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Han Hyo Joo 한효주 - [FIN: Happiness (2021) || NEXT: ThePirates: Goblin Flag (Jan 2022)]


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wow soo many updates in just 2 days lol

cool ! finally jambangee photos with both of them together ^^ *go saves*

if only chunglim could put his arm around her then it will look even more hot

lol and i never knew HHJ has such a nice butt

& no problem Sayuri JaeJoong !

ur mv turned out great ! ^^

haha kozuesan, lets just say our girl just does great in any genre ! :D

& thx for all the update harmony !

she looked so awesome in the CF

lol but at the beginning the background song with the singing kind of freaked me out

i don't understand why they needed to film this outdoors on the beach when the CF is only going to be a close up head shot

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ellenkiki: No problem ^^

I'm happy to share :D Plus.. I was bored and thus.. the .gifs lol.

You like the new Jambangee photo? I don't.. :\

The capris she wears are too loose.. hat's weird.. pose is weird.. And both of their poses don't really.. relate :mellow:

But that's okay because her new photo is seeeexxyyyyyyy!! <3

kozuesan: LOL, I don't know what I'd do without HHJ and you guys because like I've said before... no fun spazzing by yourself T_T lol.

And totally! So many different HHJ's we're seeing XD I like it! I like it alot :D

itic: Actually, I feel like there hasn't been much T_T lol.

I feel so HHJ deprived this week D8

I need a picture spam.. *twitches. LOL

And I agree!! Chung Lim should've put his arm around her waist to hold her.. There would've been more OOMPH!! to the photo.

I think her butt's photoshopped in that picture though >.> haha

I don't get why they had to shoot by the beach either.. o_O

They also used their own backdrop so it was like.. no point going all the way to the beach to shoot the CF T_T

sabricaze: LOLLLLLLLL.

It's freaking CREEPY isn't it!?

Anywhos.. please remove the p><p> It

Also, I hope you found some new HHJ videos to share :D

- - - - -

Picture taken with a fan from the Samsung CF signing conference :)

%7Boption%7Dhttp://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss38/ciindyg/Picture1-25.png' alt='Picture1-25.png'>

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Guest yongwonhi

Yongwoonhi, I like her with glasses as well, she looks cute in that one. There's this one picture where she wore a black rimmed glasses and she has this wavy long black hair and she was wearing a black and white shirt. She was soooooooo gorgeous in that one.

You mean the picture bashful_harmony posted? ^^ Hahaha yeahh she looks so good with glasses... and she doesn't look nerdy at all LOL I always get the feeling that when people put on glasses they look like teachers (if I'm not used to seeing them with glasses), but HHJ just looks cute :P

yongwonhi ! lol yay i'm not the only one who thinks she's compatible with those three of 2pm ^^

even though i'm a bit bias because those 3 are my favorite in 2pm >.>

along with wooyoung but i'm not sure if she's taller than him or not lol

but i hope HHJ can "overpower" nickhun's pretty-ness, they're both so pretty but the girl has to dominate right? xP

wahhh some more hwansung fans? lol u guys are dominating this thread

lol jaejoo ftw !!

& thx for sharing the pics jihye, i can't wait for HP and her CFs too !

YEAHH 2PM!! Lol trying not to spaz about 2PM here though... haha >>

But yeah, I think if HHJ and Khun stood next to each other, it'd just be like... so much prettiness in one place :P I think HHJ is more ...hmm, beautiful pretty while Khun is cute pretty (lol I can't believe I'm comparing a guy and a girl in terms of prettiness...)

HHJ + Wooyoung would be really cute actually... HAHA they're both dorky and talkative!

LOL actually yeah I started coming to this thread more after watching Brilliant Legacy... so I was a Hwansung (I still think of Chansung everytime I see that. Hwang Chansung LOL) shipper, but I bet after I watch Heaven's Postman I'll be a Jaejoo sihpper lol....

yongwonhi: YOUR NAMEEE IS LYDIA ?!?!?!?


Anyways... yeah, it's a natural thing to compare people.

Gah, I can't wait until the MNet 20s Choice Awards now XD

She would be taller than Jay LOL!! His height is listed as 178cm, but I don't think he's that tall haha

If he is, HHJ has to stay away from heels! lol She and Khun would be cute too XD Because he seemed so mesmerized by her in the MNet Brides of May video :D

And hehs, Junsu said he and Taec like girls like HHJ the most in the group ^^ I would love to see HHJ with any of the 2PM boys.. She's a noona, but I have a feeling the boys like noonas anyways haha

Awww, her hair was so pretty before T_T lol She looks sooo pretty with glasses~

I remember being :o at this picture because she looked so gorgeous with the glasses


Hehh yeah my name is Lydia :P I don't think I ever actually introduced myself here, I just came and posted randomly every few months LOL. But I'll probably be coming by a lot more often now ^^ What should I call you by?

Mnet 20s Choice Awards!! Happen right now!! HAha, actually... when IS it supposed to be?

LOL yeah Jay is definitely not that tall, but it's okay... as long as HHJ doesn't wear heels.. lol.

Who wouldn't be mesmerized by HHJ? ;) Ohh when did Junsu and Taec say that? I feel like this is turning into me talking about 2PM, I should probably stop doing that in this thread haha... last comment; yeah I think most except for Jay like noonas :P

And omggg that's such a pretty picture of her!! Gahh now I really miss her long hair... :(

It seems like in recent pictures that she got a haircut or something O.O but I might just be imagining things... haha. I kinda miss her darker hair too...

And dang the pic you posted with the heels... intense.

But she makes those jeans look good LOL

Old HHJ pic... dark and long hair T_T



Hm, anyway, quick introduction... lol hi I'm Lydia~ I'll be dropping by this thread more often~ :lol:

...P.S. Like my new profile pic? ;P

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omgsh.. those heels are KILLLERRRR.

No wonder she was dying during the photoshoot lol

Jesus.. my feet hurt just from looking at them T_T

Other than that, holy crap HHJ's hot!


HHJ's co-promoting (?) Audition, this really popular Korean dance game. Well, it's more like promotions for Love Tonic really. Don't really know what's going on with this event either, I just know the prizes for winning or w/e is either a Love Tonic album or a USB flash drive.

Yeah, she looks super hot in that pic. :)

I only want that Love Tonic album poster. :D

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Guest sanderella

bashful - thanks for that new picture..

is it just me, or did her hair get shorter!? O_O

but she looks beautiful :]

and thanks for that interview .. haha its so cute how she said her and LSK always "matched" clothes with the colors,

and they didn`t even plan it :P


and about the animation the fan made, i think its cute o_O

loll but its so blury :P

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i wish HHJ and LSK could be on, "we are married"


I wish so too...

Or Hyojoo with anybody actually xP

as long as its not hyungdon. That's like added stress x:

Sorry hyungdon fans!

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You mean the picture bashful_harmony posted? ^^ Hahaha yeahh she looks so good with glasses... and she doesn't look nerdy at all LOL I always get the feeling that when people put on glasses they look like teachers (if I'm not used to seeing them with glasses), but HHJ just looks cute :P

...P.S. Like my new profile pic? ;P

Yes, that's the one! :lol: She looks so gorgeous in that pic, right? And I like your new profile pic. :D

Everytime I see recent pictures of HHJ especially the ones taken from fans' camera, I see so many guys around her that I kinda feel there are more eager fan guys than girls, lolz.

HHJ's surprised expression the moment she saw the crowd waiting for her after the samsung CF conference is priceless.

I also wish to see HHJ in any variety show. It was really fun watching her interact with other people in her previous guestings.

I'm currently watching the Happy Sunday episode with HHJ on it. And PHJ is also there. wowzi, AMAHAE couple! Thanks for the link bashful.

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aww she's so cute as a baby

even though the quality isn't that good and i can't make out what she looks like lol

but all babies are cute x]

haha harmony, probably the reason why u think much hasn't happen is because u r the one who updates in this thread ^^

lol in just 2 days, already 2 pages went by. i think that is pretty fast

hey lydia ! yea both wooyoung and HHJ have dorky personalities but i think wooyoung is going to make her laugh constantly

because i know he makes me laugh 24/7 haha. hwansung -> hwang chansung lol i never thought about that before and i love ur new profile pic+ur siggy !

sanderella, we got married, really? lol i think i read an interview or something where HHJ said she can't cook..but i think she'll be a great wife ^^ and i agree with Pshh, i'll be fine if she's with any guy, any good looking guy xD

hi kozuesan ! i remember watching the happy sunday ep with HHJ/PHJ. they were cute ^^

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I'm cindy ^^ Or you can just call me harmony :)

And hehe, I love your new avatar XD

Man, this time you wrote a paragraph T_T lol :P

Btw, I'm really happy to hear that you'll post more frequently! ^^

HHJ ftw!!

I think the MNet 20s Choice Awards is on.. August 28th if my memory serves me right.

So far away from now and 3 days after I start school T_T'

Omgsh, whenever I see Jay on photos or onscreen, I'm like.. There's no way he's 178cm! He's freaking TINY! But most of the time he's standing next to Taec or Chansung so it makes him look shorter :P

But still.. I'm always thinking how is he 178cm and yet he looks shorter than HHJ @_@

And omgsh, HHJ has so much charm <3 lol

Also, here's the video where Junsu and Taec say they like the type of girls like HHJ the most out of the group XD


Our resident translator anna (also a 2PM fan :P) translated some of the video. Her translation is a couple of pages back.. I'll try finding it ^^

& it's really hard not to spazz about 2PM >.> lol

*sighs. Imagine they have an endorsement with HHJ <3 That'd be so awesomeeeee but HHJ would get more antis T_T lol So nevermind!!

I miss her with long hair too T_T She's so stunning in that photo and she's not even aware of how pretty she is.. -.-' That kills me. Tch, give me her looks and I'd be bragging about it nonstop LOL

Hmms, I didn't notice her hair looking shorter.. I guess she got a little trim T_T

Whyyyy?! lol. Maybe it's to cut off all the split ends since she did have to have her hair curled and then straightened and permed a couple of times during BL :P *in denial.

I really like her with dark hair.. Her hair color right now is like.. so brown lol. It even looks orange in some pictures sometimes T_T

I loveeee the new Jambangee photo!! Everything about it just screams SEXY!! There are a lot of other denim brands with female celebrities endorsing for them, but HHJ's like.. doing the job the best. lol

Those skinny jeans look unbelievably good on her :o Lucky girl with her long, skinny legs T_T

edward: She's so sexy in the Jambangee photo *jealous. lol

Haha, I wonder if they even sell the Love Tonic posters :unsure:

sanderella: No problem!

And wow.. maybe she did get a hair trim.. I can't tell the difference though T_T lol

Haha, did she really say that about the matching clothes? :P Maybe their stylists planned it XD

I think the animation is so creepy T_T It blinks!!! :o

And sorry about that.. I don't know how to convert .swf files into .gifs and Photobucket resizes the photo and makes it bigger T_T

I want HHJ on any variety show T_T But I don't think she has the time to appear on them anymore :(

And I'd love to see her on We Got Married XD I don't care who it's with! Well.. that's a lie. I'd prefer her with an idol or her ideal guy, So Ji Sub LOL!!

I don't think LSGi can even consider going on We Got Married since he's so committed to 1N2D :(

Pshh: Yeah, I want her to appear on We Got Married.. and any other variety show :(

Haha, if it's Hyung Don, it'll be a reunion for them sort of :P Since they were both on Nonstop 5 XD

kozuesan: Oh yeah, I've been noticing all the fanboys that flock around her too! Lol

It makes me happy though XD Because fanboys make me lol in a happy way :D

HHJ has her fair share of crazy fangirls too though :P It's just more natural for girls to go gaga over male celebrities and have guys going crazy over female celebs, lol. But I hope girls aren't hating on HHJ! I doubt it though.. HHJ's so genuine, it's so hard to hate her :\

I love it when the old men step outside of the conference room XD They're like wow and they keep pointing at the fans XD and they laugh when HHJ's all shocked :D lol

I can't believe the fans waited outside to see her :o Who knows how long it took for her and the Samsung people to discuss the contract and introduce the product to her.

She's gotten so bubbly lately! She makes me laugh in almost every interview she has because of her personality. She seems so happy now :) Much better than how she was during Iljimae days :( She seemed so depressed during that time T_T Probably because she didn't even want to be there in first place but Fantom Ent. probably made her take the role..

And it's no problem about the Happy Sunday episode! ^^ She and PHJ are so adorable together XD


LOL, it's such crappy quality T_T

Sorry, the person uploaded it onto DC Inside.. I'm guessing he recorded it on TV or something.. because the baby pictures showed on the YTN Star program. I hope to see better quality photos soon T_T

And yeah! She looks adorable despite the bad quality XD lol

I love the one where she's wearing the sunglasses :D It's so cute~! lol

And yeah, you're probably right.. Lol. I always crave for more updates though ><

There can never be enough HHJ! haha

And did it really grow 2 pages in 2 days? I remember like last week, the thread went by super fast.. Like 2 pages a day! O_O

But I'm happy that it's going a page a day at least now :D Before it was like.. a page a week T_T LOL

- - - - -

Another predebut teenage HHJ photo. I think it's unseen...


And.. a fantaken photo of HHJ at the Samsung conference thing


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edward: She's so sexy in the Jambangee photo *jealous. lol

Haha, I wonder if they even sell the Love Tonic posters :unsure:

In Korea when you buy the CD they give you the poster for free. That was the case when I went there several years ago. I am trying to get someone buying the Love Tonic CD in Korea for me, and of course, getting that poster. :P

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edward: They really give you a free poster?! :o

Omgsh, that's so cool! Aww, I hope you get the poster :P

When you do, you should take a picture of it and share the photo with us XD haha

- - - - -

Predebut Audition Tape

I'm guessing this was around.. 2004 or 2005? When she was 17.. maybe.. Lol it's hard to calculate cause her birthday's early in the year T_T

Her acting's improved A LOT. Wow!!

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I can't stop looking at the jambangee pics, haha. She looks so gorgeous and sexxyyyy in the picture. She makes want to buy jambangee, lolz.

itic, yup, you are so right. She can pull off any genre and she surprises me everytime. :lol:


They make me lol in a happy way, too. Haha really she also has a share of crazy fangirls? What did they do? lolz. The HHJ fans I'm seeing look nice like they just stare at her smiling, like they are contented just watching her which is nice to see.

Yes, all those gentlemen also looked excited to see the crowd gathering outside the conference hall waiting for HHJ and they look really pleased. HHJ was like, "Are you sure you're waiting for me?haha.

And its true when you say she doesn't seem aware how pretty she is and I love how she reacts to adulations. She looks so genuine.

In the predebut tape, HHJ already has that winning smile. Her smile seems so genuine and warm that you just want to hug her, lolz. And yes, her acting improved heaps since then.

And that is a really, really, GOOD NEWS! I'm soooo excited to see HHJ again. I hope she wins because that will make her happy. And happy HHJ = happy me.

I don't understand anything in the ystar interview, lolz, but there's this portion where she was talking and then she suddenly blurts out "sexy han hyo joo..." then she laughs, haha, I keep repeating that because I was also laughing with her even though I don't know why she was laughing, haha.

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kozusan: I really want to buy some Jambangee jeans now @_@ She makes them look so damn good~~

And well, not crazy like psycho but crazy as in dedicated fans! lol

A LOT of girls are getting the EunSung haircut, buying bikes and riding them around like HHJ does in BL (like riding with their feet/legs off the pedals, idk how to explain it lol), and generally just very obsessed with HHJ's style/look right now. lol

And yeah, the fans seem so happy just being able to see her XD I love how she takes the time to interact with her fans ^^ Makes her more likeable~ haha

I like her :o face and how she covers her mouth haha All you hear is WOOO's and *click click click. from the cellphone cameras ^^

She really doesn't seem to be aware of how attractive she is :o But in interviews, she's constantly joking around about her looks lol. I don't get how that works :P

And for the Y-Star video, when she says Sexy Hyo Joo.. The interviewer asked her about her ability to show a different side of her and she's like Sexy Hyo Joo, cute Hyo Joo, etc. lol XD

I'm so jealous of her natural smile :( There's a picture of her in early middle school and she's smiling in the playground or something, and her smile's the same.

I'm astounded by her huge improvement in acting! I can't wait to see HHJ continue improving her acting abilities in future projects!

I'm... pretty damn sure it's a safe bet to say HHJ will win the HOT Female Drama Star award.

She's winning with almost 40,000 votes :o

I wonder if HHJ will perform O_O I'm kind of nervous for her if she does do any performances >.> haha

sanderella: ... You don't know the MNet 20s Choice Awards?

It's the award where HHJ's nominated for Hot Female Drama Star and LSGi's nominated for Hot Male Drama Star, Multi-Tainer, and Hot Summer Heat Popularity Award. Here's more information about it:


And she's the sole MC so she's not sharing the stage with anyone ^^' :P lol

- - - - -

And this is the picture that came with the article about the promotions of Love Tonic on Audition


These are from www.verygoodtour.com (Her Korean Air endorsement)







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