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Xing Official Thread


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I just watched the MV and I like the dance moves. There funny. And alot of MV's are being made at that place now. I think its the English village or whatever. Everytime now when Im listening to My Girl it sort of reminds me of 98 degrees song "Because of You". I dont know if its just me, but the lyrics kind of sounds the same.

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Guest shaaaron


I said that somewhere else, about the clip, I just don't know where. Cynostar, or xSilh0uette. Somewhere.

Yay new faces here and at Cynostar, meaning new fans, or... resurrecting ones. xD

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Guest loveprint

I meant.. I don't know. I swear I read your message again. It was there twice in your post or something.. I wasn't referring to the clip thing.

v Haha that's true.

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^LOL Sharon, I was expecting an essay from you! Nice essay by the way, xD I'll give you a 99.99999% for it. ^^

Yeahz, and Nina always notice whenever I repeat myself too. xD hhahah

shir0-chanTo be fan ...the distance is doesn't matter, right? ^^ I want to cheer you up...Don't worry about the distance.

You understand me , right? I don't know how to say but...Fighting!! ^^

PS...Xing new single is available in www.yes24.com too ^^

I envy u guys...I can't see the MV on bestiz...I don't know why

and I can't download too T_T.... My internet connection is hopeless...T_T

Awww you poor thing! Don't worry, you'll get your chance soon! Things gets around really fast. Yes distance doesn't matter when you're a plan. Though I'll never get over how lucky fans in Korea are. They get to do so much more.

maiza - Woman I love you! Have I ever told you that? WHEEE for pictures! Hey did HyeSung grow by 1cm? xDDDDDDDD

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Guest maizakichi

and i just noticed that PD is older than jinhyun..waah..i thought the other way around -_-

i should have known that ages ago! :sweatingbullets:

tsk tsk...im such a bad fan..hahha

and i want xing ent to release an HQ pictures from the MV

especially these pics....






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Guest loveprint

Yeah a lot of the images you see in the MV are from photoshoots. Like the beginning where the picture is changing with the beat.

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Guest canityo

Like jeebus! I was so excited to see this thread up and about!

Maiza, I love you LOTS. XD And yeah you don't mind if I post it at Cynostar do you? ><

And a big warm welcome to all the first time posters around here. <3

Anyhow, I LOVE FREAKING PD'S HAIR. LIKE HE IS SO DARN HOT. *melts into a giggling pile of goo*

I just wish XING Ent. would release proper HQ pictures. T^T That would be so awesome.

Hyesung, PD and Yume all posted something about the 2nd single on their Cyworlds. :D That's so cute.

And I'm going to post another XING interview up soon, but I need to type it up since I got it by mail. ><

And yay! We can finally order the single~

Their shoes in the MV amuse me a lot.

Edit-- YAY NINA! KEVIN PRIDE. XDD Okay, he looks like such a normal boy there. <33

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Guest loveprint

Maiza found a HQ untagged version of the MV and I'm uploading it now.


The vid jumps a bit. Trying to find a better one. =/


Why is it so hard to find a HQ vid? T_T;; That doesn't jump?

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Guest korean_Fweak

omo....just seen the mv of My Girl....waaah! they are soooo cute...esp Kevin <3<3<3...haha...

they're now like suju (imo) before it was plain sitting and ballad songs...NOW...gah! they added some dance steps....haha, soooo cute!!!

and yeah, the "oldies" thing...i dun know how to explain it...>_<

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Guest loveprint


They originally had 4 members. Two members were added in as 'secret weapons'. They were hardly promoted, but were with the group almost since the beginning. They became 'official members' and then there were six. KiBum left, which makes five. I hope you understood that?

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Guest WithYunHo

I think I brought this up before but no one seemed to reply...if I didn't then, my bad (^^)

Ki Bum wasn't in any of the songs...I believe...according to the romanizations and lyrics...

Plus, he wasn't in the mv...umm...makes me wonder why they can't or won't promote this single?

And...I mean, they've been working hard for seven to eight months and was recording with Ki Bum.

Then he suddenly left. So did they record everything over? Hmm...just curious...

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Guest shaaaron

Wait Cammy, what would have I written an essay about?

Kevin's clip? Or.. something else?

OH! Yeah Nina, I did repeat it because Soompi kept saying the server was too busy, so I kept going back, and replying again, and so the same message appeared like 5 times in one paragraph. x_x;

Okay so I'm finally reading the translations of lyrics, and I like. :D

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Guest xasdfx

^ yess hello sharon <33 keke

thank you for the lyrics!

aww "please forget our memories" the lyrics... xD

"You don't deserve a guy like me." aww :(

waaa kevin lost so much weight ._. thanks for the picture.

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Guest maizakichi

Ki Bum wasn't in any of the songs...

yeah he isn't part of the 2nd single..there's no tint of kibum..-_-

i don't know whether they recorded it all over again

but i'm just surprised that Xing Ent was able to come up with the packaging/publishing of the album

plus the MV in less than a month...cause it hasn't been over a month since kibum left..

i want the cd and the poster too!

click on thumbnails...

th_1186670743_20070809_xing_cd_2.jpg th_1186670743_20070809_xing_cd_1.jpg th_1186672684_20070809_xing_cd_3.jpg th_1186672990_20070809_xing_cd_4.jpg

(why does CRAZY updates at midnight?!)

credits to: CRAZY + CYNOSTAR.net

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Guest Haengb0kk


goshhhh im loving everything that has came out...

the new video and songs, im like the number one thing im playing/listening to!

gosh i can't get enough of it, haha

i knew xing would do good ^_^ =D.

gonna buy their single

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