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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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5 minutes ago, Mio- said:


Was it then from longer preview? Because one on YT doesn't have it... and me being me, forgetful as always. But, anyway... asking@dreadaeleonkvothe, did u watch LINE version, did they make that scene longer???

I really don't get it, why would they show it in the teaser, but cut it in the series... where's logic there? Why add it in the teaser if you won't add it in the series.... DUH

I've just been reading and chatting on the forum. I'm gonna go watch it on Line TV now :) The streaming quality is usually better too (as in loads better) if I don't watch it right away because everyone is watching right after it comes out on Line TV. I'll let you know after I watch it but normally they're the same (except for the door bumping into in episode 3... that's weird how the Line version had it and the regular version didn't...).

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4 minutes ago, Mio- said:


Was it then from longer preview? Because one on YT doesn't have it... and me being me, forgetful as always. But, anyway... asking@dreadaeleonkvothe, did u watch LINE version, did they make that scene longer???

I really don't get it, why would they show it in the teaser, but cut it in the series... where's logic there? Why add it in the teaser if you won't add it in the series.... DUH

please watch this teaser start from minute 1:54 you might understand how i feel they cut that part out and make his crying scene much shorter than it should be

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5 minutes ago, salz said:

watching the teaser over and over again when they accidentally meet lol Arthit like losing part of his soul and the way he look at Kong ugh they better deliver this scene nicely and esp Arthit crying part please be good

Yeah, I just noticed it's been deleted...am lucky for watching it earlier on..,just check the previous pages for other links...someone has shared part one already

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3 minutes ago, salz said:

please watch this teaser start from minute 1:54 you might understand how i feel they cut that part out and make his crying scene much shorter than it should be


WHY DID THEY CUT IT? WHY? :tears: I just really want to know now..... 

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5 minutes ago, salz said:

watching the teaser over and over again when they accidentally meet lol Arthit like losing part of his soul and the way he look at Kong ugh they better deliver this scene nicely and esp Arthit crying part please be good


Exactly what I'm doing right now :tears:

So, Arthit cries behind the curtain? I couldn't see it clearly, it was so dark :(

And Kong............ :tears::tears::tears: I'm speechless :tears:

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1 hour ago, rituwaaa said:

would anyone care to like... order together?? like one person orders for all the others to here in Europe and sends them to the rest? ^^;;; I'm sure there's a lot of us from Europe who would like to get it but I'm reeeeeally scared of the postage fee xd 

.....but then again, would it really make any difference since there would also be an postage fee when sending it to the others ? i'm probably just being stupid here lmao

 Mmmh... I think it's not convenient... I mean I'm from Italy...If I have to send in other country the photobook you need to pay ALSO the postage of my country to yours I think? It's better if you can order it with other people of your same country :)

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Just now, Mio- said:


WHY DID THEY CUT IT? WHY? :tears: I just really want to know now..... 

so hope you understand now why i freak out and upset with how short they cut his crying scene did you see how great it is in the teaser i feel cheated because the scene would have been much more beautiful if they shown that part too..

now im waiting for master in FMV to combine tonight scene with the scene from teaser


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11 hours ago, originalnickname said:

Now I'm almost scared that we won't have all the scenes @delightful spoiled us about.... They either add too much filler, or they go super fast... I hope the wedding will only take one episode... I really want our sensei's opinion on tonight's episode....

Yeah, it seems like they cut that short moment where we can see Kong crying face (from outside)...That sucked too

@originalnickname omg dont say that! I cant even imagine it!! Lets hope they include all the good stuff! *fingers crossed*

10 hours ago, salz said:


he look so beautiful here :wub:


10 hours ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

Well that's what I kind of meant. It's showing that he isn't as hung up on her anymore. That what he felt for her was just a crush and not a full fledged love like what he feels for Kong :wub: I think in his mind he was kind of hung up on Namtarn (like still thinking about it in some ways I guess (not still actually liking her but still thinking about how things played out and how he didn't end up with her)... I mean he still avoids her calls and stuff), more because that was the only real crush/major liking experience that he's had. He's never dated anyone before and she seems to be his first love (well not really love like the way he loves Kong... more like first major crush right? first person he wanted to date but it didn't work out)... Am I making sense? 

@dreadaeleonkvothe yes. yes you are.

Ps. Can u share the eng link of counterattack novel? I need something to distract myself from pain caused by SOTUS.... Thx xoxo

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5 minutes ago, Mio- said:


WHY DID THEY CUT IT? WHY? :tears: I just really want to know now..... 

just went and watched the scene on Line TV (it's the same as the regular version). Looks like they included the same part that's in the trailer but with a different angle? Or it could have been a different take.. It seems like who ever is cutting together the teasers and the trailer is different than the people cutting the episodes because they chose the angle from behind Kong for the episode... The in front angle looked a lot better :tears:

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I don't know if anyone thinks like me, but I'm starting to draw a parallel between Arthit/Namtarn's story and May/Kong's.... Like, both Arthit and May thought they loved the other person, but it was just a crush .... (It's even more obvious with May, I like her but she's really naïve...I mean she barely spent any time with Kong and thinks she has feelings for him, I can relate to that somehow and I hate that part of me, that's why I hate that part of her...)

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3 minutes ago, OTAKU-KUN said:


@dreadaeleonkvothe yes. yes you are.

Ps. Can u share the eng link of counterattack novel? I need something to distract myself from pain caused by SOTUS.... Thx xoxo


Enjoy! Chi Cheng is richard simmons terrifying in the novel and holy richard simmons all the snake moments lmao. It's basically a dark comedy BL so I don't know if that's everyone's sort of thing, but I love dark comedy so... :D

1 minute ago, originalnickname said:

I don't know if anyone thinks like me, but I'm starting to draw a parallel between Arthit/Namtarn's story and May/Kong's.... Like, both Arthit and May thought they loved the other person, but it was just a crush .... (It's even more obvious with May, I like her but she's really naïve...I mean she barely spent any time with Kong and thinks she has feelings for him, I can relate to that somehow and I hate that part of me, that's why I hate that part of her...)

Ooooh that's a good point! Thanks for sharing :) Yeah I definitely feel like it's that way with May and that her and Em seem to have good chemistry.

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2 hours ago, taurean10 said:

Did Arthit just describe every single detail about Kong to Namtarn? He likes to drink coffee, his favorite food, his tendency to help people and jump in to be a hero for his friends...Did namtarn ask him.... do you like him?

For first time I had a clean stream.....and all i got to watch is mostly fillers.....except for few important scenes. I liked the balcony scene but I think in the book kong hadn't known Arthit was in his room. It would've been more impactful if Arthit could've watched kong's breakdown without Kong's knowledge... it would've shown him how deep Kong's pain is at his rejection....BUT....I kind of understand why Arthit has his back turned to Kong.....thats the only way he could pretend everything was fine to Kong on the phone.


26 minutes ago, mikal11 said:

I agree with you.In case Arthit had watched Kong breakdown the impact would've been greater.

these particular nuances that were missing (per @delightful's spoiler below) that triggered my 'pissed-mode' (again) with the editing... :( they could not spare a few seconds for these, after all that indulgence of that non-date useless scene... 

On 11/30/2016 at 5:30 PM, delightful said:

Why do I keep reading this part over and over? WHY!??!?!!! It's just like I like to torture myself or something! This is when Arthit sees Kongpope on the balcony and he calls him...:tears:



“I want you to return the books to the library. And you can just keep the comic books, I’ll go pay the fees at the store. That’s it…”

“Hold on… Are you mad at me?”


“Then… Why aren’t you talking to me? Or are you mad that I wouldn’t answer your question that night? If you still really want to know, then I will tell you.”

Kongpope looked in the direction of Arthit’s balcony. He wished his words would carry over to the person over there.

“I don’t know when it started, I don’t know how it started. Even though you’re a man, and I’m a man. But I just can’t help these feelings.”

Everything went quiet just like the breath of the person listening. This was followed by words that were filled with every emotion and feeling he had left in him.

“P’Arthit, I’ve wanted to tell you for a long time that… I……”

Beep… Beep… Beep… Beep…

:tears: YOU PINK MILK MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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4 minutes ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

Ooooh that's a good point! Thanks for sharing :) Yeah I definitely feel like it's that way with May and that her and Em seem to have good chemistry.

Yeah + she spent more time and had more "moments" with Em than with Kong.... I mean except the name tag thing that happened at the very beginning Kong+May didn't have any "big" moments.....

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1 hour ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

haha YES! Sotus is so good! I've only gotten one person from my rl hooked on it so far. Maybe I'll try and make my sisters watch it when I go home for Christmas :phew:

Yeah I think the scene that shows Jay and Namtarn having some problems in their relationship has a direct purpose to the story (just my assumption without subs so I could be wrong). I think that when Arthit said that he was waiting for them to break up so that he could ask her out (or something along those lines; I can't remember the exact wording), even though he was definitely just joking about it, I think that there was a little bit of truth to that statement. Like in his mind he still regretted that he couldn't be with her and obviously still thinks about the fact that he 'missed out' on asking her out. Maybe daydreams about scenarios where they actually do break up and he dates her... 

And so, if Arthit wasn't interested in Kong and was still hung up on Namtarn, then any kind of news like that about her and Jay's relationship would really affect him (I don't think it would be in his character to actually do anything, but his thoughts would definitely be going crazing considering he's kind of been hung up on the fact that he missed out dating Namtarn for all these years). But instead he seems to hardly fall into introspection over Namtarn and instead finds himself talking incessantly about Kong (it was so adorable!). And when I say that he's hung up on Namtarn, I don't mean that he's been super in love with her all these years. I think it's more like he missed his chance and regretted it and so he couldn't forget about it. And you know she's still the same charming person with the same qualities that he originally liked so he could've still been crushing on her for a while from a distance, but then when Kong comes around... Kong obvious affects Arthit much more deeply than Namtarn ever did. 



Sorry don't mind me... I'm just going crazy sitting in my rooming making weird "awww they're so cute" noises as I type this.


Just before I log off I wanted to say how much I love what you wrote there. I think now I understand a little more why that scene with Namtarn and those flashbacks needed to happen. Thank you!

You know, from time to time I find you typing at the end 'don't mind me' or 'I am just blabbering' (Ha Ha), something like that... but actually I really love your 'blabbering'. I love to read your long posts and what you think about some things, same with other people. My English is limited... I don't really know as much words as most of you do, so sometimes I find myself stuck... or if I want to reply I can't find right words in English, so I just read your posts. Keep it up @dreadaeleonkvothe! Keep it up SOTUS family! Love you all, Good Night! :wub:

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