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Kim Yoo-Jung & Park Bo-Gum | Moonlight Couple|


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I'm in love with their love :wub: I usually don't watch award shows and because of boyoo I've watched AAA and MAMA LIVE! ( they both started at 3am my time!) oh the agony we put ourselves through for them. like last night it was waiting for 5hrs or more just to see a glimpse of them and trying not to budge for fear of missing them! (I missed YJ's part with Lee Juck! because I stepped away for a few mins:tears:)and then when I finally saw them together I wanted to cry (and ever shipper awake at the time!) so many ups and downs of emotions the anxiety and anticipation happiness and sorrow in just a few hours(too many feelings in a span of a few hours:crazy:) I guess it was worth it (good thing I didn't have work last night or I wouldnt have gotten any work done!) our prince walking with his princess across the stage both so cheeky and happy teasing one another in front of the world and BG claiming YJ to himself :P I have more to say but don't know how to put in words lol LET'S KEEP SAILING SHIPPERS! 


DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE LAGGGG AND FAILED LINKS:angry: frustrations another feeling I felt last night haha


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12 minutes ago, happypuppy said:

@WildDivine69 @luvinmoonlight16 @bubblyflo

Thanks chingus for the insight. I had no doubt on the mutual feeling during the BTS, but now as YJ is not as 'openbook' as BG, I feel a bit hard to gauge her. But indeed, I should not have been so greedy, she is still having minor issues and just start her carrier in adult life.And bevause of that issue, plus beside her reserve personality, she cannot reveal much. I should cling into the BTS, the soft eyes during BG video call in 2D1N, and her gazes during BG speech in AAA if I am shaken like this! :tears: Happy to have many strong shipmates here! :heart:

@Edith Fabian

It was from the interview that @mamun mentioned. However when I checked the date just now, the interview was on February :sweatingbullets:


About the video on BG staring too long at the girls dance group and 'ow sheeet moment' after YJ be like 'Oh you are so happy arenn't you'. Why I suddenly think of CTH? LOL

He also loves girls dance group, remember when he visit Twice during 2D1N? I bet his wife also rolled her eyes. He also married his gf that he dated for 13 years! These two seem so similar!!!


@bubblyflo @happypuppy

Hahaha...boys will always be boys lol it's cute to see that "jealousy" BoYoo moment over little episode like this because they are also humans just like us. :lol:


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8 hours ago, luvinmoonlight16 said:

@happypuppy while BG is an open book when it comes to show his affection, I think YJ is the opposite. According to astrology, A Virgo sign woman may seem cold and detached,but underneath the timid, reserved surface lies the real woman, a strong, passionate woman with a great capacity for strong devoted love. She will play hard to get, she is hard to get for she is worried about exposing her emotional vulnerability and getting hurt. She requires patience and you will have to court her and work hard to impress her. Once she is in love, it is for the long term. Maybe that is why she turned our bogummy into a manly man all of the sudden as he felt he needed to do a little something extra to put that beautiful smile on his baby's face. However, I think we are the witnesses of that feeling being transformed in the last few months. I will not doubt YJ even if she is not showing her affection as much as Bogum. That pic you mentioned above, said it all....her radiant smile!

This is very true  :blush: I don't believe in horoscopes but I'm a Virgo and the characteristics you mentioned really apply.. We may appear cold on the outside but if you nudge us with a little patience you'll uncover a very warm heart inside because once we fall, we stay..and one thing has always been true for September-born, Loyalty.

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8 hours ago, bubblyflo said:

Hello good morning all

Still feeling giddy because too much sweetness in just 5 mnts.

Hahahaha btw why some of you afraid that she's not loving him back? ahhaha you wrong dear! 

There are some excitement there but she handled it great!!

First look at these video

It's little bit unconscious act when she put her hand in his arm but suddenly feeling protective because of the crowd, look at her left hand movement. her left hand is also cling onto him (by holding the card) but it's great to telling that: Don't you dare! he's mine!!!


There is another thing that make me LOL

Since Bogummy is kinda obvious, he's afraid here.

He stop smiling, awkward and YJ is kinda glaring in professional way and look at YJ's flat face. Hahaha. like she want to say:  I'll talk to you at the backstage oppa!! watch it!! I bet she's gonna pinch him hahahhaa

And the way she said: bogum oppa you're so happy to see girl group is somewhat funny but seems serious thou lol 

Okay maybe some of nonshipper can talk ah it just a scenario, no no dear,

For a little tiny moment you can sense there are some real thing there hahahahah (BG awkwardness and YJ flat face glaring professional eyes)


BoGum is soooo transparent!!! Hahahaha!! Makes me think how he's going to make up for that backstage..sweet nudges here and there i'm sure!


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gosh i waited for like 6 hours just for boyoo though the whole MAMA is so boring. BoYoo saved MAMA2016. I know Bogum will say that line "She is my person" because a few days ago someone tweeted about it that it will be added to their script and still the effect on me is the same i still feel giddy.... Yoojung look so good last night.... Thank you stylistnim for a job well done maintain that arrasso??? 

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In regards to the scene where he got caught staring at the screen for long and YJ called him out for it (in a cute-friendly and professional way may I add) BG looked a little speechless..aww, it's alright BG, YJ will understand...lol...they're just too cute for words. Like everyone here, I really do hope they get to present an award at the KBS one, even if they're not gonna co-MC. 

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40 minutes ago, Edith Fabian said:

YooJung-ah...Yoo Jung-ie... Yoo Jung-yang...Yoo Jung-ssi...coming from BoGum they all sound the same to me....My Dearest :wub:

That's right chingu. It's not what he calls her but how he says her name.:blush::heart:

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