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[drama 2007] Witch Amusement Aka Witch Yoo Hee 마녀유희

Guest deNain

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Guest kaonamp

thanks for those caps, they are just adorable. Can't wait to watch this series, so far it looks so good.

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Guest goongS-girl

hey all! I"m new to this thread! I've just started to watch this!

But I have a quick question:

Is it true that TVXQ's Changmin is suppose to show up sometime in this Drama as Han Ga In's matchmaking partner?? :D

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Guest itonobara

Aw, my poor babe is trying so hard to be a bad boy. :D I do have to give KJH some love because he certainly is making an effort--it's just hard to beat Jae Hee when it comes to screen presence. In a scene full of guys, he's the ONLY one I'm looking at. Add that to the fact that he can play the bad boy better than anyone. *.*

Dennis fangirls, it's time to celebrate because you got a speedo scene. He's a good swimmer and I was impressed.

I gotta mention, I've never seen a K-drama with so many visual effects. This show really pulls out the thought bubbles, random animations, and graphics like it's nothing. Gives us an idea of how high-budget it is--as if you can't tell by the clothes, all-star cast, and sets already, right? :P

Oh my lord, the FIGHT SCENE. Can Dennis and Jae Hee get any hotter!!@!?@!? *spasms* Okay, I'm calm. Mo Ryong found out that Yoo Hee's date was a playboy and chased after them after they left the restaurant. He'd already asked Johnny about the guy earlier, so they both had bad thoughts about him. MR actually ran into Johnny on his way out, and Johnny kept asking him what was wrong. MR ran off and found YH and date crossing that little bridge. Without any preamble, he basically went for the guy and got in a few punches. YH stepped back, too surprised to do anything. After they grappled for a minute, it looked like the guy was really gonna nail MR, but of course Johnny came outta nowhere and blocked the punch! Then it was him vs. playboy, and he won by a landslide. Finally, playboy limped away and YH went straight for MR, caustic accusations flying fast. She was actually genuinely worked up and lifted her hand to slap him. He grabbed it and stopped her, and for the first time it wasn't playful fighting between them.

So then they're all a bit strange toward each other (Johnny included), and YH sees that she was saved but I guess is still worked up about falling under the ruse. For whatever reason, she goes to confront her father about the past and they get into a really heated argument about her mother that ends in him SLAPPING her. Yes, full on slap.

So YH spends a lot of the episode hating all the world. As an apology, MR makes her all these different kinds of marshmallows. She caves and they resolve their issues over some wine.

Towards the end of the ep, YH's college friend comes to see her and reports that Joon Ha's engagement is off. She goes to the hospital to see him and they have a talk. Meanwhile, MR is making a fantabulous lunch at YH's place. Johnny and Sung Mi come, but YH ends up waiting until dark for Joon Ha to finish work, I'm guessing. Eventually a nurse comes and tells her that he's either already left or won't be available tonight. Either way, YH leaves in a down mood and comes home to find MR and SM at the dinner table, laughing together. Ah, can't you just FEEL the jealousy seeping out of the screen. Johnny's still there too, and all four of them sit down together. Somehow they end up going to the sauna together and that's where the cracking-eggs-on-head scene comes in. This director certainly doesn't fix what ain't broke.

Eventually they split off, MR/SM and YH/Johnny. YH and Johnny go back to her apt and MR and SM go off to eat. MR, though, has a veerrrrry detailed vision of Johnny and YH back at the apt about to kiss (he's holding her head and everything!) and gets really uncomfortable. His visions aren't TOTALLY unfounded, though. *evil laugh* Back at the apt, YH's starting to fall asleep on the couch. Johnny's just kinda watching her. She has a glass of wine in her hand that keeps sloshing dangerously every time she nods off. Johnny keeps his hands out, ready to catch it she does slump over. After the second nod-off, she actually does plow straight into him and the wine sloshes all over his very white shirt. She wakes up, sees what she's done, and is all, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" She tries to wipe the wine off his shirt (really, why is that everyone's first instinct, you're just SPREADING it), and he's laughing a little, saying it's okay. After a moment he takes her hands, probably trying to stop her from fussing over his shirt, but then he doesn't let go of them. Stained shirt TOTALLY forgotten, they just stare at each other, YH surprised and Johnny very sincere. He still has her hands but then he changes his grip to hold them fully, palm-to-palm, hers in his. It's soooooooooo sweet!! Oh, I'm still rooting for Jae Hee but dayem, Dennis and Han Ga In look really nice together.

Hm, a good episode, though nothing beats ep 4 so far. :D

AHH just watched it live, it was a pretty good episode i guess.

but i missed the first 15 minutes so i dont kno what happened right after the kiss :[


-yoohee meets with the guy from before when mooryong's friend was like he goes after woman with money

(ah hes from surgeon bong dal hee!!)

-yoohee gets all excited cus hes super nice to her, but mooryong sees him and freaks out, tells her to stop seeing him but she wont listen

-mooryong gets jonhee and then later they kinda go beat up this guy and mooryong tells yoohee that he was after her money and her father set up the date, she gets furious and drives away oh and as she drives she gets in a fight with this random man and starts beating him up..quite funny

-yoohee goes to her father and says to stop controlling her, brings back some sad memories of her mom leaving and him bringing in paran, and she says she doesnt want to be the next MK boss, storms off

-so later mooryong and yoohee are talking and he asks her what kind of man she likes and he mistakens the doctor for the chef b/c they both have white suits and use knives. hahhhaha

-so mooryong thinks that yoohee likes johnee and tries to set them up together, he invites johnee for galbeejim and johnee brings sangmin

-yoohee ends up canceling on the dinner with them b/c she went to the hospital to see joonha sunbae after she heard from her friend that his engagement was broken, he told her to wait while he sees a patient but he ended up going into another surgery without even telling her face to face, jerrrkkk--so he gets all sad and leaves

-mooryong's trying to get johnee and yoohee to spend more time together while he and sungmi leave but they all end up going to the sauna

-yoohee gets jealous here and there while mooryong and sungmi are being lovey dovey couples

-so johnee and yoohee go back to yoohee's house while mooryong and sungmi go out to meet their friend and eat, while johnee and yoohee are watching tv, yoohee's falling asleep and by accident spills the wine on johnee, shes like oh no take off your shirt cus its going to get stained and then he holds her hands..and then it STOPS.! AHH. hahahh

cant wait for tomorrowwww!

YEAH!!! thanks for the spoilers! ^^

Argghh - my dl is too slow - must watch this episode....*goes to rewatch 1-4 while waiting*

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Guest `soliloquy

But I have a quick question:

Is it true that TVXQ's Changmin is suppose to show up sometime in this Drama as Han Ga In's matchmaking partner?? :D

goongS-girl, I heard about this on the first of April. Apparently, it isn't possible to confirm the authenticity of the source? Because there are no further news about this, up till this stage of the drama. Surely the PDs would use this gem of an information to their advantage to 'push' their ratings? Changmin, how I adore this guy. Of course, if he really makes a cameo later on; I'd totally flip. His first drama, besides the usual banjun and mini-dramas with dbsg, that is.

Plus, I heard he's a fan of Han Ga-in. If this news is indeed true, then triple yay for him!

<3 ayu.

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Guest lackingmoon

thanks for the spoilers...can't wait to watch it...I really do hope that Dennis and HGI have some romantic scenes together but it doesn't seem to happen...oh well...they still look cute together in those caps.

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Guest cpopbaby19

i just watched the first two episodes of this drama and Oh MAI GAASHHH! :w00t: i love it from the deepest soul of my heart! :w00t: xD

Jaehee is friggin cute, doing all that expressions! XD hahaa and gosh, Dennis Oh is Oh SO FINE~ <3 he's soooo adorable! ^^; plus, makes me believe that he can cook for shizzle! xP when he went on the screen for the first time, i had the same face of the girls! xD hahaha <3

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i cant help but realize how skinny Jaehee got..hes so bonny now.hahha

and im not in favor with his style in this drama....what was up with the holes all over his shirt? and he seems to be wearing tunics often. and of course the combat boots that dont seem to quite match him...i was like what the heckk? hahahaa

has anyone else noticed or is it just me being weird?

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Guest itonobara

i cant help but realize how skinny Jaehee got..hes so bonny now.hahha

and im not in favor with his style in this drama....what was up with the holes all over his shirt? and he seems to be wearing tunics often. and of course the combat boots that dont seem to quite match him...i was like what the heckk? hahahaa

has anyone else noticed or is it just me being weird?

He's a little skinny - hope he gets healthier soon - but I still think he's very cute ^^

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Guest The Conductor

Thank You all for the spoiler summaries, has anyone uploaded ep 5 yet, and thanks to teams

BON for the ep 2 sub.

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The egg-cracking scene at the bath house was SOOOO funny. I keep rewinding that part. All four of them were just cute.

The more I learn about YH's past, the more I feel bad for her and want her to be happy. HGI was great in that scene with the father. MR's so happy and thoughtful and YH's not used to that. It's going to be fun seeing them fall for each other (the seeds have already been planted, esp. in this ep...they're both subconsiously jealous lol)

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Guest The Conductor

Moo Ryong bring the warmth and cozy feelings that Yoo hee had when she was a child, thats why she feels comfortable with Moo Ryong even though she beat the crap out of him when ever he messes up. Yes she definitely needs some major loving in her life and Moo Ryong is the only guys who understand her enough to do it for her.

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Guest itonobara

Moo Ryong bring the warmth and cozy feelings that Yoo hee had when she was a child, thats why she feels comfortable with Moo Ryong even though she beat the crap out of him when ever he messes up. Yes she definitely needs some major loving in her life and Moo Ryong is the only guys who understand her enough to do it for her.

I think you're right on there - and He seems to be finding her kinda cute ^^

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Guest The Conductor

This drama is so funny, I mean Sub zero has nothing on Yoo Hee she froze the whole lobby very unique comedy scene. It was kinda cute how Yoo Hee wouldn't let Moo Ryong go with sungmi, she tried her best though haha. I t will be kinda sad when MR breaks up with SM, I just hope he won't be a jerk about it, well Johnny boy is here to pick her up once MR let get of her, or maybe she will him go first. This drama is getting better every ep Witch Yoo Hee FTW.

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Guest .:LaUrEn.:

OMG today's episode was SOOOOOO GOOOOD :D the way the story's going right now, i want MR and SM to stay together, and for YH and Johnny to get together. the way today's episode ended... OMG ^_^ i looooooooove kim jung hoon, but his character gets on my nerves! the way he stood yoohee up -_- but anyways, i'm sooooo looking forward to tomorrow's episode!!!

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