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Han Hyo Joo 한효주 - [FIN: Happiness (2021) || NEXT: ThePirates: Goblin Flag (Jan 2022)]


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Guest IHeartHimxD

LOL! now you mention it.. OHH.. i didnt JJ's photo was there i was to focus on HHJ :P

that it VERY FUNNY pic! i wonder if there software to make baby photo! lol combination of HHJ AND JJ!

Heaven's pair have Heaven baby!

BTW, thx, man~

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There's video footage of HHJ rehearsing for the opening dance sequence for MNet 20s Choice Awards!!(I think, it could be for a CF haha)

Okay, so while I'm watching this.. she keeps doing this dance move with her hands in that camera shot pose with the rectangle. Don't know if I make any sense, lol. But anyways.. this could be the CF for the Samsung VLUU ST550.

Currently downloading so you guys will have to wait a bit :P

Keke HHJ dancing is so LOL. She's just too tall, skinny and lanky to dance!!

Haha she keeps laughing too~ XD


From last year~





EDIT: Yup!! It's for Samsung VLUU~~

And holy crap, the final product is amazinggg!!! SO HOTTT !!

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Here it is!!

AHHHH~~ The girl can turn on the sexy charm anytime she wants D8 lol

Who would've thought the girl in the dance rehearsals is the same girl for the CF!!

Really really surprised Hyojoo unnie!! But I still LOL at the rehearsing XD The dork side of her transforms into a sexy diva~

She really did a great job :lol:

Damn it, now we gotta wait for the CF T_T lol

Such a tease~~

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Guest yongwonhi

on this page so far, everyone's avatar is HHJ. LOL


^ pooo, can't watch it... hahaha. it's so hard imagine HHJ dancing sexy though, she seems more like the cute person. xD but in photoshoots she can definitely bring out that sexy side :P LOL

anyway, random HHJ story,

so my mom is obsessed with korean dramas (HAHA), and...

today i saw a dvd of brilliant legacy (in china. bootleg probably since the drama is so new lol)...

me: have you seen spring waltz? it's the same girl!

mom: ohh that girl! she's pretty cute.

me: yes!!!

mom: is she natural?

me: yup!

mom: ohh she's pretty...

hehe my mom likes HHJ! xD ok that was really random lol but she usually criticizes a lot so i was :) when she said HHJ was pretty

IHeartHimxD: omg. your signature. HAHAHA :P

sanderella: I HOPE SHE DOESNT HAVE mushroom cut either!!!! for mnet 20's choice, that is. or forever. LOL

haha yeah i don't know why they keep cutting it... they should just let it grow outttt.

maybe HHJ was tired of her old hair and wants to keep this new hairstyle for a while? haha

lydia, u guys can call me sue or itic i'm fine with either haha i would die with u if wooyoung+HHJ are the MCs

we can all get overly excited when HHJ interacts with any idol during mnet 20 choice :D

suee! haha pretty name ^^

or maybe HHJ will be the female star that 2PM will charm. PUAHAHA i wish T_T lol

oh well, in any case i'm sure mnet 20's choice will be awesome ;P now i'm curious what HHJ will be wearing and what her hair will be like! i'm hoping she's going to ... not have mushroom hair :( i wish she would wear extensions all the time HAHA oh man it sounds like i hate her hair.. (but i don't!)

cindyyyyy!!! keke your name is pretty too xD

sorry i didn't quote your post this time ^^ and HAHA it's okay, writing lots = lots to say/spazz about HHJ (or other related things. LOL)!!

omggg yeah it's pretty stuffy here... but it's almost september so it's not toooo bad. it's raining though... humidity + rain = EW lol. yeah i tried using a proxy site but it was too slow, so i'm sticking with tudou. xD thanks for the link! hehe any 2PM-HHJ makes me :)

omgg, CF with 2PM... i can already imagine it in my head HAHAHA. or even a photoshoot... omg seriously, Jay's topless body + HHJ = ALJFLJSKJDKJF no words *dies*

but it's okay if it doesn't happen... i'll just keep wishing :( and when heavan's postman comes out, we can all spazz about her there. HEHE.

i like HHJ's height, actually.. but yeah unfortunately a lot of hot guys are shorter than her T_T yes omg YB *drools* LOL.. but it's okay, there's HyoJae!! HAHA. actually, LSG's height is good for her! lol

LOL it's okay, i think my friends think i'm crazy too... i'll be like omg she's so pretty *shows a picture* and my friends are just kinda like... yes.. lol.. >< i can't help it HAHA. i'll just spazz about HHJ here instead ^^

HHJ's antifans = jealous people. :( her personality is so likable! and shes so pretty... they must be jealous! lol T__T but seriously, anticlub on crunchyroll? that's pretty intense... :/ it's okay, forget the antifans! :P

lol i was always wondering if HHJ's hair was permed like that, or did she have to wake up every morning to style it? it's the type of wavy that i looovee but i can never figure out how to get... cuz normally when you perm your hair it doesn't turn out like that, right? T_T

omg her hair in earlier eps of BL... lol no comment... but it is getting better. :)

i think she should try to straighten her hair, the perm with the short hair looks kinda weird too. but it's okay, whatever makes her happy :P i wonder if she chooses the hairstyle or her stylist.. lol

HHJ with platinum blonde hair... dang that'd be interesting. i wanna try photoshopping that one day and see what it looks like. when i have my computer i'll do it! ahaha i'll post it :P

omg LOL twirling her hair in the jambangee photoshoots... she should just keep the extensions then! :P that would make quite a few people in this thread happy HAHA

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Quick update!

(I don't think the Jambangee website likes me or my Mac very much T_T)





Man, Jambangee kind of goes too crazy on the Photoshop @_@


I. Can't. Stop. Watching. The. Preview. Of. The. Samsung. CF. :ph34r:

I feel like a damn pervert because I keep rewinding and playing, rewind and play TT-TT

Omgsh, I'm a girl and I'm turning lesbo for HHJ LOL I can only imagine how all the guys in Korea are feeling right now after that preview :o haha

I really love this new HHJ XD haha So much confidence! Urghh! Confidence is always sexy :P

*sighs, time for me to sleep now~

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She's got very nice nicknames, "impression girl" and "assertive woman"...it's like close to the ideal.

And yeah her NG's always make me laugh. But I think she didn't really gain weight (although it's no problem if she did) because in the samsung dance rehearsal, she still looks the same.

And congratulations to Jambangee for the expansion...but I kinda wonder if the jeans would also look good on people with shorter legs than HHJ (like me, haha). And I will never get tired of saying I like their photoshoots (with HHJ). They're really gorgeous!

Lol at the JJ-HHJ lookalike poll. When I saw JJ's face in the bigger photo, at first, I actually thought it was HHJ for like 5 microseconds, then I blinked and saw it was JJ! So maybe if I join the poll I will belong to that 95%. :lol:

I seriously, seriously really like the look of that samsung camera. I wonder if I have the urge to not buy it once the CF is out, haha. But I was just thinking a month ago of buying a camera and now this. But really, the dorky girl in the rehearsal is the same girl as that sexy girl in the CF? Oh my, HHJ you keep surprising me. And I actually like her hair during rehearsals especially the straight one were she just kept it as it is (at 1:28). And, at 1:47-1:49, I'm not sure if her male dance instructor is checking her moves or just plain checking her out coz, he was looking at her from afar, haha.

IHeartHimxD, your siggie, haha... :lol:

saw this link to jambangee photoshoot


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gahhh!! harmony u shouldn't have mention about the boys charming a female star !!

now my hopes are like soo high and if it isn't her i will be crushed !! LOL

but i hope its her, i hope its her

lol prepare yourselves for my spazzing if it happens haha

u guys can spazz with me ^^

and she got worst dressed?

how can she get worst dressed in that dress, she looked sexy ~

i thought she won best dressed one time >.>

well i just hope she doesn't wear something that would make us go "WTF"

i remember she wore that black&white dress to the 2007kbs awards...

it was so short and so high up, the photographer basically got a flash of her underwear ><

plus the design of that dress wasn't so great either..

ooh and the dance rehearsal..

lol i couldn't watch the whole video, it's just not her

i think she's too confident in being sexy this year x[

in photoshoots, she's super sexy

but i prefer her not to dance sexy heh..

i like her being humble better x]

lol and lydia, i think i'm gonna be the first that doesn't have HHJ as my avatar on this page xP

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Aww, you should've watched the dance rehearsal video to the end.. Lol

It's like a totally different girl from the rehearsals :P

I'm pleasantly surprised that she pulled off the sexy dance so well in the CF though :]

When I was watching it I could totally see HHJ being some a member from an idol girl group haha.

I like that she's exploring all these looks through CFs and photoshoots. It shows that she can do versatility and make it believable. I like the sexy HHJ XD lol. The pretty and cute thing is getting old... She's been pulling off that look since she debuted in 2005, so it's about time we see a new her ^^

Man, you killed it!! It should've been HHJ icons D8 haha Change Nichkhun!! LOL jk <3

And I'm sorry about getting you all excited about the 2PM charming a female star ordeal lol

I have a feeling it's going to be a singer though, it's like.. never an actress. But I could be wrong.. HHJ's like one of the [i[iT girls this year.

We'll just have to wait and see who it is :P lol

And yeah, she got worst dressed for that black number but got best dressed for the white mini-mini dress that she wore for the Golden Disc Awards. Unbelievable, I know. lol

And I don't recall the black and white dress being that short... Definitely not as short as the white one, haha.

kozuesan: Yup! I really like her nicknames :]

But I like the Good Impression girl more than Assertive girl haha. It sounds better in Korean :P

Yeah.. but her face does look rounder in the Nongshim CF though XD

Our girl is a workaholic.. She needs a long rest. I hope she doesn't suffer from overexposure like with Lee Minho T_T That's the last thing I want :(

I want to buy the Samsung camera so badly, but I recently bought a new camera already so T_T damn it. lol

HHJ is surprising everyone with all the looks that she can pull off :P First the fierce diva model side of her in Vogue and now this sexy dancing goddess! haha I like that she's willing to shed that innocent image of hers because frankly, I'm getting tired of it T_T There are too many other female actresses that pull off the same look but they can't pull off being sexy, androgynous, and elegant. She's young and at the height of her popularity so why shouldn't she be exploring her sexuality and her appearance overall.

Haha I think that guy was just looking at her moves LOL. She wasn't that pretty during the rehearsals :P All sweaty and scrawny looking hahaha.

And I'm learning to appreciate the short hair on her now because so many people keep saying they want the HHJ with the long hair back and that makes me sad :( I used to be one of those people too but.. now, I feel differently. She's the same girl you guys!! Just because she isn't looking her best, people are still saying she's gorgeous! And it's not like we're completely deprived from seeing her with long hair.. we have Jambangee, VIKI, and Samsung to show us the long locks~

lydiaaaa~~: I like saying your name haha

LOL at you and your mama XD Yay that your mom likes HHJ though :D

My mom thinks she's pretty too~ lol And that she looks young for her age. I once showed her a picture of HHJ with long black hair, and told her her age, and my mom said that she looked old for her age. So the short hair makes HHJ look young XD

Awww, how much longer will you be staying in China? Are you having fun there at least? haha :D

Seriously, any HHJ/hotguy makes me spazz like no tomorrow >< haha

The spazzing is especially worse when the guy is someone I like XD haha

*sighs Jay why must you be so short?! A Jay/HHJ photoshoot would be hot no doubt about that.. And a Nichkhun/HHJ one would be full of beautifull-ness! And a Taec/HHJ one would be full of sexy tall genes XD LOL

You get the idea XD

And yeah.. I feel bad that HHJ got the most heat from fans compared to Ara and LYH because of Heaven's Postman... I think it's cause she was the first one out of the 3 of the girls so she got the most backlash, and she has the least exposure than the other two because she's not from SM and has never had any type of interactions with any of DBSK guys.. Also, I think JJ has the most fans >.> lol

Oh wells.. haha HHJ's the best for me!! :D Haters to the LEFTT!!! HHJ is here to stay!! <3 lol I really think she's going to become the next SHK though~ The SHK of her generation.. People already mistaken them @_@ lol

And the perm that HHJ had in Spring Waltz and NN5 is called a digital perm~ It's super pretty!! You can google it to see how it looks like :D I want one but so expensive -.-'

I think HHJ should just leave her hair alone right now cause the more she straightens it or whatever, the more damage it'll cause which means it's harder to have pretty long hair~

I so think HHJ could rock platinum blonde hair! She was able to rock bright yellow hair in BL! haha

IHeartHimxD: LOLL your signature XD


And there aren't that many HHJ/LJK photos (they didn't have much interactions during Iljimae :().. but I'll try finding some for you ^^

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Picture with a couple of fans during BL filming

Taken on 7/15

It's ginormous so I put it in a thumbnail, just click on it to see the full size ^^''


EDIT: Urgh, HHJ's Daum Cafe keeps changing layouts T_T

It's confusing me!

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ughh, been so busy. no HHj Time D:

but, AWESOME GREAT UPDATES! they make me pretty happy ;)

& the pics, avatars! &the old pics of her long hair, makes me feel so :)

JJ resembles HHJ in my opinion :lol:

[lol, see: so&so looks like HHJ, not HHJ looks like so&so]

I sense on-coming anti's O:

Was gonna get a mac Bashful , but then parents said it was expensive.

I dunno what laptop to get now.

Leaning towards HP I think.

But it sounds like mac isnt that great according to you.

You've given me hope o: lol idunnowhatI'mtalkingabout

I'll come back some day! I Promise! D:

P.S. typed this post 3 times already. <_< Stoopid internet failure & then forums stopped working. say whuuut.

Edit: Oh did I mention; JAMBANGEE STORE IN NY?! O:

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Oh no!! No, I love my Mac haha, it's just that because a lot of Korean sites require Windows applications (that are .exe files, but Mac files are .dmg), I can't get HHJ material as easily as before, lol. Macs are so great that I won't ever go back to using a PC >< haha. But if Macs are too expensive, HP or Toshiba are good laptop choices.

And I don't know what you're talking about either >< haha

Ahh.. How weird would that be if a couple looked like each other @_@ lol.

Han Hyo Joo and Chung Lim for Jambangee

Han Hyo Joo and Chung Lim for Jambangee clothing company.

I love the styling of the clothings in this photoshoot. Simple but yet stylish for Fall / Winter!

And I’m totally in love with Han Hyo Joo’s beautiful curls and her hats!


My favorite look! The bowler hat really brings the whole look together.


Checkered prints are real hot this season!


source: http://kokokoreano.com/2009/08/25/han-hyo-...-for-jambangee/

Han Hyo-joo, is that you?

Believe what you see because she is the real deal.

Han Hyo-joo brings it when she is in front of the camera, transforming from her usual sweet and innocent look to sleek and modern.

You can see Han Hyo-joo bring sexy to the table in the September issue of Vogue Korea.

source: http://popseoul.com/2009/08/24/han-hyo-joo-is-that-you/

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HHJ as the new representative for Samsung at the press conference going on today :)


























She crimped one side of her hair :lol:

I like her blazer, the cut of it is quite interesting~

But it's too big on her haha


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Guest allanpuge23

Hi All..,

Wow there's so many update...be long time since i visit this...

wow HHJ is getting bigger...nice for her but am i the one who's not loving her new image...well im not hating that i just missing the old HHJ(the one i use to see in NS5,Amahae etc... may this image is only because of the CF's...


i just read one of your post about being lesbian because of HHJ... i just notice it to :D

well i think with 3 days to go and her leading GHS with almost 82k votes... i think HHJ got this one... congrats

and lastly i wish after all this cf's she will have a month vacation....

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