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i dunno but I like my girls in shoes, boots, flats, heels, etc, not really sneakers, but sometimes wearing it is ok.


Now i gotta sell my PSP!

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Guest malevolent.

Seriously. SB dunks have only like size 9 and up or something right? Bastards...

No. Most come in size 6, but it's super rare and be prepared to drop a pretty penny on them.

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Guest AirMaxFiend

Wear what you like, I'm just saying that ---->I<----- don't like it. It's just I and most of the males in my area don't like tomboys, we prefer our girls.... girly.

And I regret buying FFIII and the strategy guide... I could've spent that buying a pair of AM1s.

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Guest TrainDriver

i dunno but I like my girls in shoes, boots, flats, heels, etc, not really sneakers, but sometimes wearing it is ok.


Now i gotta sell my PSP!

umm thats a bit random hahaha. i prefer psp games, only a few DS games look cool like ff3, jp version of EBA, phoneix wright (sp?) and trauma centre. psp actually has a nice lot of games that many ppl don't know of.

i prefer girls who don't dress like sluts nor to extreme with the sneakers, jeans etc. :P

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I played a lotta games on the PSP some of my favs were the Metal Gear Acids (I like strategy games), Valkyrie Profile (great RPG - took me a while to beat it!), Lumines (CLASSIC haha), and my personal favorite right now Ace Combat X (I love ALL ACE COMBAT GAMES). I know they got Kill Zone and Medal of Honor, but other than that there real aren't anymore good games for the PSP.

I used to think I would watch videos and stuff on the PSP, but I never actually have the time to upload videos and stuff like that and i dunno but I dont like it when people are watching over my shoulder in public places either.

the PSP is dying, Sony isnt giving it any support. =(

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Guest sillybilly_me

i think as long as the girl has a girly face

she can pull off looking good in anything

but heels once in a while just shows that the girl really does have something else too =P

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Guest its ann

hey I have a question, yall know any websites where they sell nike dunks and such in a small size? like around a size 5-6? so far I found some nike dunks that I like but they dont have it in small sizes..what a bummer >_< have any good websites? besides ebay

I like the color brown alot and most of my clothes are brown..anyways I was looking at these pair of dunks...what do yall think? would this look right on a girl?


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Guest cherryonken

Not a sneaker collector/expert or anything but I bought the following (I'm a girl btw):


I got them from Japan (yeah I know you sneaker pimps are thinking I coulda got a "rarer/cooler" pair =P.)

Regardless of which, have I committed a major sneaker faux pas? I read they were only being sold in Asia so at least hardly anyone else will have them.

I'm kind of gutted I didn't get a pair of dunks cos I alwaaayss wanted a pair and there were these nice brown/white with an orange tick, except the brown area was croc skin. For some reason I didn't get them but oh well.

EDIT:just in case the image isn't showing up heres the link:nike court force

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Guest Electrodoll

Haha, well style comes in many forms. You can say what you want about girls wearing dunks but just know that there are some girls who perfer wearing sneaks instead of stilettos. Flashing skin in mini skirts and tank tops isn't the only definition of sexy in the book. :]


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Guest its ann

hm how bout these .theye womens so they should hav ur size and theyr brown. wen i first saw them i didnt like em (not a big fan of orange.) but i tried em on anyways and they kinda grew on me.

Hey those don't look that bad.. I'm not a big fan of orange too, also i prefer low dunks...i think the high tops look funny...they dont have my size >_< but thanks=)

Haha, well style comes in many forms. You can say what you want about girls wearing dunks but just know that there are some girls who perfer wearing sneaks instead of stilettos. Flashing skin in mini skirts and tank tops isn't the only definition of sexy in the book. :]



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Guest Tonyc402

What do you guys think of the LRG hoodie zipup that is a skeleton??? That zips all the way up to your whole head (like the BAPE shark)

ehh its ok , hard to rock it really.

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