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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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22 hours ago, delightful said:

I tried doing the handwriting challenge and it sucked. I haven't written in Thai for over 10+ years... it's horrible. Singto, I'm sorry for making fun of your handwriting. :sweatingbullets:

You guys are all freaking out over the bridge kiss scene.. we can't do anything about it... it's all in the hands of the editing department. We'll have to just accept what they give us. I'll be happy as long as they don't completely cut the kiss. IF they do, then I say we organize a protest by...... mass emailing them our complaints. Since we live overseas that's all we can do.

Something is wrong with soompi, it is super lagging when I type. What is going on? It's pissing me off!!

Agreed, anyway i disagree on your last part, isn't Bright your hubby, let's send our complaints to him then hehehe

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5 hours ago, delightful said:

OMG!!!!!  :tears::tears::tears::tears::tears: I'm in tears! I had to translate his wonderful words for his mom. 

There is a small little woman, who fought against an evil cancer for over 9 years. This woman did everything to extend her own life… everything to stay with her only son for as long as she could. Even if she had to suffer deeply from all the side effects of the chemo treatments, she suffered greatly from having fluids removed from her lungs. That was the side effect of her cancer growing all over her body over and over. Often times I would see her sitting and crying by herself, and often times I would go over and embrace her and cry with her.. And every time she would say to me – she doesn’t know how long she could be with me..  when that day that she isn’t here anymore, she told me to be strong – finally, today I understand. When I am faced with great turmoil in life.. No matter how strong I am, I am not as strong as her.. A small little woman, she was stronger than anyone could ever imagine. The woman I call ‘Mom’.


Thanks for translating this D; This really touched my heart, Singto is such a nice child.

3 hours ago, delightful said:

Amp is training them for their fan meet. Singto and Krist will duet the song 'Secret in My Heart'.. awwwwwwwwwwwwwww :heart:

can't wait for fancams of their full duet :wub: i believe amp will train them well, plus singto and krist are not bad singers

10 minutes ago, jembut said:

What do you mean with "his boyfriend"

Is P'Newwie a gay? What such a reallity

Newwie and Tawan acted as a bl couple in Kiss the Series. They are really close friends in rl ^_^


About the bridge kiss in the next episode or next next episode.... I really hope the editing team are merciful and not cut it out. especially when it's being hyped so highly!! even singto and krist talked about the kiss a couple of times... and two kisses! so i'm expecting at least 2 kiss scenes in this series. it'll be really disappointing if either one is cut out... i would rather let them hang my body on the cliff for a week than having it cut out :/

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7 hours ago, ikarus12345 said:


To be honest that would've been a more preferable case. Unfortunately this post (https://www.instagram.com/p/6RAJhJSEQY/) seems to imply the more tragic outcome. He's resilient, we have to give him that :tears: :tears: 

Wherever she is now, I'm sure that she'd be proud seeing him where he is now  :heart: 

Agreed, his mum should be proud to see his son is handsome, successful and so good towards his fans, Mother's teaching always the best

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4 hours ago, deedeebr said:

I liked season 2 of Love Sick... of course they could have made it more compact and not dragged some topics so many episodes, but on average it was good! I think it should even have a third season because there is so much more they could explore! I would love to see Win and Per become a couple :wub: 

I will be doing my 2nd and 3rd episode of SOTUS Love Sick Fan Fic late this week, as i am currently working on projects (when my colleagues are taking leave), and working on wikipedia links, making sure all information are 100% truth.

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9 minutes ago, LollipopWay said:


Newwie and Tawan acted as a bl couple in Kiss the Series. They are really close friends in rl ^_^

Oh I see

Btw about kiss the series, is it a good BL?

Are there any skinship activity? Because i do not really like any skinship scene, i prefer the drama that focusing on the heart conflict between the main lead, like sotus

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21 hours ago, whitecaptain0602 said:
On 24/9/2016 at 7:33 AM, delightful said:


The red tie!! That reminds me of one part during the wedding! Remember this is during when they are supposedly 'separated' so they aren't supposed to talk to each other. But Arthit was so sad and wanted to make up but he didn't know how to go about it so this is his pathetic attempt.

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They all arrive at the wedding place and they take photos, So P'Phone and P'Tum wants all the under classmates with the same numbers to take a photo. They all squeeze into the frame and Arthit gets a sniff of a familiar cologne! And sure enough he was next to Kongpope! They smile for the camera, but Arthit's smile looks weird in all of them. So Arthit wants to forget his feelings, but he isn't able to forget anything. To make it worse even though Kongpope is next to him, he felt so far away. So they finish taking the photos and Kongpope turns around right away, the smell of his cologne was disappearing slowing, creating loneliness all around Arthit. It was too much to bear. 

"Kongpope," before he knew it Arthit's hand extended out and grabbed Kongpope's jacket. But once he figured out what he had done, he let go quickly. It was too late, Kongpope turned around and answered. 


"Are.. you.. doing well?" Arthit knew it was the stupidest greeting, but it was all he could think of.


"Well... today's party is pretty, don't you think?" 


"Well... the theme for the party is red.. it was hard to find a red shirt, right? So all I could find was a red tie," Arthit added an awkward laugh. His body language was also very awkward to the point where Kongpope could only sigh.

"P'Arthit, I know it's uncomfortable for you. If you have to force yourself, then you don't have to talk to me."

Those words made Arthit look up and eye Kongpope in the eyes. And of course Kongpope never avoids his eyes. Arthit could clearly see.... they weren't eyes that were trying to ignore him, but they showed that Kongpope was tired, neglected, and in pain.  Just like the words that Kongpope spoke, even if it was soft like a whisper, it was loud with emotions.

"If you continue like this, it's like giving me hope," Kongpope turned around and walked away.

Arthit couldn't find any more reason to hold him back at that moment. It wasn't that he didn't want to stop Kongpope, because it wasn't only him that was hurting. Kongpope was hurting just as much as him. 

Both of them were uncomfortable, tortured, and very much in pain, because of their uncertain status.

Hahahaha, Kongpope's very short answers made me feel so good. So now we see how to torment someone like Arthit, just don't talk to him much! LOL!


can't wait for this moment xD i wanna see how weird and akward P'Arthit's smile and laugh hahahaha it should be so cute hehehe... this part would be the last part of pain right ?? hehehe xD


I'm so excited about ep13!! I want to see how they interpreted that part to transmit all the emotions deeply into the viewers hearts. It will be so sad if the director/editors choose to skip those essential scenes... including the kiss. Even if is a quick surprising one (and by kiss I mean actually SHOWING us the full view! not just "kiss" through an uncertain camera angle like most of the Live Action BLs)

Aaaagh!! Can't wait!!!! 


BTW~ Congratulations!! The thread reached more than 600 :heart: 


yesterday I was around 595 or so~ now I'm gonna read what I missed


Then -again-


>>> I feel bad for no posting much but I'm not confident about my english, like- I don't know how to express all the things I have in mind.... in case you catch me writing something wrong (specially my grammar that sucks) please tell me <<<



edit (after 9 hs): how come all went hidden? XDDD did't notice from my phone...guess is better to leave it that way, right? in order to save space (?)

Edited by spi-chan
all went hidden
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9 minutes ago, dedededeva said:

I watched eps 12 four times already and there must be many of us here that watched it more than I did haha :w00t: but the teaser of eps 13 ooooohhh I can't get enough of it. I replayed it like million times already :wub: I love Kong's smile in the end :phew:

same here :blush:
That teaser of episode 13, we can't get enough of it,...NEVER

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5 hours ago, delightful said:

OMG!!!!!  :tears::tears::tears::tears::tears: I'm in tears! I had to translate his wonderful words for his mom. 

There is a small little woman, who fought against an evil cancer for over 9 years. This woman did everything to extend her own life… everything to stay with her only son for as long as she could. Even if she had to suffer deeply from all the side effects of the chemo treatments, she suffered greatly from having fluids removed from her lungs. That was the side effect of her cancer growing all over her body over and over. Often times I would see her sitting and crying by herself, and often times I would go over and embrace her and cry with her.. And every time she would say to me – she doesn’t know how long she could be with me..  when that day that she isn’t here anymore, she told me to be strong – finally, today I understand. When I am faced with great turmoil in life.. No matter how strong I am, I am not as strong as her.. A small little woman, she was stronger than anyone could ever imagine. The woman I call ‘Mom’.



wonderful words INDEED!!! I can't even imagine the sense of loss of not having your mom around for a talk, a hug or even just to seat next to her in silence.

D*mn it! In some years I'll turn 30 and I can't picture my life without her (I left home yeaaars ago but I visit her every day without failing).

If I can have one wish to be fulfilled magically that will be "give mom eternal life" or "give mom eternal youth" without a doubt!

I'm sure that his mom is very proud of him for being such a strong child (T   T  )♡


........:tears: (now excuse me while I finish my lunch still in tears)

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5 hours ago, originalnickname said:

I always forget the name of this senior with glasses... what's his name ? I love his costume btw ^^ I really like this character, always bringing humor during his (very short) screen times....

You mean P'Tuta? He's awesome. I love him. I want to see so much more of him. Does anybody know if he's been in any other shows? And if so, which ones?

2 hours ago, Timothy Teo said:

Agreed, anyway i disagree on your last part, isn't Bright your hubby, let's send our complaints to him then hehehe

LOOOOOL. I wonder what he would do if we actually did that... :grin::dizzy:

Uhm, but jokes aside... Is there any fanmail adress where we could go to ask for autographs or anything? Do they do things like that in Thailand?

1 hour ago, jembut said:

Oh I see

Btw about kiss the series, is it a good BL?

Are there any skinship activity? Because i do not really like any skinship scene, i prefer the drama that focusing on the heart conflict between the main lead, like sotus

Okay, stupid question here, but: I keep seeing the word skinship mentioned on soompi, but I have no idea what that means. I'm guessing it's a fandom term, because the word is not in any English dictionary. Can anybody explain what it is, please?

1 hour ago, spi-chan said:
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>>> I feel bad for no posting much but I'm not confident about my english, like- I don't know how to express all the things I have in mind.... in case you catch me writing something wrong (specially my grammar that sucks) please tell me <<<



Please don't worry about your English. First of all, it's great, nothing to be ashamed of. And secondly, we're totally not judging anybody on spelling/grammar/etc. We're here to celebrate SOTUS, as long as you do that, you're fine! :blush:

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popular Mr. Moon and his three CharlieSingto's angel lol

seem this is for their meet and greet they practicing..

if my google trans right so it mean gonna be Jan next year?

i wonder if the one in Beijing fanmeet is cancelled or just delayed?not that i can go btw but Chinese fans always give really good quality fancam lol which im always looking forward to

btw i really love this FMV.oh well Sotus seriously have so many amazing FMV:)


Edited by salz
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3 hours ago, tsoon0708 said:

Okay, stupid question here, but: I keep seeing the word skinship mentioned on soompi, but I have no idea what that means. I'm guessing it's a fandom term, because the word is not in any English dictionary. Can anybody explain what it is, please?

well skinship thing like hugging, holding hand, kissing and all those thing involved with people skin to skin touching lol....well usually done between close friends or lovers or for fanservice sake by celebs to make fangirl go kyaaaaaaaaa snap snap their cameras

well some people love thing like that coughmecough....well of course not too over the top force kind of skinship but the comfortable nice natural kind

and some people just want pure thing without skinship..such like keep distance from each other just having eye contact somehow like staring contest jk or just smiling to each other is more than enough but no touching involve maybe full of UST..hahaha just my own definition..well to each their own

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On 12/11/2016 at 9:47 PM, delightful said:

Yes, the perfect ending to EP.13 would be the ending to chapter 27 of the novel. Kongpope rushing after Arthit and then just walking side by side.. no words needed... because they know that they have good feelings for each other.

Then EP.14 can start with everything going back to normal, the first years taking their finals.. and Kongpope telling Arthit and the other ex-hazers that he has decided to become a hazer. And one of Arthit's friends will say 'Arthit, you have a successor' ... well it's actually worded as 'ทายาทอสูร' which google translates as 'demon successor' which to me is the best translation of that word. LOL! 

Then we get the 'P'Arthit, concentrate in class' scene. And even if everything is back to normal.. but in those everyday normal things they find it special when they are experiencing them together. *diessss*

Then they meet at the drink stand by chance... Arthit orders an iced coffee, Kongpope orders a pink milk.... they talk and walk until Arthit tells Kongpope to hold out his hand. And Arthit gives Kongpope his 'heart' and asks him to take care of it. To which Kongpope replies.. 'I'll take care of it with all my heart.' *diesssssssssssssss*

I don't know how many times I've written this last part on this forum, but I never get bored of reading and writing it. Every time it feels soooooooooooo lovely. I love this story!!!


OMG last night it was just 584 and now we are on 602!? I love the SOTUS fandom, I feel like we are a family consoling one another before OUR SOTUS SATURDAY comes 

I am also looking forward for the kiss scene in Ep13 but I will leave it to the prod team and believe that they will FINALLY GIVE IT TO US FANS because it will be too much of a tease if they will further delay it for EP14. I hope they will also portray the special chapters hopefully in EP 15-16 (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!

both of our loves Krist and Singto are very good in what they do (they embody the characters in the novel) I'd say after the series they will still have that special connection 

goodnight my sotus loves! Thank you for completing my night and for giving me some stuff to read instead of me REWATCHING ALL THE episodes because I just can't move on 55555 and can't wait for SATURDAY's episode 

love from the Philippines! 


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I have been on an exam induced hiatus but I received an email from YouTube....  and my whole life has come crashing down... 



I can't believe it...... 





I am officially done with life.....  


I had songs chosen for the next 2 videos..... I was going to edit exactly 7 days from today ..... after exams were over. The first thing I was going to do once my holidays started..... :( now that's all just a dream........ on top of that I got 2 freaking strikes. I can't deal with life... ugh......

I haven't caught up on soompi at all. I checked upto 580 last night... and it's 600+ now... what do you guys even tall about? lol 


Edited by Limerence Subs
I am done with life
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8 minutes ago, Limerence Subs said:

I can't believe it...... 


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I am officially done with life.....  


I had songs chosen for the next 2 videos..... I was going to edit exactly 7 days from today ..... after exams were over. The first thing I was going to do once my holidays started..... :( now that's all just a dream........ on top of that I got 2 freaking strikes. I can't deal with life... ugh......

I haven't caught up on soompi at all. I checked upto 580 last night... and it's 600+ now... what do you guys even tall about? lol 


A month or two ago, I posted two/three SOTUS bgm on my YouTube channel, and they ended up getting deleted.... (I didn't monetize them, I didn't put a video, it was just a picture with music playing in the background....arf YouTube ....)

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