

PSS. i will only come online when no one is noticing or looking.

just like ow one will not know when a ghost will suddenly appear in the house..

this is fun. END!!

Source: OCEANS's 6

Trans: 打糕@shinhwachina + muniku@shinhwachangjo


he is so ridiculous.

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Guest nutzie

maan.. okay, i thought i'm weird.. but i totally don't understand what eric's saying after the reply reply thingy.. i think i kinda understand dongwan's, but it's confusing too, i guess because i don't understand what the embarassing thing is? but other than that, i'm fine with it.. but eric's totally.. incomprehensible?

i love the way he writes stuff though.. it gives a feeling of cuteness.. and man, he got a laptop from his fans? didn't he have a laptop before though?

computer stuff reminds me of dongwan vs shin jung hwan's of course =P the one about the "cd's incidents" =X

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Guest samshiku

jaechris u can download it in clubboxes..just go que sera sera thread..i thiink there are more links there..non-clubbox links as well

but for clubbox : bestshinhwa has it with chinese subs


Pic of the funny statue that eric was slapping his hand on in amusement haha


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Guest prizzyy

haha how come eric's msg was reposted? =D

anyway thanks for telling me that bestshinhwa has chinese subbed que sera sera *runs off*


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Guest shorty_babygurl03

i love andy and dongwan....... such a hotties....... where can i watched dongwans latest drama?

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Guest shinhinm

I've watched Minwoo's "So sick" M/V it's soooo good :lol: Min can sing English :D

shorty_babygurl0... Here's the link of Dongwan's drama in Korean drama section,you can find everything about it there ^^

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Guest angelix

[Caps] M Live Works - So Sick MV


Credits : GoodEMG + http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum

Taken from this thread --> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=987.0


[Pics] Andy At Signing Event Of Chongju Plaza


Credits : GoodEMG + Oceans six + http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum

Taken from this thread --> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=986.0

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