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Xing Official Thread


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Guest shaaaron

You're totally making me more spazzy about Yume if that's even possible, YunAh. xD <3

Ah his solo is done uploading. Need to post another link at Cynoooo. (I doubt people will use it but just in case. ;D)

PD's hat beats HyeSung's aviators.. okay? I'd rather have PD wear the hat in perfs than HyeSung wear the aviators in a bunch of perfs. xD As much as I love aviators, it doesn't go with Xing, really. Wait, and we'll see when the time comes for them to where accessories like those during performances. ;D (I don't mind them wearing it as casual wear because it'd go with their outfits, but the costume outfits they've been wearing lately.. come on HyeSung! XD <333)

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It does not come with a poster. As far as I know, no online store offers their poster when you buy the CD. Though, you get a free one if you buy offline. :D But if you do go searching and find a poster, let me know, please.

Oh, thanks for answering my question! And I will definitely let you know if I find a poster of them. Thanks again. JinHyun's smile is so radiant! gahhh. and PD is wearing a hat? that's my first time seeing him wear a hat, and he looks good in it. and there goes Kevin's sexyback XD

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Guest canityo

^ Aww! I'm falling for Yume now! Can I have the link to that site? I wanna go get dosages of Yume :)

He's such a charmer~ I want the Jin link too, please. Did all that happen at the PoHang concert?

I would love to see all that action :) Jinnie is so cute (>.<) I think PD looks hot in the cap...

round head?! LOL! Thanks so much for the updates!~ <3333

Of course! It's http://youngkyoung.com (: Though, some stuff have passwords to them. And well then we can access it until they open it for the fans. xD And I've already ripped some fancams, but...they are really huge. So I have to wait a while before I can upload them. >< And Jinhyun's 'fansite' is http://secret-yoon.lil.to

It's not...much of a fansite...but they have really good pics! XDDDDD *coughofJin*

And for those who haven't caught this yet. It's Hyesung's solo on YT:


Do NOT hotlink + take out with full credits only

New Jinhyun pics!


Click to enlarge

th_jin07x1120_09.jpg th_jin07x1120_08.jpg th_jin07x1120_07.jpg th_jin07x1120_06.jpg

th_jin07x1120_05.jpg th_jin07x1120_04.jpg th_jin07x1120_03.jpg th_jin07x1120_02.jpg


Do NOT hotlink + take out with full credits only

I feel all happy and balance with all these Jinhyun pictures. But, I really hate how they only released one member or...2 people (These pics were posted along with new Minkyu pics)

More fancams are coming along...just be very patient. I'm sorry, I couldn't upload them yesterday. Major difficulties. x_o;

I'm going to upload all of them tonight.

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Guest HoiSang


i think i just died X_X (thanks canityo so much for this, gah!)

that has got to be one of my MOST fave jin hyun pics ever, kya! gosh, if he does more poses like dat, he's gonna break so many people's hearts *sigh*

and haha, kevin's extensions are kinda cute - and i hope every thing went well for the boys who sat for their exams <3 and i'm guessing PD's still emo-ing in his cyworld? huu... T^T

thanks for all the links~

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Guest canityo

Bah, I don't have a proper version of Yume's pic but I guess this is sort of like a 'preview'.


Credits: As Tagged + CYNOSTAR.NET

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You know, I don't remember Yume looking that freaken awesome! xD

And there's like 21 new Jinhyun pictures at CYNOSTAR right now.

I'm a bit rushed because I have to return my keyboard to its' rightful owner...so here's only a few.

Do NOT hotlink + Only take out with full credits!





Credits: As Tagged + CYNOSTAR.NET

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Hehe and in Yume's new entry. He is so cute...he missed the first snow because he was watching TV.

Man...he is so funny. XDD Anyway, I hope they are wearing a lot of layers. I don't want them to be sick o_o"

APM pics!



Credits: As Tagged + CYNOSTAR.NET

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More at CYNOSTAR....I have to go T_T;;;;;;;;;

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Guest shaaaron

Yume's working it in that photo. HAHA work it! XD

I really can't believe I thought that was Kevin at first.. the girl with the light brown hair?

IT'S THE HAIR.. ONLY BECAUSE OF THE HAIR. Because.. nevermind, I'm not even going to continue explaining. xD

2nd picture of JinHyun.. gorgeous. :D He looks so cute and playful. :]

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Guest WithYunHo

Thanks so much for sharing Jin Hyun's pictures! I've been wishing to see more pictures

of him...he's so adorable and charismatic :) Love him~ <333 Love you for sharing them!!

Need to make a graphic with his sexy new pictures!! Haha..

Yume is so freakin' HOT too!~~ The more I see him, the more I fall for him <3333

Can't really choose a favorite...these boys are too great! Quit playing with my heart!!!!

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Guest canityo

PD posted another entry! But it doesn't have 'By Y's Mind'...but fans are like T_T Yong Joon Hyung! Why(?)!?

Er...I don't know if it's better or worse. But when I put it through Google..it says 'Ana really' Wtf?

Sigh, must wait for trans. T_T

Oh, I was in such a rush yesterday I forgot to put this ...hehe even though it's not that exciting or ZOMG! LOL I watch this show. -o-

And they were on last time...on Video Fever.. XD But they didn't play their MV. I nearly kicked the table over and yeah i couldn't recognise Kevin until 5 seconds later. ==" I was shock until i read POPPIN DRAGON AND ZEN on the screen...then i realised it was Yoohak and I started to hyperventilate. Let's just say, Keivn looked 93875982471975981 times hotter on TV. XD


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Guest shaaaron

I can't believe this reached the third page. x_x; It usually stays in the 2nd or 1st. NOO.

Well anyway, I've said this before in another forum, but I'll say it again here.

Xing's impressing me more and more whenever they come out with a new mix to their style or performances.. or just a whole new perf/song in general. Because they basically own it. Like I remember when SJ came out.. I was like "Man, they totally can dance and do it in-sync"... and then they came out with the mix in their My Girl.. and :DDD! And then the Hope Arirang performance... *blown away*

Keep up the good work, boys. :D

And that's my two cents in their career as of the moment.


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Guest canityo

How can this thread die when Kevin's Birthday is tomorrow?! xD

( I'm going to be making a picture thread for him in Korean Celeb Photos section [: )

Today XING will be at an newspaper event. ^^ Yesterday they were at some sort of fashion show.


Credits: Jinhyun's Cyworld + CYNOSTAR.NET

XD I'm out for updates now. I'm still uploading fancams. >_> It's now my 5th try.

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Guest asyancutie

kevins birthdays tomorrow...isnt his birthday in 2 days! todays the 23rd but his birthday is on the 25th....?! oh wells....this thread will never die! this thread is gonna be filled with happy birthday wishes to kevin soon! some will be early and some willl probably be late.......well let me start



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Guest JA.NiCE

In Korea it's the 24th~

and JinHyun why do you looks so sad or you look like you're alseep.

sleeping in school. tsk tsk. xDD i'm kidding.

can't wait to see the fancams.

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Just cam here to say Happy Birthday to Kevin! May you have many more to come. xD

canityo: That picture of Jinhyun is so cute xD, he must be tired form all the concerts they did. :P

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Guest loveprint

Oh, shoot, I totally forgot it's Kevin's bday tomorrow. In half and hour, actually. Australian time, anyway.

Well, Happy Early Birthday to Kev. :DDD

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Guest shaaaron

They should teach him how to use a cyworld as a gift.

Hahaha just kidding.

I wonder if any of the members will write an entry about today.. :D

Happy birthday Kevin! :]

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Guest UmaloveChangmin

Happy Birthday, Kevin!

Hey~ New person here haha. I remember when Xing first came out people talked about them on the TVXQ threads on Gaia.

I guess they're doing good now?

I like their music~ And cute too <3

Thanks for the pics! I will be here more often now <3

Again happy B;day Kevin!!

Xing Fighting!

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