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[OFFICIAL] <3Ɛ> Couple ~ Jota & Kim Jin Kyung Thread


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I haven't watched the latest episode yet but JOTA lost his rapper title to JINKYUNG. It was hilarious, especially her hand gestures. I died!!





if they (fans) can't accept the diss battle, maybe they should do compliment battle next time to prevent fan war.


It was a part of the game. Don't take this battle seriously. They just have some fun.


No heart feeling okay. 


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41 minutes ago, nambunny373 said:

I haven't watched the latest episode yet but JOTA lost his rapper title to JINKYUNG. It was hilarious, especially her hand gestures. I died!!




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if they (fans) can't accept the diss battle, maybe they should do compliment battle next time to prevent fan war.


It was a part of the game. Don't take this battle seriously. They just have some fun.


No heart feeling okay. 


Haven't watch it also but I can see dat JT became speechless or he forgot what he's supposed to say & JK readily saved him. They got each others back. JT helped her during the bus ride when she's supposed to do an aegyo. Thats how married couple do.:wub:

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Gonna miss this page coz I'm gonna be gone for a few days & the place that I'm going don't have wifi connection. No worries coz I'm armed wid SamSam couple episodes. Gonna be watching it over and over agen. I'll be back by Sunday & hoping dat there will be the Eng sub of next week's episode when I get back home. :) 

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Was listening to Adele's Daydreamer and i thought it suits Jota a lot, I wish someone would make a video for him using the song, sadly i can't make videos :/

Here's the parts i think fits him


A jaw dropper
Looks good when he walks
Is the subject of their talk
He would be hard to chase
But good to catch
And he could change the world
With his hands behind his back, oh

With eyes that make you melt
He lends his coat for shelter
Plus he's there for you
When he shouldn't be
But he stays all the same
Waits for you
Then sees you through


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I was kinda disappointed with the episode this week, they didn't show that much with 33 couple. Although I am really proud on how competitive and driven they are to win. Other couples is recognizing their skills. I also love how they praise Jota on how charming and good manner he is! I'm proud of you babe! Truly jinkyung is very lucky to have a such an amazing and kind husband. I am excited who will win next episode. I hope our 33 couple will win and the price would be a honeymoon package! I can't wait to see what would be their reaction. 

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36 minutes ago, glenchang said:

I was kinda disappointed with the episode this week, they didn't show that much with 33 couple. Although I am really proud on how competitive and driven they are to win. Other couples is recognizing their skills. I also love how they praise Jota on how charming and good manner he is! I'm proud of you babe! Truly jinkyung is very lucky to have a such an amazing and kind husband. I am excited who will win next episode. I hope our 33 couple will win and the price would be a honeymoon package! I can't wait to see what would be their reaction. 

Yah... I wouldn't mind if they show more 33 scenes. And  they didn't show much 33 couple in next week preview too. Mbc pls make up for it by showing more of them next week. 

Good week ahead everyone. Come back here safely on sam sam day. :)

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1 hour ago, glenchang said:

I was kinda disappointed with the episode this week, they didn't show that much with 33 couple. Although I am really proud on how competitive and driven they are to win. Other couples is recognizing their skills. I also love how they praise Jota on how charming and good manner he is! I'm proud of you babe! Truly jinkyung is very lucky to have a such an amazing and kind husband. I am excited who will win next episode. I hope our 33 couple will win and the price would be a honeymoon package! I can't wait to see what would be their reaction. 

agree!!They focus so much on the other couples. TBH 33 couple has a big fanbase internationally. Whenever the episode is over fans r clamoring for the 33 couple. Responses of wanting dem dating in real life is wat I've read always. haha!!

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The battle....OMG!!! Even if it was a dissing battle, it was so much fun! :P:P

People shouldn't get angry for this ...coz it's just for fun and we all know that they're good friends with the other couples otherwise. :)

It'll be a competition between 33 and DongDong :):) But i have a feeling that 33 will win Heartmon Go!

They're so energetic gosh! :) If i was in that game, i would be like Lulu or Cuddly Couple,even though i'm close to 33's age :P:sweatingbullets:

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Episode 18 Thoughts & Highlights

Today's episode is a special one with all 3 couples. I have not watched ANY episodes of either the Ddong Couple or the CaoCao Couple so please bear in mind that any comments or opinions I make about my first impression of them during this episode is purely SUBJECTIVE. Please don’t take offence if you don’t agree with me. You are welcome to discuss why you disagree though as I am always happy to read opinions that differ from mine. Although I’m pretty sure I’ll be mainly commenting about our 33 Couple mostly.

1. Lol, Jota is already getting competitive and the day has barely started. He’s warming up doing stretches and push ups! Aw, I see their kiss photo frame against the wall. It brings a smile to my face everytime I spot it on screen. Jin brings Jota a cup of healthy juice to fuel him up for the competition. I love their couple tees so much! It’s so trendy but screams couple tee at the same time. Most couples wear the typical couple tshirt where it is exactly the same, usually white tshirt with some picture on it, but just different sizes (Exhibit 1: CaoCao Couple). But I like how our 33 couple has the same style but different colour. So trendy! Jinkyung being the model she is, and Jota being the fashionista he is, I’m not surprised they came up with this styling of couple tees. To top it off, Jota has prepared couple shoes aswell! HAHA, I love that! They are wearing jeans too. From head to toe, they are decked out as a couple. I love Jin’s shoes. The pom poms are so cute!! Yes, it seems like there was probably some arrangement with WGM for it to be shown and that’s why the brand wasn’t blurred. Regardless of whether Jota bought a brand that is endorsed by WGM or whether WGM arranged for Jota to gift it to Jin, it is still a sweet gesture! Especially him putting it on for her. I thought giving shoes as a present was bad luck in South Korea as it usually means the person receiving the gifted shoes will “run away”, ie leave the relationship?! Eeek! Fingers crossed that doesn’t happen at all or for ages at least! With their trendy tops and stylish shoes, our 33 couple definitely stand out amongst the other 2 couples visually. Jin’s shorts are pretty short for Jota’s standards and I am surprised Jota didn’t ask her to change and wear something else. Lol. Seems like Jota is slowly getting used to seeing Jin bare some skin. One baby step at a time.

HAHHAHAHAHHA!! I love the parady of W! It is so hilarious!! 

2. I love how Jota and Jin look walking down the streets! With their backpack and side bag, they look good! Hehe, picking the back seats on the bus like the cool kids do in high school trips. HAHAHA! I love their little hiding game. Their attempt at hiding when Eric and Solar got on the bus is so cute. Do you think they can see us? I’m worried about my legs. BAHAha, Jin worried about her long legs showing! I love how these two are so in sync. One wants to hide and the other readily agrees. They are definitely starting to become alike. Trust Solar to notice the 33 Couple’s tees and shoes. It’s a girl thing. Most females always notice what other females are wearing, lol. I love how Jota is proud to be wearing all those couple items. He wants to show off his wife, lol. Sounds very like Jota. Lol, um, sorry Eric, nice try but it seems like you and Solar did not plan any couple outfits and wore whatever. I like how Jin initiates conversation with Solar letting her know she’s a fan of Mamamoo and how she likes beef intestine soup (not sure what that is about, I’m guessing something Solar likes to eat) and suggesting they eat together sometime. Jin definitely doesn’t look her age, and Solar is surprised to find out how much younger Jin is than her, lol! BAHahaA, Solar thought Jin was naturally cute and I love how Jin denies it and is emphasising how she tries REALLY HARD to be cute, like really REALLY really hard. HAHAHA! Cute Jin. Jota really loves being Jinkyung’s husband. It’s funny how everyone laughs at his corny introduction, I’m Jota from Madtown, Jinkyung’s husband but he thinks there’s nothing wrong with what he said, haha! He is proud and happy to be Jinkyung’s husband. He likes associating and linking himself to Jinkyung. It’s nice that Jota is receiving praises from Seho and Eric about him being a nice guy and how popular he is with the ladies. Eric did the right thing turning them down on behalf of Jota because he is married (everybody knows it’s not real so Eric could have easily said he'd intro Jota to them in the future). Jota should have left it at that, but nope, he just had to add his two cents and says it’s a shame, lol. Out comes Jin’s claws! She is not happy, lol. She knew they were women straight away, those asking to be introduced to Jota and questions Jota why is it a shame? HAHA. I love how the other 2 couple are giggling to each other witnessing 33 Couple’s cute jealous bickering. LOL, Jin isn’t afraid to scold Jota in public for stepping out of line. HAHA, when Se Ho tries testing Cao Lu about Jota being charming, Cao Lu answers that she’s not interested and it doesn’t matter to her and Jin tells Jota to watch and learn HAHA! It’s cute of Cao Lu to respond like that but I don’t think there is anything wrong even if Cao Lu had said Jota is charming. It’s just an observation and not a reflection of her feelings. I feel like Se Ho was fishing for compliments of sorts. I know every couple works differently, but I would dislike it if my partner would not let me express what I feel and observe. Thank goodness my hubby is not like that. I tell him certain guys are good looking whenever I see one, but it’s just an observation and doesn’t mean I like them or anything. If I said it toooo many times, then maybe it would seem suss, but just once or twice is nothing. Hubby does the same, and I even compliments girls too and ask him if he thinks a girl is pretty or not because I think she is pretty. Heck, I used to tell hubby Jota is good looking but I stopped because I didn’t want to seem too obsessed with Jota and be banned from watching WGM, lol. HAHA at Se Ho bragging about his wife being pretty everyday and Jota finally finds some one who is even more of a wife-fool than he is! Hahaha! Jin doesn’t lose any chance to brag about her husband and says Jota can break the egg with his biceps HAHAHHA Jin! The younger couples are watching the eldest couple and taking pointers, lol. I am really impressed with Se Ho losing 11kgs though. He did very well. It’s funny watching Jota cringe and laugh at Se Ho’s cheesy lines when he has delivered some of his own! LOL. You, Jota dear, can be just as cheesy. HAHAH, I love how they all ask each other to pull back on their strengths. Jota not to use his strength, Eric not to sing and Se Ho not to be funny. The funniest was Cao Lu’s request that Jin hunch her shoulders when she walks because Jin is too tall HHAHA!! Se Ho and Eric ask Jin to stay away from them for fear she’ll make them look even shorter and poor Jin says she has nowhere to go. Aww, Jota immediate grabs her hand and tells her she can be next to him. Jota isn’t actually that tall himself, but Eric and Se Ho make Jota look tall HAHa! I love how when Jin lost at the random game they played and has to do aegyo, Jota helps her out by doing it with her. He knows aegyo doesn’t come easy for his wife. BAHAha, after they do the 1,2,3 aegyo, they are both shy/embarrassed for about 1 second and then high five each other for a job well done, HAHA! Those two are funny.

3. As all the couples make their way into the courtyard, I can’t help but only see our 33 Couple. My eyes are always following their bright green and yellow tees, hehe. As someone had mentioned, our couple look like college students. They fit nicely with the background of the courtyard. I like how they are walking a bit ahead of the group in their own world and chatting to each other. I wish they could hold hands as naturally as Se Ho and Cao Lu are doing, but I guess I should be happy their skinship is comfortable and a lot better than the Ddong Couple’s. I’ve read random comments about how the Ddong Couple’s skinship is barely there and when it is, it looks awkward. Watching the Ddong couple now, I can’t help but notice that Solar does indeed look somewhat awkward and uncomfortable with the skinships that Eric tries on her. I think she tries to allow it sometimes and tries her best but the more I see Eric pull moves on her, the more I can see subtle movements from her that show she is slightly uncomfortable with the skinship. I’ve read fans say she is shy and not used to it etc. Fair enough. She may be shy, but she’s definitely uncomfortable too. You can be shy and accepting of skinship like our 33 couple, but there is no point denying that Solar is not uncomfortable and she’s only shy because it’s so glaring that she IS uncomfortable. Skinship comes easy to Eric because he is quite westernised. I think it’s a shame for Eric that he couldn’t meet a match that would go with the flow with him. They look the most like their relationship is that of a friendship rather than a couple. Se Ho and Cao Lu look like an old married couple, husband and wife. 33 Couple look like boyfriend and girlfriend, but the Ddong couple look more than a friendship type of relationship. There is only a one sided attraction. I can see Se Ho and Cao Lu adore each other somewhat, but not with the Ddong Couple. Oh wells, they’ll just have to work with what they have. OHMYGOSH, HAAHHA the dance off. 33 Couple’s dance was the dorkiest of the lot! HHAHA What in the world were they thinking?? Headbutting each other? HAHA. I like their back to back lift and Jin’s kick tho. Attack of the Long Legs, hahah, a very fitting title. They’re all impressed with Jin’s slender and long leg. Wow, I really like Se Ho and Cao Lu’s dance. Very nice.

4. The Diss Battle was hilarious. What happened to Jota’s diss? HAHA! He started off too strong telling the staff to cut the beat but he couldn’t deliver the rest of his diss. I was a little surprised and a wee bit disappointed. He overestimated himself. Over confident. This is the one time his confidence backfired on him. If he hadn’t asked them to cut the beat at the start, it wouldn’t have looked as awkward and bad when he faltered in his rap. Dissing is not his forte. Either he got nervous and drew a blank or as some have commented, he couldn’t bring himself to diss his sunbae. Thank goodness his wife came to the rescue. I love how Jin just accepts all the diss. She’s all like, you wanna diss me about eating wraps? But I love eating wraps! LOL She didn't get fazed at any diss that Solar and Eric throw her way. Her hand gestures are hilarious! All gangsta style. She's really into it that it's so funny! All this controversial and hate about Jin dissing the Ddong Couple is just ridiculous. Takes the fun out of the game. Yes, Jin's diss was the meanest, harshest and probably the most disrespectful and hence why SHE WON THAT ROUND. It's a dissing game. The thing that annoys me about this controversial is the fact that those who are hating on Jin have conveniently chosen to be blind to the fact that Solar started it first. She called Jota an ostrich. I'd take that to mean he has a small head on a big body. The male MC had said "that was harsh" at Solar's diss. It was quick so probably went unnoticed. Jin fired back with the dung comment. They played with Jota's name, so Jin did the same to their name. I'm glad someone explained the original meaning behind the Ddong Couple's name because honestly, I was scratching my head when I first heard their couple name, wondering what possessed them to called themselves the "Poo Couple". I also read somewhere that because they add the "ie" sound to the end of 'Dong', it sounds more cuter. Eric and Solar may not have chosen the mainstream meaning of the word dong, but it doesn't take away the fact and truth that it does mean something else. Translated into English, it can mean poo/crap/s h*t (in order of how harsh it can sound). I thought the subbers were very smart and wise not to literally translate it into English and just left it as 'dung'. The reason Jin's diss is getting the spotlight is because the female MC commented at the end that it was harsh when all attention was on her. The male MC had commented that Solar's diss was harsh too, but it went unnoticed. The game is meant to be harsh. As a 33 Couple fan, I didn't take offence to Solar's diss. I actually thought she did a better job than Jin. Her rap was smooth and made a lot more sense than Jin's, lol. Her and Eric were better at the diss game. They would have won if it weren't for Eric's ears turning red (getting angry) which means that Jin's diss hit a sore spot (as a diss should). People with double standards annoy me the most. They hate on Jin and pick out her faults but can't see the faults of their biases. I may be a fan of Jota, but if there is a flaw, I won't hesitate to point it out as I have done in my past post. Anyways, let's not dwell on that for too long ... moving on. I love the diss battle between the Cuddly Couple and 33 Couple, it was so funny! I love how Na Rae already lets everyone know that she hears dung everyday so that diss won't work on her HAHAHA and she even adds that she IS DUNG. HAHA! I love people like her, so easy going. I love how when Se Chan diss's Jin, she just holds out her arms to the side and gestures with her hands, all like 'yeah, give it to me, gimme your best shot', head nodding with an attitude, HHAHA! And her reply? Kimchi is made of vegetables and full of lactobacillus HAHHAHHA She's talking about health in a rap diss HAHA!! She cracks me up. I don't think that's ever been done in the history of a diss battle. And again, I think the Cuddly Couple's diss was better than 33 Couple but they lost when Se Chan got jealous over 33 Couple's visual HAHA and he goes on to diss his own one-day wife, Na Rae, HAHAH!! Se Chan is hilarious.

5. The Heartmon Go game looks so much fun! I'm guessing it's a parody of Pokemon Go. Lol. My hubby was obsessed with that game for a while until he got banned from it because he kinda cheated >.< oh dear. Our 33 Couple get a head start for winning the Diss Battle and I like how Se Ho tries to get them to not use it by saying Jota likes to play fair and square. But Jin immediately puts her hand up and declares she loves advantages, HAHA! Her comeback was very smart. We have an advantage because we played fairly. Lol, go Jin, go! Our 33 Couple show their competitive side and almost dominate the Heartmon Go game, running around capturing all the hearts. Youth enery is the greatest. Wish I was young again, lol. Who is the first Astro member whose balloon they popped? He has a cute smile. I like his manners, greeting Jota and doing the bikan choreography. Cute kid! I like that they have to do intimate poses. Lol, Our 33 Couple's first pose is so intimate already that all the other poses they have to do is easy peasy. Good thing our 33 Couple have already kissed each other on the cheek. Jin easily kisses Jota's kiss. I love how she rubbed her lipstick mark off his cheek, cute cute! I love it when Jota easily lifts Jin over his shoulders. Kyaa! Whoever came up with this game is a genius! It forces the couple to do skinship. Even the Ddong Couple had to do their first skinship for this game, I read. We didn't get to see much of our 33 Couple during this game, but it can't be helped. They have to give screen time equally for the other 3 couples. 

Next week's episode looks fun! Cooking Battle and a Talent Show. I'm really curious to know why Jota has a scarf over his head like an ahjumma, lol. 

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28 minutes ago, Nanahady said:

They successfully complete their debut concert.. 

And already back home today afternoon.. 

Only Jota MIA.... Didn't see his airport pictures... 

 I read from some comment that jota went back to Korea yesterday so he wasn't seen at the airport with the rest of madtown.. Don't know why though. 


well I guesse there's a reason why he knows the whole choreography.for cheer up! :) they literally wore skirts? Hehe... 


Credits to jaehotown. :)

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Is it just me, or the cosmetic brand that jinkyung models for just tagged jota and jinkyung in a product? Oh my shipper heart, hoping this would be real.. :) 

P.S. I don't understand the caption and can't trust the Instagram translate,  so forgive me if this is totally irrelevant, and can anybody please be a sweetheart and translate? :) 

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