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Guest lenakeem

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I'm here!

SHINHWA fans are very smart/intelligent/loving and have a life!!! ^^

We have dedicated fans who do not spam like others.

Every single one of our posts count 1110%!!! ^^

I was busy doing hw -___________-;;

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Guest sunnydays.

haha, yeah, i'm here too. (: I was at school, doing after school activies, and then I came home to do homework. I'm taking a break now, so here I am ~

"Mommy" Alice I like your insight on Shinhwa. :D I agree that Dongwan definately is humorus... he is soo funny, i love it. (: hehe <3 And it's true that Shinhwa would not stand as a singing group without Hyesung. But, they are all important in making Shinhwa as a whole group. I love all of themmm ~~

gaxlod - OMG. THOSE PICTURES ARE SO ADORABLE. You are totally right, so clean cut. (: I looove it ~ I love their happy pictures too, where they're all smiling. :P thanks so much for the pictures!

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Guest cutiepad

hi hi 'mommy alice'.. i'm here :)

i didn't know that there will be a winter album released by shinhwa this year? :blink: i think they will be fully concentrating on solo activities now? hmm hmm.. shall ponder on that after my exams..

random thought... i wonder how shinhwa studies for exam??

anyway.. i'm quite jitterish now.. exams going to start in 3.5hours.. wish me luck :D

shinhwa fighting!!

edit:: 'mommy alice' .. ur opinion on dongwan is so true especially the part on him being like by the older generation.. because that's what my aunt said too. her first comment was," handsome guy. "*points to dongwan.

i would punch my bro when he saids hyesung is girly.. (personally i hate the word girly)


can't wait to start photoshopping after exams.. wait for shinhwa wallies.. :D

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I get really defensive too when people tells me that Hyesung look like a girl! I have never thought he was "girly" but after hearing it so many times, I begin to see why people say that....but that doesn't stop me saying HE DOES NOT LOOK LIKE A GIRL! LOL!

I'm home now and I guess everyone is study for exams. My son is also studying for exam so I guess I can go by his schedule to find out what is happening with everyone.

Reading DBSQ and SUJU forums was quite interesting. So far in Shinhwa's forum, eventhough people have expressed different opinions, I have not seen anyone jumping at that person for making "free speech". I'm glad we are mature enough in this forum to let things go even if you don't agree.

Hope everyone does well on their exams and studies...remember much as we love Shinhwa, studies comes first! LOL! (I can't help it but to say it because I'm mommie first!) :D

"Mommie" Alice

i would punch my bro when he saids hyesung is girly.. (personally i hate the word girly)


can't wait to start photoshopping after exams.. wait for shinhwa wallies.. :D

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huuu~ i'm not having exams yet.. but you know, when you have to travel for 2 hours just to get to school [and 2 hours back] it just kills you, especially when you have 3-hour labs and more classes afterwards [like yesterday] i feel half dead -_-"

hahaha.. mommie alice, i think it's dbsk [not bdsk] but anyway.. i like super junior too [they're my second fave group after shinhwa of course] even though dv says they're gay, but dbsk just never appeals to me for some reason.. the more i see them or the more people talk about them, it just makes me hate them more and more.. although i have to admit, the xman episode is funny, but i enjoyed shinhwa's more.. shinhwa manseh!! =]

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Wow you travel 2 hours too? My son also travels 1-1/2 to 2 hours to get to school and to come back home. I really feel bad for him. I wanted to put him in the dorm but my husband was against it so it's been really hard on him so I know how you must feel.

Anyway, oooops, I knew it's dbsk but I guess I wasn't paying much attention. They have so many different way of spelling their group name I get confused.

I love re-watching old X-man shows especially the ones with all of them and the ones with Hyesung and Andy.

"Mommie" Alice

huuu~ i'm not having exams yet.. but you know, when you have to travel for 2 hours just to get to school [and 2 hours back] it just kills you, especially when you have 3-hour labs and more classes afterwards [like yesterday] i feel half dead -_-"

hahaha.. mommie alice, i think it's dbsk [not bdsk] but anyway.. i like super junior too [they're my second fave group after shinhwa of course] even though dv says they're gay, but dbsk just never appeals to me for some reason.. the more i see them or the more people talk about them, it just makes me hate them more and more.. although i have to admit, the xman episode is funny, but i enjoyed shinhwa's more.. shinhwa manseh!! =]

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Been in uni all day busy busy busy so just quickly glossed over this page, wow love reading everyone's rankings and reasons why...

Here's mine: :lol: probably read/written before but anywho~~ :P

1 = Dongwan, funny really since it was Minwoo who got me into Shinhwa (eversince i saw him in the Wild Eyes MV with those glasses *click* i just had to find out who that guy was) after watching so many clips etc Dongwan was the one who stood out the most besides always having something to say in all the shows he really managed to make me laugh! (considering i don't know any Korean i think it's pretty dang amazing) :lol:

1 = Andy, yes i know i'm being greedy but i really can't decide :tongue2: so these guys both get top places. Andy has risen through the rankings since i never saw him in the Wild Eyes MV i never really got to know who he was until later. That later would be the X Man shows i came to watch. I just picked to watch Andy eps since he appeared the most out of the members and slowly fell in love there, plus all the lil clips and i kinda saw how funny he was in his own way instead of just being loud like Dongwan. His personality really captivated me.

3 = Hyesung, when i first got into Shinhwa although Minwoo introduced me to the other guys, Hyesung as the first member i thought was "loveable", cute and his shyness made me go "aww". The bonus was his voice. haha again his reactions when he gets embarrassed was very adorable.

4 = Junjin, he was the first member i thought was sexy, hot etc i realised he has a crazy streak to him but i totally love when he's giving those stares in photos that's probably what made me think "dang~~~" but after a while and many clips later, i realised although he's like that with Shinhwa he isn't like that all the time and i find him quite cold to people he doesn't know, sometimes a bit flashy and competitve.

5 = Minwoo, like i said hundreds of times his look in Wild Eyes with the glasses was the look that made me look more than twice at Shinhwa, (believe it or not i had a couple of their songs and their Oh! MV floating around my HD but i still wasn't interested. Plus i had nothing to do over the holidays. But then after watching Love Letter on Youtube, i found him a bit flashy and arrogant because of his dance moves and later on how he's "friendly" with all females, makes me think he loves the female attention etc. Although now i don't really think that bad of him (he's still all freindly with females though :lol: ) his personality doesn't really appeal to me like the others.

6 = Eric, i realise what you see on shows etc is different to what you see when Shinhwa are together back stage. I can proabably understand why so many girls gor for him. I think he's your typical mysterious, cool/bady boy etc. Again i don't really like that kind of person and again seems very arrogant, i like modesty and people who are humble.

I honestly think that Dongwan and Andy are definately my kinda guys. I feel sorry for any future bf i may or may not have if i'm going to compare them. :D They're both sweet, caring, funny down to earth, although Dongwan may have his ridiculous moments that just what makes him so loveable. Andy on the other hand is humble, funny in his own way, knows how to treat others regardless if he knows them well or not. Definately material you can take home to meet the parents.

When i first showed my friend a clip of Shinhwa she did mention how Hyesung was a very girly =_= i gues i can understand since they don't know any Korean music/shows/style/fashion/trend etc so i dont' mind. But after showing a pitcure of them ( i think it was the 8th album poster) everyone said they thought Dongwan was the best looking. =)

Shinhwa will be making a Winter Story album this year?

hmm to be honest i only knew who DBSK were when i read about anti-fans. lol don't really have a favourite. But the way everyone treats them and puts them on a pedestal because of certain fans really irks me, so i don't really like them much. I know it's not their fault but it just shows the type of people who like them. I only know who Super Junior are because i heard about a Chinese member being in some big group, so my favourite is Han Geng (Han Kyung) and SiWon TOTALLY reminded me of KangTa until i read otherwise. But after watching that lil show of theirs i've come to quite like Kang In and Eun Hyuk. hmm any other groups i like besides Shinhwa... do group S count? lol, i listen around but i don't really go active in their threads.

WOW dats a long rant, sorry about that guys. I can get long winded sometimes. ( I get that from my mum :sweatingbullets:)

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hey guys, im not sure if this is my first time posting here but i just wanted to share something that i did a couple of years ago (i think)... it's not that great but i just wanted to share my shinhwa love <3


wow thats realli cute. adn welcome to the thread !

ahhh...so..i was online..nd i'm like..i'm in a shinhwa picture mode. so i juss searched for sum pictures of shinhwa..:]...nd i came up w/ sum interesting pictures. lmao. sry iph any of these pictures were posted bfore. buh newayyyyyy..enjoy! credits to naver and/or on the picture.

the cartoon pics of them are cute. :]. gahh..i juss love all of them. :]. each has their own quirks, but that's what makes them...them..nd that's why i heart them. :]. x33333333

hehe thank u for sharingggggggggggggg. damn. junjin showering XDD


Most of you have probably watched or heard Junjin's solo at the Japan concerts during the Asia tour right?

So what are your thoughts on it?

I debated and hesitated whether to put down my thoughts...but as a fan of ShinHwa's music I thought I'd be honest with myself and the members....

First of all, I adore Jinnie to death. What ShinHwa fan doesn't, right? But it is too much to expect that Junjin would suddenly turn out to be a super talented singer after 9 years in the business.

He sounded wonderful on ShinHwa's 8th, especially during OIAL. He was strong, steady and blended well during his part. THis says that Jinnie basically has pretty good natural vocals. However, though Jinnie did have greater parts to sing during 8th...they were still pretty small parts with everything divided between 4 vocals.

He's now releasing a solo album. He's going to sing the songs all by himself. 'All over the place' is what I feel when I hear Junjin sing live. First at the Japan mnet countdown concert, then during the Asia tour, I think Jinnie's willingness to sing is both a blessing and reverse improvement during group songs. Being able to hear each of the vocals is very important to many of ShinHwa's songs (i.e. How do I say) especially when minwansyung are singing harmony during a chorus. Sometimes Jinnie gets a little eager and sings a bit too loud. Without the magic of the recording studio, there were too many times where his voice just ended up sticking out like a sore thumb.

What do I mean by all over the place? I'm sure this is due to lack of experience and earlier negligence of vocal teachings of one branded as a rapper by SM. Unfortunately, we do see some of the result of that negligence. Junjin's voice is naturally very steady :) , but it's his phrasing, word beginnings/endings, and dynamics that get him. Sometimes it feels like he's lagging behind or racing ahead because he doesn't sing a word clearly or he puts emphasis on certain words when he shouldn't. I'm sure we all do it, you know how you sing really loud at parts of songs you know very well, or parts that end in 'ah' or 'oh'. As a result, parts where you're expecting him to fade, he goes loud and suddenly drops. It's like writing without periods and commas. I think as long as Jinnie is able to break this habit he'll be absolutely wonderful!

Good luck to our Junjin :D

hmm amy, sadly to say. i never got to listen to junjin's solo perf. at the tokyo concert thingy T^T is it up on youtube? i sh'al go hunt it down!!

kjdlkjxj i can't belive i missed ittttt =\

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Your description of each member is so close to how I feel about them except you did much better job. I couldn't quite describe what was about Junjin, Eric, and Minwoo that I put them bottom 3 and you hit it right on the nail!

I like your description of them:

Junjin..... sometimes a bit flashy and competitve.

Minwoo.....found him a bit flashy and arrogant because of his dance moves and later on how he's "friendly" with all females, makes me think he loves the female attention etc. Although now i don't really think that bad of him (he's still all freindly with females though :lol: ) his personality doesn't really appeal to me like the others.

Eric...seems very arrogant, i like modesty and people who are humble.

Should we duck under the table from all the flying arrows??? LOL!

"Mommie" Alice

Been in uni all day busy busy busy so just quickly glossed over this page, wow love reading everyone's rankings and reasons why...

Here's mine: :lol: probably read/written before but anywho~~ :P

1 = Dongwan, funny really since it was Minwoo who got me into Shinhwa (eversince i saw him in the Wild Eyes MV with those glasses *click* i just had to find out who that guy was) after watching so many clips etc Dongwan was the one who stood out the most besides always having something to say in all the shows he really managed to make me laugh! (considering i don't know any Korean i think it's pretty dang amazing) :lol:

1 = Andy, yes i know i'm being greedy but i really can't decide :tongue2: so these guys both get top places. Andy has risen through the rankings since i never saw him in the Wild Eyes MV i never really got to know who he was until later. That later would be the X Man shows i came to watch. I just picked to watch Andy eps since he appeared the most out of the members and slowly fell in love there, plus all the lil clips and i kinda saw how funny he was in his own way instead of just being loud like Dongwan. His personality really captivated me.

3 = Hyesung, when i first got into Shinhwa although Minwoo introduced me to the other guys, Hyesung as the first member i thought was "loveable", cute and his shyness made me go "aww". The bonus was his voice. haha again his reactions when he gets embarrassed was very adorable.

4 = Junjin, he was the first member i thought was sexy, hot etc i realised he has a crazy streak to him but i totally love when he's giving those stares in photos that's probably what made me think "dang~~~" but after a while and many clips later, i realised although he's like that with Shinhwa he isn't like that all the time and i find him quite cold to people he doesn't know, sometimes a bit flashy and competitve.

5 = Minwoo, like i said hundreds of times his look in Wild Eyes with the glasses was the look that made me look more than twice at Shinhwa, (believe it or not i had a couple of their songs and their Oh! MV floating around my HD but i still wasn't interested. Plus i had nothing to do over the holidays. But then after watching Love Letter on Youtube, i found him a bit flashy and arrogant because of his dance moves and later on how he's "friendly" with all females, makes me think he loves the female attention etc. Although now i don't really think that bad of him (he's still all freindly with females though :lol: ) his personality doesn't really appeal to me like the others.

6 = Eric, i realise what you see on shows etc is different to what you see when Shinhwa are together back stage. I can proabably understand why so many girls gor for him. I think he's your typical mysterious, cool/bady boy etc. Again i don't really like that kind of person and again seems very arrogant, i like modesty and people who are humble.

I honestly think that Dongwan and Andy are definately my kinda guys. I feel sorry for any future bf i may or may not have if i'm going to compare them. :D They're both sweet, caring, funny down to earth, although Dongwan may have his ridiculous moments that just what makes him so loveable. Andy on the other hand is humble, funny in his own way, knows how to treat others regardless if he knows them well or not. Definately material you can take home to meet the parents.

When i first showed my friend a clip of Shinhwa she did mention how Hyesung was a very girly =_= i gues i can understand since they don't know any Korean music/shows/style/fashion/trend etc so i dont' mind. But after showing a pitcure of them ( i think it was the 8th album poster) everyone said they thought Dongwan was the best looking. =)

Shinhwa will be making a Winter Story album this year?

hmm to be honest i only knew who DBSK were when i read about anti-fans. lol don't really have a favourite. But the way everyone treats them and puts them on a pedestal because of certain fans really irks me, so i don't really like them much. I know it's not their fault but it just shows the type of people who like them. I only know who Super Junior are because i heard about a Chinese member being in some big group, so my favourite is Han Geng (Han Kyung) and SiWon TOTALLY reminded me of KangTa until i read otherwise. But after watching that lil show of theirs i've come to quite like Kang In and Eun Hyuk. hmm any other groups i like besides Shinhwa... do group S count? lol, i listen around but i don't really go active in their threads.

WOW dats a long rant, sorry about that guys. I can get long winded sometimes. ( I get that from my mum :sweatingbullets:)

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eric seems arrogant?? how the hell is he arrogant?? he's soo cute i just want to mush him up!! okay nevermind me, i'm sleepy..

thanks crystalis for uploading KSA ep 5!! i just finished watching it awhile ago.. don't you guys think that yoon ji min is pretty? i think i like her better than han ji min.. heh, lucky eric for kissing her and lucky yoon ji min for kissing him.. aahhh i'm going crazyyy!!

mommie alice - at least your son's lucky enough that you feel bad for him.. my parents are just "whatever" over me having to endure the 4-hours-everyday rides.. they think it's perfectly normal since the son of a family friend does that too.. and i wasn't allowed to choose the schools that were out of town, cos i would have to live in the dorm.. so i was practically stuck with this one >_<" i hate school~!!!

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Eric & Minwoo are definitely not arrogant. Actually I feel that all the members are not arrogant, they are humble and nice boys..

Minwoo may be abit flashy about his dance move but dancing is what he’s best at.. if he has it, he should flaunt it.

It's sooooo difficult to rank the boys!!!

1st: I have 3… Andy, JunJin, Hyesung, I love them equally don’t ask me to choose

Andy -- I like his character (not as if I know him personally haha). He’s very natural and humble… someone who doesn’t want much limelight… but yet able to perform and outshine… and when I saw him in Singapore, he always had that smile of the face.

Hyesung -- no words can describe why and how much I love him… I just love this guy.

he's very professional and able to present himself well

JunJin -- first and foremost, he's really damn gorgeous in person *faint*, better than on tv & pictures… He’s a confident person… You can see that he really works hard for what he wants, like his new album.


Minwoo -- hmm I don't know why minwoo is my second… he is very attractive in person… I love how he perform on stage.. he's able to capture everyone's attention

3rd :

Eric -- he used to be my least fav… but after seeing him at the airport, I change my opinion on him… he bowed to us fans when he left the Singapore, so suave…


Dongwan -- Don't ask me why haha… I cannot explain!

Mommie Alice, I’m also bored at work! haha

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I get really defensive too when people tells me that Hyesung look like a girl! I have never thought he was "girly" but after hearing it so many times, I begin to see why people say that....but that doesn't stop me saying HE DOES NOT LOOK LIKE A GIRL! LOL!

I'm home now and I guess everyone is study for exams. My son is also studying for exam so I guess I can go by his schedule to find out what is happening with everyone.

Reading DBSQ and SUJU forums was quite interesting. So far in Shinhwa's forum, eventhough people have expressed different opinions, I have not seen anyone jumping at that person for making "free speech". I'm glad we are mature enough in this forum to let things go even if you don't agree.

Hope everyone does well on their exams and studies...remember much as we love Shinhwa, studies comes first! LOL! (I can't help it but to say it because I'm mommie first!) :D

"Mommie" Alice

I actually thought Hyesung looked girly when I first saw pictures of him but as time went on I could see the masculinity in his face. Now I'm bending less on girly and more on masculine. He does have a few features that make him look a bit like a girl but lately he looks more like a man. Perhaps it's because he's grown up a bit.

I don't understand the crazy SuJu and DBSK fans -_- I have friends who are fans of them but they don't go to those extreme lengths.


1. Hyesung: He was why I was attracted to Shinhwa in the beginning. After hearing the S Friends in Classic album, I wanted to know more about him and I got into Shinhwa because of that. His voice is just fantastic and I don't think I ever get tired of hearing it. Plus, his various dances are hilarious. I loved watching him in one of the Loveletter episodes where he was being punished and he kept trying to avoid it. He can be so shy yet funny at the same time.

2. Andy: He has the cutest personality in the group I think. Watching him on game shows is absolutely hilarious and his little expression always make me laugh. His character just makes him so lovable.

3. Eric: He can be very charismatic and he's a gorgeous guy. Just a great guy overall and he has very good manners.

4. Dongwan: I like his smile and singing. Dongwan has this really bright smile that just lights up a room and it's pretty contageous. He's a witty guy too!

5. Minwoo: I wasn't a big fan of Minwoo at first but after seein ghis zany and creative character on Loveletter I gradually began to like him more. Personally, I still don't think he's that great looking but his character appeals to me and his dancing is cool.

6. Junjin: I guess he's my least favourite because I know about him the least. He's not that outspoken so I don't get to see much of his character on gameshows. I guess I'm still scrutinising his character.

Okay I should be studying, back to work for me.

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I do my rankings too

1. Andy: Even though he wasn't the first member to bring me into Shinhwa (It was Minwoo) but he caught my attention with his cute smile and shy personality. I love how he can be cute and really really sexy at times. He has this great side profile that I find really sexy.

2. Ok I have two

Minwoo: He was the one to got me into Shinhwa. I first watched his Girlfriend music video then went and looked through Shinhwa video. He has this charisma that just seems to attract me not to mention he is a great dancer.

Hyesung: I love his voice. His voice just makes me melt each time I hear it. I love how he is shy at times and when he is shy he touches his nose or the back of his hair.

3. I have two also

Dongwan: I love his personality. He speaks from his heart and he is incredibly funny. Sometimes when I read his diary I can't help but laugh

Junjin: This guy here is really really sexy. That's all I can say right now

4. Eric: I love him it's not like I don't like him at all. It's just that if I have to rank he would be on the bottom. I find him to be very cute and adorable at times.

And 'mommy' Alice I love Han Geng and Shi Won too. Have you watched full house (Not the drama of course) if haven't you should. There are alot of cute moments in there of Han Geng and Shi Won. That show also made me like Heechul. I used to didn't like him but after watching him in full house he grew on me.

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There's a clip of fanmeeting during their 5th jib that had one of the shinhwachanjo rep come up with a board describing each of the member. On this board it had perception of what fans think about each members.

For Eric, they said, he is a 2-face man because when he is on TV where his face is shown, he is quiet, doesn't really interact with the fans but when he is around members in private or on radio where his face is not shown, he is a different person. He admited he is somewhat like that because he is picky when it comes to people he doesn't know.

I'm sure none of the members are arrogant...if they were, I wouldn't be their fan. LOL! It's just the impression Eric gives because most of the time, he has that "aloof" look on TV! And as for Minwoo he is so sweet when he is not dancing but when he dances, he has the "look", confidence, flashiness that give impression of arrogance. LOL!

We all have different reasons as to which one is our favorite(s)...but the bottom line is WE LOVE THEM ALL no matter what! :D

"Mommie" Alice

Eric & Minwoo are definitely not arrogant. Actually I feel that all the members are not arrogant, they are humble and nice boys..

Minwoo may be abit flashy about his dance move but dancing is what he’s best at.. if he has it, he should flaunt it.

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Yes, I've watched SUJU's full house. I didn't really know about them until I watched Full House. It's in this show that I noticed how sweet Han Gang was and how nice Shi Won was because the way he helped Han Gang. And in this show that I found Heechul annoying. Because he was more outspoken than the rest, I felt too much of camera time was on him instead of being shared equally.

Anyway, I wish my CB would hurry up and download KSA #9 so I can at least see one member! Shinhwa is so addictive I need dose of them everyday! LOL!

"Mommie" Alice

And 'mommy' Alice I love Han Geng and Shi Won too. Have you watched full house (Not the drama of course) if haven't you should. There are alot of cute moments in there of Han Geng and Shi Won. That show also made me like Heechul. I used to didn't like him but after watching him in full house he grew on me.

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Yeah. I don't think they are arrogant at all! ^^;;

And, I'm not saying that because I'm their HUGE FOREVER fan! LOL

I met them in person and they were SOOOOOOOOOO nice <3

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Yah, i don't know if they are all nice, but i've met andy, minwoo, and hyesung and they were awesome. they were so COOL! haha hyesung was so shy~~~~

my friend stalked eric at his hotel and he kind of got mad at her because she would always be waiting for him at the lobby. But finally, on the last day, she broked down cuz he walked right past her again. but then, he didn't leave. he came back, patted her head, acknowledged her, took pictures, and said thank you. i think she was speechless for about a week. now she's a big big bigx1000 fan of eric. omg, you criticize him in front of her, that would be the last thing you say. haha i think he's great too :]

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Guest loving_D

wow! i notice that people who like andy, like dongwan and hyesung (vice versa).

It’s so quite here…I guess most of you are at school? :tears:

1. Junjin Solo – Some of you made comments about his voice changing….I couldn’t tell Junjin’s voice in earlier CDs unless I pay a lot of attention to it and I thought it was good but I noticed in the 8th CD, his voice is more “wheezing, nose” sound? It is okay and the more I hear it, it grew on me. If Junjin was a singer by himself and not part of Shinhwa, I probably won’t buy his CD (unless the whole music itself is catching like Se7en – I don’t like Se7en’s speaking voice but love his singing and his music especially his 3rd CD). Because Junjin is part of Shinhwa, I’ll support him all the way and buy his CD whether it’s good or not. And as he gets more experience as a solo singer, I’m sure he’ll improve a lot.

“Mommie” Alice

i think i might be one of the few people in here who is very irky about junjin releasing a solo. i loved his voice back then...like in 2gether 4ever and his solo song in the winter story 2 but after i listened to the 8th jib, junjin's voice stands out...not like hyesung's voice but in a bad way. i dont know why. he can't seem to sing with a flow and when hyesung sings right after him, theres such a difference that its so awkward. and did you hear him in the english version of once in a lifetime? im sorry, but it was terrible. terrible. i dont know why he decided to change his voice. it was better when it was a little higher. now it sounds all deep and scratchy like he has a cold. :(

Eric - to me has dual personality. He acts so shy and quiet in front of TV but when he is with members, he acts like a little boy. I don’t like it when he bugs Andy! LOL! Leave my baby alone! LOL!

Junjin – when I first saw him in the Gumiho, I was like WOW! Love his character…quiet, mysterious, handsome, what a man!….but when I saw him as Shinhwa, he broke my dreamy image of him. LOL! Sometime he fools around too much and stands out too much when he’s around other members. I don’t know if he is doing it on purpose but that really bugs me and (don’t kill me) but I don’t like his dancing. It’s little too much for me. I love Minwoo’s dancing but Junjin’s dance is “different”. (blocking all the daggers…..LOL!)

haha i agree! eric, leave andy alone! and about jinnie's dancing too. minwoo's dancing is so natural. he like always has something up his sleeve and always knows his moves before he starts. and its almost perfect! but junjin's is so repetitive and boring and overrated. :vicx:

I read that Shinhwa Winter will be released in November. Does anyone have more info on this?

really? i dont know though because last year they said the same thing but of course it didn't happen and there was no winter story 3.

6 = Eric, i realise what you see on shows etc is different to what you see when Shinhwa are together back stage. I can proabably understand why so many girls gor for him. I think he's your typical mysterious, cool/bady boy etc. Again i don't really like that kind of person and again seems very arrogant, i like modesty and people who are humble.

I honestly think that Dongwan and Andy are definately my kinda guys. I feel sorry for any future bf i may or may not have if i'm going to compare them. :D They're both sweet, caring, funny down to earth, although Dongwan may have his ridiculous moments that just what makes him so loveable. Andy on the other hand is humble, funny in his own way, knows how to treat others regardless if he knows them well or not. Definately material you can take home to meet the parents.

hmm to be honest i only knew who DBSK were when i read about anti-fans. lol don't really have a favourite. But the way everyone treats them and puts them on a pedestal because of certain fans really irks me, so i don't really like them much. I know it's not their fault but it just shows the type of people who like them. I only know who Super Junior are because i heard about a Chinese member being in some big group, so my favourite is Han Geng (Han Kyung) and SiWon TOTALLY reminded me of KangTa until i read otherwise. But after watching that lil show of theirs i've come to quite like Kang In and Eun Hyuk. hmm any other groups i like besides Shinhwa... do group S count? lol, i listen around but i don't really go active in their threads.

WOW dats a long rant, sorry about that guys. I can get long winded sometimes. ( I get that from my mum :sweatingbullets:)

yeah! andy and dongwan are my kinda guys. they dont try hard to be cool (although dongwan kinda tries to be a little wacky and obnoxious sometimes), they're super nice, and they're hilarious. bonus: they're cute!

i agree that eric is kinda arrogant. i dont kno if i see it in the same light that you do though. i dont think its erics behavior that makes him arrogant i think its the things he does. hes always being the odd one out in the group and missing activities because hes doing his own things for his solo career while the rest of the members are keeping shinhwa alive. and hes supposed to be the leader! he missed like 2-3 press conferences for the asia tour alone because of his drama. and all the others were there. i just can't believe him sometimes. and while shinhwa was still doing their activities, eric accepted 2 drama roles. 2! while the others (andy, junjin, dongwan, minwoo) rejected incoming roles to focus on shinhwa, eric did the opposite.

my opinion on the "new, younger" groups: i used to be very anti-dbsk but lately they've been growing on me. i still don't like them but certain members woo me just sometimes. and jaejoong's voice is really nice. as for super junior, i have no opinion whatsoever about them. they seem a tad bit overrated to me since they're really not much except for a few pretty faces but whatever, their songs are catchy i guess. i dont like the idea of 13 members all being in one group. its too much to handle. my favorite is choi shi won because i knew him before he was in suju and also because he has such a good personality. hankyung is nice too and i sometimes like sungmin. ok enough talk about other groups. shinhwa forever! :sweatingbullets:

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