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Guest lenakeem

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You guys have probably seen this, but I just want to share it anyways. I love this teaser, probably the best I've seen!!!! haha I'm drooling all over the computer right now. :D Take a look.

All Eric fans, a must watch...keke http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bii6h-lR8I0

And I give Supernova props for covering "Perfect Man," but no one can hit it better than Shinhwa of course!!!

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Guest bugrepellent

So much excitement!!!!!!! Shinhwa's ALL ABOUT SHINHWA DVD will be out this monday!!!! I'm am so gonna get one!!! And their comes my 2nd baby's REAL FISHING STORY DVD!!!!! AGHHHH I'm just excited right now!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D

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Guest rose_liana

OMG!!! drolls~ Shirtless Eric! so smexy! cant wait for the 3rd teaser though!

aww~ ALL ABOUT SHINHWA DVD!!! i want get one too! btw, anybody (Malaysian) knows how much is ALL ABOUT SHINHWA DVD cost in RM? hmm..i hope i can afford it..hehe

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Guest grumpynomore

:( jinnie's off to the army on the 22nd. another one going, i can't beleive how sad this is! :(

i'm curious though, how come jinnie goes first before minwoo?

let time fly by!

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Guest wanderer335

I didn't know about JunJin leave until recently -_- I should update myself with Shinhwa news more often. Anyways...although its sad to see him go I am kind of happy at the same time because from the start I wanted the boys to get it over with early. For the past couple of months JunJin kept on pushing the date further and further (health reason, work reason, etc etc) and there are times when I wanted him to just go to the training and get it over with. Im gonna miss him...its only like what 4 days left until his training starts?

I wonder when Minwoo and Andy are gonna go....Minwoo should be starting sometime this year and Andy...next year?

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Guest incarnadine

It's official huh... Jinnie's going in on the 22nd. I wonder what kind of preparations he's making now. I hope they show some footage of him shaving his hair off *sniff*

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Sigh~ Jinnie's enlistment date is so sudden T___T

imo, the kpop scene seems particularly ugly at the moment, so it's probably a good time for our boys to be taking a break from it. Still...I already miss him.

On the bright side, Ricwan were having dinner together when Minwoo called Eric at his concert yesterday :) I think it's a bit of a chain reaction cuz the day before that (at M's concert), Minu called Wannie (who was waiting to get into the theatre), who told Eric about Bong's phone call and the next day Ricwan had dinner together ^________^ Eric even sang "Annyeong Minu, I'm cute Eric. Cuteoh oh oh Oh~" in soprano and running up the scale haha~ The fans kept making him sing it again and again, and after he hung up, they made Minwoo sing lolz You could hear Wannie cracking up on the other side of the phone too.

Oh yeah, when Wannie called the day before, Minwoo made the fans chant with him, "Saranghae yo, Kim Dongwan! Saranghae yo, Kim Dongwan!" And Wannie was like, "Oh, why?~~~ all of a sudden" lolz

By the way, both Eric's and Andy's ringtone is Freestyle#1 from Shinhwa's 9th album

Ooooh~ where's the party at?

Need somebody, just grab somebody~

Say Ooh OoooH~


Minwoo called Jindy too (Jinnie's ringtone is his new song with Uee and Suk Hee), but they didn't pick up. Minwoo was like , "Bad Jinnie~' and was sad Y_Y Minwoo refused to call Hyesung though...he was like Hyesung always argue/fight with him, so he's scared of calling Hyesung, since Sungie's a black belt in Taekwondo and all XD

Going home yesterday, I was reminded of Wannie b/c there was a man walking his dog and taking pictures of the fall leaves outside my house with a professional looking camera ^^:: Truthfully, it was a bit strange >_____<

Hope the boys will have a chance to get together before Jinnie goes in for training.

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Guest bugrepellent

^^Oo Crystalis do you have like a fancam of that to share???" I want to hear it!!

About Jun Jin going off, it was very sudden, but I'm glad he's going. It's better to go and get it out of the way earlier.

I think Minwoo going after Jinnie is because he was registered as an '80 baby, but then he's born in July and Jun Jin's born in August so hmm I might not be right. :unsure:

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Guest karendm

Does anyone know where (and how) I can download Dongwan's drama "The Person I Love" with eng subs?

I watched it online but missed a few episode and really, really want to watch the whole thing again.

Someone help please.... kam-sah-ham-ni-da.

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Guest rose_liana

so, it was confirmed that Jinnie's enlistment this 22nd....it was too sudden..but, nvm..coz the faster they go, the sooner they'll get together as Shinhwa...

crystalis!! you made my day!! thank you so much for sharing that with us!!! they were too adorable...LOLOL at the reason why Minu refuse to call sungie... because sungie is a black belt taekwando??HAHAHA, that was too funny!

hmm~~ reading all those makes me want to tear up again!!! *sigh* really miss them!!!

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Okay I just happened to bump into the article about Lee Seung Gi and p*rn, and then I learn the secret of many many other stars who also happen to watch those stuff, it made me think about Dongwan for some reason. Now I don't know if he does watch it or if they were just jokes, but anyway, anyone know the show in which Eric talked about how he spooks the other Shinhwa members and at night Dongwan always locks himself in his room all by himself with the computer? Was it in YSMM?? I really want to know... please help :P

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Guest incarnadine

LOL crystalis. Thanks so much for that very funny and amusing piece of anecdote about our boys... somehow alleviates the impending emptiness I will soon feel once Jinnie enlists. :(

I do hope Jinnie will soon join RicWan's outings soon. I wonder where he will be assigned... lmao at Minwoo not wanting to call Hyesung :lol:

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Guest greenblobfish

★ BEAST, “The bitter taste of failure became the irony of fate”


The BEAST members’ eyes shine with ambition and the desire to last for a long time. “We want to win the rookie award, and we always want to become a representative group like god or Shinhwa. We will work hard.”

Yang Ji Won reporter.

I saw this in the BEAST/B2ST thread. It seems many groups look up to Shinhwa!

The whole article can be read here

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Guest rose_liana

^ thanks for sharing the article here..i feel so proud when many young idols look up to them..

since the Beast say so, i wish good luck to them! :)

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^^I'm glad that Shinhwa is not being forgotten. This just shows how popular our boys are. :D And the strength of their bond will grow stronger and stronger.

Thanks greenblobfish for helping me find that. I was skimming through YSMM for that part yesterday but only went up to part 2 4, that's probably why I missed it. :P

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Guest 80slitenite

Jinnie's enlisting any moment now. TT_TT


***Here's a short update of what happened.

Credit LeMielSyung@Nabi-J.com

Jinnie just arrived at 1:08pm with his dad!

he's interviewing now with a VJ. he just talked about SHIHNWA members and Infinity Challenge memebers

he just finished his interview and all the fans are sayin bye bye!!!! T0T and lastly he shouted 우리는!!! and everybody said 신화입니다!!!!!

the interview was about: What did Eric and Dongwan said? and he replied they told me to be care of flu and cold weather. and how about Infinity Challenge memebers said? and he replied he had a lot of txt with IC members. and he said about 15th anniversary concert and tell fans to wait with a great expecation.

He also said he will reallllllllly miss SHINHWACHANGGO fans!!!!!!!! Chanhong (Jin's best friend) cried. and after jinnie went in fans started to cry and jinnie's mom wiped fans' tears



Unveiling of the hair! SO HANDSOME ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ


His cake ㅠㅠ


Saluting ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ



uri neun SHINHWAimnida!!!




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Guest grumpynomore

^ thank you for the update! will keep refreshing this page until i see his pics :(


check out absolutshinhwa ladies...jinnie looks happy and healthy. the tears just keep falling when i saw the pics...

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Guest wanderer335

Im gonna miss him so much! Its nice to see the fans all gather to say goodbye to JunJin!

Hope he take care of himself! Time is gonna slow down a lot more now with Wannie, Eric and JunJin gone.

Saw the pictures and its been a long time since I saw his hair that short lol He looks great with that cut!

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OMG, I'm in class and I suddenly teared looking at the pic. We're totally gg to miss jinnie yes! I can't wait for the vids to be out.

"Chanhong (Jin's best friend) cried. and after jinnie went in fans started to cry and jinnie's mom wiped fans' tears"

It's just heartbreaking reading this. it feels like im sending away my own brother. (and i didnt even cry when my own bro went off to military! haha. ):(

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