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Xing Official Thread


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Guest Super_LinK

KEVIN: Oh man, the baby of the group and the sweetest features of a little angel. Like the boy that lives next door; the one that you can grow up with and know all your life. Very down to earth, loving, and perhaps can have some little small hideaways that he can keep to himself. He's another one of those shy guys in a way but is very open and friendly; like those people that you will automatically click with as a friend the minute he says hello and begins a conversation with you.


Yepp that's all I have to say now. *takes a bow*

I LOVE your description of Kevin! hahaha it's making me love Kevin more now lol

I know this is a dumb question but does anyone here know if they've ever been on a magazine? I havent had time to look through the entire thread and i realized that even though I like XING i have none of their stuff...haha so sad

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HYE SUNG: He always reminds me of a cat or one of those shampoo models who flick their hair back away from their face with such a blissful expression. Aside from that, he could be the quiet and soft-spoken sort of guy, like you really wouldn't know his personality or mannerisms unless you observe or speak to him on a daily basis. I hardly paid attention to him *runs away from Cammy* but something about Hye Sung is just another mystery sealed away in a box. I don't know...but that's how I feel.

LOL! Yeahz, I agree with you. You wouldn't notice that he's in the group until you actualy stare at each one of them, he shines more as an individual. And yes, he's a completely mystery. And he's sealed inside a box andsomedaythatboxwillappearinCammy'sbirthdaypresentloadandhewillpopoutandsupriseher!

HoiSang - There there dear. Yes waiting is hard, so they better be good when they debut! ^^ cheer up! KiBum said that its for the better. So its for the better!

I know this is a dumb question but does anyone here know if they've ever been on a magazine?

They've been in a few magazines...I think one of them was Syndrone...and something...I cant remember. BAD memory. But there are scans of them.

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Guest silver_byul

I'll start working on ALL of the translations today..I might be able to finish most of them so prepare yourselves to head to cynostar~~~

hehehehehehehe here's a littttttttle sneak peek info :

XING might not perform their 2nd single but may perform for third 3rd single instead...>_<;; The earliest they'll be debuting is some time in August

and the latest is early September~~~~

heeeheee I feel like I'm teasing all of you sorry..^^a

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Guest shaaaron

Bah. Waiting for a performance more. But as long as they release their second single soon, I'll be somewhat happy. Cause two major things pop out of my many wanted expectations of XING, to hear more of their songs and to see them perform.. (and then there are all those little wishes like seeing them in shows, seeing them have fun and talking and fooling around, etc... ._.;) and well, at least I'll be able to hear their voices in a more updated fashion. :D

I never really noticed HyeSung until like........... I don't know.. (I always knew him as "Mr. Cat" from the start) but he pops out now.

Watch....... he's going to have to bear the burden of being referred to as a cat in the future among more Xing fans. And I'll be like... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA MR. CAT...... :D!!!!!!!!

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Guest illusions

waits for performance... =]

they better debut in august ...rawrs i`m so close to giving up on xing >.<

i never realized that they used the same dog for in the morning

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Guest canityo

we really are some fan..even getting jealous over a dog...

xing comeout already!

Well...we were deprived of them for like 7 months, ahah what do you expect?

I suppose we just have to wait a little longer before they appear on stage huh?

1 month and 9 days!

I know this is a dumb question but does anyone here know if they've ever been on a magazine?

They've been in plenty, they've been in Syndrome and Juniors. (Except I don't know what month)

They've been in Chinese magazines too, like 'COOL' and stuff.

I don't think they've been in THAI magazines?

My singapore friend is sending me a magazine with XING in it. ._.

They've been in quite a lot, just lately they've been kind of dead from magazines.

I'll start working on ALL of the translations today..I might be able to finish most of them so prepare yourselves to head to cynostar~~~

Yay thanks Sylvia!! XD

I know you're busy but we discovered another translator, so that should be easier for you yes?

I will split the translations in half for both of you to do.

waits for performance... =]

they better debut in august ...rawrs i`m so close to giving up on xing >.<

i never realized that they used the same dog for in the morning

They will release a single but still not debut on stage...isn't that a bit sad?

They are going to pull another IYH on us, I suppose they will promote it by radio again. ):

Looks like this thread is growing better than before huh?

This calls for a celebration! XDD But how to celebrate. ._.

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^Hahah I was close to giving up to. The frustrationg got to me.

XING might not perform their 2nd single but may perform for third 3rd single instead...>_<;; The earliest they'll be debuting is some time in August

and the latest is early September~~~~

Wow...sometime august. Ahahah, yeahz, they wait till the end of summer to do it. And we were all expecting mid summer.

Heck I dont mind anymore. I can't wait till you finish translating!

They will release a single but still not debut on stage...isn't that a bit sad?

They are going to pull another IYH on us, I suppose they will promote it by radio again. ):

Looks like this thread is growing better than before huh?

This calls for a celebration! XDD But how to celebrate. ._.

Well...they'll come out sooner or later. They're preparing for life...no wonder its taking a long time. Yes its very sad for us. But *shrugs* what can we do? Yup this thread is growing! Yay, though, there's no way to celebrate...is there? Cuz I'm afraid that it might start growing slowly again~

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Guest maizakichi

hehehehehehehe here's a littttttttle sneak peek info :

XING might not perform their 2nd single but may perform for third 3rd single instead...>_<;; The earliest they'll be debuting is some time in August

and the latest is early September~~~~

...thanks for translating..hehehe

but but...the 3rd single? they're just gonna throw away their 2nd single?

hehe..probably because kibum was still part of it?...


okay....i hope they're really debuting...

but i'm still okay if they'll not debut this year...

as long as they release an album...and pictures plus videos too..hahahha

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Guest canityo

Yay for us, to grow another page. I suppose I should post up that Yume dog picture now aye? XD Just for celebration.


Credits: As Tagged + Cynostar.net

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The first thing I thought of when I saw that picture was: What would it be like if they switched for a day? The dog and Yume, that is.


Yume still reminds me of an Afghan dog with that straight heir. The spaniel looks a little...I don't know, unhappy with that red thing on its ears. Looks a little caged in somehow but oh well *falls*

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Guest smile-jw

Hey guys~ ^^

New person here.

My name is jw (sound familiar? i hope not :ph34r: ).

Ive been with Xing since the beginning, just didnt post anywhere.

I like remaining unknown :x

Anyways, I like love Kevin and PD~

(Yeah i know its not healthy to like 2 guys but i cant help it. :phew: )

hahaha Yume's dog is cute. (:

Waiting for their debut. ;)


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Yay for us, to grow another page. I suppose I should post up that Yume dog picture now aye? XD Just for celebration.


Credits: As Tagged + Cynostar.net

That dog looks really unhappy. T_T And is it me, or is it glaring? Thanks for sharing YunAh!

The first thing I thought of when I saw that picture was: What would it be like if they switched for a day? The dog and Yume, that is.


Yume still reminds me of an Afghan dog with that straight heir. The spaniel looks a little...I don't know, unhappy with that red thing on its ears. Looks a little caged in somehow but oh well *falls*

Awww~ Kim you still have that dog fantasy of yours. LOL you never cease to amaze me when it comes to "noticing" things. ^^ its all natural!

Hey guys~ ^^

New person here.

My name is jw (sound familiar? i hope not :ph34r: ).

Ive been with Xing since the beginning, just didnt post anywhere.

I like remaining unknown :x

Anyways, I like love Kevin and PD~

(Yeah i know its not healthy to like 2 guys but i cant help it. :phew: )

hahaha Yume's dog is cute. (:

Waiting for their debut. ;)


^ Its not healthy to like 2 guys yes, but of course we can't help it, as fan girls of course we can't help it. ^^ I'm glad you decided to show yourself!!!

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I'm so behind in this thread! gahhhh. Haven't been in this thread forever and I come and see that KiBum left the group T_T. I wasn't expecting anything like this to happen since they haven't debut yet but yeahhhh. I burst out crying but whatever, I'll continue supporting him and Xing.

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Guest canityo

^ That's awesome!

The first thing I thought of when I saw that picture was: What would it be like if they switched for a day? The dog and Yume, that is.


Yume still reminds me of an Afghan dog with that straight heir. The spaniel looks a little...I don't know, unhappy with that red thing on its ears. Looks a little caged in somehow but oh well *falls*


Kim you crack me up. You and your dog+Yume fantasies. (:

Hey guys~ ^^

New person here.

My name is jw (sound familiar? i hope not :ph34r: ).

Ive been with Xing since the beginning, just didnt post anywhere.

I like remaining unknown :x

Anyways, I like love Kevin and PD~

(Yeah i know its not healthy to like 2 guys but i cant help it. :phew: )

hahaha Yume's dog is cute. (:

Waiting for their debut. ;)


Hi JW! Nice that you've come out!

Unhealthy eh? What about me?? T_T I love all 6 plusothers. XDD


Weird pictures too, I have no idea what show they were attending. But they were there!


^ Behind those two men you can see (Left to Right) Hyesung, Kevin and Kibum.



I'm not sure if the White shirt guy is Yume O_O...the guy next to him looks like he is wearing the same shirt as PD from Hellostar Event, but in other pics you can see his face and if doesn't look like PD. O_O Unless his hair grew like 47635897638 metres long. O_O

Credits: Cyworld + Cynostar.net

There's a Kevin picture with a fan and more In The Morning pics at Cynostar.net.

Man that picture is making me dizzy. ):

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Guest JA.NiCE

when was the last time i was here?? xD

YAY it's good to know that they're debuting right?? i could wait for it. =]

i've been waiting. >_>

in those pictures where they're behind those men. HyeSung is the only one who looks happy.

ahah. that one picture he looks a bit scared or shocked.

i can't tell if that's Yume and PD or not. it looks like them though. O_o but why would they blurr out Yume's face??

LOL. i now see those little chibi ish drawings of them. XDD the first time i didn't see the drawing. but then i was looking at

them again and xDD.

and is this where that person got that picture of KiBum when he was smiling a little??

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Guest shaaaron

Must keep thread alive.

Hoo Ha Hoo Ha Hoo Ha

Hoo HOO HA ha..

Look at Yume's leg muscle bulge. 8D

Paaattieenncceeee is the key.

I need to eat something.

I want to hear them ALL speak/sing English. That would be cool. :D

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Guest canityo

This thread is dead as! >:[

What was I going to post...oh yeah.

You guys, just in case you don't know Kibum and his bro opened a shop called 'HnB'. Even he has left XING, support him alright?


Credits: Cyworld + Cynostar.net

Hehe, another ITM picture, haha Kibum is just sitting there and Hyesung is walking pass. That's somewhat cute!

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Guest maizakichi


Weird pictures too, I have no idea what show they were attending. But they were there!

There's a Kevin picture with a fan and more In The Morning pics at Cynostar.net.

i can see YTN star at the top..wahhaha...so they where on TV?! we need the video!!!!

i guess that's the same event where the 2 kibum pics from his fancafe was originated..lol..

i'll go to cyno later <3

Hehe, another ITM picture, haha Kibum is just sitting there and Hyesung is walking pass. That's somewhat cute!

lol..so in the video..he was there the whole time? ahhaha....

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Guest canityo

^ That's hilarious, Kibum was just sitting there! xD

Some updates-ish? XD

Hyesung lost his phone...again. XD

Jinhyun is having a hard time (?)

Hyesung is a dork, he keeps losing his phone. It's so cute though. <33 XD

But what's wrong with Jinhyun, I hope training isn't too hard...T_T

Anyway, for Hyesung and Jinhyun entries/notices and so, please got to Cynostar.

I also got extra news on Kibum leaving XING translated by our new translator, JJ.

Just to update this thread while I wait for Sylvia's translations! (:

Marumir, member of pop group ‘XING’ has left the band

Marumir (real name Kim Ki Bum), a member of pop group ‘XING’ and the younger brother of Kim Hyung Joon of SS501, has left ‘XING’.

Upon hearing the news, many XING fans expressed a feeling of sorrow

On his Cyworld Marumir told his fans that he doesn’t regret leaving XING and left because of his future

Then the fans left him a message of support

Even though Marumir leaving XING left fans in a feeling of disappointment, they have applauded him in his ability to choose his own future.

2007-07-14 17:50

ⓒ 2007 OhmyNews

Credits: Daum + OhMyNews + double_love123 (JJ) + CYNOSTAR.NET

If taken out, take out with proper credits please.

His future = Opening that shop (?)

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Guest maizakichi

hyesung...he lost his phone again?! wahahah

some lucky fan should have got it ang post his selfcam pics on the net..lol..

i know it's bad..hihihihi

ohmynews <--that's funny...

hahah..though i'm still hating him..joke..no ican't hate kibum...just cause he left..hahaa

so he really doesn't want to be a singer T^T?!

now i'm off to cyno...


oh..ang jinHyun having a hard time..well, i hope he can handle it..

and it would not left him with the choice of leaving xing..lol..

aja! aja! fighting!

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