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Guest lenakeem

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Guest angel2nyt

--------EDIT TWO--------

i still thinks this post is crappy so i'm adding this:

i pmed some people....

*wink wink*

miss you guys...

did anyone miss me?


no one missed you... hahahaha

i hope everyone would be here on the 24th (that means march 24 IN KOREA) a day earlier for some of you guys

jc_freakz, i agree, the person i love is a really, really terrific drama, brings out the tearjerker in me... and wannie is so good in it... he should be given an award for his complicated characters here


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Guest samshiku

OMG i just read the translation of the msg eric left on bestshinhwa..apparently he left it 2 hrs B4 his flight to sg!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Guest ultaeja

WWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH! Only six more beautiful (better be <_<) days until SHINHWA'S BIRTHDAY!! and FLIPSIDe, I agree with you on your comment! ^^ It's great that other fans show their love for our SHINHWA sweeties~

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Guest nutzie

joyce - i don't think it'll be closed when we reach 1000, unless we ask the mods to do it.. the other thread that was closed when they reached 2000 pages was closed due to spamming, not because they reached 2000.. so don't worry about it..

mj - uh.. i feel like killing myself again now.. goodbye world.. *rolls self off cliff* whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~~~~~ eric ahhh, kajimaaaa!!! mj ah, let's go kill ourselves silly..

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Guest kriza_09

jc_freakz do you mind pm-ing me the link too?? mine is only LQ.. thanx!!

anyway, i came across an old article.. which i found very funny..

[02.22] Will Shinhwa become homeless?

With their current lease coming to an end this month, Shinhwa is having a tough time finding a new place to live. No one wants them in their neighborhoods because neighbors are bothered by the large number of fans who gather around their homes to catch a glimpse of their favorite stars. If worse comes to worst, the Shinhwa members will have to sleep in their work studios.

what were they thinking?????? i would give ANYTHING to have shinhwa in my neighborhood..

they should build their own neighborhood where they can live with all the fans.. that way, their neighbors won't be bothered anymore.. lol..

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Guest prizzyy

i................ cant believe Eric is right HERE on the island with me! (not just me though ^^)

but i cant stalk him~ because im kinda grounded and im lazy. =/


2007 - wan turns 29 - should be a second year college student by now

2008 - wan turns 30 - should be a third year college student by now

2009 - wan turns 31 - should be a fourth year college student by now

2010 - wan turns 32 - should already be a college graduate and is heading to korea

2011 - wan turns 33 - should be in korea by now AND knows wan personally

2012 - wan turns 34 - should have already seduced wan

krizza i LOVE your plan! make it come true!

and MUST invite us to your wedding~


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Guest robotic


i'm getting all excited for shinhwa's 9th birthday..

though i'm feeling a bit nostalgic too ><

ah, i'm missing shinhwa's good old times yet i'm also yearning for whatever is yet to come

wishing the boys all the success for whatever endeavours they come across

- hyesung's new album, eric's new drama, minwoo's japan concerts, dongwan's solo debut, jindy's music/acting

the boys have come such a long way together and i'm proud to continue supporting them for what may come in future

shinhwa changjo~!


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Guest apricot

Stalk ppl!!! Eric is here!!!! Just knowing that he's here makes me happy..We're in the same place as Eric! ^^

Any ppl who has any updates on where Eric is, kindly update us!! I really want to know where he's been.

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Guest aindy

Shinhwa.. 9years already..

some groups/bands nowadays didn't reach that long..

Shinhwa is truly a legend..

hope there's a video greeting from them..

i have a request..

does anyone here has the japanese lyrics for midnight girl, time machine and throw my fist? :D

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Guest missy2006

the entire crew is in sentosa last i heard^^ at THE BEACH..gosh eric mun by the beach^^

I've been going back and fort here and the other forum reading the update on stalking Eric in Singapore. I am seriously laughing myself silly in front of my pc right now. Can I say that reading all the post make me think that "Stalking Eric Mun in Singapore" is turning into a James Bond like mini movie.

GO GIRLS.!!!!!....GO STALK ....ERIC MUN....yaaaayyy!

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Guest missy2006

It get's me so angry whenever I see polls like the one below.


It's so predicate as to who's going to win.

Of course, we're all bias but I want to ____ my self! ㅡ.ㅡ;;

Me too. Freakin ay!!!!

AHHHHHHHH. I don't want to come to Soompi anymore.

It annoys me too much..

calm down girls. let them have their fun. there is enough shinhwa love going on within this forum. :D

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Guest samshiku

it was very secretive..most of us fans only found out through his msg left on the QSS forum at 5.11am in the morning...

pics of him in airport


credit: oceans' six+shinhwachangjo

he headed for the beach right after..

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