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Kim Hee Chul 김희철 [希]

Guest damifino

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Guest banana_milk

Kibum still uses formal language to heechul?! really? wow, i always thought he used informal language.... are you sure? I feel like i watched something where he used informal language. i guess i'm wrong!

does euichul use formal language too?

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Guest damifino

Kibum still uses formal language to heechul?! really? wow, i always thought he used informal language.... are you sure? I feel like i watched something where he used informal language. i guess i'm wrong!

does euichul use formal language too?

Oh, I'm pretty sure Kibum still does LOL And there's a specific reason for it too. When they first met a few years ago, Kibum (because Donghae used informal language to Heechul all the time) spoke to Heechul using informal language which gave Heechul a very bad first impression of Kibum. In Korea, you never speak informal language to an elder (even those that are just a year or two older) especially one that you just met. Heechul told him right away that basically, he didn't even know him and that he didn't like Kibum so to not be so familiar with him. Then Kibum went back to the states for like 6 months and then when he came back, things between them changed and they became very close (to the point where Kibum slept in Heechul's hospital room every day for weeks after Heechul's car accident), but Kibum still uses formal language to this day LOL Kangin goes half and half. He uses informal language to Heechul which puts Heechul in a bad mood and then to put him in a good mood, he starts using formal language until Heechul's in a good mood again at which time he starts speaking informal language which puts Heechul in a bad mood again and so on and so on LOL

If you watch Super Junior Full House, you'll notice that Heechul is a stickler for the guys showing respect to their elders thing which was why he was sort of getting annoyed when Kibum and Kangin were fooling around (Kibum slapping him and Kangin throwing the soccer ball at his head) to show that there is no elder/younger distinction in the English language during their introductions to Anya and Eva and also at the breakfast table, "In Western countries, it's ladies first. In Korea, it's eldest first."

And yes, Euichul uses formal language to Heechul also.

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Guest banana_milk

^oh, i know about korea and their formal/informal language stuff. I'm korean too :) i just thought that kibum spoke informally to heechul. I didn't know he was so stickler about it! whoaaaaa... HAHA, that story's funny though! i think i remember reading it on heechul's cy.

is heechul doing anything nowadays? I feel like i haven't seen him in forever

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Guest damifino

^ Nothing much but playing Lineage and posting on his minihompy LOL His leg isn't completely healed yet so he's still suffering from discomfort and pain. Hopefully, by the time SuJu's new album comes out, Heechul will be able to perform with them. He looked like he missed it so much when he was rehearsing for the MKMF awards show.


Well, I guess he has done a little something else :) So far since late October or so, Heechul...

1) filmed for a day on the Rainbow Romance set (which they spread over 3 episodes)

2) did a photoshoot with the rest of SuJu for the Super Junior calendar

3) did a CF along with the rest of SuJu for Ivy Uniforms (they filmed him from the waist up because they had Tae Kwon Do choreography)

4) appeared at the SuJu 1st anniversary party for ELF members and then stopped by at the Trax and SuJu-KRY's free concert afterwards

6) went to Kang Ho Dong's wedding along with Hankyung

7) performed at MKMF awards along with SuJu, but on platform so that he didn't have to dance, just sing

8) OH, and got a cat as a present from his fan club and so has been spending a lot of time with his cat, Hanjaeheebum :)

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Ahh~~ havent been here in ages.

His entries still has that happy vibe^^

I cant wait till he's fully healed. More activities means more eye candy.

Just hope that he wont overdo himself. XD

I kinda have an idea of that formal language thing. Most asian cultures are like that. LOL. My family follows the 'elder's first' rule.

Oh does anyone know if the SuJu calenda has been released or not? Does anyone know the date?

My 2 friends are going to Korea and he offered to get me stuff...might as well use my chance.

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Guest SeSgirl

dude i was re-watching loveholic yesterday (the dramam with kangta in it)

and i saw heechul in it!! AHAHAHA..

i didnt notice it the first time i watched it cuz i had no idea who he was..

but when i watched it last night i was like...AHHH!!!!! IT'S HEE CHUL!!!!!!!

but he's just an extra....just a very cute extra..x]

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Guest damifino

I think the calendars come out 12/12/06.

Also, while I never watched the show Loveholic, I did download the Heechul cuts LOL There wasn't much of it, but we all gotta start somewhere :) SM probably threw Heechul in there since Kangta was in the show LOL

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Guest himaori

Hi there.....I'm a newbie here.....Heechul oppa is my favourite one in Suju...........

I read all 50 pages here and love oppa's cyworld alot.......

Really appreaciate damifino a lot for translating all his cyworld.........I love his entry about Hankyung oppa.......so cute.......

Nice to meet u all here.......I really wanna know more about Heechul oppa........

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Guest damifino

Oops, forgot to post this here from a couple of days ago!

I don't usually translate Heechul's posts about Lineage since most of the time I have no idea what he's talking about since computer game lingo is like greek to me LOL, but this was cute so...


Title: 혈 모 임 (Lineage/Clan Meeting)

2006.12.08 01:00

Heck . .

at first I started playing the game just for fun . .

but now I've become one lineage/clan (group)'s sovereign ruler (leader)

I generally try really hard never to take on the leadership role ㅡㅡㆀ

Will RellaFlower be able to lead them well from now on?

I will accept responses via ARS

If yes, push 1

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on your phone keypad

Hmmm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

because now the lineage/clan is big, I can make my eye mark a lot bigger

LOL ! !

That's why I'm writing this

Our talented Petals

Please make me a mark of my lovely and bright eye

one that is width 24 X height 12

Like the eye I have in front of my ID right now, one that is round and shining

hee hee ~ ♡

I request it yodelly (he said it using satoori by ending it with "Q" sound) ~ Asa Suzie Q ~ uh yeah ~ ㅋ

DO NOT take out of this thread without permission by Damifino. Translated from Korean to English by Damifino@Soompi.

ETA Yay Heechul's thread's 1000th post!!!

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I think the calendars come out 12/12/06.

Thanks^^...now my friend has no reason to not get my that calenda.

YAY we reached page 50. I've just realized that.

Wow...we hit hte 1000 mark. That's great!!!!

YAY!!! HI himaori, welcome to this thread.

I'm glad that you decided to join us. Stick around and learn more.

Kim HeeChul is love isnt he?

LOL...in that game picture...there's more female characters.

He seems pretty excited about it.

I dont see many people who would talk about games.

I was going to get Loveholic because of KangTa...but I lost my interest since Korean dramas are sadly, so predictable.

Hmmm...by the way...this is random...but what colour hair does HeeChul have in Loveholic?

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Guest damifino

I was going to get Loveholic because of KangTa...but I lost my interest since Korean dramas are sadly, so predictable.

Hmmm...by the way...this is random...but what colour hair does HeeChul have in Loveholic?

Yeah, I have little patience for Kdramas... so melodramatic and sappy. I did recently watch Rude Women, which had its moments of the melodramatic, but enjoyable nonetheless, but of all the Kdramas I saw I think I like "Bad Family" best. Most Kdrama characters are so infuriating and annoying that I want to throw a shoe at the computer screen and that was the first drama where I actually liked everyone, very rare for a Kdrama for me.

Heechul had long red hair in a ponytail in Loveholic.

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Guest himaori

My country's channel is now broadcasting Loveholic.......I really dun want to watch it becoz i heard the storyline is so sad......I dun want to watch sad drama......However, all of u said that Heechul oppa was there........I want to try it.......but cannot get up early in the morning becoz the broadcasting schedule of Loveholic is 6am in the morning........I cannot get up such early morning like that.....*sob sob*...........I'm so curious about Heechul oppa's hairstyle in this drama.......

There is one more thing i wanna ask u guys here........Niniji2 and Lineage are different???? So sorry, I dun know anything about computer games at all.........

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Guest damifino

^ If you are going to watch "Loveholic" JUST to see Heechul? I wouldn't bother. He's maybe in it for a total of 5 minutes MAX, if that, during the entire 16 episodes. He doesn't have any speaking parts, all you'll see is him walking by and handling food or a broom LOL (He plays an assistant chef).

There is Lineage and Lineage 2. Niniji is just Heechul's fun way of saying Lineage since Lineage is pronounced Liniji in Korean :) Don't worry, I don't know anything about computer games either LOL

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Guest himaori

Oh, really??? Ha ha ha......So funny.....Heechul oppa is really creative in making fun........

So Heechul oppa only appeared in loveholic for 5 minutes...........hence, I will give up getting early..........he he he......I just watched Bad family and I love ep 15 when Heechul oppa danced......it's super funny....I love it so much........

I can say that only Heechul oppa has a nice white/yellow hair.........he looks cool in that hair especially when he played piano and sang a romantic song.......so love it............

Anyway, thanks a lot ne damifino for ur explanation.........

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Guest damifino

From the SuJu thread...

This is the Ivy Uniform CF that Heechul filmed with SuJu.

everyone~ go to http://www.ivyclub.com/

wait for the video to load and you guys and see their ivy club CF<3

it's so cute lol. they're like 'HA!' 'HEU!' 'HA!' (i'mweirdyea)

btw, i forgot to mention this in my previous post:


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Guest zhenajj

I love BAD FAMILY!!! The drama was so touching!!! It's also hilarious --> it made me cry and laugh constantly!!! :wub:

Thanks Damifino for the translation!!! I love Heechul's cyworld!!! It's really amazing that his posts are so bright and hilarious :lol: My blog is always full of complaints and depression about my study and everyday life :o

I watched some Heechul's cuts from Rainbow Romance, laughed like crazy watching these parts:

[1] Heechul choking (AVI about 4MB):



[2] Heechul jumping on the old man *poor old man* :lol:


[3] Heechul and Kibum dancing to Kim Jong Kook song (AVI about 3.5MB):



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