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Lee Dong Wook 이동욱 Global Fans at Soompi


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Guest shzzle8dizzile

Hello pervies! Good morning..or afternoon to some of you..^^

About the kissing and hugging thingy, I am sure it's for the movie. Wookie's a professional actor, so he knows his boundaries. And we know he's one who respects his co-stars and crew, so it's not something to worry about. Even if it's not scripted, I am sure it was for fun and joy..since it's a comedy, they tend to get along very well since it's not a serious movie, so no probz, Wookie knows his real hug should be given to someone else...:rolleyes: like me? hehhee..:P

edit: I just saw the clip you guys were talking about.. in fact i was more into Wookie's laughs and smiles. I loved his cheerfulness on set. Yeap, especially the scene of him trying to cover HY's chest..that was cute and quite gentleman in fact. :blush: And I actually love the Wookie-HY hug.. it's not something romantic or anything, but i actually felt warm on behalf of HY... and you can definitely feel that it's comedy-ish..so pervies no worries!

and thanx malou for the fan-arts..this one is super duper adorable..


Wookie's expression :lol:

i think there's a part in the movie where wookie saw himself at the net...hyun young uploaded his vid in the internet..hehe..the vid where wookie was stabbed by the fish stick accidentally..hehe..:lol:..(not so sure what am i talking about..hehe)

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hahaha! malou, jo: that greenish fan art pic kinda summarises my impression of Wookie since filming SR: DORKIE DOOFUS - with that kyoot slightly confused blur-ry "duh?" look on his face. No wonder people end up treating him with affection.

The article u posted on the previous page is pretty good malou, thanks. It mentions how good Wookie was in the action scenes of SR - he appeared really tough and showed people a different side of him. Wookie mentions that he worked really really hard on those scenes to make them convincing, that he ended up injuring his hands/fingers (remember the operation he had on his finger jus before his Manila trip?), wrist, pelvis and left leg. He says he deliberately chose SR becoz after a horror movie, he thought a comedy plus action movie would be a challenge. He wants to keep changing and doing different things as an actor. Can't wait for his next project.....historical / melodrama / sci-fi / spy-caper / tragedy / animation?? hehe....

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yeap i just saw the clip of the Fan Preview..and i saw the part where everyone was looking at the Internet Clip of Wookie being stabbed by the fish stick..haha..that was cute. But the most hilarious part was the toilet ahjumma part!! :lol: I didn't really understand..but why did she go over to Wookie and touched his butt? did she? hahaha..

And the part where Wookie tried to stay calm by touching his spiderman..hahahha...that was soooo cute! :P

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Guest incarnadine

Wow, thanks roddy. That goes to show how passionate his is about his craft, and how he does not want to confine himself to a particular role. I too can't wait to see what his next project is gonna be. Animation? I wonder what cartoon character he's gonna voice :lol:

yeap i just saw the clip of the Fan Preview..and i saw the part where everyone was looking at the Internet Clip of Wookie being stabbed by the fish stick..haha..that was cute. But the most hilarious part was the toilet ahjumma part!! :lol: I didn't really understand..but why did she go over to Wookie and touched his butt? did she? hahaha..

And the part where Wookie tried to stay calm by touching his spiderman..hahahha...that was soooo cute! :P

He was more like caressing it :lol: that part of the script was just genius... tough guy who resorts to a toy for consolation and comfort :D

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Guest mandalaywith

thanx..u all make my day^^










lisafh님 한국팬분 맛저??

씨네21사진들 올려네요.


All of Fan

cine21 Another pics


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wow thnx lisa and thank all for all the goodies , love him as ever , aww the way he touched his face in the last pic and his perfect side profile in the 2nd one did remind me of Seol GOng Chan ssi KYOOTEE!!! :blush:

and yes , thks incarnadine and roddy for the words :lol: I'm better now and I believe in oppa , he is a man who wont never make his pretty girl worry and sad , ne ? okay , we all know who I'm rambling about and well , just think that I'm lying because until now I'm still a MG obssesser , how bad :lol:

and hey incarnadine ,thks to what you said about the SR kiss and MG kiss ,it makes me feel relieved ,really .Remember in the NGs 2nd kiss we saw , hehe , Wookie is the one who give instruction to our Yoorin how to kiss , how to move their head and Mukgu is the one who follow .Well , pretend that I dun know the reason why there's such a difference here hehe :phew: pretend , I guess :P

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To Lisa, Incarnadine, Roddy, Mandalaywith and everybody else who has tirelessly contributed pics and clips of Wookie, etc. KAMSA HAMNIDA!!!!! As a newbie pervie living in the U.S. who also can't read (by read I mean actually understanding :sweatingbullets: ) Korean to save her life, I along with the rest of the pervies, look forward to coming to this thread everyday to read about our favorite guy! :D :D :D

I can't wait till it SR comes out on DVD so I can finally watch!

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omo thank you lisa for the HOTTT pics..:w00t:

Wookie never fails to look good or HOT should I say in his recent pics.. I wonder what's he been eating nowadays.:rolleyes: He's definitely fired up recently..

Anywayz, clip about SR dominating the week's Box Office in Korea


i tried the link but it couldn't work...hopefully someone could view it.

credits: mandalaywith/ baidu


And news of ST actually becoming the Top 1 in the Box Office - surpassing Chow Yun Fat's new movie, something called Golden Armour sumething..

Chinese Article

最强罗曼史》胜《黄金甲》 成韩最新票房冠军

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年01月29日12:10 新浪娱乐

新浪娱乐讯 由玄英李东旭主演的影片《最强罗曼史》,在首映第一周就成功战胜了《黄金甲(blog)》、《麻婆岛2》等大作,成为了韩国票房排行最新冠军。


  而译名为《皇后花》的中国影片《满城尽戴黄金甲》,则以34万889名观众人数的成绩紧随《最强罗曼史》之后,名列票房排行榜的第二位,上一周的周末票房冠军《麻婆岛2》在本周则是跌落到了第3位,金雅中主演的《美女的烦恼》虽然已经上映了相当久,但是却依旧显现出良好的票房走势,在最新的票房排行中名列第4位。姜恩真/文 版权所有Mydaily. 禁止转载

says that SR is currently No. 1 with almost 36.000 ticket sales for the past week. Chow Yun Fatt's movie comes in 2nd while Mapado 2 is currently 3rd, falling from the Top Spot the previous week. Kim Ah Joong's surgery movie is still going on strong in the 4th place altho it has been airing for quite some time.

credits: mydaily/ baidu/ sina.cn


I am so happy for Wookie!

And some more goodies..

Strongest Romance OST in MP3 Format

1 최강로맨스

2 강재혁 프롤로그

3 최수진 프롤로그

4 추격

5 오기자 등장

6 스테파니의 죽음

7 엉뚱한 상상

8 최강테마 (Main theme) Iriginal ver

9 최강테마 (Main theme) Rag time ver

10 최강보고서

11 잠복근무

12 돌발상황

13 G Club 등장

14 위기의 강재혁

15 회상

16 최강테마 (Main theme) Piano & string ver

17 폐차장 결투

18 화염병 제조

19 오기자의 복수

20 마지막 결투





















credits: junjin@ baidu

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Guest incarnadine

Good morning all!

Thanks for the new goodies *kisses to Jo, mandalaywith, lisa and waves to everyone*

unfortunately I can't view the pics here in the office computer, so I will have to wait til I get home. :)

This one is my personal fave :blush:


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Guest incarnadine

이동욱 ‘최강로맨스’ 흥행배우 입지 굳히기


[뉴스엔 김은구 기자]

배우 이동욱이 현영과 함께 주연을 맡은 영화 ‘최강로맨스’(감독 김정우/제작 더 드림 픽쳐스)를 통해 흥행배우로 입지 굳히기에 들어갔다.

지난해 여름 개봉된 영화 데뷔작 ‘아랑’이 125만 관객을 동원하며 흥행배우 대열에 올라선 이동욱은 ‘최강로맨스’도 개봉 첫 주말 박스오피스 1위에 올라 ‘이동욱=흥행’이라는 공식을 만들어 가고 있다.

지난해 개봉된 영화 중 1,000만 관객을 넘긴 영화만 ‘괴물’과 ‘왕의 남자’ 2편이지만 100만 관객 돌파는 흥행으로 가는 첫 관문으로 여겨질 만큼 아직도 쉽지 않은 게 사실이다. 그러나 ‘아랑’에 이어 ‘최강로맨스’도 영화진흥위원회 영화관 입장권 통합전산망 집계에서 지난 26~28일 전국 35만 8,145관객, 누적 관객수 44만4,688명을 기록해 100만 관객은 쉽게 넘어설 것으로 전망된다.

이동욱에게는 또 개봉 전 ‘최강로맨스’ 시사회에서 흥행 가능성을 확인한 영화 제작자들로부터 영화 출연 제의가 줄을 잇고 있다.

김은구 cowboy@newsen.com

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스(www.newsen.com)

copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지


이동욱, 스크린 진출 후 연타석 홈런


[OSEN=박준범 기자] 지난해 스크린에 첫 발을 내딛은 이동욱이 잇달아 흥행에 성공해 눈길을 끌고 있다.

그 동안 드라마에서 활약해오던 이동욱은 지난 여름 공포영화 ‘아랑’으로 스크린 진출을 시도했다. ‘아랑’은 비슷한 시기에 개봉한 한국 공포영화 중 가장 빛난 흥행기록을 남겼다. 그런데 이동욱의 흥행 성공은 ‘아랑’으로 끝나지 않았다. ‘아랑’에 이어 출연한 ‘최강로맨스’가 개봉 첫 주 박스오피스 1위에 올랐기 때문이다.

‘아랑’에서 형사로 분했던 이동욱이 다시 한번 형사로 출연한 ‘최강로맨스’는 열혈 형사와 엉뚱발랄한 기자의 좌충우돌 로맨스를 그린 코미디 영화. 이 영화에서 이동욱은 전작과 직업은 같지만 ‘아랑’에서 보여줬던 연기와 사뭇 다른 모습을 선보였다.

지난해 드러난 한국영화의 특징은 이렇다 할 흥행스타가 없었다는 점이다. 과거 스타의 이름만으로도 흥행에 기여를 했던 것과 달리 스타보다는 영화의 완성도에 주목하게 됐다는 말이다. 이런 가운데 스크린에 진출한 이동욱이 두 편 연속 흥행에 성공한 것은 괄목할 만한 일이다.


[Copyright ⓒ 한국 최고의 스포츠 엔터테인먼트 전문 미디어 OSEN(www.osen.co.kr) 제보및 보도자료 osenstar@osen.co.kr 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]


More 1/28 CGV Theater appearance pics





credit 1004dong

^I like Wookie's getup here -- long coat, dark pants and sneakers! So cute ^_^

Choi vs. Kang Romance ~ No. 1!!!


credit CGV

Lol this artwork is cute... a collection of Wookie's HANDS! :w00t:


credit 1004dong

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Guest incarnadine

2007 Top 100 Mnet Must Have Males

위 비 BI

2위 송승헌 Song SungHun

3위 장근석 Jang Geunsuk

4위 윤계상 Yoon Kyesang

5위 조인성 Jo Insung

6위 소지섭 So jisub

7위 세븐 Seven

8위 다니엘 헤니 Daniel Henney

9위 하정우 Hang Jungwoo

10위 배용준 Bae Yoongjoon

11위 김기범(슈퍼주니어) Kim Kibum

12위 원빈 Wonbin

13위 임주환 Im Joohan

14위 현빈 Hyunbin

15위 강동원 Kang Dongwan

16위 오지호 Oh Jiho

17위 최시원(슈퍼주니어) Choi Siwon

18위 천정명 Chun Jungmyoung

19위 지현우 Jin Hyunwoo

20위 권지용(빅뱅) Kwon Jiyong

21위 조승우 Jo Sungwoo

22위 장우혁 Jang Woohyuk

23위 이승기 Lee Seungki

24위 하석진 Ha sukjin

25위 정재용(DJ DOC) Jung jaeyoong

26위 시아준수(동방신기) Xiah Junsu

27위 송일국 Song Illgook

28위 이동욱 Lee Dongwook :) :) :)

29위 이진욱 Lee jinwook

30위 손호영 Son Hoyoung

31위 진구 Jingu

32위 유승호 Yoo Seungho

33위 신성록(뮤지컬배우) Shin Sungreuk

34위 규현(슈퍼주니어) Kyuhyun

35위 주지훈 Joo Jihoon

36위 주진모 Jo Jinmo

37위 김진호(SG워너비) Kim Jinho

38위 유지태 Yoo jitae

39위 이언 Leewan

40위 정경호 Jung Kyoungho

41위 T.O.P(빅뱅) TOP

42위 정일우 Jung Illwoo

43위 박해진 Park Haejin

44위 차태현 CHa Taehyun

45위 김지석 Kim Jisuk

46위 이동건 Lee Dong Gun

47위 오상진 OH Sangjin

48위 윤지후 Yoon jihoo

49위 이민기 Lee Minki

50위 최강창민(동방신기) Changmin

51위 장동건 Jang Donggun

52위 브라이언 Brian

53위 박건일 Park Gunill

54위 휘성 Wheesung

55위 이준기 Lee Junki

56위 김범 Kimbum

57위 정우성 Jung woosung

58위 김종완 Kim Jonghwan

59위 김경욱 Kim Kyoungwook

60위 이기우 Lee Giwoo

61위 백지훈 Baek Jihoon

62위 강인(슈퍼주니어) Kangin

63위 신동욱 Shin Dongwook

64위 전진(신화) Junjin

65위 박기웅 Park Kiyong

66위 서지석 Seo Jisuk

67위 황정민 Hang Jungmin

68위 문성민(배구) Moon Sungmin (volleyball)

69위 김정훈 Kim Junghoon

70위 유민호 Yoo Minho

71위 류덕환 Ryoo Mukhwan

72위 백성현 Baek Sunghyun

73위 이한 Leehwan

74위 정준하 Jung Joonha -- MC Jung! :lol:

75위 김재욱 Kim Jaewook

76위 박태환(수영) Park Taehwang (swimmer)

77위 한경(슈퍼주니어) Hankyung

78위 류태준 Ryoo Taejoon

79위 공유 Gongyoo

80위 김용준(SG워너비) Kim Yongjoon

81위 이규한 Lee Guhan

82위 이선호 Lee Sunho

83위 신민철 Shin Minchul

84위 정의철 Jung Heechul

85위 장지우(모델) Jang Jiwoo (Model)

86위 김성제 Kim Sungjae

87위 하동균 Ha donggoon

88위 이중문 Lee Jongmoon

89위 진태화(배틀) Jin Taehwa

90위 이상우(모델) Lee Sangwoo (model)

91위 황찬성 Hwang chansung

92위 이성우(노브레인) Lee Sungwoo

93위 김혜성 Kim hyesung

94위 성휘(모델) Sunghwee

95위 조한선 Jo Hansun

96위 마재윤(프로게이머) Ma jaeyoon (Pro-gamer)

97위 류재도(모델) Ryoo Jaedo (Model)

98위 백종민 Baek Jongmin

99위 윤희석 Yoon Hweesuk

100위 데니스오 Dennis Oh

Credit to Bestiz/ pikapika

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malou, u pervielicious pervie! Thanks sweetie! The latest news you put up is all about Wookie oppa's successful start to his movie career with 2 hit movies so far. Yaaaayyyy for Wookie!

And on the cinema greeting pics: he really really loves those shoes - they're the kinda laced-up big boy shoes that most stylish / fashion-conscious guys won't be caught with, more popular with geeks & *u guessed it* dorks :lol: . Wuv this man!

Jo: sank-kyoo for the OST *it's my ringtone now....anjana, na na na anjana....that's all i know :P *

mandalaywith: great clip, kamsahamnida! Is that Kim Min Jong came for the vip premier?

On the mnet hot100 list: i'm shocked they left out jaehee too, babymarz07. But even more shocking: sweetie JunKi is no. 55? Isn't he uber-hawt in Korea? well.... :blink:

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