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Guest maizakichi

^ yah yah! they knew each other?!

ahah..cause she noticed that he grew..lol..

lucky fan >.<

and he's sick/

when did this encounter happened?

but like the old days?...hhmmm....

thanks for sharing ^^

...yeah..the video is kinda sad..cause most of the videos they have are sad too...? hehe

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Guest canityo

^ It happened two days ago. XD Well three now. ._.

Hmm, Sylvia said she does sound like she knows him.

Yume's stalker is Hyo Jung by the way. XD

Stalker meaning like a person with a lot of their info.

The XING boys *coughincludingkibumcough* addresses her as Nuna. And Kevin once wrote in his autograph 'I'll Miss You'

She had like over 45 encounters with the XING boys. -.- I think, well if you add once from each member. (:

Lucky fans. ;_;

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Guest maizakichi

yay..lucky fans..

it's nice to have friends who shares common interest with you..

so that you could stalk together you know? ahahhaha

just like them..ahhaha

i found this on naver...but it was posted in bestiz...and it's from his fancafe ..

one pic was posted already..but i just want to see kibum for the last time..hahaha


click to enlarge...

th_1183735656_kb2.jpg th_1183735656_kb1.jpg

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Guest canityo

Kibum looks so handsome there. <3 I miss him so much, even though this is normal standard XING updates. ):

After that news, it just doesn't feel the same to look at group photos, view videos, go to Cynostar or stalk XING.

It's like incomplete.

Hmmm, I'm still confused. Wasn't Kibum in the new Syndrome magazine?

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Uwahhh KiBum looks really good there *cries* I want to cry but nothing can make me cry these days. T_T KiBum's lips make him look like Mashimaro there. xD Mashimaro...Kevin looks like Mashimaro too! Alright I'm retarded.

Maiza that clip was wonderful. ^^ I should learn how to make those cool things.

YUNAH! Cheer up dear! you're as good as those stalkers (if you get the chance). Though, you're stalking them, which is scary. T_T

I'll express deliver deliver ice cream to all of you depressed girls out there. But its impossible, ice cream only last for 5 minute before it turns wierd. T_T

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Guest canityo


^ Jinhyun's autograph. Don't you think it has this 'chinese' vibe to it? The way he writes it is like Chinese calligraphy! xD


^ Kevin's (: What's with the heart and the I'll Miss You huh? HUH?! Jks. :P


^ Yume's one. I love his one, it's so hilarious.


^ PD MY BABY<333 XD I like his english, he always uses random english. Is he learning a bit more from Kevin? :o


KIBUMMIE ;_; Isn't it cute? He writes 'IN XING'. T_T....I wish....?


HYESUNG!! Haha what's with the round love hearts? XDD

Credits: Cyworld + cynostar.net

They are all addressed to Hyo Jung. (:

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Uwahhh Yume is so cute! And HyeSung's round love hearts, round love hearts, *falls* I guess these some how cheered me up (the puppy with the love heart shape cheered me up too!). HAhahah I would like to think that PD's "Good news is comming" make me think that its directed to us, Hmph! I would like to think that way. xD Yes yes must believe in good news. xD Funny how everything Yume related can make me smile!!! Seeing these signatures make me sad, T_T I want them! Ahh ahh~ I can dream of that day. T_T

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Guest shaaaron

Yume's reminds me of Chris's from Battle, which reminds me of HeeChul's from SuJu. Does YehSung use faces in his signatures too? I don't remember.. but gah Yume's signature is cute. :3

I like JinHyun's writing, it's so.. different.. but pretty looking. :3

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Guest Haengb0kk

Holy crap. I just got the news...whoa. I DONT even know what say!

Hmm im gonna miss him :[, why is he leaving? Aw i still love xing, and will continue to supoprt him and xing!

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Guest Super_LinK

I havent been here in ages because of summer school ToT its killing me

so glad the thread is moving and thanks to those who posted pictures yay!!~

I'm backtracking this very moment, *dies*

Haha loves Yume's signature, its so cute!!~

haha and Kevin's heart is so cute

well im off to studying some more..UGH korean is harder than i thought ToT

Is that the new single tears of memory? Ahhh cant wait for their album!!

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Guest illusions

I was going to post this morning but I was too upset about kibum`s news. I didn't know how to react and its not fair :tears:

I`ve waited for Kibum`s debut ever since I found out about him last summer and it was hard to get news about him since i dont speak korean. I was so happy when I found out that he was going to debut with Xing... but now I have to wait all over again.. canityo was right being a Xing fangirl is hard. Now I'm confused.... did he record the new album with other members of Xing but he will not be part of any of the activities? Also did he leave Xing Ent?

Sigh I guess I have to wait all over again =)

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Guest canityo
Holy crap. I just got the news...whoa. I DONT even know what say!

Hmm im gonna miss him :[, why is he leaving? Aw i still love xing, and will continue to supoprt him and xing!

There there, I'm still sad about it. In fact I started crying out of nowhere last night.

No one knows the reason other than 'He is leaving for a better future' >_<!

Let's hope this week is better than the week before. (:!

well im off to studying some more..UGH korean is harder than i thought ToT

Is that the new single tears of memory? Ahhh cant wait for their album!!

No~ XD Tears Of Memory is a song from their In Your Hands single.

How I wish I knew what songs were on the new single. T_T

I was going to post this morning but I was too upset about kibum`s news. I didn't know how to react and its not fair :tears:

I`ve waited for Kibum`s debut ever since I found out about him last summer and it was hard to get news about him since i dont speak korean. I was so happy when I found out that he was going to debut with Xing... but now I have to wait all over again.. canityo was right being a Xing fangirl is hard. Now I'm confused.... did he record the new album with other members of Xing but he will not be part of any of the activities? Also did he leave Xing Ent?

Sigh I guess I have to wait all over again =)

Ahh I feel your pain...actually you must be in much more pain than me. ;_;

We aren't sure if he did, like Cammy said to me before if this was decided recently then he is most likely still in the single, if they decided this ages ago then I don't think he is in the single. ;_;

But even if they decided this recently, someone could still re-record his parts and take over. T_T...

About the company change...well my translator (Sylvia) went around Naver and saw some people speak of it but that isn't very reliable if you know what I mean. (:

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Guest V A L XD

Hi :]

I've listen to a couple of their songs and I think their pretty cool.

Heard the news about Ki Bum leaving though but I don't know why.

WOW Kevin went to Monte Visita? I go there to perform every year with my dance group. Impressive hehe.

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Guest maizakichi

^ oh cool you dance? hehe...

just reminds me of the fact that i haven't even seen Kibum DANCE yet!!!!

grr..streetjam would have been my chance (that is if they'll dance there..hahaha)



lol..what's the good news in kibum's departure T_T..lol..

i know this was before the announcement though...

for me, i still (and would like to ) think that kibum is in the new single...

since it hasn't been a month since he posted on xing.tv..

i don't think they can just revise the whole album in less than a month...

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Guest canityo

^ Yeah they can't. But if you think about it, it's possible since only their 'new appearance' would be in Streetjam.

T_T Sorry I'm making things worse aren't I? TT^TT



*ahem* Right, I'M SANE. >_>


Credits: As tagged + Naver + Cynostar.net.

No hotlinking

<33 Just to make up for those two sentences I said before. XD I WANT TO EAT PD THAT CAKE!

He makes a funny look like someone poked his eye, that's so cute. I want to poke his eye! :3

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Guest maizakichi


wee..so cute....he's so cute ther..hahaha...

with his expression and such >.<

yay! so there are lots of hidden white day pics? hehe...

do xing ent. gave unreleased pics to each of their fancafes? gawdd..they're so lucky..hahah

their fancafes always have unreleased pics of xing T_T

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Guest canityo

^ To my knowledge there should be unreleased pictures of every photoshoot.

I don't know why they don't release it though, it would hold us up much longer.

I want to get into the fancafes bad. )):

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HMPH!!! Then I expect a JinHyun and a HyeSung! *sighs* that's if they ever decide to release them. OMGOSH that better not be green tea cake that PD is holding. I WANT TO EAT THAT. I had green tea cake the other day, and it was the best thing ever. >____< Green tea cake. Then again that looks more like pudding. Uwahh it doesnt matter, though I'm curious over what flavour that cake is. What if its one of those fake props thingo that they use for photoshoots? Narhh my eyes can spot any kind of cake. Alright I'm getting off topic.

I wana see more unreleased pics. T_T I'll say this again, PD'S HEAD IS SO CUTE AND ROUND!!!!!likeamushroom.

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