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[OFFICIAL] <3Ɛ> Couple ~ Jota & Kim Jin Kyung Thread


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2 hours ago, jj1106 said:

Confession  number 1

photo 9_zpsekzkdhqp.gif

(me too, jinkyung-ie.  me too!)

and that is why she so easily went to jota for that hug after the last photoshoot  ....    :heart:






Confession number 2


photo 8a_zpsttdonojx.gif

 well,  just how many times?!    :w00t:

oh  wait!   are you referring to your putting on masks session?    ;)

aww... u two..!    :love:






Confession number 3

photo 1_zpsk6golww6.jpg

we all knew that abt you since Day One,  jota.    :lol:









jin kyung said "MANY TIMES"... does it mean PD-nim has cut the scene MANY TIMES too?? grrrrrrr....

Jota-yaaa... are you sure that is your first time touching jin kyung-ie knee?? i think i saw you touch her knee when you got your driving license... or is it her thigh or light touch doesn't count?? ;)  .. 

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18 minutes ago, little-star said:

Has anyone shared this AH-MAZING clip made by @iheartjota on Instagram !! The song is just ... !


Omo! The song and the scenes from the photoshoot fits so well. It made everything sexier! :love:

16 minutes ago, shinjibvby said:

I edited the screen cap a bit for our Samsam couple Marie Claire Korea sept. issue photoshoot


sorry i didn't realized its optimized for tumblr use~

This is so awesome! Thank you! They look so good and compatible together! :heart:

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7 hours ago, shinjibvby said:

I edited the screen cap a bit for our Samsam couple Marie Claire Korea sept. issue photoshoot





sorry i didn't realized its optimized for tumblr use~


Purrrrfeeeeccctttt . I can't get them out of my mind 


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Episode 14 Thoughts & Highlights

This episode has left me battered and bruised. The number of times I’ve slapped my thighs, rolled around the lounge room floor and pounded the floor with both hands and feet like I’m in some sort of fit. Not to mention the incomprehensible and strange sounds that come out of my mouth!

1. Our lovely couple’s segment opens at them driving somewhere and I’m like YES! I love their car conversations! And this one didn’t fail to make me smile ear to ear! I really love Jin’s humble attitude. Even though she’s been modeling since middle school, she says it’s only been recently that she’s starting to figure it out all. Girl, 5 years of modeling under your belt makes you a P-PRO *imitates Jota’s hand gesture*. Haha, as soon as Jin mentions her other oppas, Jota gets all jealous. Jin is trying to move the conversation along and is very smart to let Jota know she will introduce him as her husband. Haha! Great way to distract Jota from his jealousy. He reverts back to his wife-fool smile in an instant, HAHA! Not hard to please this boy! I really liked that Jin was eating her breakfast/lunch (not sure what time of the day they started filming) during the car ride. It makes it feel very real that they have a ‘some’ relationship going on. It’s like he’s picked her up and she didn’t have time to eat so she brought it along with her to have during the car ride.  She’s at that comfort level where it’s no problem for her to eat and talk with her mouth full at the same time, lol. She even offered him some. I wanted to see her feed him in the car, but knowing Jin’s healthy tastless food, LOL, he declined. I thought Jota was done with the ‘other oppas’ issue, but I was wrong, lol, asking Jin to call him HONEY so he can feel special, bahaha! How cute is Jin obliging straight away! She’s doing aegyo all on her own very naturally now. Her ‘yeobo’ aegyo was so cute! Jota should just record it in his phone so he can replay it and hear it whenever he wants. He was really surprised that she was so willing to do it, but like I was saying, it seems aegyo is starting to come naturally to her now. The number of times Jota has forced her to do aegyo for him has really paid off! She even says it is so EASY to do! Compare that to when she cheered him on the day he got his driving license, she had to walk away from embarrassment and here she’s repeating it left, right and centre! AH~! I love how far she has come with her aegyo! HAHAHA! Jota’s sha-lalalala cracked me up! Jin calling him honey was that special to him that he felt like it was a dream HAHA oh boy, you crack me up. He loved it so much, haha, how innocent can you get! Jota calls her honey back with a gleeful laugh, and Jin comments that the weather is hot today. LOL, I don’t think it’s the weather! I’m sure you guys are the reason the car is getting heated up! LOL.

2. Look how pleased Jota looks at being introduced as Jin’s husband, lol. They go over the details of the photoshoot and as soon as skinship is mentioned, I can see Jota is panicking inside! Lol. And he panicks even more hearing Jin say she LIKES those kind of photoshoots, she LIKES to be hugged. GET THE HINT JOTA!! LOL. Don’t turn all shy on your wife now! I love how Jin includes Jota in the conversation with the unnie, mentioning that he loves clothes, giving him an opportunity to speak. This is her work place and she can easily get distracted and forget that Jota is there but I love how attentive she is to him. Knowing that skinship doesn’t come easy to him, she pats him to reassure him it’ll be okay as they are a married couple.

3. OHMYGOSH!! I have been wanting Jin to hook her arm around Jota for a while now and I yelped with delight seeing her doing it while they were checking out the collection of clothes they will be modeling! Squee moment! FRIENDS don’t do that! Husband/wife, gf/bf  do though! HAPPY!! Hahah, he says he bought something from the collection already (pointing to the floor). I think it’s probably shoes. So … does that mean he DOES purchase all those expensive clothes? I thought they may have been sponsored. If he really does buy them himself, WOW! While I can’t comprehend it myself (the cost), but great for him that he can enjoy what he loves - fashion!

4. Jota really loves watching Jin. I think he would be content to just sit and watch Jin do her thing all day. I really love it when Jin is constantly introducing her husband to everyone. I remember in the early days of dating my husband, I felt great whenever he introduced me to his friends/family at gatherings. I know how important and special that feels. I remember hubby telling me he couldn’t wait to introduce me to family/friends and show me off. I think that’s what it is. When you are introducing the person beside you, you want to show them off. Especially if it is a partner, it makes your partner happy to be showed off because it shows they really are proud of you, as Jin said in her BRI. When you are in a new environment with people you don’t know, it’s not always easy to initiate and introduce yourself. Jin is constantly aware that Jota is beside her and tries everyway to make him feel comfortable and at home in the studio. Aww, I love Jota mentioning that Jin looks the same with or without make up. Brownie points! And boasting about her great skin. Another brownie point! He’s on a roll! LOL, he catches her out calling him oppa so fast! His ears are on high alert for any ‘oppa’ coming out of her mouth. He is very set on being called yeobo all day! HAHA, ohmygosh, just look at Jota STARING at Jin as she gets her hair and make up done. I swear, hearts are shooting out of his eyes! WAAAAHH!! JOTA WANTS A KISS AS A PUNISHMENT?! I was sitting down initially and immediately stood up jumping on the spot with hands covering my mouth. A KISS?!?!?! WHERE DID THIS COME FROM?! OUR SHY JOTA WANTS A KISS? EVEN IF IT’S ON THE CHEEK, A KISS IS A KISS! I’M SHRIEKING WITH YOU JIN! HAHAH! These guys … a punishment should be tough, you should have told me if you wanted a kiss … you guys want to EXPRESS your LOVE for each other that badly?!?! LOLOL!! Sly Jota indeed! He’ll either get kissed or do the kissing. It’s a win-win situation for him! Jota looks so good after he gets dolled up! This is the look he had when he first debuted. Black hair and all mopped up. Even the panel are saying he looks cooler with this hairstyle! Please sport this hairstyle more often, Jota! LOL, oppa alert, Jota hears Jin say oppa again and she admits she's already said it a few times and he missed it. Jota: if you want to kiss me, you should just tell me ... HAHA WHAT WHAT?! These two are saying exactly the same things! They are talking about getting kissed so freely and easily. You guys OBVIOUSLY want to kiss each other but need an excuse to do it (in the form of a competition/punishment), HAHA. NO NEED! Just do it! AND HAHHAHA, that's exactly what Jin does! OPPA OPPA OPPA OPPA OPPA! She loses on purpose so SHE can do the KISSING!! Bold Jin coming out right there! This is so good. I'm glad she decided to do it because we all know Jota is a bit more shy than she is when it comes to skinship.

5. Man, Jin is so tall already and when she puts on heels, she's like a skyscraper! She looks good in anything she puts on because she's got a killer figure! HAHA, look at Jota's face in the BRI. He's so in awe of Jin. She really does look cool doing the catwalk. Jota's fallen in love with her again. AWW, when Jin introduced Jota to the oppa photographer, Jota said he was a lucky guy. Jota, you're a great catch yourself you know that! Any girl would be lucky to be with you too! But yes, I will admit that your wife is very awesome so please hold onto her tight! =D The minute Jin steps onto the set, she becomes professional. Jota can see the change in her expression. He can't stop complimenting her, saying she's cool again and again. And he can't stop looking at her either, hehe. OHMYGOSH, that sexy dress Jin stepped out in that knocked Jota off his socks, was really hot! The funny thing was .. even tho Jota looked away, he actually had a good FULL SOLID ONE SECOND LOOK at her before turning his head away, HAHAHA! He didn't turn it away fast enough for someone who doesn't like to see stuff like that! HAHAH I was counting, Jota! Funny. And you know what else. There is a jacket she's meant to put on, but she stepped out with JUST the dress ON PURPOSE to tease Jota! HAHAHA she knew exactly what his reaction will be! She just likes to see him squirm a bit Hahah! Jota tries his best to cover her without looking at her. I love how she playfully hits him on his chest and tells him "look at my eyes and talk". Yes, that's right Jota, just look at her eyes! hahah. And when she tries to show him the split at the side of the dress, out comes Jota's hand to cover it up super fast, lol. He has reflexes like no other when it comes to covering up his wife. It's cute that Jin likes that behaviour from Jota because she feels he's taking care of her. That's why they are a perfect match! Like ying and yang!

6. WHOA! Jin is a HOT MAMA showing her stuff as she models that coat and sexy dress. Ohmygosh, revealing that bit of shoulder is SO SEDUCTIVE. Jota can't handle it! HAHAH! He tells her not to look at him. But he can't help and look at her. Even though he looks away shyly every now and again, he STILL looks back towards her HAHA. I bet he's feeling all flushed and hot inside. Seriously, it looked like she was seducing him. His ears turned a bit red! Jota gets dressed for his turn to model. As he steps out, he says "should I not close the jacket?" HAHA he wants to show off his abs to his wife HAHA! Dude! You won't let your wife show a bit of skin but you want to show a WHOLE LOT of skin?!?! LOL. But oh man, JOTA LOOKS SOOOO FRIGGIN HOT! I want to touch those ABS!! FAR OUT! DAMN HE IS HOT IN THAT OUTFIT. He's looking all manly and tough .. and next minute he's hopping up and down like a cute bunny when Jin compliments him HAHAHA!! So much for Jin's comment that he's transformed from a boy to a man. He went vice versa in a split second! LOL.

7. OHMYGOSH. When it was time for them to model together ... so much to squeal over! It took a while for Jota to adjust to the skinship, but towards the end, you can see that he slowly became confident. I love how Jin keeps encouraging Jota, telling him to relax and constantly patting him to help him calm down. When Jin was lying on his lap, they weren't even THAT close, but Jota is already freaking out at how close they are. OHMYGOSH %#^%#!!, when Jin slides her hand up and cups his face and he's staring down at her lovingly OHMYGOSH, I'm pretty sure the photographer didn't tell her to do that because he had said 'wait a minute' and he's already walking up to Jota to adjust his jacket. Jin just did it naturally when she looked up at his eyes (and looked away quickly but her hand didn't stop)! When their eyes met, there was this charged moment that compelled Jin to reach up and touch his face. They definitely had a little moment to themselves. That moment was sooooo sweet, I loved it soo much. When I made a gif for that moment, I kept staring at it for like so long. 
This one - it'll be part of Jinkyung Touch Counter, but I can't help but show it to you guys now! LOL



Jin is extra touchy today! I LOVE IT! The next pose is with Jin behind Jota and her chin on Jota's shoulder HAHAH poor Jota! She's getting closer and closer to him. You can see the exact moment when Jin's face touches his ear and Jota has this little freak out moment and turns his face away HAHA, it was so funny! There is no escaping for Jota as the photographer tells them to touch CHEEK TO CHEEK. Poor Jota! He all embarrassed, nervous and shy with his ears beet red BUT HE LOVES IT AT THE SAME TIME! HAHAH. He can't keep a straight face and keeps smiling like a fool. HAHA, Jin has to try and cover his fiery red ears with her face and hands. What a funny guy! He's lost control of his ears today, haha! I'm pretty sure the reason for Jota being stiff is not just because Jin's face is close to his BUT ALSO BECAUSE SHE HAS SOME OF HER FINGERS UNDER HIS SHIRT!! HAHAH She's touching his abs and I'M SO JEALOUS OF HER!! I want to touch too! Jota probably feels like it's too much all at once. He's getting felt all over! HAHAH! But he is very good at focusing when he needs to, to get the shots that are needed. I love that sweet moment when he tightens his hold on Jin's hands. I can imagine Jota chanting in his head focus focus focus focus don't think about jin's face touching my face don't think about hands on my stomach focus focus focus and when the photographers calls it "okay", he lets out a big SIGH! HAHAHAH! FUNNY! Their next modeling clothes looks so hot and sexy. Black leather. Showing a dark mysterious bad boy bad girl yet hot and sexy look. I love it. Hm, just like some samsamnizens had pointed out, I wondered the same thing when Jin said Jota had used her knee as a pillow many times. MANY TIMES?! *sad face* .. please show it to us at least ONCE PDnim! HAHA Jota is so funny, he keeps repeating that she's too close to him and wondering where the cute girl went. When Jin goes into professional mode, she is really good. I love that red dress Jin wore, it really emphasises her tiny waist! LOL, again Jota is concerned about the deep v-neck area and says this place's clothes is too sexy HAHAHA. Jota ain't seen nothing! He really needs to do some extra hard searching because Jin has worn more revealing clothes than the ones he saw today! Hehe, Jin likes Jota's shirt because his abs are peeking out, LOL. I love their cute bantering .. you can't wear revealing clothes. I can. No you can't. I can but you can't. You shouldn't ... LOLOL. Even though Jota is very conservative, I'm also glad that Jin is happy to listen to Jota and cover up if they are not on the set shooting. A lot of us would think Jota is over reacting but it's nice to see Jin considering Jota's feelings about this issue. This particular shoot was the best. It was the funniest and so much squealing came from me, lol. Jin had heels on at first and had to arch her back to be at Jota's face level, but later on, I noticed she took it off and wore thongs instead, HA! She's just too tall! I can't believe how much Jin changes when she's being professional. Where is that girl that was so shy of Jota creeping up closer to her as they did the staring competition? Here she puts her face close to Jota like it's a piece of cake. Poor Jota can't take it. Jin's lips are way too close for him to handle. His heart must be pumping like crazy, pumping all the blood to his face and ears HAHA! He's so shy, he can't adjust straight away. Just when you think he's gotten the hang of it, Jin snuggles up closer to his face and he loses all concentration HAHAHA! He breaks out into a smile! HAHAA! He's so conscious of how close her lips are to his and even though he is embarrassed, I am sure he is loving it too! HAHAHA! I bet he is thinking about that KISS .. haha is he staring at her lips?!?! LOLOL! Oh funny Jota. OHMYGOSH, my second favourite moment. After Jota takes a few breath and calms down, I love how Jin aggressively pulls Jota towards her into an embrace! FWOAA!! When she takes charge, she really goes all out! The gif I made for that moment makes it looks like she's pulling him in for a kiss! SO HOT!



Jota manages some mind control and they manage to get those shots done. I love their little holding hand moment, cute cute! Jota finally relaxes and their last shoot goes smooth without any hiccups. Lol, it only took Jota like .. almost near the end to relax when there is only one cut left, HAHA. J&J's photoshoot reminded me a lot of Solim Couple's photoshoot. Soeun was all professional but Jaerim couldn't stop smiling like a fool because he was just so happy to be near Soeun. When the lady in charge told him he was smiling too much, this was Jaerim's response:
There are 3 things that a person cannot hide.
1. Poverty
2. A cough
3. LOVE !!


8. HAHA Jota is so happy asking the photographer for a favour to take photos of Jin kissing his cheek. He's clapping his hands and giggling like a little boy HAHA! OHMYGOSH, THE KISS MOMENT was like slow mo in my head too .. I was so excited as Jin slowly inched closer to Jota's cheek, her lips pouting and the moment it touched his cheeks, I was a goner!! SO SWEET!! GAAAH!! Jota scrunched up his face in absolute happiness! SQUEE!! As much as I loved the kiss, the best moment for me though, was when she pressed her face even closer to Jota's cheek as if she was imprinting herself onto his face. I LOVE IT! Jota would have felt her warm face on his cheeks more than the kiss and that is why in his BRI, he said he remembered Jin next to him and how nervous and shy he was, but he couldn't remember the kiss. I do that same mushing my face onto my hubby's cheek too because I absolutely adore him. So I know at that moment, Jin was expressing her feeling of absolute adoration for Jota. She has a big smile on her face as she is doing it and it just makes my day to see that.



We all know how much Jota likes Jin and he shows it so often as he cannot hide his feelings, but we don't see Jin expressing this kind of feeling for Jota often. I love it so much! Best moment of the whole photoshoot for me. I am really impressed with Jin this episode. Her professionalism is just awesome and the fact that she WANTED to kiss Jota was cherry on top. In my last long post, I had said that hugging had been ticked and next I was waiting for a peck on the cheek. I can't believe my dream came true so quickly! Now that a kiss on the cheek is ticked .. next ... A KISS ON THE LIPS!! hehe

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It is regretable that jota did not rmbr their first kiss.

His embarrassement and nervousness were so overwhelming that he had missed out that feeling of tingling sensation.... hahahaha


So IF and when they have their wedding photoshoot,

i hope to see them giving each other  a peck on the cheek and /or on the forehead....  l:wub:




FINALLY... the wait is over....lol

 @linja with her long but awesome post! :w00t:



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Well, this sucks. I'm officially sick. I think I jinxed myself saying I should pretend to be sick so I can stream WGM and now I'm really sick :bawling: I'm coughing, I'm hot, I'm weak, I feel crap .. if this keeps up, I might have to take the day off work tomorrow. Sorry Jinkyung's Touch Counter will be a bit late this time. I had planned to have them all up today but looks like I have no more energy and I'm gonna call it an early night. I'll upload Episode 13 and 14's Touch Counter tomorrow. I actually already have it all gif'ed out, just need to load it onto imgur and neatly arrange it here. And yes, you guys are right. I had such a hard time doing it. I kept getting distracted, replaying my favourite moments again and again. Spazzing at those moments even though I've seen it like over 20 times already. and then I stare at the gifs I've made for a long time. 100 oxygen tanks no longer do it for me. I actually need a heart transplant. The amount of heart attacks I got during Episode 14 was crazy. It looks like the next episode might be safer for my heart, and I hope so, because I don't know how much more my poor heart can take, lol

To end the night .. I give you ..






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Thank you for your much awaited post @linja, I just want to say I share your exact sentiments on our couple this episode. Borrowing your gif here:


I wanted to gif this exact same scene because like you, it reminded me of how much I like to squish my face against my husband's because of my happiness and love towards him. This gif shows us how much these two adore and like each other. Hopefully this will be a next stepping stone for them to be more open and affectionate with one another. Then maybe, we might get to see a real kiss soon? Hehe. :P

You've worked hard @linja and I hope you get well soon! :heart:

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I noticed this, to be honest I skipped Eric and Solar parts but as I was fast forwarding stuff.... i saw this LOL


Jota wore the sam jacket months ago March 26 to be exact 


this is also the Fashion show for Kwak Hyun Joo and Jin Kyung was a model there too hahaha


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2 hours ago, linja said:

Well, this sucks. I'm officially sick. I think I jinxed myself saying I should pretend to be sick so I can stream WGM and now I'm really sick :bawling: I'm coughing, I'm hot, I'm weak, I feel crap .. if this keeps up, I might have to take the day off work tomorrow. Sorry Jinkyung's Touch Counter will be a bit late this time. I had planned to have them all up today but looks like I have no more energy and I'm gonna call it an early night. I'll upload Episode 13 and 14's Touch Counter tomorrow. I actually already have it all gif'ed out, just need to load it onto imgur and neatly arrange it here. And yes, you guys are right. I had such a hard time doing it. I kept getting distracted, replaying my favourite moments again and again. Spazzing at those moments even though I've seen it like over 20 times already. and then I stare at the gifs I've made for a long time. 100 oxygen tanks no longer do it for me. I actually need a heart transplant. The amount of heart attacks I got during Episode 14 was crazy. It looks like the next episode might be safer for my heart, and I hope so, because I don't know how much more my poor heart can take, lol

To end the night .. I give you ..

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 Thank you very much my loves for the wonderful thoughts and highlights.have a  good rest! <3

On 8/14/2016 at 9:28 PM, cr1mson said:


2 hours ago, linja said:

Well, this sucks. I'm officially sick. I think I jinxed myself saying I should pretend to be sick so I can stream WGM and now I'm really sick :bawling: I'm coughing, I'm hot, I'm weak, I feel crap .. if this keeps up, I might have to take the day off work tomorrow. Sorry Jinkyung's Touch Counter will be a bit late this time. I had planned to have them all up today but looks like I have no more energy and I'm gonna call it an early night. I'll upload Episode 13 and 14's Touch Counter tomorrow. I actually already have it all gif'ed out, just need to load it onto imgur and neatly arrange it here. And yes, you guys are right. I had such a hard time doing it. I kept getting distracted, replaying my favourite moments again and again. Spazzing at those moments even though I've seen it like over 20 times already. and then I stare at the gifs I've made for a long time. 100 oxygen tanks no longer do it for me. I actually need a heart transplant. The amount of heart attacks I got during Episode 14 was crazy. It looks like the next episode might be safer for my heart, and I hope so, because I don't know how much more my poor heart can take, lol

To end the night .. I give you ..

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 Thank you very much my loves for the wonderful thoughts and highlights.have a  good rest! <3

On 8/14/2016 at 9:28 PM, cr1mson said:


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Episode 14
(Please note this post is heavy loading)

Jinkyung's Touch Counter


Count: 10

Jota's Touch


Photoshoot Touch Counter
Part 1



Part 2



Part 3



Part 4



Part 5





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@wackeemarie @superfudgechunk @Nanahady @Jane Tan - Thank you for your well wishes! I've decided to take 2 days sick leave to recover.

Like shinjibvby, I also took screen caps of their resulting photoshoot. They look STUNNING! The visuals of these two are out of this world! I especially love the one where they are facing each other. I am so tempted to change my profile pic but I don't want to betray my first ever pro pic, lol. I haven't even had it for a month yet. 

I reckon some of the photos are edited to be black & white to hide Jota's red ears, LOL.



I really want to purchase this Marie Claire magazine edition they will feature in. Anyone know how I can go about it?

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Ow dear.. JK touch counter always a delight! So sorry your not feeling well Linja. Hope you feel better soon! Thx for your hard work regardless.


JK keeps surprising me too every week, getting more and more bold also. Its getting more sly and slick, to the point Jota doesn't notice her touching him anymore, if that makes sense. But Jota is slowly improving too. Its nice to know the make-up artist did say the whole yeobo thing certainly is awkward in the beginning, referring to her own relationship. Also liked Jota telling the photographer he was feeling proud of JK and the constant praising. Why so honest Jota? And he should not feel bad about being bad at hiding it. Its part of his charm. And who can blame Jota for being flustered around JK? Even i was impressed.


I said i would write a more in depth review after watching with subs, but too busy these days, and not enough sleep. Loved reading your review though!

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