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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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@delightful thank you for the translation and the subs for episode 9. I can't wait to watch it! You are a goddess. It is amazing how fast you can do them!

Could some kind soul who has done it for the previous episodes upload and share the episode trough google docs with us? I can download the episode from there.

I can't get mega to work for me for the last three weeks. I constantly hit a message of I have hit a limit in my bandwitch in downloading trough the browser when I hit 250MB. Last month I got to download bigger files but now I hit the limit very fast.



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Just finished watching subbed ep. 9 and I'm smiling... this is crazy... this show is ruining me and my life... in a good way. :lol::wub:

First, @delightful I love Love LOVE your little notes. I always find myself agreeing to them or add something more, or just talk with myself like lunatic. lol KEEP 'EM COMING!!!! :wub:

So many Arthit 'cute' expressions... and Kong... when Maprang said what does gear stands for engineering students, Arthit was sitting just beside him and Kong's cute expression. CUTE. SO CUTE. #toomuch :wub:

May and Em were so sweet in the bus. May get over Kong, already. I need more of those two.... When Em said he would buy that durian snack for May, my heart melted... at least what was left of it. haha I just got a feeling that love is blossoming here, only May needs to wake up and realize it! :wub:

Oak, I am clicking 'like' button. You did the right thing, finally. I forgive you!

Do I need to say something about that FAMOUS Off scene? No, right? and someone needs to make GIFs of Arthit's expressions there. @jaelephy @dreadaeleonkvothe :phew::lol:

Why am I seeing 'looking for something to buy for Kong's little niece' like their first unofficial date. Many cute things happen... if we forget about Namtan.

Now, Namtan, I don't know why someone would hate the girl, she looks okay. Now, maybe only thing why is Kong... He looked so sad, hurt there... especially after she left and he was asking Arthit about her, uf why is my heart hurting for him. Kong, baby... wait a little, Arthit will be yours soon enough. *hugs Kong tightly* :lol:

Let's get back to 'first unofficial date'. That freaking 'haircut' scene. P'JANE :wub::wub: I especially loved (and screamed) when he said (to Arthit) to ask his boyfriend (Kong) about Arthit's haircut. SOOOOOO. *my heart is weak* (I was literally screaming and turning around in my chair and needed to rewind and see it all over again.) Then those two all went no.. he's not my boyfriend. But... I think Kong LOVED to hear that. Again, my baby, wait just a little bit more... :lol:

What an episode....BOMB OF SWEETNESS! :wub:

I don't know if I'll have time this week, but if I get some I'll need to take a bunch of pics of my favorite scenes and cute expressions. :D

@delightful I don't know if someone mentioned, about subs, I like them but... I hope you won't get mad at me...:phew: I think that they were a little smaller than your usual subs. If you can make them a bit larger? Can you please? :wub: :lol: Your Watermark placement is perfect!! Looks really good!!

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On 18/11/2559 at 7:39 AM, delightful said:

Yeah, if it's all non profit sites that take my subs then I wouldn't have an issue. There are sites that charge fans a fee to view 'their' subbed versions, but in fact it's actually from other people's hard work. They've only used those soft subs and taken the actual subbers name out and put their own in. It actually happened to me when I subbed Thai lakorns back in the days. That was why I stopped subbing. And even if a person promises me that they won't do it and only use my soft subs properly I still can't say no to 10 people but say yes to just a few. If I say no then that's a no to everyone, if I was to give out my soft subs to anyone it would be Jjong, the person that uploads the LINE TV HD links. It's okay, difference in opinion and values.

The most frustrating point of fan subbing is that you are not entitled to claim for your effort. In theory, your subtitle is an copyrighted work of yours, but, as you illegally publish someone else's commercial video, you cannot make a legal complaint and expose yourself in the way.

Since you love JJ, why don't you collab with me to sub I Hate You I Love You? It's only 5 episode long so, it won't be so demanding.

Small updates on Krist's next project "Slam Dance"

- The director attacked the manager of the lead actress (Baifern) via Facebook page and requested the producer for the new actress. In response, the producer decided to drop this



Due to the hot dispute, we get some details

- Baifern is a senior of a university and a great  ballroom dancer (possibly a dance major student)

- March is a wrestler.

- the fitting and the teaser were done, kind of. the drama shooting will be started in Feb.

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11 hours ago, gamol88 said:

I love that couple too!!!!!! Sadly it will be just a bromance, but I hope we can see them quite more!!!... I repeated that little part like 4 times hahahahaha... They are just lovely... Look how Preem looks Wad!!!!!!!!

Just bromance? I want more but I'll satisfy with that don't want to get too greedy now lol 

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45 minutes ago, Mio- said:

Do I need to say something about that FAMOUS Off scene? No, right? and someone needs to make GIFs of Arthit's expressions there. @jaelephy @dreadaeleonkvothe :phew::lol:

Jaelephy made it already :) 

I didn't have time to make any on Saturday, so I've only made a few so far (lol for some reason all of them ended up being the moments Arthit's tongue peaked out of his mouth :joy: ... oh one when Kong liked his lips too... lol don't mind my weirdness :blink:)

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14 minutes ago, Neilia The Jamaican said:

Just bromance? I want more but I'll satisfy with that don't want to get too greedy now lol 

I wish it was sth more too, but I guess i'll have to prepare my heart just for bromance :cry:  As a some kind of consolation  I read fan fiction The Story of Prem &Wad by @hcpoirot, our dear friend from this forum, I can't wait for next part :wub:

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8 minutes ago, yokas said:

I wish it was sth more too, but I guess i'll have to prepare my heart just for bromance :cry:  As a some kind of consolation  I read fan fiction The Story of Prem &Wad by @hcpoirot, our dear friend from this forum, I can't wait for next part :wub:

ME too! I'm waiting patiently for the wattpad updates :bawling:

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25 minutes ago, yokas said:
49 minutes ago, Neilia The Jamaican said:

Just bromance? I want more but I'll satisfy with that don't want to get too greedy now lol 

I wish it was sth more too, but I guess i'll have to prepare my heart just for bromance :cry:  As a some kind of consolation  I read fan fiction The Story of Prem &Wad by @hcpoirot, our dear friend from this forum, I can't wait for next part :wub:

If something interesting happened between them earlier, I would've been OK with it. But then again, we're at ep. 10/16 and we barely had ANY Prem+Wad interaction... At this point, it would be ridiculous, rushed and out of the blue.... #myopinion 

I do wanna know what's up with Wad tho, we haven't seen him since ep. 8....

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On 11/20/2016 at 2:30 PM, jaelephy said:


It's good to be back!! I missed Sotus and everyone on this thread!!



the whole episode was so fluffy; Arthit and Kong were so cute. But my favuorite moment was...

that expression!!


@jaelephy YASSS THAT EXPRESSION!!!! It cracked me up xDD i was looking for those gifs and at the exact moment u posted it omg THANKS!!! like srsly!!!! ♥♥ also can u tell me who that cutie is??? Im guessing love sick..?


On 11/20/2016 at 11:51 PM, Neilia The Jamaican said:

Can't wait to see more of these two can you imagine two hot headed bad boys a tall sweet with each other???? :tears::sweatingbullets::wub::wub: #PremWad

@Neilia The Jamaican ahhh i was searching for them in the whole episode!!! I miss this couple...wish it could have more screen time~ thx for sharing!!! MAH FEELZZZ ♥♥♥ #PremWad

On 11/21/2016 at 0:02 AM, JCM said:

I can do that if the show is in a language I speak. . .lol. . . with SOTUS, it's REALLY difficult to read subtitles / watch the show AND read student papers at the same time - I know, I've tried. . .it doesn't work. . . At best, I get totally distracted by the show and just stop grading until its over - at worse - my feedback to students reads something like this: "Good discussion overall concerning the statistical information provided and the balance needed when choosing a major versus the economic implications - OMG ARTHIT WHY YOU DO THAT TO KONGPOPE!! - in the current economy. The counter statistics you provided in response to the overall prompt of employment trends for new graduates - HEY. . NO. . HE IS NOT FOR YOU MAY!!  HE HAS HIS EYES ON SOMEONE ELSE. .STAY AWAY. . GO TALK TO AIM! - is an important factor to consider. .  ."

And yeah, that type of confusion helps no one. . . .;)

@JCM hahahaha imagine it actually happening......all the students will be like....WTF? KONGPOP WHO? ARTHIT??? XDDD as for me i totally suck at multi tasking..... I cant even copy notes while listening to music..all of my friends could do that easily..but i get distracted real quick xD 

17 hours ago, fherii05 said:


Can I just hug all of you? :bawling:

My dog's already avoiding me 'cause I kept on hugging ang smoothing her with my 'feels' for this subbed ep..


I just...

I don't know.. I'm too happy I can't even understand it myself..

The only thing is, I felt so freaking miserable with that namtarn scene.. I can feel kong pope's 'feels' at that exact moment.. Knowing the person you like likes somebody else.. Gaaa~ help.. 

@fherii05 aww *HUGS TIGHTLY* I TOTALLY FEEL U!!! ToT

15 hours ago, seoha said:


** the lines I use in the review are from @delightful's translations.

Prologue EP 9 Review


  1. I remember his lying ,'I didn't order pink milk' EP 3, but in fact he ordered it and even he likes it very much.
  • I also remember he hid the pink milk behind his back before Kongpob in EP 4, but his 0062 already saw him drinking it.
  • lastly in EP 9, he drank it right next to Kongpob with an extremely cute face...


I put the review in the spoiler box

  Reveal hidden contents


Long time no see, Sotus! Our two leads, Arthit and Kongpob, are still bright and lovely. The other characters are also good enough in acting. but..... I feel sorry that we have no scene Wad and Prem are together in. I wanna ask them producing Sotus, You guys just attempted to troll us.....?

Maybe they can appear together on the next episode?


In EP. 9, there are some scenes attracting me.

Let's get started from Arthit's changes after given the gear by Kongpob.

Arthit, his reactions tell me everything I want to know. He must instinctively know what he himself means in Kongpob's heart, the apple of his eye.

During the hazing process, Arthit disguised himself with an evil face and a sharp voice. A fierce evil senior was a dominant image of Arthit. However, Wow....After the hazing was over and Arthit was given the gear by Kongpob, Arthit started pulling out a variety of his feelings from inside him.


 He seems so generous and honest to Kongpob on the beach that night. He looks both embarrassed and pleased when given the gear. He even shows some shyness and awkwardness, unable to hide 'his Kong-oriented feelings', on their way back to school. He makes me know how comfortable he feels when he sleeps, leaning on Kongpob's shoulder. Despite himself Arthit continuously shows his being attracted by Kongpob. When they say goodbye near the bus, when they are at the restaurant and the hair salon, I could feel his heart fluttering. Everything is sweet and even more than a crush, impossible to happen in the ordinary senior-junior relationship.


Through the EPs so far, We can see a youth named Kongpob standing on the border between innocent adolescence and fuzzy adulthood.

Kongpob's expressions towards Arthit are just amazing. He really makes me confused by his way of expressing, sometimes I see a boyish man in him, and the other time I can feel him already mature enough. What is his real self? maybe, Youth itself is not only the flower of life, but also the chaos time of life.

Here is one more.His eyes don't lie, no...Can't lie. They are just full of love, unable to hide it any more. His eyes are always searching for his Sun. As soon as they find his Sun, this teary eyed man flashed such a bright smile. Even if the coming EP makes him stand at the edge of the cliff, Rather, it will help him lead his Sun back.


Let me talk about Kongpob and Aim last. I think they seem interested in their own love, not the other' s love, (though they are best friends ever.) Maybe, Each of them would be busy pursuing their one-sided romance , not able to care for the best friend's right now.

Aim might not like to know about Kong's feelings for May. It would be natural for a man in love to be scared of potential love rivals. Moreover, what will happen if your potential rival is your best friend? I can't imagine anything about that. but I think Aim is acting wisely so as not to hurt himself and people he loves as well.

'Two people that didn't know each other getting to meet....is something magical.....'

Aim said to May with his eyes full of pure love. How impressive! I'm surprised at how much he develops his unrequited love for her that obviously. Even their conversation on the bus is a jewel of this EP.

'You're not going to let the girl be in the middle?' -Aim

'Is that necessary?'-Kongpob

To Kongpob, May is just one of his friends, but to Aim, she must be a girl he willingly protects from harm. I truly hope this lovely man ends up with May as a couple.


if not.......do I have to use my own imagination........?


The full of EP 9 is all about their love coming on.

Yes, I know they will show me much of angst this coming Saturday.

Just wait and enjoy whatever they give me.


-Thank you for reading




@seoha ohhh i  really liked ur review!!!! The picture edits r awsum as well!!! Also those "three steps of falling in love" i found it really cute and interesting at the same time!!! U pay attention to small details and i loved it!!!!!!!!!♥♥♥ 

@delightful ooo Darling ur so precious! *blows kisses*


@originalnickname AGREED! itll seem too rushed......but a lil bromance would be nice xP

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@dreadaeleonkvothe Thank you... I've found the post, I really don't know how I missed it :mellow:

23 hours ago, jaelephy said:






22 hours ago, jaelephy said:


well...300x150 is terrible small. 

giphy.gif giphy.gif




Love them @jaelephy :wub: *keeps staring*

Anyway @dreadaeleonkvothe did you share your GIFs? I want to see those with Arthit's tongue peaking out (LOL) and Kong licking his lips. (OHMYGOD) I don't mind... not at all. >weird, very weird person right here< :lol:

I'll go now, had it enough for today. Share your GIFs guys, thoughts on new episode and other SOTUS related things. Byeeee :D

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7 minutes ago, OTAKU-KUN said:

@jaelephy YASSS THAT EXPRESSION!!!! It cracked me up xDD i was looking for those gifs and at the exact moment u posted it omg THANKS!!! like srsly!!!! ♥♥ also can u tell me who that cutie is??? Im guessing love sick..?

That's Gun from Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey. He's also in Blue Hour and Love Love You.

3 minutes ago, Mio- said:

@dreadaeleonkvothe Thank you... I've found the post, I really don't know how I missed it :mellow:

Love them @jaelephy :wub: *keeps staring*

Anyway @dreadaeleonkvothe did you share your GIFs? I want to see those with Arthit's tongue peaking out (LOL) and Kong licking his lips. (OHMYGOD) I don't mind... not at all. >weird, very weird person right here< :lol:

I'll go now, had it enough for today. Share your GIFs guys, thoughts on new episode and other SOTUS related things. Byeeee :D

No I haven't shared them :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets: Maybe I'll do a post tonight or tomorrow with them. Lol I can tag you next to the tongue gifs too if you want hehehe ...sorry these boys are making me lose my mind :w00t:

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10 hours ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

Also, one more post before I run off to class! I thought Singto's latest IG post was really sweet. Makes me really want to meet him and go to a Sotus fanmeet! ... not that I wasn't already dying to go :sweatingbullets: 



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awwwwwwwwww Singto super sweet man even he love pretending to be bad boy when he is far from it lol

and i love when he use English to communicate without me trying to google trans everytime..

im glad IG can be open without having an acc there lol

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31 minutes ago, originalnickname said:

If something interesting happened between them earlier, I would've been OK with it. But then again, we're at ep. 10/16 and we barely had ANY Prem+Wad interaction... At this point, it would be ridiculous, rushed and out of the blue.... #myopinion 

I do wanna know what's up with Wad tho, we haven't seen him since ep. 8....

Your explanation  is very reasonable, you're absolutely right, but for me as a hopeless romantic - hope dies last  ;)

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