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Han Hyo Joo 한효주 - [FIN: Happiness (2021) || NEXT: ThePirates: Goblin Flag (Jan 2022)]


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haha harmony u got my hopes up then when u said it hasn't been confirmed yet i was a bit disappointed

i really hope she says yes

which means she gets to see each star face to face hehe

coughs2pm&sujucoughs :D

maybe she will shake their hands ^^

lol fangirl moment..

usually there would also be a male mc along with a female right?

i hope its a singer

actress+singer x]

but i find that most of the time the male is an actual mc like someone who is an mc for a living..

oh well i will just think of the moment when she shakes hands with the hot ppl ^^

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itic: T_T

Sorryyyy lol. I got my hopes up too T_T

Articles are saying she's a likely candidate though, so we'll have to wait and see what happens :\

If she does become the MC, this will be her first time MCing again since she quit Inki Gayo in 2006 :D

It's been so long.. lol.

Netizens are really excited about her possibility of being the MC though.

And yes! If she's the MC, that means she gets to interact with all the celebrities there XD

Also, she'll be changing outfits all the time :D I really really hope she becomes the MC! T_T

And usually there is a male MC alongside a female MC, but the articles are saying she's going to be the sole MC for the award show. Last year's awards had Jang Geun Suk as the MC and he had an opening dance performance!

Really curious about what HHJ will bring to the table this year :o


Unseen oldish photo judging from the hair.. Probably early this year after HP was done filming.

It's from an interview she had or something.


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yeah, I haven't watched those episodes in a while. Lol, too bad they canceled both shows T_T

I want to see HHJ on Star King~ XD Mostly because Nichkhun and Wooyoung are usually on it :P

Necklace she wears in one of the BL episodes



Unseen photo (during Spring Waltz days)



Another from verygoodtour.com



EDIT x2:

Host for MNET 20’s Choice Award?

Han Hyo-joo is the runner-up to host MNET 20’s Choice Award on August 28th. Han Hyo-joo was chosen due to the popularity of SBS drama “Brilliant Legacy“.

You can’t forget about the opening host performance of the annual MNET 20’s Choice Award! Everyone is anticipating the reveal of the actual host for the awards, as well as the actual ceremony itself.

source: http://popseoul.com/2009/08/14/host-for-mn...s-choice-award/

Runner-up? o_O And are they really serious about keeping the MC a secret until it airs?! o_o T_T

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Guest Aicila

im watching brilliant legacy right now and i think hyo joo is a really good actor!!

shes really pretty and she delivers her role really well <3 she makes me want

to become an actor!

im excited to see her MCfor the mnet 20's choice awards!!!

@bashful_harmony: kekeke shes so cute in that spring waltz picture!

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Guest hurley

translated from Chinese: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=627459673 (HHJ baidu tieba) of the 081309 y-star news interview of HHJ:


hi bashful, i am only half way thru the translation, can't finish it today, bedtime, you know. will try to finish the rest tomorrow night.

HHJ: good day, dear y star audience. I am HHJ, glad to meet with you. Once more, “cut, NG!”

After BL

Q: the crying scene by the reservoir was very impressive.

A: there were 28 eps in this series, and I had been living as Goo Eun Seon. I didn’t really get training for crying scenes, it never occurred to me I needed any extra performance. It just came spontaneously, since HHJ is completely embodied in GES, the cries, and the smiles came impromptu, never felt any difficulty even till the end of the drama.

Q; what would be the most memorable scene?

A: The shooting of the final scene at the end lingers and is unforgettable. The weather was good and the ending scene was satisfying.

Q: monsoon season, how was the weather during the shooting?

A; we were lucky, the weather was good, it didn’t rain where we were doing the sets even though it’s monsoon season. That was unbelievable.

Regarding the step mom: “but, are we a family?”

Q: how to interpret the villain step mom?

A: it looks like that phrase was the start to define the villain role of the step mom. It makes us feel BSS was not an ordinary person. However, ES was lucky, she ran into people who loved her, people who helped her, and even the grandma. That’s why ES had her empathy for SM and step mom, that’s why ES was fooled by them over and over again. But because of all those events, there came the turning point.

Regarding GES: yes, I lived uneasily everyday just like that.

A: I would speak with mockery when disgusted with something, I would feel uneasy and couldn’t take it for granted (I didn’t fully understand the Chinese interpretation here)


Concerning: GES: “ you have to stay healthy, granny”

Q: how did your real grandma like the drama?

A: she loved it very, very much. But she kept asking how come the broadcast was so slow? My own grandma was not in good health during my shooting of the drama, but she still managed to finish watching every episode of it.

Q: did you often think of your grandma during the shooting?

A: of course. One of the reasons I accepted the cast was there also was a grandma in the story.

Q: what’s your brother’s take on this drama?

A: “sis, it’s very interesting, from the beginning to the end. The role resembles you so much. It turned out so well.”

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Hurley, Yay, thank you so much for the interpretation. I love Go Eunsung, the character not just because she is HHJ, but because ES makes me feel light inside, like even though she has big problems she does not make the viewer feel like the world is difficult to live in nor life is difficult to live by. So That is why ES chose to trust her stepfamily at first. Its because of the love she receives from people she hardly knew.

Aww, so she really was thinking of her own Grandma when she accepted this role. I'm glad her own grandma likes BL as well. Some of the many interactions I love about BL is grandma's interaction with ES and Hwan. One of the most memorable Grandma-ES scenes for me was when ES was trying to say goodbye to Halmuni in a very sublte way. The way she hugged Halmuni from the back whle crying so softly in episode 26. Awww just thinking about that makes me want to cry.

And her brother is really supportive. And he also said ES resembles HHJ! haha.

we'll be patiently waiting for part 2 of your translation. again your effort is much appreciated, Hurley.

Aicila, hello and welcome. I agree with you. She made Go Eun Sung come to life. She has definitely improved as an actor. She still needs a lot of improvements as an actor ( I mean, who doesn't, lolz) but she can definitely deliver.

Awww, I'm glad HHJ has inspired the actor in you. :lol:

Fujiwara no sai, I also hope she wins because I want her to be happy. And I also want to see her reaction as well. Haha, okay, I just want to see her haha.

And oh, the MCing is not yet confirmed? haha.

itic, if HHJ gets paired with a group (okay 2pm, haha) as MC, I wonder if you can still remember how to breathe, haha.

bashfulharmony, oh, they really do that with their bikes? haha. I think I'm one of the crazy fangirls coz just after BL finishe, I bought a lot of the checkered polo shirts ES has and I love wearing them because they'rre comfortable and they make me smile wearing them, lolz.

currysushi, the links to LL and xm episodes are on page 146 of this thread if you want them. :D

And I just have to post this again eventhough this has been posted lots previously. This is one of my favorite image of her.


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I was just watching the rerun loveletters with hanhyojoo yesterday ;)

Does her hair really look shorter? o_o I can't tell

Thanks for reposting the awesome long hair han hyo joo with the striped shirt. haha Beautiful O:

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hmm runner up mc? o.o okay then lol..

thx for the pics harmony & for the translation hurley !

oooh right star king..khun&wooyoung+HHJ=my dream LOL

lol kozuesan, i would want to be living in order to c that happen ^^

so i will be trying to breathe but its going to be hard to keep all my screams to myself whenever i see any sort of skinship between them xD

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Guest hurley

81309 y star interview:

(i decided to post the whole piece instead of just the last half that i didn't do yesterday):

translated from Chinese source: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=627459673

original from : http://www.y-star.co.kr/_ln/0105_200908131042333375

HHJ: good day, dear y star audience. I am HHJ, glad to meet with you. Once more, “cut, NG!”

After BL

Q: the crying scene by the reservoir was very impressive.

A: there were 28 eps in this series, and I had been living as Goo Eun Seon. I didn’t really get training for crying scenes, it never occurred to me I needed any extra performance. It just came spontaneously, since HHJ is completely embodied in GES, the cries, and the smiles came impromptu, never felt any difficulty even till the end of the drama.

Q; what would be the most memorable scene?

A: The shooting of the final scene at the end lingers and is unforgettable. The weather was good and the ending scene was satisfying.

Q: monsoon season, how was the weather during the shooting?

A; we were lucky, the weather was good, it didn’t rain where we were doing the sets even though it’s monsoon season. That was unbelievable.

Regarding the step mom: “but, are we a family?”

Q: how to interpret the villain step mom?

A: it looks like that phrase was the start to define the villain role of the step mom. It makes us feel BSS was not an ordinary person. However, ES was lucky, she ran into people who loved her, people who helped her, and even the grandma. That’s why ES had her empathy for SM and step mom, that’s why ES was fooled by them over and over again. But because of all those events, there came the turning point.

Regarding Goo Eun Seon: yes, I lived uneasily everyday just like that.

A: I would speak with mockery when disgusted with something, I would feel uneasy and couldn’t take it for granted (I didn’t fully understand the Chinese interpretation here)


Concerning: GES: “ you have to stay healthy, granny”

Q: how did your real grandma like the drama?

A: she loved it very, very much. But she kept asking how come the broadcast was so slow? My own grandma was not in good health during my shooting of the drama, but she still managed to finish watching every episode of it.

Q: did you often think of your grandma during the shooting?

A: of course. One of the reasons I accepted the cast was there also was a grandma in the story.

Q: what’s your brother’s take on this drama?

A: “sis, it’s very interesting, from the beginning to the end. The role resembles you so much. It turned out so well.”

HHJ style

Q: Goo Eun Seon style has become a topic. Do you think you have good tastes for clothing ?

A: it’s because I have my own style. This is my usual style, hat and jeans, and sneakers. The style shown in the drama and my real style are much alike.

Q: what you and LSG wore to the sets often turned out to be couple clothing?

A: wasn’t that amazing? LSG and I had never discussed about clothing, from the production announcement press conference on, it often turned out that way. Someone even suggested we dress up in couple clothes, but we didn’t plan it ahead, it often came out quite compatible. For instance, we were both in blue on the cruise ship shooting set. We really didn’t plan it. People would yell: “ you, you…” Our clothes colors were often similar, that also was the case in the last scene. “Why look alike again?” It truly was like that, as if there were a spy ….

Q: do you consider yourself sexy?

A: of course, young and sexy, HHJ. Never stop trying something new, but don’t want to force myself, I haven’t considered a complete makeover yet. If I ever did, I could perform naturally through my acting, but I really don’t want to, wouldn’t that be very unconvincing?

About HHJ

Q: Eun Seon (of BL) went to study abroad, what if it is HHJ?

A: for personal growth, love and family. Eun Seon chose to pursue personal advancement. Although I may not go study abroad, now both love and family are stable, why can’t I do it (embraced with their love)? ES wasn’t migrating to the US, she was going after her own dream and will return after the study. HHJ thought this kind of ending is acceptable. Among personal advancement, love and family, there isn’t a set standard for one to choose from. She sees them all equally precious and wouldn’t miss any of them.

Q: real personality

A: never quarrel with anyone. I would feel “ I have this side too? ” when there is a quarrel scene. I feel very strange. I had never restrained myself during the shooting. This wouldn’t have been a project if I couldn’t ignore myself during casting.

Q: what else do you want to do besides acting?

A: I would like to try a variety of things since I am full of curiosity. I can write, draw, and play in movies. Then this thought would pop up after I have tried them all: “am I prepping myself for acting?”


Y-star audience, “ brilliant legacy” has ended, I have been loved by many of you, till the end of the interview. Thank you very much for giving me so much love, so much comforting, and so many wonderful things. I will work hard to show my best in the future. I hope you can be on the lookout for my next project. Please give me lots of love. Thank you. Be happy!!

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fujiwara no sai: Yup! I hope she leads all the way until the end! :D

I really can't wait until August 28th, but at the same time... I don't want it to come because school starts soon after TT-TT

Aicila: 2NE1!!!! <3 lol

Anyways, I'm really happy to hear that you're enjoying BL right now! ^^

I'm also very ecstatic to hear that you like HHJ's acting :D

And wow :mellow: She makes you want to go into acting? :o

That's amazing!! I'm sure Hyojoo would be very touched if she knew that!!

I can't wait to see her at the MNet 20s Choice Awards period! :D

And yup! Hyojoo's always cute~ XD haha

kozuesan: Yup yup! There was this video I downloaded a while ago.. It was a segment on BL and it was like over an hour long and I was too lazy to cut it and post the video as parts on YT, so I think.. I ended up deleting it @_@ I'm not sure, haha. But anyways, the video showed how popular BL is in Korea and how girls around their 20s are following the Eun Sung trend.. hairstyles, skinny jeans, checkered shirts, bikes, etc.

I'm usually not one for skinny tight jeans but HHJ makes them look so good! So I went out and bought a couple of pairs XD haha

Ohh, I remember that event ^^ It was so windy that day @_@ lol, HHJ kept fixing her hair :P

Ah, I really miss her with black hair T_T

Pshh: Oh same here! I seriously can't tell if her hair got shorter or not ><

And she's just so damn gorgeous in that photo.. It's one of my favorite HHJ photos.. She's too damn pretty T_T

She's grown into her looks.. When she was a teenager, she looked sort of awkward because she was so tall and skinny and she looked older than her age, but now.. she really has embraced her beauty <3

sanderella: Ah, those were during the Nonstop 5 days T_T

Her hair was so pretty those days :(

I also miss her hair post-AMAHAE days!

It was super long and so gorgeous <3

And haha, I've posted that photo before :P

itic: I don't get it either. I guess Popseoul meant she's a high contender for MC?

Because none of the Korean articles use the word "runner up".

And yeahh!! I want to see HHJ on Star King T_T

Star King's on SBS, so HHJ should appear on it one day :D

Omgsh, imagine if she sat between Khun and Wooyoung XD *spazz.


Once again, thank you so much!!

I know it's a real burden having to translate such long articles, but your work is greatly appreciated!! <3

- - - - -

Random thoughts of interview:

- HHJ's so good at crying T_T But I have to admit, in the beginning of BL and in HP, her crying was kind of >.> Well, it was kind of cringe-worthy, because her voice is naturally high, so when she cries.. her voice goes up a tone.. and her voice kind of becomes squeaky >< But as BL progressed, her crying became more natural and believable. I wish they hadn't made her cry in like every single episode though T_T lol Poor HHJ's eyes probably got all puffy from all that crying~

- Aww, HHJ loves her grannie so much, it's so sweet ^^

But sad that her grandma was sick during filming.. and yet she managed to never miss an episode. She must really love HHJ a lot and is probably really proud of her granddaughter :) I remember an old interview, where HHJ brought up her grandma watching AMAHAE too :D

- Eun Sung really is HHJ.. I don't get why HHJ always says they're different :P Even her brother said they were similar XD But that's good that her family's showing her so much support :]

- HHJ has such great style! Casual but it's still nice :) Though sometimes the dresses/outfits she wears to public events like award shows and presscons are kind of.. o_O lol.

- Lol at HHJ and LSGi matching their clothes unconsciously XD

- And I really hope HHJ goes through a complete makeover :P Yes she's still young, but I want to see her take on a more challenging role! But from the sounds of it, it doesn't seem like she wants to do those kind of roles yet T_T lol

Once again, thanks hurley!! <3

- - - - -

Oldish photo (after HP filming)

It's huge so.. yeah >.>


Getting her teeth checked up at the dentist~


New sponsor photo


Seems like this was for a CF

Also, she's leading by almost 44 thousand votes on MNet 20s Choice Awards ^^

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Sponsor photos during BL



There was this article that talked about how HHJ was voted as most likely to overcome any hardship and adversity. The poll was conducted on GomTV and Yes24 and she garnered 51.2% and 49%, respectively.

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