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Guest undiscovered

Did you just want the song or the whole single? I can probably PM

you a link...just let me know (^^)~

jus the song please ^^

thank you very much!

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Guest thealien.

8:00 - 11:00pm 2007.09.13 - YTN STAR DIGITAL NIGHT CONCERT.

OMG!the concerts right before my bday..

to bad i cant go.im all the way n the U.S.

but there is so many people going.


im serious.they look so adorable..

but hyesungs hair...o.0

i don't like hyesung's hair.

he needs to cut it.


i dont like too.

it make him look funny in a way..

CUT IT...lol.

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Oh my gosh! =D So many new things!

I really really love the black outfits photoshoot and everything!

they look really really good. I still don't know the 2 members haha lol, and I kinda

forgot which one was hyesung! HAHAH LOL >.<

Going to Cyno to look at all the new stuff! hehe! =D

Can't wait til they debut!

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For those who didn't know, MinWoo is close with XING Entertainment's CEO Kim KyungWook. That may be the reason why they were

invited to the M Concert..Kim KyungWook was the one who scouted MinWoo and HyeSung during their SM days..

....aaaaannd the translations are coming soon please hold on..I'm kinda busy at this moment >_<;;

Oh that would explain why MinWoo and HyeSung talked about their 1st single. I remember the early clips. It was kinda strange back then cuz Battle's just debut and...well...yeahz. xDD

I guess Kim KyungWook really knows how to pick them.

Thank you for the pictures Maiza. T_T Wahhh, guess not that many people likes HyeSung's hair, apart from Nina's comment about his hair, I haven't seen a positive one yet.

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Guest canityo

^ His hair ain't that bad, but the ponytail is a bit off that's what has been getting to me. It like it's tied too high or something? ._.

I don't know, it didn't look bad in the MV though.

Hmm this thread slowed down a bit. ): Not good.

Oh well at least the DNC and the 2nd concert is coming very soon, it'll just happen in the first two weeks of September. :D

And...I think these are unseen.



Credits: As Tagged + Cyworld + CYNOSTAR.NET

Do not hotlink & take out with full credits only

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Guest WithYunHo

Aww...Kevin is so freakin' adorable!! Love him <333

Funny, because I had a dream that I came online to Cynostar...and it

was posted that they were gunna be on Music Core...then I woke up...

guess I'm just getting too excited (^^)

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Guest thealien.

^ lol...

thats a funny dream.

i can not wait till they actually perform....

i have a ?..

is the concert going to be viewable...??

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Guest shaaaron

I don't know why, but in the picture YunAh posted of Kevin, he looks older.

I mean usually you'd expect someone to look younger when they smile, but he looks older for some reason.

But in some photos where he's smiling, he looks younger.

HE CHANGES! XD <3 Aw I love Kevin.

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Guest canityo

th_13_elix4155.jpg th_12_elix4155.jpg

Credits: Naver Blog + CYNOSTAR.NET

Collection of XING {CYNOSTAR}.AVI (Includes footage of the 1st Concert)

1st Concert PD Solo Dance {CYNOSTAR}.AVI

Have been uploaded at CYNOSTAR.NET for downloads & 2 more pictures of PD. (:

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Guest engot02


gosh, they are soo cuteee&(hott)

kevins gone really skinny! but still cute (;

im not really familiar with the two new members

but theyre hella talented!

i dont really like hyesungs hair, i think he needs to cut it :P


i saw his pre-debut pic! hehehe . he was a bit chubby before, how cute.

ooo, their acapella was so good!

who had the low voice? was it yume?

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Guest loveprint


That is such a... uninteresting and random picture of Kevin. We have no idea what he is doing.

Anyway guys, just a reminder. Don't forget to watch YTN Star Digital Night Concert on the 13th! It will be Xing's first official TV appearance and there is pretty big hype around it so don't forget. :D

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Guest micnmin4eva

maizakichi Thanx for Kevin's pic ^^ he's cute there hahah

and thanx everyone that sharin pics, informations and news here ^^

Could someone tell me Xing's schedule on September? Thanx you forward ^______^

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Guest canityo

^ So far it's their 2nd concert on the 8th and then the YTN Star Digital Night Concert on the 13th. (:

Yume looked soooo much like Se7en/Kim Jung Hoon back in the starting days of XING, but now that he lost a lot of weight, he doesn't really look like anyone anymore. o.o? Well maybe a little bit but not as much.

T_T I prefer his older image rather than now (In weight-wise) kinda bummed about that but oh well, I hope he doesn't get any thinner. >< Bad for his health! He already looks thin, but not sooo thin that he looks odd. >_> God forbid that.

And I agree with Nina about the picture of Kevin. ._.


New Videos posted up at CYNOSTAR.NET:

070827 ZEN Martial Arts Clip {CYNOSTAR}

It has an opening of Jinhyun being topless + Footage of his younger days doing TKD.

070901 ZEN Martial Acrobatics {CYNOSTAR}

Err...basically him and his team flipping. <33

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Guest shaaaron

Is that picture of Kevin maybe a shot for the black photoshoot? But a non-professional, different angle shot?

No idea, just a guess. XD

I need to watch the videos you posted.. I have two, and JinHyun's are just waiting to get downloaded.

Yume looks handsome in the MV. Haaaandsome. :D Suave. Woo.

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Guest WithYunHo

That mv was very nice...it was good...but we didn't know what happened?!

Did they get back together! His acting was intense in the beginning! It made

me want to see him act more...so sweet that he became worried & tried calling

her again...I want this mv...Yume did look handsome in here...I saw the cd cover

with his picture...I WANT IT! Just joking (^^) Thanks for sharing the video~

That is such a random picture of Kevin...but in a way it's cute (^^)



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Guest thealien.

everyone thx for the videos..

and that piicture of kevin looks so kute..


That is such a... uninteresting and random picture of Kevin. We have no idea what he is doing.

Anyway guys, just a reminder. Don't forget to watch YTN Star Digital Night Concert on the 13th! It will be Xing's first official TV appearance and there is pretty big hype around it so don't forget. :D

OMG!!can i watch with tvants...

if so watch channel..

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Guest maizakichi

I was browsing megavideo and came to a XING clip..it's the same dance from Street Jam but it's mostly focused on Kevin..

this clip isn't supposed to be distibuted or move..as prohibited by KEVINIA....but it's not us who posted it anyways..hahaha

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