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Guest Sou

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Request filled for Nananananananananana~
Originally by Anna Tsuchiya. Enjoy~ I had a lot of fun doing this. xD sound.CLICK Hey Mister. Don't you remember? At that time you touched my heart so bad. Oh, baby, baby, you're so stupid. You shouldn't make me bad, I think you're just afraid of me. Hey Doctor. I think you regret, live with your sins how those it doesn't make me sad. Hey babe, you hurt my pride, no matter how much you cry it won't make me sad. Oh baby in my opinion love is life. I don't wanna throw or be thrown away. If we never knew sorrow, how could we know what is the happiness? But my love was true, maybe I just want to believe. Is every guy the same? I'm sorry I know you just wanted to taste my skin.
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OMG I'M SO HAPPY! You're so quick too. <333

I didn't wanna request BY anyone else to sing it since ur voice is perfect for it.

I think you did an awesome job. Like I said before your raw voice fits perfect with it. Anna's voice isn't as raw so you added your own touch to the song. ^_^ Some parts sound extra good like the "taste my skin"....they give me chills. You sound so sexy. SUBERASHI JOB! *ORGASM*


I love you for doing this request for me.

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Guest conversebunny

oooooo that was hot XD your flawless singing always blows me away! did you do all the background harmony vocals too? they sound really good!!

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Nan :: Yeah, this song was a really good match~ Nana has a really good sense for that, I think. ^^

Converse :: I did all the harmony except for the Oooh~ Aaah~ parts during "Oh, baby, in my opinion love is life..." etc. xD Thank you so much. ;o;

Nana :: Ahaha, the song was pretty easy for me to learn-- 15 minutes of listening, 45 of recording. I downloaded the PV of it, and Anna Tsuchiya just looks really funny trying to be a punker. xDDD I think I did rough it up a little, mainly because Anna's voice is a little "I'm trained pop, but I wanna attempt to be a rockstar". xD But I think it came out well~ And shush-- you're exaggerating; it's SO not orgasmic. *die*

Thanks everyone for your comments~ ^o^

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Guest _MaJa_1234

Good song and PV~ personally I think Anna would have made a much better Nana than Mika Nakashima.. look-wise, yea.. u.u;; just had to throw that out there. ANYWAYS XD this song is perfect for you. Good job!

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Guest fantasiimaker

hahaha it's a song I know 8DDD *dies*

Hm actually I disagree with you about Tsuchiya not fitting the rock genre xD she's not a raving hardcore rocker or anything, but I think she does the song really well, and the pv is sexy xD (loved her in shimotsuma monogatari<3) Hmm I think she'd have made an awesome Nana too.

..ok on to Sou's song LOL.

Hmm you do an exceptional job as usual =] some of the rougher parts of the chorus and such didn't really appeal to me ^^; They felt sort of...clashy. But it's sou's style ne 8D take no offense lol~

More more! (koda! where's crazy 4 u?! *dies*)

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Guest kokoling

Vocally, I think it's perfect. But I don't think you put enough contrast in the song. You know how when you're trying to seduce someone, you're a bit forward sometimes, and other times you back off to let them come to you. It's kind of like that. I think you were a bit too forward the entire time.

Then again, that's just my interpretation. Love the song still though. <3 <3

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JuJu bar :: I suppose my spanish is okay-- I'm better with Italian. *laughs* Thank yoU~

Ling :: I think that we're interpreting the song differently. I think I took it as a "MEN ARE SOO STUPID. D:<" thing as opposed to a seduction piece. I think in the lower parts before the "OH BABY BABY"s, the mixed signals work. But that's just my opinion. *die* Thank you for the critical comment, though.

David :: <3<3<3

Lisa :: I probably told you this over IM, but I wanted to reiterate so I don't look like a genre retard-- I think she's fine for rock, but I don't think she looks good as a wannabe Punker. I actually disagree about Anna Tsuchiya as NANA-- mainly because REIRA was the half white one, not NANA. Either way, I think she's too curvy to fit the Ai Yazawa style. :x She's gorgeous, ne, but she's not a twig. I actually like Anna Tsuchiya better in Spin Aqua. *die* And I've done so much koda lately-- i'll try, ne~~ ;o;

Maja :: See above comment about Anna as NANA. *die* <3 thank you, SUPAA LOBAA. xDD

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