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Kim Hee Chul 김희철 [希]

Guest damifino

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Guest damifino

Jung Euichul, Heechul's co-star and friend from "Rainbow Romance" wrote "많이걱정했는데 통화해서 한결나아졌어요 금방 날라갈께요^^ (꽃이 정의철)" on Heechul's website which translates to "I was so worried, but after talking to you on the phone, I feel much better. I'll fly over there in a hurry."

I guess Heechul is feeling better if he is able to talk to friends over the phone and all.

Someone wrote on the SuJu thread that Yuri from Girlfriends is also planning on visiting him. Apparently, Heechul and Yuri were supposed to be partners on a game show called "Happy Together Friends" that was filming today, but since Heechul couldn't make it, she canceled too and decided to go visit Heechul instead.

I remember Heechul was taunting Yuri with juice since he knew she couldn't have it when she was a contestant on "Happy Shares Company." He gave her a bite of cake that he had been eating and asked

Heechul: It (the fork) has already been in my mouth, is that ok?

Yuri: It's fine.

Heechul: Of course, I'm sure you'd like it.

Yuri: (curious) Where do get your confidence?

Heechul: My face!

(both laugh)

Heechul: It was a joke.

PD: Heechul made us all laugh like this when he was a contestant too.

Yuri: Oh, really?

Heechul: Hold on, it's not like I was born ugly. I've always lived my life being grateful to my parents for being born like this.

On the screen they wrote "Heechul's undiminishing Prince disease" LOL

Yuri: Do Heechul and I look around the same age? (posing next to Heechul)

Heechul: She doesn't seem like a noona. She seems more like a comfortable aunt.

Yuri: (talking to someone off camera) What am I supposed to do, he says I'm like his aunt!

He's so hilarious. They were on the show "Learn Word" together when she was filming "Happy Shares Company." Also, they were on Love Letter together. I remember laughing really hard when she chose him as her partner after being rejected by Tim during that word game and he rejected her for putting too much pressure on him to choose her.

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Guest o__xmonii

love him

hes so funny in full house

he always insults anya but then says no no just joking! haha so cute =)

i think hes cute w/ fob glasses

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shir0-chan ooh i hope you feel better too ^^

Also what damifino said at the end there yea i know what you mean the love letter episode with heechul, hankyung, and siwon and she picked tim and than got rejected than picked heechul than got rejected than picked jong min and noone objected lol.

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Also what damifino said at the end there yea i know what you mean the love letter episode with heechul, hankyung, and siwon and she picked tim and than got rejected than picked heechul than got rejected than picked jong min and noone objected lol.

LOL Yeahz I recently watched that love letter episode.

It was sooo funny.

HeeChul rejected Yuri, LOL, and he ended up with that other girl.

LOL, its just too funny when they played the couple's game.

He cared more about his 'hairstyle'. LOL I was literally rolling on the floor.

But in the end...LOL he was sooo funny and was all 'stuck up' with Ayumi. Hahaha, I just love this guy. He's too cute.

I gota say, he has nice eyebrows.

He looks extra cute with his hair swept back like in that love letter episode. <3

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Guest damifino

It seems Heechul was hurt more badly than we thought :(

Here's a translation of Kim Heejin's diary entries concerning Heechul (I think she's his older sister or a older sister like friend of the family someone confirmed that she's his sister) :

2006.08.10 (2006.08.13 13:03)

At 12:10 am, I received a call saying that he was going to Mokpo since his work schedule had ended for the day. He insisted that he had to go so I couldn't prevent him from going. Then the next day, I had a strange feeling. While I was at school, dad called. Because it was during class, I couldn't answer the phone. It was strange that he would call in the morning so I called him back and found out that Heechul was in a car accident and that he was hurt badly. At that moment, I thought I was going to go crazy. My hands shook and tears came flowing. I couldn't continue with my class. I took a taxi and rushed to the hospital. His thigh bone was broken and his ankle was fractured. After taking a CT scan, he returned to his hospital room. As soon as I saw Heechul, tears started flowing. He said, why are you crying like an idiot... idiot, you are crying too. I was filled with sorrow. What are we going to do? He has to be in this condition for around 3 months. In order to return to normal, it would take 6 months if he heals fast and up to a year if he doesn't. My heart ached immensely.

He went into surgery at 8:30 pm and it ended at 1:30 am. By the time he left the operating room and returned to his hospital room, it was around 3 am. My heart ached so much. I cried like crazy so my eyes turned puffy and red. I could barely speak.

2006.08.11 (2006.08.13 13:08)

I couldn't sleep that night. Sleep just wouldn't come. Seeing Kibum cry so much made my heart ache even more. Then the morning came. His tongue required stitches so he was only able to eat a spoonful of Jook (rice porridge). Parents stayed with him while I went back to school. After school ended, I returned to take care of Heechul and parents went back to the house. He wasn't able to eat much and due to the medication, all he was able to do was sleep.

2006.08.12 (2006.08.13 13:12)

I washed his face and brushed his teeth. He seems like he's coming back to life. Watching him laying there, being unable to move... sweat on his back... now he's even watching TV. Parents came so I returned home. I'll take care of him again once I'm done with school. Us... we need be strong!

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Guest mintiful

^^ makes me wanna cry!!

i thought his injuries wasnt that serious from reading the other news

and this made me so sad.. :(

hope he fully recovers soon!


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His thigh bone was broken and his ankle was fractured.

He has to be in this condition for around 3 months. In order to return to normal, it would take 6 months if he heals fast and up to a year if he doesn't.

His tongue required stitches so he was only able to eat a spoonful of Jook (rice porridge). He wasn't able to eat much and due to the medication, all he was able to do was sleep.

Just seeing this makes me cry... I hope he recovers soon. Im gonna miss him so much.

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O_O really?...but in full house his english doesn't seem that strong -____-...


I hope he gets better soon >_<. It seems that a lot of depressing events have been surrounding super junior lately (with donghae's dad and heechul's accident and all).


i remember when i dislocated my knee it took me 5 months to fully heal (and my knee is still a little on the bad side)... so i really hope he does better than me..


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Guest damifino

I was just on Heechul's homepage and the background was changed so I went to various places to see if Heechul posted and there was a message from Heechul's friend who is posting using Heechul's username. The message is as follows:

"Just in case anyone is surprised, I'm Heechul's friend. I'm posting on his behalf. For a while, Heechul won't be able to update his cyworld and he asked me to take care of the background skin in case it disappears. I will relate to Heechul all of your kind sentiments. I'm leaving with a sense of warmth from you."

Under the circumstances, Heechul must be feeling better if he's worried about his webpage :)

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*faints* *cries* OMGOSH...that is tooo much. I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS.

One of the first few articles about his accident made it sound as if though it was only light injuries.

What is this? Everything sounded so painful. *cries*

Okay...well atleast he felt better.

Its sooo cool how he updates his site often.

And its sooo sweet of him to get a friend to help out with his updates. <3

Ahhhh...I cant believe he was in sucha condition *sighs*.

Its must be bad...6 months of healing...that's sucha long time.

Omgosh..and KiBumie cried too.

Ah this is too much. >_______________<

Okay I know this is kinda random since the set mood right now is sad/depressed for HeeChul but I cant help myself.

Remembered how we were talking about HeeChul's hair?

I just remmebered the Cinderella hairstyle. <3

I noticed how pretty it is when its straight...<3

I might get it. <3

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Guest miyawoks

It seems Heechul was hurt more badly than we thought :(

Here's a translation of Kim Heejin's diary entries concerning Heechul (I think she's his older sister or a older sister like friend of the family someone confirmed that she's his sister) :

2006.08.10 (2006.08.13 13:03)

At 12:10 am, I received a call saying that he was going to Mokpo since his work schedule had ended for the day. He insisted that he had to go so I couldn't prevent him from going. Then the next day, I had a strange feeling. While I was at school, dad called. Because it was during class, I couldn't answer the phone. It was strange that he would call in the morning so I called him back and found out that Heechul was in a car accident and that he was hurt badly. At that moment, I thought I was going to go crazy. My hands shook and tears came flowing. I couldn't continue with my class. I took a taxi and rushed to the hospital. His thigh bone was broken and his ankle was fractured. After taking a CT scan, he returned to his hospital room. As soon as I saw Heechul, tears started flowing. He said, why are you crying like an idiot... idiot, you are crying too. I was filled with sorrow. What are we going to do? He has to be in this condition for around 3 months. In order to return to normal, it would take 6 months if he heals fast and up to a year if he doesn't. My heart ached immensely.

He went into surgery at 8:30 pm and it ended at 1:30 am. By the time he left the operating room and returned to his hospital room, it was around 3 am. My heart ached so much. I cried like crazy so my eyes turned puffy and red. I could barely speak.

2006.08.11 (2006.08.13 13:08)

I couldn't sleep that night. Sleep just wouldn't come. Seeing Kibum cry so much made my heart ache even more. Then the morning came. His tongue required stitches so he was only able to eat a spoonful of Jook (rice porridge). Parents stayed with him while I went back to school. After school ended, I returned to take care of Heechul and parents went back to the house. He wasn't able to eat much and due to the medication, all he was able to do was sleep.

2006.08.12 (2006.08.13 13:12)

I washed his face and brushed his teeth. He seems like he's coming back to life. Watching him laying there, being unable to move... sweat on his back... now he's even watching TV. Parents came so I returned home. I'll take care of him again once I'm done with school. Us... we need be strong!

whoa... that's so sad....

and kibum is really close to heechul huh???

i hope heechul recovers quickly...

though his injuries are quite great...

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Guest inquinn

i think kibum's close to heechul since they're both involved in rainbow romance

and heechul being the silly one in the group, his absence must b greatly felt in d group

yahh just when i started liking heechul he has to rest for few months


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Guest damifino

Kibum and Heechul, along with HanKyung from Super Junior are roommates. They live in the same dorm in addition to working together through Super Junior, Banolim 2, and Rainbow Romance. Also, Heechul said that within Super Junior, he's closest to Kibum.

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Guest damifino

More news about Heechul!

So here's a translation of Heechul on Noh Hongchul's radio show with Trax as guests on 8/15/06. I'm so relieved that Heechul seems to be in good spirits. His physical well being is important, but so is his mental well-being. It will make him heal faster.

NH = Noh Hongchul

HC = Heechul

Trax = I couldn't make out who was who so any time one of them speaks, I just put Trax.

NH: So our Heechul isn't feeling too well these days because he was in a car accident. Is he doing ok?

Trax: We went to visit him at the hospital a little while ago. He has improved a lot and is talking a lot. It's a relief because his surgery went well.

NH: The thing is, if you take a break from entertaining/broadcasting, you sort of lose your sense of timing so should we give him a call? We'll give him a call. Hello?

HC: Hello [everyone laughs]

NH: How are you?

Trax: How are you, Kim Heechul? Heechuls

HC: Yes, how are you, Trax, Hongchul hyung, and audience, this is Kim Heechul.

Trax: Hyung, did you eat, hyung?

HC: Yeah, I ate. [he sounds a bit groggy to me, but that isn't too surprising under the circumstances]

NH: Where are you right now?

HC: Right now, I'm laid out in the hospital.

NH: Even though there were articles regarding your hospital stay, there's so many people who are still worried about you.

HC: Hongchul hyung, what is this? You didn't even come to see me. Every day you say you are going to come, but all you do is lie. [jokingly]

NH: [laughs] No, it's just that... what do you mean lie? [everyone laughs] It's just that when the radio show ends, it's late at night and visiting hours are over. How is your body feeling these days?

HC: Right now, it isn't like it was in the beginning. I'm feeling much better.

NH: Yes.

HC: Now, I can laugh a lot, I can talk... so please don't worry too much about me.

NH: Wait, when I called you yesterday, you were able to talk fine. When I called you the day before that, you were also able to talk fine, no? [everyone laughs]

Trax: He always talks a lot.

NH: I think you're trying to apeal to the fans a little more.

HC: Then what am I supposed to say on here? I'm hurting so much I feel like I'm going to die? That wouldn't give a right impression in this atmosphere. [everyone laughs]

NH: As always, you're a lot of fun. Our Trax friends said they visited you at the hospital, how is it?

HC: I'm extremely grateful.

NH: Do you have a lot of visitors?

HC: Yes, I'm extremely grateful to the Trax kids...

NH: Kids...

HC: To our SJ members in addition to many people I'm grateful, family, relatives, manager hyungs, our Kibum who comes every day even with his busy schedule

NH & Trax: Ah, that's great.

HC: He waits with me, sleeps here even though it must be uncomfortable. I'm extremely grateful.

NH: Yes.

HC: In addition, JaeYoung... Heebon, I'm extremely grateful to her. I'm extremely grateful to everyone really.

NH: That's it, it's times like this that shows you the value of our friends, isn't it?

HC: Yes, I'm also extremely grateful to those fans who have continuously worried for me.

NH: Let's use this opportunity to say a word to our fans.

HC: I can't go outside the hospital so stay at home and listen to your parents and work hard at the things that you have to do. Even if you come to the hospital, you won't be able to see me so don't wear yourselves out staying until real late. In addition, really, Hongchul hyung and everyone else, always wear your seatbelt.

NH: Ah, yes.

HC: If I hadn't worn my seatbelt, I would have died. [laughs]

NH: No, that wouldn't have been good.

HC: That's why [it sounded like he groaned sad.gif]

NH: That's right, safety is always most important. Heechul having been in a car accident, we always have to wear our seatbelts.

HC: Really. Also, really... can I say something else?

NH: Yes, we'll talk a little more, but Trax, our main guests,who haven't come on the show in a long time [everyone laughs]...

HC: Then I won't say it.

NH: Their expressions are fading, even if you guys are all really close [still laughing]

HC: I can say it later when I see you.

NH: That's fine. Heechul, take care of yourself.

Trax: Heechul, go to sleep early.

HC: It's ok, whatever. Hyung, you are a betrayer [everyone laughs].

NH: No, it's not that I...

HC: Every day you commit a betrayal.

Trax: I think Heechul's very upset with you, Hongchul hyung. From awhile back, he's been talking about you.

NH: [laughs] Is that so? I'll visit soon.

HC: Yes, hyung.

NH: Fighting!

HC: Yes, bye bye

Trax: Sleep well, we'll come tomorrow. Hyung, see you tomorrow.

HC: Yeah


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Guest damifino

New entry in Heechul's sister Heejin's diary:

I see that my diary entry has been uploaded in a lot of places. For the mean time, I won't be writing in my diary. Please show lots of support for Heechul.

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Guest miyawoks

i think kibum's close to heechul since they're both involved in rainbow romance

and heechul being the silly one in the group, his absence must b greatly felt in d group

yahh just when i started liking heechul he has to rest for few months


consideting how adorably weird he is, i wonder why not so many people are in this topic??? this thread should have reached 100 pages by now :P

anyway, yeah they seem really close. i mean with what damifano translated (thanks for the trax radio show translation!!), kibum visits heechul everyday... i mean, that is really dedication!!! he must love his hyung very much!!!

haha nice to meet all of you guys... haven't really introduced myself properly to you... i'm miyawoks and i hope you all help me in my quest for pure heechulness :)

thanks thanks for all the info you guys share... :)

the suju thread is too looooooong for me to backread, so this is actually the only place where i can get super updated :)

thanks thanks again!!

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