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Guest The Legend

^Well, it's not sad if you dress that way ((I think)). I dress that way basically EVERYDAY because I love the clothes and style. ((some of my girlie friends wanna make me girlie...haha not gonna happen))

Gummy, Soulstar and Se7en don't dress 'thuggish' because either that's not their style or they don't want to or need to. I feel way more comfy in guy clothes then girl clothes...but I'll wear girl clothes. I'll post up a pic of me at the 411 section of what I look like with the clothes...maybe lol


I'm gonna end up sending my tape in next year...probably early next year or around summer or somethin. lol

Arg *keeps practicing*

Happy Holidays everyone! ^_^

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Guest yunakue

^Well, it's not sad if you dress that way ((I think)). I dress that way basically EVERYDAY because I love the clothes and style. ((some of my girlie friends wanna make me girlie...haha not gonna happen))

Gummy, Soulstar and Se7en don't dress 'thuggish' because either that's not their style or they don't want to or need to. I feel way more comfy in guy clothes then girl clothes...but I'll wear girl clothes. I'll post up a pic of me at the 411 section of what I look like with the clothes...maybe lol


I'm gonna end up sending my tape in next year...probably early next year or around summer or somethin. lol

Arg *keeps practicing*

Happy Holidays everyone! ^_^

Next Year? I'll PRAY FOR YOU!!!

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Guest yunakue

If you dress "hiphop-ish" just to auditon, then thats sad.

If you get in, theyre going to find out what your style's like sooner or later.

If you cant pull off the thug look, dont. They'll notice it right away.

Gummy doesnt dress thuggish. Neither does Soulstar. Se7en doesnt.

Sorry if I sound harsh, but yeah.

Anyways, my friend has a recording studio in his basement and he says he'll do my demo for free. :D

The bad thing is.. I was practicing so much that my voice is completely lost. -_-


I didn't mean as in I force myself to dress like thuggish that but I like dressing like that but I dress more of a tomboy.

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i called my unni yesterday to say Happy late bday to her [its really late -_-]

and i asked her that im not korean, is there a good chance for me?

she said that Yang Hyun Suk ahjuhssi wont care that much, YG artists get trained to be good at english and im already good at that so its 1 good thing and just speak a bit korean and i will be fine

of course, it also depends on my singin skill to decide if im qualified or not.

but yea...

just wanna share with u guys...

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Guest yunakue

i called my unni yesterday to say Happy late bday to her [its really late -_-]

and i asked her that im not korean, is there a good chance for me?

she said that Yang Hyun Suk ahjuhssi wont care that much, YG artists get trained to be good at english and im already good at that so its 1 good thing and just speak a bit korean and i will be fine

of course, it also depends on my singin skill to decide if im qualified or not.

but yea...

just wanna share with u guys...

well its good that they wont care that much.

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i called my unni yesterday to say Happy late bday to her [its really late -_-]

and i asked her that im not korean, is there a good chance for me?

she said that Yang Hyun Suk ahjuhssi wont care that much, YG artists get trained to be good at english and im already good at that so its 1 good thing and just speak a bit korean and i will be fine

of course, it also depends on my singin skill to decide if im qualified or not.

but yea...

just wanna share with u guys...

Well..it`s not really the languages & training you should be worried about.

If you want to be successful, you have to be appealing to the Korean fans as well as around the world.

But if you`re going to debut and work in Korea, you`ll have to focus on the Korean fans the most.

From what I know/heard, a lot of the Korean fans are pretty tough to get through if you`re not Korean... :x

But that shouldn`t stop anyone. =D

Eveyone should just...audition first then figure it out.

Some of you guys are thinking wayyy ahead of yourselves...

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Guest jiyuhnn

wait what if you want to audition by dancing? do you still just tape yourself and then send it to them? woah. so confused. puwah. && what about the adresses and stuff? ??

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Guest apple-snapple-YUM

^of course you send it to their address-whether email or mail

ilovesuperjunior:to audition-you have to have a talent-whether singing, or dancing and you either go to their audition, or you send in a clip of yourself through email or mail. there is online auditions and they ahve an address

u should look through previous pages, beczu what u are asking has already been answered~~

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^ change your style into something that makes you feel comfy. Hey, then people around you will give you comments then you'll know how to improve on your dressing style. There is nothing to be afraid of. ;)

i'm actually a direct opposite from you. i used to wear baggy clothes 24 7 but i switched over to jeans, but it's not those skin tight kinda jeans. i still wear my baggy clothes once in a while though.

just don't change your style just so you think you will match up to yg's image.i think the boys in yg are into dressing up, but the girls are more casual, as in you never see the yg girls in bape before right?heehee

lols. thanks for the advice =]]

If you dress "hiphop-ish" just to auditon, then thats sad.

If you get in, theyre going to find out what your style's like sooner or later.

If you cant pull off the thug look, dont. They'll notice it right away.

Gummy doesnt dress thuggish. Neither does Soulstar. Se7en doesnt.

Sorry if I sound harsh, but yeah.

Anyways, my friend has a recording studio in his basement and he says he'll do my demo for free. :D

The bad thing is.. I was practicing so much that my voice is completely lost. -_-


i knew someone was going to say this.

and no i dont care if YG is "hiphopish" or not

and girls in YG dont exactly dress like the guys either (which ive noticed also)

im not going for the "thug" look either. lols.

theres this certain image that ive always had in my mind.

just never wore it [?] and i dont think its all that "YG" either.

Well..it`s not really the languages & training you should be worried about.

If you want to be successful, you have to be appealing to the Korean fans as well as around the world.

But if you`re going to debut and work in Korea, you`ll have to focus on the Korean fans the most.

From what I know/heard, a lot of the Korean fans are pretty tough to get through if you`re not Korean... :x

But that shouldn`t stop anyone. =D

Eveyone should just...audition first then figure it out.

Some of you guys are thinking wayyy ahead of yourselves...

i agree with the last line.

ppl should just worry about auditioning and getting in first.

worry about all the other stuff AFTER you get in.

by worrying about other things.. ur losing focus on whats most important.

by losing focus, it makes it harder to concentrate on what is important NOW.



try not to ask questions that have been asked numerous times.

altho its nice of ppl to reply back and stuff but its just repeats.

if u really want to audition, you would look thru the pages in this thread.

its not THAT big. and since many of these ques. are repeats it doesnt take the whole thread to find an answer.

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i called my unni yesterday to say Happy late bday to her [its really late -_-]

and i asked her that im not korean, is there a good chance for me?

she said that Yang Hyun Suk ahjuhssi wont care that much, YG artists get trained to be good at english and im already good at that so its 1 good thing and just speak a bit korean and i will be fine

of course, it also depends on my singin skill to decide if im qualified or not.

but yea...

just wanna share with u guys...

oo thanks for sharing

that really helps, but i can't help but think that's the least of my problems.

well, it is one of my problems..

but i keep discouraging myself for some reason. -.- ughhhh

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Guest Ella_Kwan

i love this thread!!!! JSM you have the best info! Thank You!

about the style thing,

yeah your suppost to be tomboy-ish i guess

but if thats not you then dont do it

be/c ppl will see right through(sp???) you

and you'll be a POSER & will def. not be in YG.

But style can be changed,

i guess it's that you just have to be really talented

and have confidence & they will see that the MOST.

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Honestly, people should stop worrying about the style issue. :/

That`s not the whole point nor does that even matter right now.

Like I said, some of you are really thinking ahead of yourselves.

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Guest maly&ahpulee

^ I second that. If you want to enter the music industry, just be yourself and not some flake just cause you want to "make" it.

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Guest The Legend

^People are bein themselves. They said nothin about changing themselves just so they can make it in

I'm not worrying bout the style no more, i'm just gonna be myself all through

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^ Yeah, true.

But if all you care about is what to wear when you audition for them or how you`ll appeal to your "future fans" or even wondering what companies do when they train you and etc..I`m sorry to say, but please focus on auditioning first or don`t audtion at all. =_= If you`re truly serious about becoming a singer, stop talking the talk and start walking your walk.

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Guest maly&ahpulee

^People are bein themselves. They said nothin about changing themselves just so they can make it in

I'm not worrying bout the style no more, i'm just gonna be myself all through

I was referring to "you" as in a general term. I'm not directing anything at anyone. My fault then if I offended anyone, it was not my intention. =)

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Guest The Legend

^Yeah, i got that now. :lol:

Kimseo: Exactly.

I'm gonna start walking the walk next year lol. i'm gonna talk AND walk at the same time oOo..jp jp but yeah. Auditioning is a big first step and the step you gotta take in order to start worrying bout the future of your career.

(small spam alert)

Hey Kimseo...you're 13 right? You don't seem 13 lol, you seem older

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^ lmao call me seoyeon. =]

haha yes i`m 13 :x quite shocking huh? XD

people even tell me i sound older too. ~_~;;;;


yeah. o_o

Everyone, if you`re gonna only talk the talk, then the entertainment world is not for you.

Dreaming is okay, but like...just because you`re dreaming it doesn`t mean it`s going to become a reality.

Everything takes effort, and if you don`t do anything about your 'dream', it`ll never go anywhere.

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