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Guest lenakeem

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Guest ixia320


so our shinhwa landed 3rd place? i noticed the active fan group in the poll were of the old school (seotaiji, hot, shinhwa).

i was able to vote few days before the deadline but not much (work, home, family) and probably made mistakes too in clicking the "plus" button. still i want to thank all the shinhwa changjos that sacrificed sore fingers :huh: just to vote and the time spent too. at least our shinhwa came out 3rd. :D:lol:

^ yeah..if only we know about the poll and we've vote earlier... ;)

and like sushinhwa, at first, i'm a bit a disappointed too because we're third..but, when i think back,i'm so proud of us,SHCJ who stick and didn't give up till the end...despite of our very busy life, we still have done our very best in voting..so, never mind~~ :)

argh~cant wait for our 12th anniversary! about 17 days more to go.. :lol:

thanks for all the pix Tiff unni!!! seeing the pix, make me missing Shinhwa even more!esp bong :(

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Guest grumpynomore

I feel so happy reading about ANDY mentioning their 14th anniversary on his recent appearance and MINWOO talking about their return on the video above. Our boys really want to return on stage together. And they will! but it also up to us, fans

to make that happen...not just make it happen but make it successful. So everyone keep holding on! :D fighting!

Someone uploaded this video of Wannie recently on the net....


there's one part there that completely got me saying "WHAT?!!!!"

so during the 10th anniv concert Wannie took a choco bar from a fan...bit it and gave it back to her?!

i think i squealed a little and laughed at the same time l after watching that. :D

so here's my question...if YOU were that fan, what would you have done?

LOL. it could be any of the boys not just wannie :P

guess that's my random post for the day...

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Guest ixia320

thanks, i saw the video. well, if i willingly offered the chocolate to wannie, that means its fine with me. i think it was offered to him and he accepted. but really, that made me had a wide smile raised brows, ha ha ha. shinhwa boys really...ah, just miss them... :mellow:

I feel so happy reading about ANDY mentioning their 14th anniversary on his recent appearance and MINWOO talking about their return on the video above. Our boys really want to return on stage together. And they will! but it also up to us, fans

to make that happen...not just make it happen but make it successful. So everyone keep holding on! :D fighting!

Someone uploaded this video of Wannie recently on the net....


there's one part there that completely got me saying "WHAT?!!!!"

so during the 10th anniv concert Wannie took a choco bar from a fan...bit it and gave it back to her?!

i think i squealed a little and laughed at the same time l after watching that. :D

so here's my question...if YOU were that fan, what would you have done?

LOL. it could be any of the boys not just wannie :P

guess that's my random post for the day...

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Guest ixia320

hi to all,

this is a bit late, it stated it happened late last year, that tiffany of snsd maligned or insulted junjin and hyesung? is that true or just rumor? if it's true, is tiffany a great or successful performer like boa? yay, just asking (not intended as a new topic) :o

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Oh my goodness!! HE TOOK A BITE AND GAVE IT BACK!!! ACK! You know if I were that fan I wouldn't know what to do. Should I save that bar and label it "Wannie's teeth mark" or eat it, save the wrapper and label it "The bar I shared with Wannie." or just stare at it forever!! haha that fan is so lucky especially given the smile from Dongwan after he ate it!! :lol: He's so carefree, doesn't even care if the bar was from stranger, a fan stranger, or if it was already bitten by that fan....so loveable. ;)

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hi to all,

this is a bit late, it stated it happened late last year, that tiffany of snsd maligned or insulted junjin and hyesung? is that true or just rumor? if it's true, is tiffany a great or successful performer like boa? yay, just asking (not intended as a new topic) :o

Well, since you asked it doesn't hurt to answer. Yes it is true. However, it depends on which side you read it from to determine whether it's an insult or playfulness. Say if you heard from SNSD fans they would say Tiffany was only imitating Junjin as written on the script of the radio, and that it was not intended to be an insult. If you heard from Shinhwa/Junjin fans, they would say she made fun of his dance move imitating it and laughing in a very insultive manner so yeah that would be sort of an insult to Junjin.

About Hyesung...um...that one I don't know if she said it from the script or anything, but she did mention that Hyesung's voice was that of a goat; yeah it's fun to say, but to some it would be kind of insulting, especially when he's considered one of the better ballad singers in kpop. Hope this answers your curiosity. I mean I don't really care about these incidents since they are pretty long ago, but yeah just helping you out a bit.

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Guest ixia320

...stare at it forever!... ha ha ha!!!! i had a good laugh at it, thanks.

Oh my goodness!! HE TOOK A BITE AND GAVE IT BACK!!! ACK! You know if I were that fan I wouldn't know what to do. Should I save that bar and label it "Wannie's teeth mark" or eat it, save the wrapper and label it "The bar I shared with Wannie." or just stare at it forever!! haha that fan is so lucky especially given the smile from Dongwan after he ate it!! :lol: He's so carefree, doesn't even care if the bar was from stranger, a fan stranger, or if it was already bitten by that fan....so loveable. ;)
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Guest ixia320

mean script writer. bad ears. way too much even as a joke.

thank you very much for taking the time to answer.

Well, since you asked it doesn't hurt to answer. Yes it is true. However, it depends on which side you read it from to determine whether it's an insult or playfulness. Say if you heard from SNSD fans they would say Tiffany was only imitating Junjin as written on the script of the radio, and that it was not intended to be an insult. If you heard from Shinhwa/Junjin fans, they would say she made fun of his dance move imitating it and laughing in a very insultive manner so yeah that would be sort of an insult to Junjin.

About Hyesung...um...that one I don't know if she said it from the script or anything, but she did mention that Hyesung's voice was that of a goat; yeah it's fun to say, but to some it would be kind of insulting, especially when he's considered one of the better ballad singers in kpop. Hope this answers your curiosity. I mean I don't really care about these incidents since they are pretty long ago, but yeah just helping you out a bit.

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Guest kriza_09

hi to all,

this is a bit late, it stated it happened late last year, that tiffany of snsd maligned or insulted junjin and hyesung? is that true or just rumor? if it's true, is tiffany a great or successful performer like boa? yay, just asking (not intended as a new topic) :o

First of all, I don't think Shinhwa members were personally offended by the remarks anyway since they themselves are such good sports of jokes and I'm sure they have done MUCH worse to each other. So I personally didn't care about this. It didn't affect me in any relation to Shinhwa. All it did was giving me a certain impression of snsd 'ah they're this kind of group.' That's all.

Secondly, I personally wouldn't call it an insult. I'd call it thoughtless playfulness. I'm sure they (she?) didn't have ill-intention when doing that, but they were thoughtless nonetheless. Shinhwa is their sunbaes who have been around much longer than them. They shouldn't be making jokes about Shinhwa unless they're personally really close and have that kind of comfortable oppa-dongsaeng relationship. Not even that actually, since they also have that sunbae-hoobae relationship. I personally think it would've been better if they had done it when Hyesung and Junjin were there. If it's something they wouldn't dare to say in front of Shinhwa, then I don't think it's appropriate to say that when they're not present. Imagine Hyesung saying Shin Seung Hoon sounds like a goat. I really don't think Hyesung would dare to say that. He would even cringe at that thought alone. Well, all in all, it was a careless mistake. And they had already apologized, which is always a plus in my book. Apology was given and accepted. It's all good. ^^

And about your last question, I don't think we're in any position to answer that. The SNSD forum would be a better place to ask since they know a lot more about the group than we do. =)

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It looks like kriza pretty much said it all, so I'll just add a little bit :)

How to put this...though Tiffany did say those jokes about Sungie's voice, she also said genuinely nice things about Minwoo's performance before as well. She also similarly complimented and admired Shinhwa when she hosted Mnet Boys&Girls.

So where do we stand now? Hmm...

SNSD's not a bad bunch.

Though like any good, healthy female k-pop fan, there are probably moments when their girlish-ness do get on my nerves lolz

I think life would be too hard if we took everything people say about us too seriously >.<



Helloooos my peoples~

It's Good Friday ^_^ Yay for day off...not really...got to go to work later ^^::

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend too :)

Anyways, it's been bugging me for a while~

I think it started with some casual-first-impression comments i read on youtube :)

Does Shinhwa sound different to you? I mean, from other k-pop boybands...

Not so much first and second album (they sounded pretty much like the rest of the k-pop boybands around that time), but everything else after that.

Like how I associate a certain kind of sound with Korean ballad singers, there is also a certain kind of vocal I associate with members of Korean boyband, and to me, Shinhwa doesn't have it.

At first, I thought it was just a difference in song style or generation gap, but when other groups cover their songs, I get the Korean-boyband sound again~

Minus Seungri, BB also gives a similar feel.

Maybe I have been a fan too long and am too sensitive to the individuality of each members' vocals.

Can't quite put my finger on it...

And a little fun...

Shinhwa 12th Anniversary get-together story vid

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Guest are-da

Does Shinhwa sound different to you? I mean, from other k-pop boybands...

Not so much first and second album (they sounded pretty much like the rest of the k-pop boybands around that time), but everything else after that.

Like how I associate a certain kind of sound with Korean ballad singers, there is also a certain kind of vocal I associate with members of Korean boyband, and to me, Shinhwa doesn't have it.

At first, I thought it was just a difference in song style or generation gap, but when other groups cover their songs, I get the Korean-boyband sound again~

Yup. I thought like that too. when i heard other boyband doing cover of their song, I also get a feeling like...'Why its sound like that ? I mean, yeah, its sound like Korean-boyband again. I don't know why, but starting from DBSK until now, all of boybands seems have similar type singing voice. Really, i don't like it, sound a bit annoying for me.Thank god that other Korean singers (except idols got) doesn't go to that kind of voice. Well, its just my thought. Different people have different opinion right???

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Yup. I thought like that too. when i heard other boyband doing cover of their song, I also get a feeling like...'Why its sound like that ? I mean, yeah, its sound like Korean-boyband again. I don't know why, but starting from DBSK until now, all of boybands seems have similar type singing voice. Really, i don't like it, sound a bit annoying for me.Thank god that other Korean singers (except idols got) doesn't go to that kind of voice. Well, its just my thought. Different people have different opinion right???

So I'm not the only one~ haha ^_^

I suppose I don't really find it annoying...

I guess it's a bit wasteful that everyone would try to imitate the same style.

I generally do hate some of the 'screaming' in kpop though ^^::

Maybe all the idols have the same vocal teachers lolz

I don't know why, but I really like Wannie's approach to singing <3


Speaking of which, I just like Wannie's and Shinhwa's attitude in general.

Just updating myself on Shinhwa news, talk, etc., and hit on the tohoshinki issue.

Inevitably, with the DBSK incident, some cassies are referencing Shinhwa.

I don't really mind, but I wish people wouldn't talk like Shinhwa is broken up lolz

They make it sound like our Shinhwa went through hell to get to where they are (implying DBSK must've done the same) ^^::

I dunno...

I like to parallel Shinhwa's time in SM with a working university student.

Of course, you would pay for your own living expenses, the services you use, your transportation fees, lodging, etc.

You also work your butt off to pay the unreasonable tuition fees, the interest on bills you couldn't pay last month, and get taxed on your income.

Then you work your butt off for several years (up to a decade in some cases) at that schooling you paid for.

Then you get sick, but those bills just keep coming.

And then because you want to get somewhere in life, you do a decent amount of volunteer work.

The time between work and more work = little to nothing.

Sleep? You're joking.

After all that, all you can do is hope for the best, that the schooling/training and all that investment were worthwhile.

Savings? How about paying that student loan, or for that window some kid thought was funny and broke?

I purposely wrote it this way, but if you take that and match that with a SM contract, it's not that different...except you're never allowed to 'give up' until your contract's over.

Even after leaving SM, Shinhwa members still push themselves to practice 10+ hours and work the variety circuit like crazy until they're hospitalized.

The times in SM were definitely hard, but I remember Dongwannie thanking SM for it.

To at least remember the people who first believed in you enough to gamble on you. And Minbong once expressed that now that he has his own company, he could see the difficulties in finance & management that he couldn't before. Sungie's still on good terms with some of the managers and some of those managers have opened their own companies. It's been 6 years since they left SM and Shinhwa hasn't really said anything or complained.

Compared to say jpop or cpop, I think it's relatively easier to change companies in kpop. SM tried to stop it with their lengthy contracts, but it looks like it's causing the problem. What can you do? *shrugs*

I'm sure my logic's full of holes, but I just wanted to get it out. Regardless it's our Shinhwa or DBSK, I just believe if a person is serious about getting anywhere, there will be many kinds of pain. But perhaps we will be able to minimize if everyone doesn't ignore basic decency.

I think everyone goes through hard times, it's just how you deal with it that makes you stand out.

To everyone who has run into a stumbling block,

Quoting Sungie:

At this moment, in the future and forever

To everyone who has been standing in the same place with me

And looking at the same things

I’m presenting my second gift to you.

The beginning… new days..

- Vol.2: Thanks to

Credits: Sunshine News + Absolut Shinhwa

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Guest ixia320


i think i'm beginning to like this forum a lot. I see people here who love shinhwa that much (like lhjj, kriza, crystalis, are-da) but at the same time are very level-headed, tollerant, intelligent in discussing issues concerning our hinhwa. i have yet to see one post that speaks-ill of other kpop groups. now i understand what was once said that shinhwa fans are one of the most disciplined fan-group around. i have visited other forum sites and my goodness, the words they use hurt my eyes.what's more, the things they say just to uplift their favorite group. but here, nothing like that. i hope other fan groups visit this site and see how shinhwa fans here deal with all sort of things yet other kpop groups are not bashed here. i'm proud of you guys. :lol::P:)

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Guest ixia320

about shinhwa music, i think starting from volume 8, shinhwa sound became much clearer (pardon me, how should i say it) i mean before like in volume 3, the instrumentation sounds as loud as their singing voices. but at the 8th album, their voices were aloud to come out a liitle bit on top of the instrumentation. that means you can better hear the quality of their voices. but volume 9 i must say the music is really different from the rest of their albums. can anyone please advise me of any other kpop group that has the same music sound as that of shinhwa's vol 9? volume 9 for me is terifficly great.

dbsk is going through the same turmoil as shinhwa did before? if dbsk is disbanded by their very own company, no longer offered any contract then another company will offer one or two of them with everybody else's fee 5x or even more, let's see if dbsk will stick it out together or one will grab that opportunity of having more by oneself alone. then we will know if bdsk is really as great as shinhwa. if music is a constant factor, for me what sets shinhwa above the rest is their brotherly concern and love for one another, unselfish giving of one's self for the benefit of the other members. outside, they are ever so polite and respectful. so alive. dbsk will face their own demons. shinhwa has faced theirs and came out as they are now. with shinhwa members' solo successes, i said to myself, "these guys, really..." for the 6 of them still can not live without shinhwa, they still vow to stay together until they are all old. i want to see in the future if dbsk can do that.

sometimes i'm annoyed that eric is such a prankster but if i also remember what he did to save shinhwa and get shinhwa out of sm group, my respect and adoration for this guy towers. shinhwa, 12 years and counting...shinhwa remains on the pedestal ---ALONE. shinhwa changjos, continue fighting!!!

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Haha ixia320, you are welcome and your words are very comforting. Yes this forum is very clean and full of nice people. When I first came here about a year ago, I really admired everyone's attitude and manners here, they are ALL great Shinwha-adoring fans and I'm proud to be one as well. No matter who says ill things and what not, the best approach is really to ignore it kind of. I've recently been inspired by Mahatma Gandhi, if someone slaps you on the face offer him/her your other cheek. "I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent."

One of my favorite: "I believe in equality for everyone, except reporters and photographers." haha I think it suits will with Shinhwa. ;)

Please visit this thread often. We Shinhwa Changjo welcome everyone, even if they are haters...as long as they don't sabatoge this forum. :D

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Guest rose_liana

ah, this thread is awesome!!! that's one of the main reason why i respect SHCJ the most..Most of you are very thoughtful people..feel so warm when i visit this thread..whether you are a sunbae SHCJ or a hobae SHCJ you are always welcome to openly discuss your opinion without hesitation.and SHCJ will always welcome you with their open arms.. :lol:

Like idol, Like fans...

just like Shinhwa, most of of SHCJ also a prankster, but that's only their outside appearance, inside they're very thoughtful :lol:

i never thought Amy (crystalis) unni, who is very thoughtful is a very good prankster too..i am being fooled on April 1st.. :lol: :lol: :lol: bwahaha..

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Guest prncssptri

i sincerely love Shinhwa Changjos and rose_liana just literally took the words out of my mouth!

ah, this thread is awesome!!! that's one of the main reason why i respect SHCJ the most..Most of you are very thoughtful people..feel so warm when i visit this thread..whether you are a sunbae SHCJ or a hobae SHCJ you are always welcome to openly discuss your opinion without hesitation.and SHCJ will always welcome you with their open arms.. :lol:

this is a great thread with great people in it :) full of respects for each other and very mature. in the end, this thread always put a smile to my face after spending some time reading people's posts!! SHCJ jjang!! and LOL at the april fools joke!! hahaha.. clever!! i miss all members now -_-

crystalis, are-da, i agree with you.. today's groups sound all the same to me somehow, that's why i found cnblue quite refreshing haha xP and i agree with ixia320 too on how they sound completely different in their 9th album from any other bands.. ok, who has any song similar to we can get it on? yes exactly haha.. and RUN too, we can totally associate this song to one person.. minbong oppa hahaha :) so it's really great that they have their own style in their songs.. and i also think that they're voices are completely different from other male vocals.. minwoo, dongwan, and junjin have really distinctive vocals.. i actually really like jinnie's voice when singing ballad.. so unique! and hyesung. I never know anyone can be so versatile in singing different song genres! eric and andy are definitely icings on the cake :) especially eric's deep rap voice. i think those differences really what create Shinhwa.

regarding dbsk.. i can't imagine how the fans feel :( they've been together for quite some time, i sincerely hope that they can survive this problem and reunite once more. I hope all members can help each other out and stick together through this challenge. Ironically, i just got into one of their songs (which has been in my repeat for a couple of days now) and reading the news today really made me sad.. and i'm not even a big fan of theirs. i hope cassies will never stop supporting the group! dbsk + cassies fighting!!

ihjj, great quotes! yup i totally agree.. i think bashing others will just hurt a lot of parties and create negative atmosphere on the thread just like ixia320 said plus i've been to that kind of thread before and it hurts to read the posts :( and coming back here is like coming back home :) :) :) *hugs all SHCJ*

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Guest kriza_09

Like crystalis, I also like Shinhwa’s attitude towards SM. I don’t know about their opinions on SM as a company, but they undoubtedly have no ill-feeling towards the people with whom they have had personal interaction (LeeSooMan, the managers, coordis, stylists, etc). I like to parallel SM to a sports team coach, kind of like the movie Coach Carter (which was mentioned by Minwoo in Battle Shinhwa). Or maybe like a really strict father in a conservative family, or the military instructor in the army. The way the coach/SM trains the team might sound harsh, but it’s actually done to prepare the group physically as well as mentally, which will eventually benefit the group itself.

No matter how many articles I have read about the treatment they got in SM (be it facts that come from the members themselves like getting harsh punishment or bossed around by higher-ups to rumors about SM beating and starving their artists), I treat all of them as facts (even rumors must have some truth in it) and I don’t think it’s a big deal. To me personally, the term slave contract is overrated.

I actually really like the way in which Shinhwa was trained. I’m sure the trainees nowadays don’t have to make a call every morning to report that they have woken up before the specified time or get punished for ordering japchaebab. Those rules like not being allowed to go anywhere without permission might sound harsh, but it really equipped them with good attitude and discipline as artists. The way they train (or used to train) their artists especially focus a lot on having a humble attitude, which is really the most important attitude to be an artist, as mentioned by Shinhwa’s first manager in his message during their 10th anniv. concert, which has also been mentioned repeatedly by Shinhwa as an advice to their junior singers. And through getting punished together (which I’m sure happened a lot to Shinhwa), they get closer and form stronger bond.

As Crystalis said, after leaving SM, things weren’t easier for them. Some people said SM works their artists too hard until they faint. Look at Shinhwa after they left SM. We still read articles about the members getting hospitalized because of extreme fatigue, insisting on performing despite injuries, and a certain member on a drip backstage (sometimes I just want to smack him on his head for being too stubborn). Oh btw, I went to their 10th anniv concert both days and seeing how energetic Eric was, I didn’t have the slightest idea about Eric’s injury and I was really shocked when I learned a few days after that Eric was in so much pain that he couldn’t even walk by himself. It’s not like they’re forced to do these things anymore. It’s just what it takes to survive in the entertainment industry. If SM didn’t enforce this to Shinhwa, they wouldn’t have made it this far.

Even though Shinhwa might have been disgruntled a lot and they must have tried to break the rules a lot, I’m sure they are grateful now towards SM for the way they have trained them. As Dongwan said, they never forget the people that made the boat on which they’re on now. The life in SM was surely hard, but the world outside SM is even harder. In SM, everything was provided and they only needed to execute it. Now they have to provide everything for themselves.

This is what Andy said: “It’s dangerous for idol singers who achieve great popularity within a short period of time to only place importance on their own efforts. They have to recognize the abilities and capabilities of the company that has discovered and groomed them.”

That is so true. The fact that idol groups nowadays seem to gain instant fame too fast and they’re now more equally distributed in terms of skills (any member of the new groups can at least sing a song and do some freestyle dance) might lead them to think that they were able to make it because of their own hard work and skills (which is not wrong, but only partially right). On the contrary, Shinhwa didn’t have anything to begin with. As Eric said, they weren’t particularly good in anything (though I think that was a bit of an understatement; some of them were pretty good in one thing, but none of them was good in everything). They were able to make it to where they are now not because of their own potential talents, but because of the many people that have trained/helped/taught/guided them until now. In some cases, it's members helping other members. I think only a group who initially had nothing and has experienced failure despite having worked so hard would really understand that they have nothing to boast about and can only be grateful to their fans and the people who have helped them. That’s the first thing Shinhwa learned after their debut and have kept until now.

sometimes i'm annoyed that eric is such a prankster but if i also remember what he did to save shinhwa and get shinhwa out of sm group, my respect and adoration for this guy towers. shinhwa, 12 years and counting...shinhwa remains on the pedestal ---ALONE. shinhwa changjos, continue fighting!!!

If this were a Korean forum and if Hyesung were the type to leave comments on blogs/forums, I would've said 'You're not Hyesung, are you?' LOL.

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Guest ixia320

hello everyone,

i checked the news right away and yes, to me these words are clear enough:

According to the announcement , this decision is result from discussions among the members and staffs. “Each of 5 members decided to go and walk towards their own direction of dream.”

korean and now japan activities all stopped. they are going their separate ways (but then i hope i'm wrong because many dbsk fans will be hurt). somehow i felt sadness and i thought, this is the same thing that almost broke shinhwa years back. gosh, i want to hug all shinhwa members and all shinhwa fans this very moment for sticking together all these years. shinhwa learned their lessons early and well that's why they got to where they are now.

what i' thinking now is that, actually, maybe, if shinhwa eric was lured by the huge contracts being offered him before and did not think about the "weaker ones" back then, could junjin have become a solo artist and reaping his own success now? or andy now owning his own company and have produced / introduced his own artists? even dongwan who can sing but not dance, andy was his patient "dance teacher". or could hyesung become so famous even in japan that his album sold like 180,000 plus. dongwan stated that they were "priced" differently by different companies, not that the others were inferior.

but all shinhwa members DECIDED they will stay together. eric once said that his efforts paid off because the other 5 members all fully supported him. with dbsk, how come only 3 "complained"? how about the other 2? :huh: i'm glad that early on in their career, all shinhwa members realized and accepted the fact that their individual strength emanates from the group strength and they never forgot the words "humility" and "decency". and of course hard work from all the members.

they say none can follow the footsteps of dbsk. well, i say, none can follow the footsteps of shinhwa. :P

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Guest kriza_09

Hi guys, I just want to remind everyone that we're not actually allowed to discuss other groups in here. So please refrain from talking specifically about a certain group and putting them in a bad light here. I think we've already gone as far as we can go. Please don't go farther than this. =)

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