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Guest lenakeem

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Since we're talking about favourite albums, mine would have to be the 7th one. I couldn't find even one song that I didn't like. Even without the whole album, one of my favourite songs by was Angel. So, after hearing the whole album, I was pleasently surprised at the whole album.

And plus, it was the album that got them the Daesang finally after 7 years. So, it kinda has a special place in my list :D

I am totally excited about Eric and Dongwan's release from the army! I heard they'll be doing a FanMeeting in Japan ON THE SAME DAY! *prays that they come to each other's* ahahha A girl can dream right?

(Oh, btw, I manage to convert one of my friends into becoming a fan. :D :D)

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Guest ixia320

10.15.2010 (4:49 am) > wow, everyone has her favorite album, he he he... i don't have in my shinhwa photo collection like 5 of those beautiful pictures, i missed them! so thank you very much for posting them here. i'm keeping the 5 i've missed. junjin, wannie, and minwoo are always cute and handsome at the same time. (no change at all). after this, i am watching tony ahn's subbed video, thanks for that one again. hello to all! mwah!

what can be done, youtube will keep blocking videos? and shinhwa is coming back soon...

upload the videos on mediafire then post the link here or on twitter?

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OOO oo favorite album....or should I say albums. I love the 7th album and also the 9th one. I like the other ones too, but for these two I have more favorite songs. "Crazy" is my favorite in the 7th album, acutally I also like "Time Machine" "Angel" "Liar" and "Brand New" and...."RUN" is my ALL TIME FAVORITE. I don't know why... blush.gif

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talking about albums...i think i'll say i love their 7th album and 9th.

but in their every album i at least have 1 or 2 favorite song!!

but this 1 song made me so proud of them and they amaze me a lot!

it's YO! gosah i never expected that a dance group would pull off a rock song, they nailed it!!

i so love this song a lot!!!

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hmmms.... favourite album? that's very hard to choose!!!

probably the 2nd album? i remember i used to listen to it daily. hahaaa

just wondering. which is your favourite live performance of shinhwa? it can be concert, or on music shows?

mine is this ---> I Pray 4 U + Just 2 be with you + SoulMate 2003-SHINHWA

and anyone here with twitter???

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Guest my.yonghwa.baby

Hello, everyone :)

I'm new here ^^; but I've been a Shinhwa fan for just about half my life; Shinhwa defines half my life. I kind of feel really bad for not finding this thread earlier and spazzing with you all. 

I figured that I'd just take the time to introduce myself a bit, as well as take some time to give an account of my experience as a fan of the boys during the past ten years or so. 

I'm a nineteen-year-old Korean girl living in the States, and I've been a Shinhwa fan ever since I was nine. I first came to know of them through the original Dream Team. JunJin started appearing as a fixed member, and to my nine-year-old self, he was the most handsome, awesome, and athletic being in the world. I fell for JunJin first, but then I started to pay attention to the things he said and picked up, "Hello, everyone. I'm JunJin of Shinhwa." It was then that I realized that he was a member of a larger group and became really interested. This was around the time Shinhwa was active with Only One. (Gosh, I miss those days...) 

JunJin's popularity then started to sky rocket as he won each competition every week, and at the same time (in part due to JunJin's activities) Shinhwa's existence in the KPOP world started to really solidify. They released Hey! Come On! not too long after. Unfortunately, ten years ago the internet wasn't as common as it is now, and I didn't have ways of knowing about Andy; therefore, once Shinhwa became active without Andy in there fourth album, I didn't know. Then they started recording Shinhwa's X-File, and in September 16th of that year, Shinhwa's legendary Guerilla Concert took place. It was through the Guerilla concert that I got to know about Andy and his inexplicable absence. I legitimately cried when JunJin started crying. My poor baby tears.gif (By the way, it was rumored at the time that Shinhwa needed to surpass 10000 people in order to get SM to bring Andy back. Has anybody else heard this rumor before?) And then ANDY CAME BACK AT THE END OF THE YEAR :D I remember watching a music award ceremony (I forget which), and I was kind of confused when I saw a sixth person performing Wild Eyes on stage. I mean, it didn't take me long to realize that he must have been Andy, but that's besides the point. It was a beautiful performance smile.gif Even if Andy messed up some of the choreography blush.gif

Then all six of them came back with Perfect Man, and I'm sure it brought joy to us all :) I genuinely loved ALL the songs in the album. To this day, actually, some of my all time favorite Shinhwa songs are from their fifth album (eg: I Pray 4 U, Fly High, In your love...). As a quick humorous side note, though, I want to add that I used to be unable to listen to the sixth track, Endless Love, by myself because the introduction of the song (eerie church bell-like sounds) freaked the HECK out of me :) Haha, but I still managed to memorize Eric's intro rap to its entirety (Deliver this through your audio, ghetto my fioso(?) blow hydro....!) Kekeke tongue.gif

Personally, I think their sixth album was utterly epic. Wedding was FANTASTIC, and there were so many other songs that were so masterfully put together. GAH! wub.gif

I am ashamed to say, however, after their sixth album release, I took a bit of a hiatus as a fan. I had some personal things going on at the time, and I had to put my fangirl self on hold. This doesn't mean that I didn't keep up with their lives though :) I just wasn't as active and/or obsessive. I remember watching nonstop 4 religiously for JunJin and Andy. I also remember being THRILLED when Minbongie oppa released his first solo album. I was stoked when I heard Hero from their SMTOWN Summer Vacation 2002 album. (Personally, I'm kind of surprised it did so well. I LOVE that song though happy.gif

And I guess I'm going to have to skip around a bit because much of my memories regarding Shinhwa are kind of blurred now. (Sorry sleep.gif) I was really happy when Eric started acting, especially when Fire Bird did so well. It made me so proud be to a fan. laugh.gif Although I believe Wannie oppa started acting first, right? (Oy, it's all so blurry now..) 

Oh, and my favorite Shinhwa concert series has to be their 2003 The Everlasting Mythology Concerts. I miss it so much sad.gif And if I jump a couple of more years, like most of you guys here, I'm sure, their DaeSang during Brand New made me so delusionally happy. Andy crying brought tears to my eyes tears.gif I think it was after that their individual activities really started to take off. As MCs, actors, solo artists, designers, etc., etc. Our Pilgyo oppa did really well with Same Thought around that time, I think. It's such a sad/pretty song happy.gif.

So if I jump to 2008, I must talk about Andy and Solbi tongue.gif I thought the two of them were adorablewub.gif Utterly adorable tongue.gif (BTW, I'm aware that this is slightly off topic, so moderators, let me know if I should put this under Spoiler. Thanks) As the youngest of Shinhwa, none of us really knew Andy as a man, for the lack of a better term sweatingbullets.gif, and it was fascinating and little strange to see him that way. At the time, Andy was promoting Love Song, which I loved smile.gif It was such a cute song. Along with Propose, of course. My favorite, and yet at the same time, the most painful scene from WGM was definitely the last episode. Seeing Andy cry gets me every time, you see tears.gif

I kind of hoped the two of them would get together for real. I actually have a theory that they're secretly dating. Teehees.

 2008 was, of course, an extremely monumental year for Shinhwa as well as KPOP history. 10 YEARS w00t.gif That was amazing. It pains me to say that I was late in trying to by the DVD and never got to get one sad.gif If anything, that DVD of their 10th Anniversary Concert was one of their most important DVD releases. I don't know if I'll ever forgive myself for being so lax at the time mellow.gif But still, I love watching clips on YouTube. It makes me so happy to see their brotherly and dorkish love for each other happy.gif

And then.

They all left tears.giftears.giftears.giftears.giftears.giftears.giftears.giftears.gif

First Eric, then DongWan, then Junjin, then Andy, and lastly Minwoo. WAHHHHHHtears.gif Out of all the members, though, I almost had a heart attack when I heard about Andy's enlistment. He's my favorite, you know sweatingbullets.gif (I love them all, of course, but we all have favorites, don't we? tongue.gif) His last release of One Love the day before he enlisted made me so sad/happy/upset/excited. 

Wow, that was long. crazy.gif Sorry about the super long post, but this is my first time I've ever spoken about my life as a Shinhwa fan at length to an audience that would even care to know. So I'm kind of excited laugh.gif

I'm so unbelievably giddy and excited for Eric's discharge on the 30th. CAN'T WAIT!!!! w00t.gif

But two years is a long time....I've been watching old video clips trying to clam my nostalgic feelings a bit, but it's not enough, you know? sleep.gif I miss them...

But you see..

Since this past July, I've become a pretty dedicated CNBLUE fan. At first I felt kind of ashamed and guilty because I felt as though I was betraying Shinhwa, but I tell myself that it's okay. You see, not once have I wavered when it came to KPOP idols. I mean, sure there were certain artists that caught my eyes more than others, but nobody ever measured up to Shinhwa. So so so so many different groups debuted since 1998, but not once did I ever find even the slightest form of attraction that I felt toward Shinwa. CNBLUE was the first. CNBLUE is obviously a tad different, though, since they're a band, but I have a lot of respect for them. There's a lot of potential in that group. Please don't hate

:( But I must say that not once have they taken the place of Shinhwa. Not once. Nobody ever will. It's just not possible.

So fellow Orange Princesses, thank you so much if you read all that. *Bows*

And to follow with the trend,

I can't say there's just one album I like the most. However my top 10 Shinhwa songs are (in no particular order):

1) I swear....(Track #12 in Hey! Come On!)

2) I Pray 4 U (Track #1 in Perfect Man)

3) In your love (Track #13 in Perfect Man)

4) Gonna Be Alright (Track #8 in Wedding)

5) Shinhwa Knight (Track #3 in Hey! Come On)

6) Desire (Only One?)

7) The Things I've Always Wanted (Also Only One?)

8) Time Machine (Winter Story '04-'05)

9) Unfinished Story (CAN'T REMEMBER crazy.gif)

10) Without You (Wedding)

Good night! smile.gif

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And welcome!

Meeting another fellow long-time fan makes me remember the soompi crash again. This was like the biggest thread and it was never the same again after the crash *sigh*

Anyways, I think I got into Shinhwa fandom just a tad earlier than you did, but not by much ^_^ Was Shinhwa still promoting Only One during dream team? No wait, it was a summer album, so they must've been ^_^ Really can't remember anymore...it's all blurry now lolz But Jinnie was really amazing on that show. He's still pretty amazing. I bet he can still best the younger idols debuting these days. He's a bit of a miracle boy, isn't he? When it comes to physical things, him and Andy are really extraordinary.

I think Shinhwa is the first and only group/artists to make me cry; their Guerrilla Concert, when Andy left an came back, when Jinnie got hurt really badly and their 10th Anniversary concert T_T I think all artists (especially kpop bands) and their fanclubs go through times like Shinhwa, but it's how they face up to those times that make them special, and Shinhwa really is special.

I love Perfect Man and Wedding too, although a lot of people actually reacted badly to Shinhwa's change of style in Wedding. Eric's Engrish is precious...and if you think about it from his 4d-POV, some of the stranger lyrics actually do make sense ^^;; And they looked amazing during 6th jib, although I couldn't understand Andy's ahjumma curls and Eric's blond thatch for a short period of time lolz To this day, I still think Minwoo's 6th jib hair was one of the most interesting hair cuts I have ever seen, but still manages to look amazing on him.

Because Minwoo is my fave member, I was also super excited when his first solo album came out. I also thought my bb needed to lose a little weight, but he was so cuuute~ It was a dilemma (Of course, M never disappoints and re-appeared in his 2nd album with a fill set of abs ^^;;) The belt dance for Just One Night was the best. I was quite nervous for him when he started appearing on shows :)

When Eric first started acting in Bulsae, I think was super excited too. To tell the truth, it was a bit awkward watching Eric being all Casanova lolz I completely understood when members said they wanted to throw something at the TV lolz  I also remember getting headaches after watching each Bulsae episode. Since I'm not Korean, I had to depend on Chinese subtitles (and my Chinese reading skills were pretty limited). I should really re-watch it in English one of these days. Anyways, can't believe he's coming back soon! And the best part? He's not taking a hiatus before getting down to work!

Waiting for Shinhwa's 7th album ...was really a harsh wait. About Shinhwa's daesang win, I was actually quite shocked lolz Because they worked so hard and promoted twice as hard as other groups/artists, and still couldn't seem to grab it year after year, I honestly was preparing myself for the worst...and then they WON. I had work the next day and couldn't watch it live. It felt so surreal reading the translated news. And 7th album (brand new) was so classy and epic ^_^ Everything was just perfect. It was also around the time their 7th album came out that I had really decent internet and didn't miss any of the classic shows they were on. The good old days of yousendit and pre-youtube. They really deserved it. You could really see they were truly giving their all that year. They were seriously EVERYWHERE; there were 4-5 pieces of news on them every single day, I really don't know how they had time to do all that they did.

I was really happy that Andy got so much attention after he was casted for WGM. Ever since he came back for Shinhwa's 5th album, I felt that he lost something of himself during that one year hiatus. The Andy on-stage pre-Perfect Man days was just a different Andy to me, and I think he found himself again with the success of WGM. I must admit, I miss Andy's singing voice pre-solo works though. Those vocal coaches *sigh*

And aww~ no worries about dipping into other fandoms. I'm sure we all have them. Besides CNBlue's brands of dorkiness are of the good kind. What I mean is- and I don't why - but there some groups out there that people think are dorky and mischievous, but all I can think about is that they look like those teens who would egg my house ^^;;  Maybe I'm getting old.

1) I swear....(Track #12 in Hey! Come On!)

2) I Pray 4 U (Track #1 in Perfect Man)

3) In your love (Track #13 in Perfect Man)

4) Gonna Be Alright (Track #8 in Wedding)

5) Shinhwa Knight (Track #3 in Hey! Come On)

6) Desire (Only One?)

7) The Things I've Always Wanted (Also Only One?)

8) Time Machine (Winter Story '04-'05)

9) Unfinished Story (CAN'T REMEMBER crazy.gif)

10) Without You (Wedding)

'Desire' is from their 2nd album (T.O.P.), 'The Things I've Always Wanted' is from their 1st album (Resolver), 'Time Machine' is from their 7th album (Brand New) and 'Unfinished Story' is from their 9th album ^_^

I know you said you took a semi-break after 6th album, but judging from your song list, I have the strangest hunch that you would actually really like the whole of their 8th album (State of the Art) and 'Liar' and 'Angel' from their 7th album  :)

Sorry for my own long post!

And 5 more days until Eric is back!!

Talking about performances, I really like their Buzz Asia Concert Perfs ~ Little mistakes here and there makes it memorable.





Oh! perf (Please watch VERSION 2)

Picked this perf cuz I like watching back-up dancer Hyesung dancing super hard behind Eric when he's rapping lolz

And don't know if Wannie forgot, but while the rest of the members were moving to the front, he was the only member still dancing towards the end of the song.lolz

And cuz Oh! perfs are rare and difficult to perform


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Guest my.yonghwa.baby

crystalis: Hello! smile.gif I'm really happy to meet another long-time fan, as well. They seem to be hard to come by lately sleep.gif

Oh, goodness, how could I forget about Soompi's infamous crash in 2005. As you can see, I jumped onto the Soompi bandwagon again pretty recently. After the crash, I just got really frustrated and stayed away from Soompi until this summer. I relied on my own news sources, fan sites (Do you remember ShinhwaChangjo.net?), and goodenter.com (which seems to have fallen off the face of the earth, by the way). I believe my original soompi ID was andy's_angel or something of the like. Obviously my IDs have a trend tongue.gif

I agree with what you said about the ups and downs of all KPOP groups and their fanbases. The group that comes to mind right now is FT Island. They recently made their come back in Korea, and I remember reading an article saying that their fanclub members dropped I think it was something like 10,000 members while they were away for a little over a year in Japan vicx.gif But I have faith in SHCJ happy.gif It's definitely one of the most well known and legendary fanbases of all KPOP time. 

Ahahahahaha "...all I can think about is that they look like those teens who would egg my house." No, I agree. Technically, I'm still in my teens, but some of these new groups that keep popping out make me feel really old. For the most part, I can't even call male idols "oppa" anymore. sleep.gif Shinhwa fans are getting old tongue.gif Oh well. Our boys are all in their thirties now excl.gif I find that so unbelievably surreal... My babies..sad.gif

And yes, I'm also very excited for Eric's comeback. I believe the drama is called "Poseidon"? YAYAYAYAYAYAY laugh.gif

Shinhwa Changjo <3 Always and forevercool.gif

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Guest superstar`kiss

Wow, I've been away for so long. (Away from this precious thread and Soompi. :( )

How is every SHCJ doing?

Thank you my.yonghwa.baby for reflecting upon your earliest Shinhwa years. I love the way every SHCJ has fallen in love them. Makes me remember my own story as well.^^

It's so incredible that after all these years everyone is still united by these 6 angels. I miss the feeling of being that young teenager and watching their concert dvd's over and over again (and with them.) lol. It's just super amazing to me that we all, along with our 6 members have basically grown up together. Even just us Soompi members who have been a part of this thread for years and years (yes, even before that crash) and have never met. This just warms up my heart. (:

After all my years of dedication, I've finally turned eighteen and entered college as a first year. I'm sad that I couldn't bring my whole Shinhwa collection with me during my move and I'm so bummed. It's just something that I'm used to having with me even though they just sit there. The whole collection requires a lot of space so I had to make the decision of not bringing them along. :( I did bring one of my Shinhwa posters though. It's definitely something to look at that makes me feel at home. :)

Leader Mun's return!--I'm speechlessly excited. I can't express how the feeling will be when he is on screen again. I'm a bit nervous though, as if I'd forgotten how it felt to have him back. :lol: & what a joy fans in Japan will have for their fanmeeting with him in December. *jealous* It's going to be amazing!

& as for a favorite album..I'm always indecisive when it comes to a 'favorite' question. When I listen to different albums I am hit with different memories of it so it's really difficult! I must say that Perfect Man is one of the albums that included some of Eric's best Engrish lyrics. ;)

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my.yonghwa.baby & crystalis

yall make me nostalgic. ~~~

i'm a fan of shinhwa since i was nine too ^^ a fan of shinhwa for 12 years already. time flies!~

my fandom starts in late 1998, with chun ii yoo hon. i then saw their hae gyul sa mv around the same time, and was intrigued by their "pendulum dance". hahaa.

i remember there was this shinhwa waking up show during only one period.

minwoo was mumbling/saying the jjangoo rap in his purple hair, and finished off with "ahhh, nan... nan molla yo" *scratches head* so cute!!

i got my discman during only one period, so i always insert a shinhwa CD and bring it to school to listen.

my few best friends were complaining at how i'm always forcing them to listen to shinhwa songs, haha. (but i just wanted to share how awesome shinhwa is!...)

long time ago, there used to be a lot of shinhwa fanfics. and minwoo was always the cool guy. =P

i even printed out some fics to read. one of them was titled "REVENGE". (*looks at the mountains of A4 sheets. i printed them 1-sided, so i'm currently using the blank pages as rough paper.)

hmmmms, shinhwa's stuffs used to be easily available off the net in the past. many sites have closed now, i wonder why T.T

lots of cgiboards (is it spelled this way?), lemonjjangoo (i really love this site. i was so depressed when it closed >.<), etc... and i used to be active on SHCJ.net (under a different ID), before they changed moderator (but its mostly because i'm caught up with school and all).

i was REALLY elated when singapore was included in their state of the art concert tour. i finally get to see a shinhwa concert LIVE! OMG, they are so charismatic!!


i will fly to korea just for their reunion concert.

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Guest hazrinaer


about liking other groups beside SHINHWA..I think its pretty normal, not that we forget shinhwa but just to spend little time before their comeback :D

Lately I being focused on 2PM but of course SHINHWA comes first :wub:

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Welcome my.yonghwa.baby !!!!!

It's so nice to know that Shinhwa's love from fans is still growing strong!

It feels so strange how we all are like a family in here when we're from totally different places in this world! You can't fight a love like ours, :rolleyes:....*sighs*....I wish Shinhwa could read English and have access to these kind of websites and read ALL OF OUR AWESOME DISCUSSION ABOUT THEM!!! HEHE....too bad they probably don't have the time to do this kind of thing......ANYWAY, I love listening or rather reading people's stories of how they fell in love with Shinhwa....it's so....so.....idk.... :wub: makes me wanna just tears.gif because I LOVE LOVE LOVE Shinwha like I've never loved anything....well except for my family...but STILL..*sniff, sniff*...and to know that there are tons of people who feel the same way I do makes me feel less lonesome.................... w00t.gif I can't believe Eric will be back...BE BACK.......on Friday! I hope hope hope he stars in the drama Poseidon, because it sounds very intriguing. The story definitely is something fresh. *crosses fingers* let it be HIM! :P

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Guest my.yonghwa.baby



[10.10.26][Notice] Eric's Discharge Event


PLACE: Sports Complex Subway Station (the actual underground subway station) between Exits 7 & 8

(Due to the number of citizens that would be using the subways, we have requested to be moved to the outside area)


(Due to the number of people from the media and others, they might control the number of people that might be able to present for his release, so please be on time)

Reporters and fans will start gathering around 7:00AM to guide you if you need help.

We will be making real time Tweets with photos of the event at:




We are celebrating Eric’s discharge by trending him on Twitter, so please con and join us!



If you can't trend live, use TWEET-U-LATER, please see link for tutorial


Source: UbiquitousEric

Translation Credit: Rubylovefaith@shinhwa.biz

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Guest samshiku

THANKS for the update!!

So he will only be discharged this sat?!

OH MY i feel like flying over to Korea now just to see that moment.

Eric was the reason i got into shinhwa..i hope to see him in an awesome drama soon!! :D

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OMG I feel a bit ashame here...I'm not a fan of Shinhwa since I'm nine...more like seventeen tears.gif

I'm a newbie but I learn fast so I'm not too sad tho...I knew about Shinhwa for a long time but I wasn't really a fan becaise  I was still in my rebel period (listening Punk, Grundge or Metal bands) when I first heard Kpop groups.

(I'm still fresh in the Kpop world...3 years)

But I have download 4 of their albums already, watch all the variety show I found where they are in and watch a lot of their mv...I'm not so bad hun?blush.gif

I wish I knew them waaaaaay before but I was 6 when they started so...xD

I have a hard time to choose my favorite...At first it was Minwoo but I kinda love Eric more and more with every variety and drama I watch with him in it...sweatingbullets.gif

I'm a big RicMinWan fan wub.gif

I love them all and I'm waiting everyday for their return...

ERIC IN 2 DAYS!!!! w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif

Dongwan in 1 months 1 weeks and 2 days!! laugh.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif

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Guest incarnadine

Hi everyone! How are my dear fellow Shinhwa Changjo? I haven't visited this thread in AGES! Mianhaeyo for my absence sweatingbullets.gif

So excited for Leadernim's return this weekend!!!!! w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif

PS. crystalis, samshiku, my.yonghwa.baby, and all the rest -- *GROUP HUG* 

Our boys -- nay, MEN -- are returning!!! wub.gif

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