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Lee Dong Wook 이동욱 Global Fans at Soompi


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Guest zoomjack

That was short and it kept me wanting more! :lol: I hope you post more later. Thank you very much for it, zoomjack!

hahaha..yeah..i want more too...but i'm just feeling happy to see those two together...they look really happy!!!...hahaaa...i'm waiting for the MNET clip!.... :P

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:w00t::w00t::w00t: YEY!!!! I can't stop smiling here & I'm so agitated!

Goodness! I can even see the bliss & fondness in their eyes. Finally, our dreams are likely to happen. I hope, this event is just the beginning.

Zoomjack, thanks a lot for the pictures & the video clip.

Erenah, thanks for the two huge pics of Wookie. I'm gonna count his moles later :P

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Guest incarnadine

aiks..erenah, that's gona make me feel worst! :( all u guys get to see him and i can only feel happy 4 u guys.. haha.. JK! im sure u guys will make Wookie feel welcomed in Malaysia! maybe if we're allowed to send gifts, i can mail one back to Malaysia? :rolleyes:

btw.. juz to make MG Goners more GONE.. compare these pics taken from fashion events that Wookie and Mukgu had attended.. :rolleyes:


Wookie bored without Mukgu?


Mukgu bored without Wookie



Mukgu smiling so sweetly supporting Wookie! :)



both smiling with each other's companion :wub:

credits: baidu


isn't it obvious guys? :D

^thanks for the pics, Jo!!! *hugs* they're totally obvious. Hehe, you can really see the difference... sighhh this couple is just making me sooo crazy :wub:

LOL, no, I'm excited about the part where you said it was taken yesterday. I know, to be getting so worked over that is a bit weird. Oh what the hell, they're TOGETHER, sitting together!! EEEEE,, Well, I just fervently hope that indeed, there is something there for them. I mean, come on, it is not possible that anyone could look as good as they look together, with each other.

You know, I think it's weird. I mean, Wookie could've easily take HY to promote his movie. I mean, it's a good place to be seen, right. But instead, he chose to go with Mukgu, whom he had a project, like a year ago. Soooo,, in my high-induced state, I believe that there definitely is something going on. Whether they are REALLY close friends, or dating, I don't care. They should just get together and have babies, or movies, I guess.

soonjap, okay, thanks so much for the explanation. You're an angel.

You know what i agree... this is also what I thought when I saw the pics. In his bday twas HY noona who appeared as his special guest, I suppose because of their movie... and now he and Mukgu appear, looking all lovey-dovey and shy in MC Jung's fashion event... looking at it from a promoter's perspective, it could have ruined some of the momentum of Wookie and HY's tandem hehe... but I guess, you can't stop love, can you? :blush:

another thing, perhaps it couldn't really be helped that they both went to the fashion show, since Jung is a friend of both... but it's a rather convenient excuse, don't you think? I love the fact that they admitted to the whole, wide world that they are still very close. :rolleyes:

This translation was not done by babble or some other internet translation service. I am Korean and I translated the article. From the article, it said that Lee Dong Wook will start his tour in Thailand and Malaysia because his drama as well as the actor are proving to be incredibly popular there. My guess is that he'll probably visit the Philippines again since he has such a strong fan base, although he did visit there already once this past July.

big thanks to you soonjap for your very clear translations ^_^ I'm so happy to know that more and more people are appreciating Wookie's talents. Bbasya, Wookie!!!

:D:P ...i just got this...it's about 9 seconds...enjoy this 1st...there will be more clips about it!!!!! :w00t:

Short Video clip of mukgu and wookie watching fashion show

Caps from the clip:



Credit: baidu

They both look happy and shy!...hhahaha :P

ooh ooh cheongmal kasahamnida, zoomjack, our pervy DongHae angel! :D I'm so excited to see the clip... and caps, wa... they both look so HAPPY! It's like their smiles have this giddy quality to them... hmmm :rolleyes: :blush:

Wookie's attire in the previous fashion show (sans Mukgu) looks so funky, hehe... but he carried it pretty well :)

thanks for all the goodies, gals! And a big welcome to all the new Pervies! *hugs*

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Guest zoomjack

^thanks for the pics, Jo!!! *hugs* they're totally obvious. Hehe, you can really see the difference... sighhh this couple is just making me sooo crazy :wub:

You know what i agree... this is also what I thought when I saw the pics. In his bday twas HY noona who appeared as his special guest, I suppose because of their movie... and now he and Mukgu appear, looking all lovey-dovey and shy in MC Jung's fashion event... looking at it from a promoter's perspective, it could have ruined some of the momentum of Wookie and HY's tandem hehe... but I guess, you can't stop love, can you? :blush:

another thing, perhaps it couldn't really be helped that they both went to the fashion show, since Jung is a friend of both... but it's a rather convenient excuse, don't you think? I love the fact that they admitted to the whole, wide world that they are still very close. :rolleyes:

big thanks to you soonjap for your very clear translations ^_^ I'm so happy to know that more and more people are appreciating Wookie's talents. Bbasya, Wookie!!!

incarnadine ...i love reading your analysis and thoughts about DongHae...u make me giggling and now i'm still feeling excited!!!!...especially when u said that they admitted to the whole, wide world that they are still very close!...hahahaaa..wat a nice day! lol :D:P

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Guest polabola

:D:P ...i just got this...it's about 9 seconds...enjoy this 1st...there will be more clips about it!!!!! :w00t:

Short Video clip of mukgu and wookie watching fashion show

Caps from the clip:



Credit: baidu

They both look happy and shy!...hhahaha :P

both of their smiles are so different when they're with each other :wub: It feels like they're genuinely enjoying their time together rather than trying to smile just because it's a special event or cameras are there :)

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Guest incarnadine

Hi zoomjack! The past few days have indeed been wonderful... it's like I'm a different kind of high ~ haha that's what Mukgu and Wookie do to me, lol :P

hello Lyn! *waves* I know... their smiles are so much different in those caps... from the pics alone, you can really feel the warmth and dare I say "affection" they have for each other. And you're so right, it does seem like they are genuinely enjoying the fashion show in each other's company :blush:

Notice also the caps zoomjack posted --- in the 1st one, Mukgu was smiling to the front while Wookie was smiling shyly towards the side (Mukgu's direction)... while in the second pic, it's exactly the other way around! :lol: Hehehe their similarities grow more and more each day ^_^

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awwwwww im melting...at first i was kind of disappointed that wookie didn't see mugku in his bday...but i feel like he probably did when he celebrated it with friends and family hahaha...

and this latest pick--hehehe they look so ooberly shy..hehehe this type of pics makes me giggle..hehehe r they testing out the public..see it's not bad after all to be together out in the public as good friends hehehe

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Guest incarnadine

awwwwww im melting...at first i was kind of disappointed that wookie didn't see mugku in his bday...but i feel like he probably did when he celebrated it with friends and family hahaha...

and this latest pick--hehehe they look so ooberly shy..hehehe this type of pics makes me giggle..hehehe r they testing out the public..see it's not bad after all to be together out in the public as good friends hehehe

^hehe yeah they're probably testing the public... but their little expressions somehow betray their press release that they're just friends lol

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Guest zoomjack
:D I agree with all of you!!!! I'm sure that Wookie really enjoyed the time with Mukgu after days and nights working and filming!!... Their smiles are very different and i dare to say that there is really something..yeap..AFFECTION! ..oh ya..my friend who is expert in flowers told me that pink lilies represent AFFECTION!!!! hahhaaa...what a coincidence!...lol :P ..There are so many clues and evidences lately!...i guess they are really hinting us..they don't want to dislcose it publicly..but they just want to share their 'happiness' with those who love MG and them!!!!!...hahaha...like us here!!!!!!!! :P:D
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Guest siCKako

thanks zoomjack for posting those caps :)

it's good to see them enjoying each other's company...I think I know why they went to the event together...it's because the we were speculating that the girl from the other fashion show might be wookie's girlfriend...haha! so to stop that, wookie brought his real girl.haha!

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This translation was not done by babble or some other internet translation service. I am Korean and I translated the article. From the article, it said that Lee Dong Wook will start his tour in Thailand and Malaysia because his drama as well as the actor are proving to be incredibly popular there. My guess is that he'll probably visit the Philippines again since he has such a strong fan base, although he did visit there already once this past July.

yeah i know u are korean and u translated it urself .. thank u so much .. :D

i did sawa nd read ur translated news in other thread .. its really kind of u to help us ..

actually i can read korean and understand a little bit. but not so good. i'm still a beginner ..

thanks for the article translation .. :D

dear jo .. i can imagine how bored LDW without LDH at his side ..

why my heart beating so fast???? gesssshhh .. i love both of them .. :blush:

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Guest Contessa


There is something about Mukgu's smile in this particular photo. I have the same smile whenever I'm with someone I really, REALLY like. Hahah!

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Guest lavender*sshi

Thx for the translation Soonjap - LDW is definitely one of the noticeably better looking new generation Hallyu stars that have made an impact on viewers:) Hope to see him when he comes to this part of the world soon :D

My first post in this thread - Hi all LDWsupporters :)

Welcome to the thread soiree99~! Enjoy your stay in here! ^_^

:D:P ...i just got this...it's about 9 seconds...enjoy this 1st...there will be more clips about it!!!!! :w00t:

Short Video clip of mukgu and wookie watching fashion show

Caps from the clip:



Credit: baidu

They both look happy and shy!...hhahaha :P

Ohh,, cant say anything anymore. At last I've seen them together already in real and that's the latest right?! Gee, Im so glad.. If u can see their smiles.. aww, it's like there's no one except from both of them who can make them smile like that... Aiyoh~! So niceee! :D Thanks for sharing the clip zoomjack~

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guys.. we're still not over with the DongHae mode yet!! thank u zoomjack for the short but utterly sweet clip of them watching the fashion show.. it's like they smiled thru out the show.. not just when the reporter took pics of them.. indicating that they're actually having a sweet time enjoying themselves.. im not sure if they even watched the whole show!! hahaha..:lol:

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Guest Contessa

guys.. we're still not over with the DongHae mode yet!! thank u zoomjack for the short but utterly sweet clip of them watching the fashion show.. it's like they smiled thru out the show.. not just when the reporter took pics of them.. indicating that they're actually having a sweet time enjoying themselves.. im not sure if they even watched the whole show!! hahaha..:lol:

I think it would take a few more days for our excitement of seeing them together to wear off! :lol: I really pray there are more events of them together like this! :)

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Guest lavender*sshi

Wow lyn~! Nice drawing.. You're very much talented.. :D

Jo unnie.. haha~! I know what ur thingking - that maybe they didn't finish watching d whole show to be together all by themselves?? Maybe had a dinner after? haha~!

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