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Kim Hee Chul 김희철 [希]

Guest damifino

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^ That post right above you wasn't my translation, that was invisibobo's Chinese to English translation from the SuJu thread :)

oo.. :D but still...because of your effort to translated all heechul's cyworld entries...i..uhm maybe all of fans who is not korean can get to know him and love him more :)

thanks for sharing :)

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Guest zhenajj

oo.. :D but still...because of your effort to translated all heechul's cyworld entries...i..uhm maybe all of fans who is not korean can get to know him and love him more :)

thanks for sharing :)

Yepp!!! Thanks to Damifino I'm falling in love with Heechul again and again!!! :blush:

Heechul and Hankyung are really close :D I think Heechul kissed Hankyung the most :P


I've never paid much attention on my hair, but now liking Heechul I really think your hair style is very important :)

This is my favourite Heechul's hair style :lol:




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Guest himaori

Wa wa.....so cute.......That's why I love Hanchul........

Heechul oppa likes kissing Hankyung oppa ne......I saw once in a fanvid that showed Heechul and Hankyung oppa live together and Heechul oppa kissed Hankyung oppa.......and another one is the performance of Show me your love.........

Thanks for quoting it to us and thanks invisibobo for translating it........so love it......

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Guest damifino

I think Heechul is a very affectionate person inside, but is sort of shy (to put it nicely) or a little socially inept (to put it not so nicely LOL) so he has a hard time expressing his affection with people outside of SuJu... especially girls. Even with someone like Anya on Full House, he wanted to be friends, but all it comes out as is teasing and making fun of her. The same thing with Bin or Ayumi... he's always teasing them. I swear, sometimes he's like a 3rd grade school boy, pulling on girls' hairs to show how much he likes them LOL

I remember Heechul talking on his radio show Youngstreet about walking with the girl that he had a crush on last winter. He said he's always wanted to take off his coat and put it on the girl so he did just that. Then the girl asked him "why did you do that?" and he wanted to say that he did it so that she wouldn't feel cold, but all that would come out of his mouth was "I was getting hot so I didn't feel like wearing my jacket" even though it was freezing outside and then he felt embarrassed and awkward so he just started walking ahead of her fast LOL And another time, he hadn't spoken to that girl in awhile because she had gotten back together with her boyfriend and later when he talked to her it turned out that she had broken up with her boyfriend AND that she was sick. He told her that he wanted to talk to her so he was going to come over to her house. On the way, he stopped by the pharmacy and bought whatever he could and took it with him. She asked him what's in the bag and he wanted to say that he got some things for her because she was sick, but all he could say was that someone gave it to him so if she wanted it, she could have it LOL Of course, she knew he was lying so she looked inside and he had bought a package of bandaids in addition to the flu medicine and such. She started laughing and asked what the bandaids were for and he told her just in case she got dizzy, fell, and cut herself LOL Then he once again got embarrassed and told her he had other places to go to and left :)

I've only seen Heechul kissing Hankyung twice myself, but since I've only seen him kissing the other folks once... Yeah, I guess Heechul kissed Hankyung the most LOL

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wow...damifino...u know a lot about heechul...that's great!!.....coz due to language barrier....it's very hard for me to watch all the shows or news bout heechul....

for example Happy Shares Company show...where Heechul in it....i wish i could understand korean though...because the person who upload the clip in youtube only had chinese subtitle in it...which is make me so unlucky....

coz i cant read chinese.....even i can understand chinese :(

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Guest damifino

^ Heechul is very open about himself both on his minihompy and when he was on his radio show Youngstreet. It's very rare to see a celebrity share so much of his personal thoughts and life with his fans and be so blatantly honest about it (regardless of how he comes across to others), which is one of the many reasons I'm so fascinated by Heechul :)

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Guest StylishAzNx07

^ i love his past stories.. theyre so hilarious : ) his personality is so different from other celebrities and even regular people. lols thats why i think i like him so much

hahaha i know he makes me laugh.

his personality is sooooo honesttt ... like hilariously honest. :lol:

usually stars are really private, but he is totally bizarre.

such a cutie, heechul oppah is


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Guest damifino

Rumors are that Heechul is going to be a guest on Xman next week... not positive, but this was posted on the Xman thread...


Is that Kim Hee Chul and Choi Si Won?

I'm not sure if that's Heechul, but if it is, I'm gonna be ONE HAPPY CAMPER :)

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Guest tsubasa_haido

WoW!! I hope Xman news is real I want to see him on variety show ^^

but for his legs ... can he play the dogde ball game now??

or maybe he will skip this game....

thank you about the news Damifino ^0^

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Guest missusgabriel

Arhhh... I want to see him too... but I won't even understand what he's talking about and it'll be another long wait for subs...

And Xman is going to be very taxing since his leg is still rather fragile, isn't it!?

Aiii... pain... on both counts...

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Guest damifino

^ If Heechul appears on Xman, I'll translate his parts on here :)

Heechul updated his minihompy...


Today is 아픔 (hurt)

Winter is... like that...

It bothers my mood...


Again, I can't get the pic in his storyroom so if someone else can grab it... but it's a pic of Heechul with Hanjaeheebum :)


Thanks to ailaalliz from the SuJu thread :)

Title: I'm...

2006.12.17 23:50

not lonely....

and Euichul left Heechul another message:

어제 어찌되었나요??뛰어가려고 준비했는데..ㅋㅋ (꽃이 정의철)
which translates to

"What happened yesterday?? I was all prepared to run over there.. ㅋㅋ (Flower 2 Jung Euichul)"

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Guest zhenajj

OMG!!! It's definitely Heechul and Siwon!!! :lol: I'm dying to see next week episode of Xman!!! HEECHUL, SIWON, CHAE YEON, BRIAN, BAEK JI YOUNG, HO SO YOUNG... !!!!

Thanks Damifino so much for the information!!!

Honesty is what so special about Heechul!!! :) I couldn't be like that. I always tried to put on a mask of a person everyone wants me to be :lol: That's why I adore Heechul so so much!!! :lol:

I found it utmost hilarious and cute when he sudden changed his expression like this :lol:


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Guest eleclya111

^ If Heechul appears on Xman, I'll translate his parts on here :)

Heechul updated his minihompy...

Again, I can't get the pic in his storyroom so if someone else can grab it... but it's a pic of Heechul with Hanjaeheebum :)

That does look like Heechul on Xman...I realy hope it's him :)

I can't get the pic either but thanks for the heads up, its very cute ^_^

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Guest himaori

I think Heechul is a very affectionate person inside, but is sort of shy (to put it nicely) or a little socially inept (to put it not so nicely LOL) so he has a hard time expressing his affection with people outside of SuJu... especially girls. Even with someone like Anya on Full House, he wanted to be friends, but all it comes out as is teasing and making fun of her. The same thing with Bin or Ayumi... he's always teasing them. I swear, sometimes he's like a 3rd grade school boy, pulling on girls' hairs to show how much he likes them LOL

I remember Heechul talking on his radio show Youngstreet about walking with the girl that he had a crush on last winter. He said he's always wanted to take off his coat and put it on the girl so he did just that. Then the girl asked him "why did you do that?" and he wanted to say that he did it so that she wouldn't feel cold, but all that would come out of his mouth was "I was getting hot so I didn't feel like wearing my jacket" even though it was freezing outside and then he felt embarrassed and awkward so he just started walking ahead of her fast LOL And another time, he hadn't spoken to that girl in awhile because she had gotten back together with her boyfriend and later when he talked to her it turned out that she had broken up with her boyfriend AND that she was sick. He told her that he wanted to talk to her so he was going to come over to her house. On the way, he stopped by the pharmacy and bought whatever he could and took it with him. She asked him what's in the bag and he wanted to say that he got some things for her because she was sick, but all he could say was that someone gave it to him so if she wanted it, she could have it LOL Of course, she knew he was lying so she looked inside and he had bought a package of bandaids in addition to the flu medicine and such. She started laughing and asked what the bandaids were for and he told her just in case she got dizzy, fell, and cut herself LOL Then he once again got embarrassed and told her he had other places to go to and left :)

I've only seen Heechul kissing Hankyung twice myself, but since I've only seen him kissing the other folks once... Yeah, I guess Heechul kissed Hankyung the most LOL

So cute....so adorable......oppa's so lovely........that's why I like him more and more than before.........

Thanks damifino for sharing some info of Heechul oppa to everyone.....so appreciate......

I think heechul oppa kisses Hankyung oppa the most becoz they live together............And through all Heechul oppa's cyworld, I can see that they're very close.........that's why.......

And I really really want to see oppa in X-man........I love watching oppa in the "Of Course" game.......he's very good at teasing people......ha ha ha........

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Guest zhenajj

And I really really want to see oppa in X-man........I love watching oppa in the "Of Course" game.......he's very good at teasing people......ha ha ha........

Yepp!! Heechul's Dangyunhaji parts are my favourite!!! I've watched Heechul vs. Park Myung Soo Dangyunhaji game hundred of times already but still laughed like crazy watching it over again :lol: But we can't see him playing Of Course anymore :( I was really dissapointed that New Xman doesn't have Dangyunhaji game and Couple Selection as well :( They are my favourite parts in Xman :o

I found this 2 pictures and nearly fell from my chair while laughing :lol: Heechul was hilarious:



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Guest shronie_x3

heechul`s going to be on xman?! yayyyy

i haven`t gotten to watch the new xman yet.. =_=;; is it good?

i was kinda getting sick of the other one and stopped watching it..

oh w/e, as long as i get to see him on something

that does look like him.. the hair, style of clothing and stuff but it`s so blurry.

i can definitely tell that`s csw though.

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Guest Jassiminnie

waa..im quite sure it's him! ;) uhh..but it would have been better if it was the old Xman cos he totally ruled the dangyunhaji game! :P haha wonder what he will be performing for those mysterious judges.. :D gah,hope there's a full house part2! all of them were so cute and funny together! ^^ and i'll always fastforward to watch only his parts in rainbow romance not knowing korean :lol:

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