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Guest lenakeem

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Guest samshiku

hyesung's album will be out end of Mar??! oh man i can't wait!^^

anyone know's when will Minwoo's next album be coming out? and i heard its gonna be a single album T.T

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Guest kriza_09


'i blind to everything else when i fall in love'--Que Sera Sera Press COnference

he is indeed the type of person who will be focused 100% in what he does.. just like when he wouldn't sleep until he caught the mosquito in his room.. lol..

kriza_09: I've always enjoyed reading your postings. I completely agree with what you've written about our boys. Looking forward to read about your opinions and comments about Shinhwa in the future =D *I hope nutzie doesn't mind about this.. do you??*

i'm preparing something for the 24th..

well, not exactly preparing.. but it's something you can look forward to.. lol..

hopefully i can get it done by 24th.. i have 2 midterms before the spring break.. >"<

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I just came across "Plastic Surgery Thread" under k-drama & movies section and someone has posted a bunch of celebs who got their appearances done. I saw both Hyesung and Eric pictures there. Did they go under knife as well? I thought Dongwan and JunJin were the only one who did their noses?

Woot!! Page ownage!! I hope I do have something to share with you guys. Be right back!! ;)

^ Dongwan did do his nose...he admitted it ^^

I don't ever remember Jinnie going under the knife...the only surgeries were because of the blindness in his eyes.

Hyesung...guess no one's really sure. Some says he did his eyes, but some say he didn't. They've always looked the same to me *shrugs*...hmmm...and I remember him saying he's not really a fan of plastic surgery...so I think it's a bit weird that he would do double eyelid surgery after saying something like that.

As for Eric, he only straightened one of his crooked back molars...I wouldn't really count that as plastic surgery.

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Guest k3ilala

SHINWHA IS THE BEST!!!! much better then DBSK in my opinion :)

personally i don't think the two can be compared...in my opinion they're on two totally different levels...DBSK has to mature more in order to be compared to Shinhwa ^_^

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Guest ultaeja

^ true. DBSK does have to mature more. But in my opinion, I still love SHINHWA. ^^~~ Even if shinhwa goes under the knife, they're still hawt.^^

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Guest sunnydays.

hi there!!!!

It is Jung Yoo Mi dear....heheeh.....I wonder how did the surname "Park" came about? LOL...

Eric never went under the knife. All he did was his teeth. Before he did WOLF, he went to the dentist to have his teeth straightened or something...sort of like braces.

LMAO. OMG... Ginnie... sorry T_________T;;; Gahh, that's what I mean, Jung, I don't even know why I wrote Park. x__x; Gahh, I feel so embarassed now... especially after coming & going from the Que Sera Sera thread a few times. Gahh. sorry!! >___<;

Oh, I see. I didn't think Eric went under the knife. --;; Why would people say that. They think he's too good-looking that's why. PUAHAHAAH :D LOL. Yay for Eric, getting his teeth straightened. LOL.

Btww thank you for the article. Wow, his role seems really wreckless. O__O 4 KISSING SCENES OUT OF 10? ... mehh, I think that's normal standards here in the US. LOL. But thanks anyway. (: I can't wait to see the drama.


haha so random but somehow i can sense that kim dongwan is very happy about this lol

'Eric Endures Pain from Waist Injury'

Dongwan's Diary Entry: Hahaha, I bet his friend was talking about him (Dongwan). (: So cute. Haha~~ I feel the same way about my friends too. ^____^ Thanks samshiku for this!

Eric's Pain from Waist Injury: OMGGGG ERIIIIIIIC T_______________T;;; Gahh, I feel so worried now. He has so much perserverance. =\ It must hurt like crazzyy... but I admire how he sticks it all out. It's just, woww, very worrying. x__x I hope he doesn't have too much pain. Eric, fighting!<3


'i'm blind to everything else when i fall in love'--Que Sera Sera Press COnference

"In reality, I am blind to everything else when i fall in love"


DEFINATELY! Lucky PSY T________T;;

But that is so cute. (: Haha, I wonder if the other Shinhwa guys are jealous... :phew: LOLOL. Anywayy, woww, Eric. Thanks for this again, samshiku. :D <3

PRECISELY..all these shinhwa boys are getting thinner and thinner and ironically its not bcos they are intentionally going on a strict diet...i would love to lose 8 kilos like jinnie ya noe...but apparently they are working too hard..bunch of hardworking men..they beta listen to jinnie and take care of themselves! eric's eyes were bloodshot in the press con. T.T

i sound like a yakking mother lol


YEAHH! I was thinking about that too!

One day, I was like, "mang... I feel so fat..." & then I thought of ways to lose weight, and of course Shinhwa was on my mind, so then I started thinking they themselves must be thin from working out PLUS giving concerts and stuff. I heard from somewhere that artists can lose up to like, 10 pounds doing a concert, from running around and dancing and singing and sweating like crazy under those HOT HOT limelights. But yeah, I feel the same, I do worry about their health. I wonder how much sleep they get every night. x___x; It's hard to see them tired & not feeling very well.

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Guest nutzie

can we please not start comparing between dbsk and shinhwa in this thread? they are totally different, so there's no basis to compare them with.. nobody wants this thread to be closed by edward right? so please, if you want to start comparing them, do it somewhere else, because dbsk has got nothing to do with this thread, and therefore will be considered spamming.. thank you~

xh - hahahah.. no matter how much i exercise, i would never lose 8 kg like junjin, which is sad -___- eric looks tired in the press conference.. it's sad.. how i wish i can be his manager, and force him to sleep.. hahaha.. but that's just not possible.. ooh~~ shinhwa manager..

question : what's your dream job?

answer : to be a shinhwa manager =P

kriza - hahahha.. catching a mosquito.. why doesn't he catch fish instead?? *waiting to be hooked by eric's line*

amy - was it really eric's back molars? i thought it was a front tooth, at the top.. because i remember, although it wasn't obvious, it was visible.. because i remember that it didn't bother me, but i kept staring at it.. okay, i only have one picture in which his teeth are visible, and it's not exactly that clear.. but i remember where it is.. it's on the left, the one beside the 2 front teeth [i'm sorry i don't know what it's called..] and that kinda made him look like rabbit =P

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bestshinhwa clubbox has it...


'Eric Endures Pain from Waist Injury'

poor eric i h ope he's ok now :( . thats gotta hurt. eric oppa dont work too hard and listen to jinnie and be healthy.


'i'm blind to everything else when i fall in love'--Que Sera Sera Press COnference

lol i cant waaiiit to watch this drama like ive always said. =P especialy when eric will have a lot of kiss scenes. im jealous of the girl who's acting the drama with eric (dont know her name lol)

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Guest nutzie

ooh!! can i request something? i need a picture of junjin around the time of his solo [it's the one with the ponytail] and before the winter story.. i need the picture of him with a serious expression.. does anyone have it? pleaseee~~~

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Guest itz Nhari

I was looking around the internet and there were lots of DBSG/SUJU fan forums.

I only know of couple fan forums regarding Shinhwa where a lot of active participants are there.

However, I felt like I wanted to start one up as well.

I named it Euphoria6.

I am in the process of gathering moderators and other helpers as well.

If anyone is interested please, send me a PM.

I am really looking forward to making this an awesome project!

I have a lot of people lined up to register but I am in need ot help to properly organize the forum.

Thank you!

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Guest angel2nyt

Eric “Thought of stopping all events due to Lumbago"


Hyesung Singing on Yoon DaHoon Wedding

On 7th May, actor Yoon Da Hoon will be having a wedding with Nam Eun Jung, 11 years younger than him.

Jung Jun Ha and Kim Min Jong will be the MCs for the wedding, while Sung Si Kyung, Shin Sung Eun, Kangta and Shin Hyesung will be singing congratulatory songs, wishing the couple well.

Credits: Ocean's Six (source), jojoyu@shinhwachina (cn translation), cognizantfire@angelicalharmony (eng translation), angelicalharmony, cognizantfire@shinhwachangjo, shinhwachangjo

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Guest victoria3769

hi everyone...~~

i want to inform shinhwa fans at toronto

there might be a party takin place at march24, for shinhwa 9 years event

if anyone is interested in attending

you can add my msn, victoria3769@hotmail.com~

hope u guys participate~~

and im gonna share some early live ^_^*

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Thank you for Minwoo's pictures.

Unfortunately our company warned all of us that we cannot use company computer/internet for our pleasure so now I have to wait until I get home to see what you all wrote. :( Now I won't able get much of Shinhwa like I use to... :tears:

BUT there's always a way! LOL! I took my Seoul Concert DVD to work today and watched/listened to the concert. I'll go crazy if I don't get to see/hear them. I'm thinking of getting iPOD nano so I can download all the Shinhwa music.

Anyway as I was watching the DVD, I was again impressed with Minwoo and how interacts with fans. He is born to be an entertainer!

Going back to CB to search for Super Viking with Junjin and Andy. I've been looking but cannot find anyone with Super Viking in their CB....

070310 Minwoo @ 1st College Music Festival in China

credits to baidu + shinhwachangjo

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Guest samshiku

YES mommie i totally agree..he is one of those rare ppl that when you look at him u can't really see him do anything else, or excel so well at something else...its like its in his blood or smth he looks SOOO comfortable on stage! when i watch his perfs i'm always impressed...

and abt the pics i like it when he took off the cap^^ sooo hot

and dongwan's nose is really not much of an issue cos he really only straightened it tt's why no one realize the diff..he broke it b4 or smth and so the bridge was slightly crooked..so its NOT exactly plastic surgery as we know it..like get a lift or lipo or smth lol...

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Guest samshiku

just posted this over at the shinhwa pics thread^^


trans of the words in yellow:

reporter: i heard that your b'dae is coming up, Happy B'dae!


HS: oh what a pity, i think we would all be rather busy that day


JJ: so bcos of work,


i dun't think we can celebrate it for you this yr


we can only wish him happiness in our hearts


Reporter: when was your most memorable valentine's day?



E: Ah Yes! its the valentine's day we spent during 2nd jib


Junjin sent me a big bouquet of flowers and chocolates *starts moving his hands to show how big the gift was





JJ: that gift was actually meant for dongwan


It's just that eric saw it first so we had to give it to him



reporter: so what kind of love confessions by a girl can touch a boy's heart?


E: hmm so some things that only girls can do for the guy


like folding a thousand cranes or something like that


Reporter: isn't that what junjin said just a while ago?


JJ: that's just bcos we have that kind of telepathy[??]



Reporter: than can eric share something else?


JJ: he will still say something similar to what i've said b4


E: well writing a letter is fine too


or a diary written abt him or smth like that


it really is another strike! [means that they have said the same thing again -_-"]


credits: shinhwa.net

i'll be posting more shinhwa couple pics there too so pls visit the thread^^

and aindy posted andy with glasses/sunglasses collection as well as more hyesung pics with sunglasses/glasses

link--> http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?s=&...t&p=5190793

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Guest nutzie

hahahaha is that really true though?? i think eric might have watched that interview of junjin or something O_o"

what the heck is minwoo wearing?? i like the tanktop with the safety pins [not the ripped bottom part though], but the first jacket is just... *speechless*

ooh, i tried making a cake like eric did last year [there's a clip in youtube about it, mommie translated it for me last time too, but i couldn't find it anymore O_o] but it looks so ugly -_-"

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