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^ i'm dyinggg to go to taiwan. i'm gonna see if i manage to scrounge enough belated red packets from relatives so i can buy a ticket there :P

ok i should REALLY stop coming onto soompi. especially since i've still got exams =x

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LOL yeah what the hell Joanna, get off! LOL. nah. good luck for chinese!

eeep really? i cbf going to the beach anyways. too lazy hey, even though i live fairly close to it :x

awww taiwan next week? OMG SO QUICK! O_O

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^^ hehe i think Taiwan is kinda similar to HK just that HK shopping is heaps better and cheaper! haha

LOL yeh i've been studying all week so thought i'll just come on a bit tonight before my exam :X hahaha.

oh yeh true you live near the beach! haha. hehe yeh next week Friday! if it wasnt for our very very late graduation, i wouldve been able to go this wk T__T lol.

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Guest TrainDriver

i'm going HK in feb?? hahaha so far away, i wish it was now :( just finished my last exam, info sys. so angry, they chucked all the BS Questions as usual at us :(

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^^ YAY FINISHED! congrats! awwww, you're still a pretty good music student.. <33

ugh what a bleh day. i went to see Fred Claus, today, after exchanging my Gabriel ticket, haha. pretty funny. ;D but there's not much movies out right now.. ughhh.

so is anyone going to leavers soon? some guys pranked me last night, and to really know it was them, i heard my friend's laugh in the background. -.- nice one. i'll whack them when they come back. -.-"

^ haha you don't HAVE to drink alcohol :) my sister said we'll all get used to it, because she didn't really like the taste of alcohol, too. but now she drinks like crazy. ;O

only one and a half months for me. too scary!

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^ i wanted to watch fred claus but i've got no time to go to the movies... and hk cinemas freak me out lol

just cos you're 18 it doesn't mean you have to drink :)

alcohol is yuck anyway, and hangovers are a ajwiejaidjiwaej

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Guest TrainDriver

^i didn't go to the cinemas in HK, wats so freaky about them?? btw sixth, did u go to a sushi train in HK during happy hour??? :lol: the lines are as long as disneyland :P but much tastier than jaws imo.

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i finally finished exams today! probably the last one to >< haha

Chinese was really good =) it was pretty easy and one of the writing questions were exactly the same from last yr's exam paper xD haha

haha i've never drank alcohol before >< but i hate the smell of it!

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Guest ayaka_sorano

yeh.... I'm not that fond of drinking alcohol too... They taste kinda gross... dunno why some people like em so much... haha

graduation tomorrow! Then I have work on Friday and Saturday! Finally earning some money again... what a good feeling!^^

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omg the sushi trains i love themm haha

my cousin works at one of those places so he always manages to find me a seat so i don't need to wait in line =p

hk cinemas are freaky.. cos i hear lots of ghost stories about them lol and i absolutely hate ghosts

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Guest rain.lee.bow

omg, perth is so boring. i've been to the city like everyday this week. and seen all the possibly 'good' movies. i don't no what else to dooo. i need a job. i hope someone hires me soon!

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Guest TrainDriver

hmm i'm so bored, and the friends i usually go out with, some are leaving for hols next week. its so hot outside as well!!!! too hard to go play sport down the road in this heat. yeh, theres no movies that interest me, i just saw SAW IV on wednesday night, so no movies for me now :(

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Guest ayaka_sorano

Graduation was sooooooooooooo LONG and BORING yestreday..... The only good part were the performances..... LOL after Grad I had a sleepover at my hse... it wasnt too bad I guess but some of my frens didnt even sleep at all.....

I started Training for my job today. I guess it was ok.... But it was so long! I worked for 6.5 hours...... Now my back hurts... I'm growing old......

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