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❤ Park Shin Hye 박신혜 ❤ | Current Drama: Doctor Slump - Sat & Sun @10:30 PM [Upcoming Drama 2024: Judge From Hell]


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Top 5 Actresses Who Were Born In The 1990s

While the Korean media industry lacks actresses in their 20s, five actresses, Park Shin Hye, Baek Jin Hee, Ko Ah Ra, YoonA, and Jin Sae Yeon, seem to be the top actresses in their 20s. All five of them have starred as the main character in a drama. Park Shin Hye especially has been filming TV mini series dramas for over ten years, having debuted at an early age. Ko Ah Ra, who starred in the popular drama "Reply 1994" last year, is starring in the new SBS Monday Tuesday drama called "You're All Surrounded," which is going to premiere soon. Actress Jin Sae Young, right after filming the KBS 2 TV drama "Inspiring Generation," is going to star in the new SBS Wednesday Thursday drama called "Dr. Stranger." Actress and singer YoonA, who is a member of the girl group Girls Generation, has starred in the popular "Prime Minister And I." Lastly, actress Baek Jin Hee is going to film the new MBC Monday Tuesday drama "Triangle." 

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Dear PSH thread friends, this might be OOT but I'd like to ask for your support from your heart.

Some of you may heard from news, but there's a sad accident today on Korea - a cruise carrying about 500 passengers, 300 of them high school kids on their way field trip, has capsized this morning. 5 had passed away and more than 280 are still missing.

Please pray for those passed away, those missing, those injured and families and friends of them. It's already late night here but hope at least some of the missing passengers be rescued.


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Guest nistymaj

nevrmind said: Dear PSH thread friends, this might be OOT but I'd like to ask for your support from your heart. Some of you may heard from news, but there's a sad accident today on Korea - a cruise carrying about 500 passengers, 300 of them high school kids on their way field trip, has capsized this Morning. 5 had passed away and more than 280 are still missing. Please pray for those passed away, those missing, those injured and families and friends of them. It's already late night here but hope at least some of the missing passengers be rescued.

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@nevrmind : I read this right now :( 
It is tragic accident I am Praying &  hoping  the people who are missing the police will find them : (
I am praying to the God to give thier r families  the patience & solace to accept the whole thing :(


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