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Guest lenakeem

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Guest grumpynomore

ahhhhhhhhhh i guess i'm overly excited about intimate note (esp on the chance of hearing eric's voice) hahah

that my body automatically got up a few hours earlier today for work LOL.

good luck to the uploaders and subbers! how i wish i could help! you guys are the best!

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OMG. Intimate note is in an hour and I've started streaming my SBS, there's like 4 windows of different sites opened, just in case! Hahaha. One of the times that my "kiasu-ism" trait is put to use. LOL.

Enjoy the show people! And thanks for those who are subbing the show!!!! :) *run off for some minjindy love*

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Guest grumpynomore

watching it live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just a few minutes into the show and it's already classic!

andy was a little shy in the beginning..making him even more adorable..

jinnie...and that face he makes when the other members start to talk about him...too cute!

minwoo...lmao at his reaction when jinnie danced...and the catching a fly moment is classic!

but OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! after 11 months in hiding...except for pre-recorded video for andy's jumper...

i finally heard eric's voice!!!!!!!!!!!!! sexyyyyyyyy! LOL. can't get over it!

they've mentioned sungie a couple times already...can't wait for wannie's turn!

off to work....

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as expected, SBS streaming was totally frustrating today, But ahhhh! I managed to watch the dancing part, and totally love it!!!! they are hilarious as usual, and omggg did u see andy's dancing! It's like funny + sexy + cute.. his butt was totally sticking out can. And hahaha, jin followed minwoo "M" dance with his own "J" version! LOL. I wished I could have screencap some parts but ah, the streaming was super badddd. :(

anyway, hope the raw version is up soonest! Sorry for the spamming y'all.

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Guest imur100

The boys are too funny. I don't understand a thing but still laughing so much :lol::lol:

I like the end part when they were dancing, the "M" and "J" dance and Andy with his

cute dance :P

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Guest rose_liana

although my connection wasn't so good too, but i was able to watch it live too!! but, like yanee, i was able to catch up the beginning and the dance part only...

ahahaha...this ep is so interesting! & Jang Yong is too funny !!! her seducing dance is so weird!

aww~~THE DANCE PART WAS Too CUTE! andy is <333333 HE'S shocked with chaeyeon seducing dance!! HAHAHA!

and they make an MV for perfect man song i think...it was cute too!

ah~~finally can hear eric's voice! wish can hear wannie, and sungie too...

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hahah yeahhh i don't think i'll post my summary here since i've posted it already.. LOL but then i'll post a link which we can stalk from now on... http://aja-aja.com/regular/intimate-note

they will upload the HQ raw of intimate note soon i think!!! <3333

today's episode was heart stopping.. though i didn't really like minwoo's friend.. sighs

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Jubileee thanks for the link ..............i'm watching it now **dancing2x

i cant watching it streaming live ,bad bad bad connection ............

** back for watching ..............

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Guest kassuma
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Darn!! I won't be able to watch until after this weekend~!! Oh well I'll wait so that I can watch it with subs!!! I'm overly excited now with all the little summaries of the beginning!!! YEPIE!!!!! Alright I'm off to work now.!!!! :D

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Guest rose_liana

oh..thanks for the all the link jubilee and kassuma...finally, able to watch it comfortably....

aww.. i thought, that ep reveal MinChae, but it seem to be AnChae...if i'm not mistaken, Andy accidentally called Chaeyeon chagie (honey)...LOL

This ep really remind me about Love Letter and X-man....the good old days :lol:

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Guest Wintergurl

Omg!!! I have waited for them to go on this show for like.. Haiz...

Finally they are on the show!!!! Although not all members...

I miss Eric's voice so much... Can't wait till next year!!!

I wanna watch despite no subs but then I having my final currently...

I have to control my self...

Can't wait for the subs and also my final to end so I can watch to the fullest...

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Guest rose_liana

MinJinDy IN Eng subbed cut



source: http://www.youtube.com/user/orenji728

Junjin imitating M XDDDDDDD the best hahaha

thanks for the links unni...watching it with sub is the best!!! LOL@ Jinnie imitating M..and its only 2 parts subbed, but already a lot of funny stuffs...cant wait for the full subbed version...

and i love the phone calling to eric..he must be just woke up when he pick up the phone...so happy, finally able to heard his husky voice...miss him alot..and so happy when he said he'll be out from MS in July next year...!!! :D:lol:

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Guest grumpynomore

thank you for the links and subs!

it was awesome! minwoo and his 'hyesung on a plane' comment was so cute, and jinnie's and andy's reactions too

it were hilarious! the mere mentioning of hyesung's and wannie's name will do for now i guess. although hearing their names just made me miss them even more. the phone call to eric was just too good...too good! i'll just rant about it at eric's thread lol.

other cute/funny and fave moments...

- the way minwoo said he's jealous of ricdy *so cute* and then andy replying 'why' was even cuter.

-jinnie dancing as M...too funny...a must watch!

-jinnie and his beanie...and minwoo and his insoles.....rotfl!


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Guest rose_liana

thank you for the links and subs!

it was awesome! minwoo and his 'hyesung on a plane' comment was so cute, and jinnie's and andy's reactions too

it were hilarious! the mere mentioning of hyesung's and wannie's name will do for now i guess. although hearing their names just made me miss them even more. the phone call to eric was just too good...too good! i'll just rant about it at eric's thread lol.

other cute/funny and fave moments...

- the way minwoo said he's jealous of ricdy *so cute* and then andy replying 'why' was even cuter.

-jinnie dancing as M...too funny...a must watch!

-jinnie and his beanie...and minwoo and his insoles.....rotfl!


yes!!! the jealousy part is a way TOO CUTE!!! :lol: ah~~everything was good..but, i was a bit sad when the MC KK said Minwoo has no smile in his life...i can feel that he was upset when heard it...TT__TT

ah, btw this ep really bring alot of laughter! they ROCKS intimate note! :D:lol:

another part has been subbed..credit: orenji728


ah~~still loading..will come again later.. :P

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