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Guest polabola

She's HY?! I totally missed that *whacks head* :blink: . Maybe it's the hair / black dress or sthing, she jus looks different. Looks like they're promoting the his/hers notebook thingy they're each holding. And the flowers are from him: aaawwww, love that bouquet!

malou: the first article is a review and from the tone, it sounds like the reviewer got it right: saying that it's a great comic movie from start to finnish. Yaaayy! And the second is an interview of both of them. Wish we know exactly what HY said of him. But the writer ends by comparing their careers and saying that each of them are patient experienced actors who've worked hard step by step towards success that they deserve compared to some of their peers who've achieved faster popularity/stardom. Basya, Wookie Oppa!

Lyn: congrats on passing ur exams. Woah, wookie has a lot of legal eagle fans :lol:

thanks! but, no, Malou's on law, but I'm studying BS Architecture (which means I'm going to build wookie's future love shack with LDH) on the same school as Malou's (University of the Philippines) so too bad I won't get to see her anymore :( I've been anticipating a pervie meet up on campus lol

and malou: Good luck on your bar! I hope you pass and if you do, you'll most likely be closer to meeting wookie and be his own personnal lawer! We all know you can do it with your smart replies and logical analysis of wookie :w00t:

jo: good luck to you too! We have smart richard simmons lawyers here who are willing and able to defend wookie anytime. No wonder all your arguements are so strong! ^_^

mandalaywith: thanks for the info and the pic!. Gosh 3 gf?! I salute you wookie for proving that you ain't gay and your capable of being a hot blooded man! :w00t:

and lastly...wookie changed his hair again...and he still looks good!

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Guest freeverse122085

Hi! so many pics and goodies!! Thank 4 all! ^^



credit : mydaily




josiekok >> Bye Bye Bye – Monday Kiz (Feat LDW & Jang Shin Young) 30 min version :lol:


yycaf cb link: http://down.clubbox.co.kr/yycaf/aqxq5

credit to hana_hirokawa > [Non-Clubbox] CFs & MVs of Stars thread

thanks for all the pics!! wait, is there an alternative dload site? i cant understand clubbox.. =) komawo in advance!

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Lyn and malou! We shud just meet up in future.. and set up a law firm just to defend Wookie! hahaha..:lol against all those rumours, antis...:P

Anywayz, thanx a lot akil for the new batch of pics! He's definitely handsome and pervilicious.. Killed some ppl at the K Celeb Photos section hahaha..

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Lyn, i might've known ur an architect with those cool graphic skills. The loveshack is a great idea: they need all the encouragement they can get. So u build the nest, and malou n jo can get to work on the marriage contract :P , and we're all set :lol: .

*gasp* akil, kamsahamnida! He's popping up all over the place everyday now..

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Guest incarnadine

Hi all!

akil ~ thanks for posting the new pics, Wookie looks so good and handsome (as usual) there. I especially like the 2nd one, I just went :w00t:

Jo, roddy, Lyn and the rest of the Pervies ~ I say we definitely all should meet at one point ^_^ lol Lyn I think you'll make an amazing architect, without a doubt. Design Wookie and Mukgu's love shack ~ it just couldn't get better than that :lol:

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Guest incarnadine

''최강로맨스'' 이동욱, 낯 가리는 현영 마음 ‘쏙∼’

[스포츠월드] 2007-01-23 23:05


이동욱은 여복이 많은 배우다. SBS 드라마 ‘마이걸’에서 주연인 설공찬 역으로 이다해와 호흡을 맞추며 뭇 여성팬들의 사랑을 한몸에 받기 시작했다. 그는 또 오는 25일 개봉 예정인 영화 ‘최강로맨스’(김정우 감독, 디알엠엔터테인먼트·화인웍스 제작)에서도 주연인 형사 강재혁 역으로 ‘S라인’ 미녀스타 현영과 러브라인을 형성하는 최초의 배우가 되는 영광(?)을 누리기까지 했다. 이동욱을 만나서 그의 영화와 연기관을 솔직히 들어보는 시간을 가졌다.

#연상 여배우와 함께 한 이동욱

이동욱은 두 편의 영화 이력에서 모두 연상의 여배우와 호흡을 맞췄다. 지난해 여름 공포영화 ‘아랑’에서 송윤아와 호흡을 맞췄던 그는 이번 영화에서는 현영과 러브라인을 엮어간다. 이동욱은 두 사람이 겉으로 나타난 이미지와는 상반된 실제 모습을 지녔다고 전했다. “송윤아 선배님은 처음에 정말 대하기 어려웠어요. 워낙 대외적 이미지가 차분하시잖아요. 그런데 함께 영화를 찍어보니 촬영장에서 항상 발랄하고 장난도 많이 치셔서 너무 귀엽더라고요.(웃음) 그래서 송윤아 선배님과는 금방 친해졌어요.”

반면 이번에 함께 영화에 출연했던 현영은 또 달랐다. “현영씨는 대외적으로 밝고 쾌활한 것으로 알고 있었는데 실제로 함께 영화를 촬영해 보니 무척 낯을 가리고 내성적인 성격이더라고요. 그래서 서로 촬영하면서 말도 못 놓았어요.”

결국 그는 영화 촬영을 위한 4, 5차례 만남 후, 술자리를 통해 간신히 현영과 말도 놓고 친해지게 됐다. 그는 이 때 현영과 진지한 이야기도 많이 나누며 속깊은 대화를 나눌 수 있었다고 회고했다.

그가 경험한 현영과 송윤아가 이렇게 상반된 성격이지만 둘 다 공통적으로 참 마음이 넓다고 전했다.



그는 이번에 영화에서만 두 번째로 형사 역을 맡았다. 지난해 여름 영화 ‘아랑’에서 신참형사 현기 역을 맡았고 이번에는 전문 범죄 담당 형사 강재혁을 연기했다.

‘이러다가 형사 역할 전문 배우가 되는 것 아니냐’는 농담섞인 질문에 그는 정색을 하며 “주어진 역할에는 언제나 최선을 다한다”며 “‘형사’라는 직업만 같을 뿐 성격 등 캐릭터는 완전히 다르다”고 설명했다.

그가 영화 ‘아랑’에서 맡은 형사 역할은 신참 형사로 보이지만 내면에 끔찍한 복수심을 담은 복합적인 캐릭터였다. 그는 “‘아랑’에서의 현기는 사연이 많을 뿐, 악역은 아니다”라며 “복수심에 불 타 죽여야 한다고 생각하는 사람을 죽이는 역할”이라고 소개했다.

이동욱이 형사 다운 형사를 맡은 것은 실질적으로 이번 ‘최강로맨스’가 처음인 것. 그는 이번에 맡은 형사 역은 무척 활동적이라서 다양한 액션을 소화해야 했기 때문에 육체적으로 힘든 일이 많았다고 말했다.

#액션 배우

그는 이번에 액션 신을 직접 소화해내기 위해서 액션 스쿨을 꾸준히 다니며 준비했다. “제가 워낙 몸치라서 스포츠도 직접 하는 것보다는 보는 것을 더 좋아해요. 그래서 무술학교에 다니며 열심히 연습했죠.”

액션스쿨에서 그는 무술감독을 통해 무술연기의 또다른 매력을 경험하게 됐다. “단순히 멋지고 화려한 발차기를 선보이고 싶어서 처음에 입문하게 됐는데 배우다 보니 그게 다가 아니더라고요. 무술감독님께서 ‘화려한 발차기보다는 하나의 액션 장면을 연출하더라도 감정을 실을 줄 알아야 한다’고 말씀하셨는데 나중에 직접 액션연기를 하다보니 그 말의 의미를 제대로 알게 됐습니다.”

그는 그럼에도 불구하고 마음만큼 몸이 안 따르는 몸치라서 결국 촬영 도중 부상을 당하기도 했다. 무릎 인대가 늘어나고 골반 뼈가 부서지는 부상을 당한 것. 휴식을 취하라는 의사의 권고에도 불구하고 그는 프로정신을 발휘해 모든 촬영을 무사히 마쳤다.

그는 올 상반기 안에 차기작에서 멋진 연기 변신을 선보이겠다며 기대해달라는 말을 잊지 않았다. 글 한준호 기자, 사진 김창규 기자



[sW확대경]●한류스타 이동욱

태국등 亞팬 날로 늘어… 성실한 인상 잃지 말아야

sw20070123230504_2.jpg --> he's so... milky! :lol:

이동욱에게 벌써부터 많은 한류팬들이 생겨나고 있다.

그는 지난해 12월8일 개봉하는 영화 ‘아랑’의 홍보차 태국을 방문했다가 놀라운 경험을 했다. 태국에서 홍보 활동을 대대적으로 하지 않았음에도 많은 팬들이 택시를 타고 그의 스케줄 장소를 따라다니는 것은 기본이고, 라이터를 사려고 시장에 들렀다가 팬들이 직접 라이터 값 흥정을 해줘 비교적 염가로 라이터를 구입하기도 했다.

이미 아시아 지역은 하나의 네트워크다. 각국별로 케이블 방송이 생겨나면서 방송 콘텐츠를 공유하거나 사고 파는 일이 많아진 것.

이와 함께 한류 역시 한 국가에만 머무는 것이 아니라 다양한 아시아 국가들 사이에서 실시간대로 급속히 퍼져나가고 있다. 이동욱이 출연했던 드라마 ‘마이걸’의 경우, 필리핀에서만 두 번이나 방영됐고 이 여파가 인접 아시아 국가들에도 퍼져 그를 알아보는 팬들이 늘어나는 추세다. 이동욱은 “필리핀을 방문한 적이 있는데 그곳의 팬들이 ‘사인해주세요’ ‘안녕하세요’ 등 한글로 된 플래카드를 들고 있었다”며 “너무 인상 깊었다”고 소감을 전했다.

국내에서만큼 발빠른 성장을 아시아에서도 이루고 있는 이동욱은 차세대 한류스타로서 손색없는 모습을 보이고 있다. 아시아 각국에서 팬들을 위해 헌신하는 모습과 성실한 인상과 이미지를 잃지 않는다면 그는 분명 올해 안으로 거대 한류 스타가 될 것이다.

한준호 기자


-건강한 웃음 푸른 희망, 스포츠월드(www.sportsworldi.com)-

ⓒ 스포츠월드&Segye.com, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지

<세계닷컴은 한국온라인신문협회(www.kona.or.kr)의 디지털뉴스이용규칙에 따른 저작권을 행사합니다.>

^He looks absolutely cute!!! :wub:


이동욱-현영, 한밤에 데이트?! --> LDW-HY, midnight date?!

20070123174834.jpg --> interesting getup again ^_^

지난 20일 토요일 저녁, 이동욱과 현영의 커플 데이트가 목격됐다.

바로 영화<최강 로맨스>의 개봉을 앞두고 개최한 이벤트인 최강 커플 파티에 호스트로 참여한 것.

이날 파티에는 인터넷 포털 사이트에서 최강 커플 파티 이벤트에 당첨된 커플 650쌍 1300여명이 참여, 성황을 이루었다.

영화 예고편과 함께 특별 동영상 상영으로 시작된 커플파티 이벤트는 <최강로맨스>의 김정우 감독과 두 주인공 이동욱, 현영의 등장으로 팬들의 환호성으로 가득 찼다.

이날 행사는 최강 커플을 선발하는 이구동성 커플퀴즈, 가장 멋진 프로포즈 선발등의 다양한 행사진행으로 열기를 더해갔다.

선물증정과 사진촬영등의 팬서비스도 겸한 이날 행사로 이동욱과 현영은 영화 개봉에 앞서 뜻깊은 시간을 보냈다.

최강 커플 파티 이벤트로 분위기를 한단계 업시킨 영화 <최강 로맨스>는 오는 25일 개봉예정이다.

박선연 기자(sunyeon@epg.co.kr)

ⓔ세상 연예소식 중심 EPG(www.epg.co.kr) | 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

credit redlion of 1004dong


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Aaaww, i loved everything about that lumberjack look - except for the jeans! I swear i've seen them before, and they look a lot like my old jeans that i've kept even tho i've lost the weight *ahem* and should really get a new slimmer pair. But somehow, it's heartwarming that he duzzn't give a hoot about putting all his ratty old stuff on display :P , never mind fashion! In fact i've seen the same shoes on him many times before, but that's ok, the shoes are kyoot :lol:

*sigh* he changed his hair again guyz, and it's still wookilicious!

Thanks malou sweetie.

Someone capped his SR BTS and his fun onset is definitely catching: I loved that moment when the knife whizzed past his ear - his split second timing in avoiding it was brilliant! I thot at first it must be a camera-trick, but no, somebody actually threw it at him! The crew actually clapped him coz he managed to duck :lol: . Otherwise......pervies would be throwing knives at them :phew:


And I loved these caps coz.....he's irresistable when he laffs!


credit to popcornfor2 forum.

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Guest incarnadine

thanks roddy for posting those caps! He did look adorable in that scene... we could all see him clutching his heart ~ he must've been realllly relieved that he was able to duck on time :D The person who threw that knife sure was precise! :crazy:

In the second set of pics, I see his manager/PA again beside him... I've noticed that he almost never leaves LDW's side, hehe

EDIT: About the jeans, hehe ~ I like how Wookie seems to be non-chalant about his fashion sense. I mean, he couldn't care less what his stylist asks or orders him to wear, coz it still manages to look great on him. And have you checked out his zip fly? -- it looks different :lol:

Oops... I'm sorry, the pic and article I posted above is not the preview mandalaywith attended. Upon reading it I realised that it says the event took place on 1/20. Sorry, my bad. :)

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malou and roddy! I can always count on both of you to make me laugh. Roddy and your ever pervy comments about Wookie's getups and styles.. and malou on your never ending goodies plus wild imaginations! I loved the pics you just posted chinggu.the 1st one especially. His look's like, " Hei I dun give a damn on what you think of me, tell me truthfully, you're attracted to me right? :lol: And the rugged and funky getup pics, the jeans do look a bit weird..i think it's because of the slightly over-obvious zipper. But he still looks good in them..and i swear I go into a swooning mode when guys wear checkered shirts. I seriously think guys look extremely good in checkers..and Wookie's an exception of course, he looks TOO good.. :P

And about Wookie dodging the knife? Was that a real one? Omo..that was so close. If the knife got any closer to my Wookie, the crew's gona get it from me! <_< hehehe.. Now Wookie's such a precious baby to me.. :P

About his fashion sense, he's always commenting that he's not into fashion. He really has something then, since he's not into fashion and yet he still can look GOOD in anything, it must have been inherent. hehehe..

And oh btw, it's snowing now!! Reminds me of Mr. Snowman and his Mukgu in MG....:wub:

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Guest incarnadine

Awww... snow does remind me of MG. I suddenly really miss Wookie and Mukgu. :)

Jo -- oh yeah, the knife-throwing sure was a close one. I laughed at how snappy and quick Wookie was in avoiding that knife -- one small miscalculation and YIKES! :lol: Don't you guys think he looks uber-hot in that black top? :wub:

EDIT: It's Jan 24 now... only 1 more day 'til SR! Can't wait! ^_^

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Hi! so many pics and goodies!! Thank 4 all! ^^



credit : mydaily




josiekok >> Bye Bye Bye – Monday Kiz (Feat LDW & Jang Shin Young) 30 min version :lol:


yycaf cb link: http://down.clubbox.co.kr/yycaf/aqxq5

credit to hana_hirokawa > [Non-Clubbox] CFs & MVs of Stars thread

He looks younger in this pics... so handsome... :blush:

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Guest freeverse122085

^ i swear the man couldn't get any hotter anymore or he'll burn his own seat.

yaay! one more day to go and a zillion hours of waiting for SR!! i'm so excited to see wookie act once again... and action too!! haha.. he's too cute to do action but what the heck, he can probably pull it off and with style!

wave to all online!!

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malou and Jo, lol, I know, the knife thing is scary (although I have to admit that the scene is beyond hilarious). At first I thought it must not been an actual knife, kind of like a dummy or something. But dude, I think the knife looks very real.

mandalaywith, how can I thank you for all the Wookilicious goodies? I don't think words are enough.

Regarding Wookie's fashion sense, well, I think he is almost purrrfect. I mean, there are several outfit that I'm just not seeing eye to eye with, but in general, he (or his stylist, perhaps) is very good, indeed. Sometimes, the outfit would be bordering on being weird, but he is just one of those people who can carry themselves excellently, so anything would look great.

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hahaha..yeap his hotness surely could burn his own seat! :lol:

deeta, i've seen that clip a long time ago. But it was so hilarious that i actually didn't think of whether the knife was real or not?! Aiks..lucky Wookie was agile enough to dedge away..:phew:

Anywayz, 2 more Wookilicious Pics



I really really like the 2nd pic...He looks so GC-ish and dreamish..:rolleyes:

credits: baidu

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Okay...i really need my slumber now.

Before i go..

Wookie's schedule for this week ^^


23/01 - Premier Stage Ceremony

25/01 - Official Premier of Strongest Romance

27-28/01 - Seoul Stage Appearance

There will be subsequent promo activities/premiers around Seoul in Feb.

credits: leedongwook.net/ baidu

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Guest freeverse122085

malou and Jo, lol, I know, the knife thing is scary (although I have to admit that the scene is beyond hilarious). At first I thought it must not been an actual knife, kind of like a dummy or something. But dude, I think the knife looks very real.

mandalaywith, how can I thank you for all the Wookilicious goodies? I don't think words are enough.

Regarding Wookie's fashion sense, well, I think he is almost purrrfect. I mean, there are several outfit that I'm just not seeing eye to eye with, but in general, he (or his stylist, perhaps) is very good, indeed. Sometimes, the outfit would be bordering on being weird, but he is just one of those people who can carry themselves excellently, so anything would look great.

lol he's a model, what do we expect? but yeh, i agree he looks good no matter what he wears. when he went here, he just wore a simple white shirt yet he manages to look hot in it than anyone ever can. its his charm, i guess, that enables him to look good in just about anything.

hahaha..yeap his hotness surely could burn his own seat! :lol:

deeta, i've seen that clip a long time ago. But it was so hilarious that i actually didn't think of whether the knife was real or not?! Aiks..lucky Wookie was agile enough to dedge away..:phew:

Anywayz, 2 more Wookilicious Pics



I really really like the 2nd pic...He looks so GC-ish and dreamish..:rolleyes:

credits: baidu

komawo for the pics! as usual, he looks uber hot. words dont justify that man...

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