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Xing Official Thread


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OMG!!!O_O Kevin's TALL!!!!!

his face doesn't show that he's tall...he reminds me of youngsaeng of ss501...

looks short with the look of his face but he's TALL for real..

anyway, i havent download their single, sendspace is not working for me..x_x

anyway, NINA!!!

remember me....kinnie from lovejunki...

i think now i'm a new fan of xing...their song in their first single are just great especially in your hands both version and tell me...their voice are like O_o

i love them but not that rly obsessed..

i'm now obsessed with ss501 though

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"Yo my girl"? I'm convinced that XiNG ent made a typo, like that time they made a typo on the banner. I swear I heard Kevin singing "you're" instead of "Yo". O_O Thank you for sharing those pictures Nina^^, dang...the guitar is VERY green.

I wonder what XING's next move will be.

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Guest thealien.

im not sure if i posted in here b4.but i remember koming here a couple of times...

XING has changed s much.from their looks especially..

welz..just watched my girl...

IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!

their dance is so kute..


at 2:00 whos that guy singing.

sry.i didnt baklog.

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Guest chae-gyeong_01

i never expected that Kevin is so tall...

I thought he was just 175 cm?

and others were 175 cm and above?

all of them have long legs...

They are so HOT!

Especially PD..

I love his dancing...

I love the MV...

can't stop from watching the MV...

but when I first saw the MV..

I was laughing..

I don't know why...

Maybe because of their cute dance steps..


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Guest thealien.

^ so its POPPIN DRAGON rite? omg!!!

he looks so kute,i mean really hot and kute.

he's my favorite.

he actually has a really nice voice.

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Guest canityo

i never expected that Kevin is so tall...

I thought he was just 175 cm?

and others were 175 cm and above?

all of them have long legs...

They are so HOT!

Especially PD..

I love his dancing...

I love the MV...

can't stop from watching the MV...

but when I first saw the MV..

I was laughing..

I don't know why...

Maybe because of their cute dance steps..


Kevin, PD and Yume are 177. Hyesung and Jinhyun are 178. I think those are correct, I THINK. XD Maybe not.

They're all so tall, I feel like a midget when I think about it~

Their dance is so cute, it was like really random and there are random moments of when PD is like the lead of the dance and yeah. XD So cute.

^ so its POPPIN DRAGON rite? omg!!!

he looks so kute,i mean really hot and kute.

he's my favorite.

he actually has a really nice voice.

PD is one of my top favourites too~ (Well actually I can't choose between the six of them)

His voice was not what I expected it to be, his voice is sexy as.

T_T Newstar stuff, where are you?

Edit-- Whoops I owned a page by pure accident. ._. Uh let me go get something to post.

Jinhyun's back anyone? XD


Credits: As Tagged + CYNOSTAR.NET


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Wheee~ another picture of the back side! Thank you YunAh^^

People sure like taking picture of the back side. Oh wellz, that's stalker photos for you!!!

To be honest the picture looks kinda random. xD I want to see the front! He must look really good!

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Guest canityo

^ Remember how I said fans must not be allowed to take pictures from the front 'cos we always get pics from the back or their faces are covered?

Well there was this fan (I forget who though) on her cyworld picture she has Jinhyun signing an autograph as her picture or something. XD Sadly, the picture is too...screwed up to be saved so yeah. ><


^ Another XING banner. Look at how they edited the sky.


^ Signatures. :D Just five yo. Too bad Yume's sig is kind of cut off.

Credits: Cyworld + Cynostar.net

The thread died down, so did my highness. If they had updates for Newstar then I guess it wouldn't have died down.):

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Guest loveprint


Oh, well. Yume's only missing half an N and a Y. No biggie.

And they should really update with some Newstar goodness. T_T;

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Guest maizakichi

xing ent. finally posted their mv on xing.tv

and * i think they postponed the newstar event though

from aug 11 to aug 18....?

※ 본선 참가자는 반드시 반주CD 지참(노래,춤 부문)

※ 장소 : 롯데백화점 본점(명동) 뉴스타선발대회 특설무대

※ 시간 : 2007년 8월 18일 토요일 오후 5시

- 본선 참가자는 오후2시 (참가자대기실)

◈ 위 행사는 우천으로 인하여 11일에서 18일(토요일)로 연기되었습니다.

they'll gonna held it as the same date with

with the one where kibum's shop will be

joining a comic trade fair thingy...-_-

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Guest canityo

^ Well then I guess Street Jam is happening first, right? (Is it on the 16th? I forgot. T^T) New star is still happening before Street Jam. (1 day apart. o.o)

I'll send it to my translator.

Anyway, how come these sort of this always happen when they are going to perform? ._. It's always postponed or canceled!

God knows what happened to that Thailand event. T_T

Hehe and I saw that Kibum posted up a map to where his shop will be or something. XD

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Guest shaaaron

So the Newstar event didn't happen yet? ._.

I really hope we get official videos of it..

MWAHAHAHA Yume's signature is adorable.

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Guest thealien.

can i ask a?

when is XING going to perform on Mnet or any other tv shows.

i really want to see their whole dance routine..



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Guest loveprint


Not until their 3rd single / album. Though they still might not promote. We haven't had official word, yet. It's just a rumor.

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Guest thealien.

^ there's going to be a 3rd single?

wow! so quick.

well ill keep on coming to this thread to know when they will be promoted.

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Guest thealien.

^ i dont want them to stop releasing.

i really want to hear more songs from them.

anywayz.i have another question.sry if i as too much.but..

does X-ing have a group color.like SS501 or SUPER JR..j/w

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