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aww my friends had training today. first day at work, haha. didn't get to see them for long. :(

but just had a BBQ hang out party thing today for joanna's birthday~ and so many mozzie bites, argh!

today's weather was just disgusting, bleh! but it got nice towards night, like always.

and i want to go out tomorrow but there's nothing to do. T.T

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Guest TrainDriver

OMG ITS SO HOT!!!!!!! i just had a haircut, and when i stepped out of the car it was like an oven :( its not even summer yet :mellow: elections are on :P for those who are able to vote, who u voting for?? i can't vote, but i hope howard wins, his policies will benefit my family, hence i got a house full of liberal voters :D

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haha I think I'm getting a new haircut next saturday.

Damn, I can't go out much anymore... I just went to my work place this week for a few days, and now they want me to work full time starting from next week all the way through to when uni starts T_T

But at least I get money now.. hahha.

I don't have anywhere to go now anyway, I probably went for about 3 rounds of shopping in the city for the past 3 days ><

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^ AWW are you serious!? nuuu way! mmm. i still need to get a job.. ugh! not sure whether i want to work with my mum.. D:

i feel SOSOSO sorry for howard. >.< i don't know whyy. i was just watching the election votes and his picture came up, and my sis and i were like, "awwww~~" LOL. i really don't mind. i believe Australia should have a change, but for some reason, i don't really like Rudd, at all. there's something about him that's soo dodgy. and he's always playing the blame game. he's soooo annoying! nevertheless, he was so hilarious on Rove last week. ahahahha ;D

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Guest TrainDriver

^i don't care too much for politics, but i'm just worried about the economy under a Labor government. anyway, if the economy starts going downhill from now, Labor can be to blame.

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yeah i don't really care much about politics, too. sucks, i can't be bothered voting. D: but then again if we get a crap government, then i would have to blame myself for not voting. :/

i wonder how it's going right now... *checks*

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^i don't care too much for politics, but i'm just worried about the economy under a Labor government. anyway, if the economy starts going downhill from now, Labor can be to blame.

same =.=; i still voted for labor tho. hopefully they can fullfil their promises

yeh i did feel sorry for howard - ALP seem to b winning b a lot.

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Guest TrainDriver

^haha :lol: wat politician lives up to their promises :P oh well, i just hope they keep the AUD strong, better shopping for me overseas :D

Kim, where do u work? i'll search for a job next year, but seems my sis and mum are bugging me to find a job :(

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Guest sulfuric_ACID

aha i voted for the greens. gotta support what i study for hehe..kinda. i knew they had no chance anyway so my vote was essentially useless. omg i need a job urgently i've been wasting so much time. probably apply for a data entry job or something

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Guest TrainDriver

gee wats with all these year 12 parties with nothing but ppl drinking??? some of my friends have been and it seems all u do is drink urself silly for the sake of drinking alcohol.

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^ yeah one of my friends just came back from leavers the other day, and he said how he gave his friend a cold shower because he was drunk and everything. my friend was just tipsy the whole time, but never drunk. pffffft. hehe.

but yeah, i hate the whole getting drunk for no reason thing. jeez. maybe a few drinks is okay, but being absolutely smashed in the end is ridiculous.

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ongi3000: I'm working at my mum's place. It's an embroidary place :P but I wouldn't really recommend working there... The pay is alright but its boring as hell >< And you have to keep working and can't stop :(

rofl I'm pretty much really against drinking alcohol. I'm refusing to go to any parties that are gonna have alcohol >___<

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hehe yeh i was kinda sad but also happy that Rudd got it? haha i didnt vote. my sis and dad voted for Howard and my mum voted for Rudd xD i would have no idea who to vote ><

i probably cant go out for the rest of the wk until i leave because gotta clean and pack alot >< haha

yehh i hate alcohol even though i've never tasted it before, just hearing it all the stuff that happens to my sis makes it sound disgusting >< i dont think i'll ever drink it xD

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^ lol, just remember, you don't have to be like your sister AT ALL.

i'm still gonna drink. i just need to know my limits and all.

and whether it's appropriate.

but anyway! yeah i read the newspaper about the whole leavers' thing and gosh. already arrested people and crap. gawd damn year 12's, learn to control yourselves! -__-"

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I've always avoided booz. White peoples curse.

With the money most of my white and ABC friends spend on booz I purchased a car.

I'm amazed at how many ABC's have really gotten in to that section of Australia life probably just to try and fit in.

Last week when I was driving blue cats (I always work friday and saturday nights cause it fits in with uni, bad thing is that it's all bloody drunks) there where these two drunk Korean girls. They got of the bus and one spewed everywhere (out of the bus) and then they tried to walk home and one ended up sleeping on the road out side of Mounts bay hospital so I dragged her off the road and just left her at the bus stop with her friend. I have no sympathy for people like that. I wonder if they realized how much danger they where actually in.

On the Rudd thing, Dam his Mandrin is bloody good. He studied asian studies at uni and his daughter is married to a Chinese banker. One of his sons is studding Law and Mandrin as well. Is he the closest thing Australia will ever have to a chinese PM?

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Guest ayaka_sorano

^ LOL chinese speaking prime minister!^^ Have you had ur graduation yet?

I'm so bored at home.... I only got one shift this week... Wish I got more but oh wells... Been spending the whole days playing ps2 and on the comp...

I'm not allowed to go leavers.. Parents sed it's dangerous and all.. I mean it is, but I just dun think it's fair when everyone else is going. Leavers wud've been so much fun! But oh wells.....

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Guest TrainDriver

^haha my holidays haven't been that eventful either. i've been out throughout the weeks with friends, but it still feels uneventful. where do u work???

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